Meeting Harry

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CHAPTER 2 – Meeting Harry

“Ow! You mother- ohhhhhhh” I blinked up at the boys sparkling green eyes. I quite literally froze. It was as if time stopped. I could hear the blood roaring in my ears, and my breath leaving my lungs. He is absolutely gorgeous. His curly locks of hair fell onto his forehead framing his lightly tanned face. My eyes flittered briefly to his lips, but didn’t linger because I knew I would blush if I continued. Plus it’s kind of creepy to stare at someone’s lips for a long time, especially if you’ve just met them. I trailed my eyes down his slim, wiry frame, taking in his toned arms filled with multiple tattoos. I could see the bottom of a ship on his bicep. It looked like a pirate ship - what kind of person gets a pirate ship for a tattoo?

It took me a few moments to realise I had basically been eye raping him, and he was now staring at me with a slight smirk plastered on his face.

“Er, hi? Did I hit you when I opened the door? Because you seem a bit dazed” his sweet, raspy, British accent washed over me, and I shivered.

“Actually, I do feel a bit woozy” I mumbled, not paying attention to my words. My hand lifted up to fiddle with a lock of flyaway hair, as he continued to scrutinise me. At this point, my eyes were anywhere but on him, and I could feel my face heating up in embarrassment.

“You…um, look a bit…er, damp” I felt my face flame, realising how messed up I must look.

“Oh…um, yeah this d*ck splashed water all over me in his fancy car this morning, f*cking idiot” he blinked, and suddenly starting coughing like crazy. I stared at him, before continuing.

“Stupid idiots, in f*cking black cars, thinking just ‘cuz they’re rich c*nts, they can walk all over everyone” he opened his mouth as if to talk but I cut him off, getting carried away with my rant. “I mean, some people can’t afford cars. And it was bloody soaking this morning, and the ass just had to ruin everything and I-”

“Er…that was me”

“…think that he should go take a- wait…what?” I gaped at this adorable guy; completely speechless. Oh sh*t.

“Um…sorry?” I mumbled shyly, getting over my rant. He brushed his big hand through his brown locks. “It’s cool” He mumbled. “I’m Harry by the way” and that was when I realised I wanted that sexy mother f*cker!

 A/N: Yeah, my friends not much of a reader, and like I said, I don't want to drag it the uploads will be short..sorry!

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