Sierra and Harry

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CHAPTER SEVEN – Sierra and Harry

I quickly walked away from Harry when Olivia came stamping around the corner, her face looking as bloated as someone having a shellfish reaction. She had huge red blotches all over her face, her skin was a mottled purple-grey, and her eyes were ringed with black runny lines; her makeup practically melting on her face. Hehe…serves you right b*tch.

“Kiriana! Wait- Get off me Olivia- Kiriana!” I ignored Harry. I so did not want to catch another argument between the not-so-couple.

“Kiriana! What about me!? You don’t end a relationship unless I f*cking say so you *sshole!!!” Olivia shrieked, making me wince at her shrill tone. F*cking hell, I wish I could just rip out her throat and never hear her talk again. And I know for a fact that, that b*tch will never leave me alone after this.


It’s been 3 weeks since Queen B*tch and the resident superstar of the school, Harry Styles broke up, and during that entire time, Harry has been avoiding me…kind of. I don’t think it’s because of the almost-kiss. As a matter of fact, that’s the only thing he’s ever approached me about. Not directly of course. It was little things. Like, brushing by me in the hall. Staring at me when I’m not looking. And yesterday…

I walked into school, irritated by Harry’s distance, and confused by Harry’s attention…so basically, like usual, my mind was all Harry, Harry, Harry. As I approached my locker, I could feel his intense stare on the back of my head, but decided I wouldn’t look around for him, knowing he’d be hiding.

I opened my locker, and gasped.

Sitting inside the little container of metal, with my books and sh*t shoved to the side, or on the top shelf, was a beautiful bouquet of red roses, and a box of my favourite white chocolate. I touched the flower petals gently, taking in their sweet fragrance…before I ripped open the chocolate package and stuffed a chocolate in my mouth.

Ohhh…damn. It literally melted in my mouth. I must have made some embarrassing sound, because suddenly I felt hot, sweet breath on the top of my head, and my eyes fluttered shut.

“You’re welcome, Kiriana” Harry whispered, and I swear I nearly exploded.

I sighed at the memory. I’d whirled around, but he was already gone. Damn. That boy is making me go crazy. So today, I’m gonna ask him out. And I’m not taking no for an answer.

“Ok, class…today I am assigning a project for partners to do. It is a project that will span over a month, so I suggest some home visits guys, or meet up with each other at the library or something” Mr Hanson explained, talking of the various components to the assignment, and how it would go towards half our grade for the semester. I sighed, and looked over at Harry’s empty seat.

This is what I meant about him avoiding me. He never turns up to Chemistry, yet he’s always at school. He walks close enough to me to touch, but never stays long enough to strike up a conversation. Gah! It’s so damn frustrating.

How the hell am I supposed to meet up with him, when he’s never here! I don’t want to f*cking fail! Especially in my last year!

As I was stewing moodily about this, I heard the door open, but ignored it until-

“Mr Styles! Thank you for joining us. Do you have a suitable excuse as to why you haven’t been attending my classes?” Mr Hanson raised a bushy eyebrow at the frowning Harry. Harry. He had his hands tucked into his jeans, his shoulders were hunched forwards, and his messy hair was ruffled messily on his head.

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