I'm your bloody friggin' mate...

By nyabhzz

3.5M 69.8K 5.1K

Abby has a secret. After moving into a new town, she finds herself surrounded by werewolves and one of the we... More

Chapter one: Beginnings
Chapter two: The first time
chapter three: his insight
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty five-part one
chapter twenty five-part two
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter tweny nine part one
chapter twenty nine part 2
chapter thirty: change
chapter thirty one: clock of invisibility
chapter thirty two: fiercely loyal
chapter thirty three: And he reeks of death
forever sounds promising

chapter twenty four

78K 1.6K 101
By nyabhzz

                                                   Chapter twenty four

In the next few seconds I stayed there listening to sounds that I did not understand or fathom by any means. My heart felt like it was tearing up into two and when it occurred to me that Preston needed to listen to me. He needed to let me explain, I decided to run after him.

He had not gone so far.

It almost looked like he had stopped...waiting for me.

When I was at his side I could feel my heart in my legs. He turned only once and looked at me. “Preston, I’m sorry but...” he said nothing, only his eyes were staring at me. I breathed in. I was not going to keep anything from him anymore and this was going to be a start. “I’m sorry but I was....but I was scared o...”

“Scared?” he cut me.

“Yes...”I replied honestly. Maybe I had never admitted this to anyone but in a deeper part of me fear ruled me in the beginning. It made me who I was and it had nearly made me to destroy something that was meant to be.

I continued. “I was scared...I was scared of this reaction. Of exactly what is happening now”

He stared at me for a while.

My heart did not slow down and it wouldn’t anytime soon. He moved closer to me and using his finger he touched my chin lifting my head higher so our eyes were completely gazing into each other’s. “You should have trusted me not to hurt you or reject you just because you are half of what I am...”

There was still a hint of disbelief in his voice as he spoke the last words in that sentence.

“It’s not that I didn’t trust you...”

“But...what exactly do you call what happened...”

“It’s complicated.” I stated breathing in.

Out of nowhere he took my hand leading me towards where his car was. And at the moment I could feel the tingles burning slowly through my skin and he could feel it too. I could tell that little as I watched him.

He closed the door as I sat properly on the passenger seat. I don’t know what he was thinking or what he was going to do or what was running through his mind at the moment. All I knew was to go with him...to trust him...or just to start so.

The ride was silent...my mind filled with all kinds of thoughts. I could tell Preston was still mad. I hated it...I hated the fact that it was somehow my fault...

From the corner of my eyes I noticed we were taking the road outside town. I turned so I could look outside and came to the conclusion that he was taking me outside town.

After what turned to be few minutes he parked the car beside the road and got out. I followed him but my curiosity always got the better of me. Preston” I murmured, hopefully he would hear but if he did he did not reply.

“Preston” I called a little louder than before.

He stopped and swirled to face me, still not saying a word. It was really unnerving especially for a person who has never been in this position.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Why did you follow me?”He questioned sounding uninterested.

“Be-because it seemed like the logical thing to do.” I answered trying to cool myself.

He moved closer to me, so close it was only a breath separating us. He lifted my chin so as I was staring at him...at his face and at one point into his eyes. “You know why it felt like it was the logical thing to do?” I remained silent. What could I say?

He continued. “Because you followed your heart...because your heart trusts me not to ever hurt you no matter what. No matter what I am our hearts trust each other and you as my mate should have trusted me Abby. Instead you followed your mind...and you know what? Nothing gets as complicated as being what I am...”

He did not say another word or let me air out my thoughts but instead he just turned and continue walking.

For a second I thought of turning and walking back towards the car.

But my senses came back to me and I quickly followed him into the trees that continued closing in.

I couldn’t see his face but only god knows what was going on in my mind at the moment.

I stopped when I realised we had reached at a clearing...it was a small clearing and from what I could notice this was obviously an area where the wolves met for a ran or whatever. I noticed that because of the sets of footprints.

Preston turned and looked at me...liked he was studying me.

At that time I felt like he was trying to tell me something but I just couldn’t get my fingers at it. “Preston?”

“Yes?” he answered.

“Why are we here?”

“privacy.” He said shortly and with conviction that was not even needed.

He brought me here for privacy? Really? I mumbled to myself.

“Yes...if you are to remember there are other wolves present in school and I do not plan on all of them knowing that my mate” he stresses on the last word. “My mate rejects me.”

My heart skipped a beat when he said that. “I’m not rejecting you.”I blurted out.

“Is that what your mind is telling you or your just saying that because a part of you is trying not to hurt me?” his voice was low and I could hear the emotions he was trying so hard to hide as he spoke.

I shook my head.

He did not say anything.

“Preston, no...I’m not rejecting you...”

He cut in. “but?”

“I’m not rejecting you” I said knowing that what I just saying was binding. I was not going to go against that word. “But you might.” I mumbled the last words knowing that there was a truth in them that I believed.

Once he would find out what my dad was and the other part that made me, he would think twice and he could make the same decision my mother’s father made.

And He could reject me.

And that was something I worried about.

“You think I’m going to reject you?” he spoke still standing a breath from me. “You are my mate Abby and I may be not that old or wise all the time but I know that I would never reject my mate. I am ready to die for her...for you.”

Those words travelled straight to my heart.

They touched a deeper part of me...a part that made me want to give myself to him completely.

To let him mark me as his.

It was the first time I had ever thought of letting him mark me.

He cupped my face in his hands and I could feel myself involuntarily shivering. “Abby, trust your heart...follow it and listen to it. I’m never going to hurt you.” He leaned down to place a small kiss on my forehead...it felt soothing.

He moved back to let me look at me.



“Promise you won’t let me go...promise me you will love me till forever cease to end.” I spoke knowing this was a beginning of something new for me.

He smiled.

“Till forever ceases to end?” he asked sounding surprised that I would say it. “I never thought you were the poetic kind of girl.”

“I am...now promise.”

“If only you promise to trust me.”

Did I trust him?

Yes I did,

I nodded. “I promise. I’m never going to let you go...no matter what...”

It was the same time he said those words that I noticed a lurking shadow behind the trees. And in a second Preston noticed it too...

When I let my senses flow in me, I knew it was a wolf...a werewolf.

Preston knew it too but he could tell he did not know this wolf. It must be a rogue wolf...at least that is what my mind concluded.

He pulled me behind him and ordered the wolf to come out.

There was no response from anywhere...but we could all tell that the wolf was still there.

“I know your still there...come out.” he ordered in his alpha tone but still no response.

It suddenly occurred to me that it could be Alexander.  He was after all alpha to be of his own pack and one alpha could not order another alpha.

Oh god...

Let it be not Alexander because if it was...

“Alexander.” Preston hollered. He must have come to the same conclusion I had.

I held Preston’s hand. “Don’t hurt him...”I said knowing full way that Preston did not like him at all and if an opportunity like this came he might not think twice about hurting him. And it’s just that Alexander is my cousin and.....

Preston looked at me sharply his eyes demanding an explanation for what I just said. “He’s my cousin...it’s a long story but to make it short...his father is...my mother is...was his aunt.”

Without a notice the wolf came out of hiding and by all that’s good, this wolf was nothing like I imagined one would be. In my life I had only seen one wolf and that was my mother but still that was so long ago...

This was wolf was big...very big and it made the devil sound interesting.

I looked at Preston and he shook his head. “Not Alex” he said.

If this was not Alex who the hell was he? And it must be an alpha... an alpha that looked like he wanted to pick a fight with Preston.

“You are in private territory.” Preston spoke holding the reins of the conversation with this black wolf that looked ready to pounce. “I suggest you leave now.”

The wolf only moved closer and even I could notice it wanted a fight.

“Preston” I whispered. “It wants a fight.”

“I know.” he answered. Pulling me closer to him trying to shield me from whatever dangers this creature posed.

And out of know nowhere it pounced...Preston must have seen it cause by all that is good he took hold of me and pushed me out of the way and ran the other way.

The black wolf followed him without any further ado.

And that is when I noticed Preston changing.

The change was almost like a dream...Like it never happened.

One minute he was running in human form and the net second he was a fully grown wolf that looked viciously deadly.

I moved to a safer spot knowing well Preston would not want me to be in harm’s way.

I could see them clearly from where I was and at this point and for the first time I found myself wishing I could just use the powers I once denied to end the fight.

As I thought that I noticed that Preston had managed to pin down the black wolf but at the same time he was having a hard time trying to stay in that position.. Finally the wolf managed to push Preston and the fight looked like it was only starting...

For a while they continued fighting...and after a while the black wolf managed to scratch Preston on his foreleg. It was a deep scratch and the minute I saw the blood I did not give a rat’s ass that the black wolf could do the same to me I just ran towards him...towards Preston.

I noticed the wolf running a different way. Running from the area as if it had sensed trouble...Preston would have followed it but then he noticed me and stopped.

I came to a stop in front of him and dropped down on my knees. And saw the extent of the wound...” change back” I ordered him. He looked at me for a second and changed back onto the Preston I knew.

 His left arm had a long cut and I started fretting over it. He smiled. “You do know this will heal in a few minutes?”

I had forgotten about that completely.

I smiled.

He smirked.

“But you can still fuss about it. I like it.”

I shook my head and stood up. “We should get going now.” I said. “That beast might come back.”

“I doubt it” he said convincingly. “he said something...”he spoke as he stood up and lord that is when I realized that he was as bare as he was the day he was given birth to. He was naked...

And if I had appreciated his abs once well today that was nothing. His naked glory was way better and... “You’re naked...” I said shying away.

His smirk took a better position on in his face. “Weren’t you enjoying the view?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve seen better.” I said heading towards the car. I would feel the heat of my words later.

I hoped he had an extra pack of clothes. I really hoped...it was either that or...

He passed me and went to the back seat and took his extra jeans to wear. When he was finally half dressed and as bare-chested as he was he moved towards me “you do know making your mate jealous has serious consequences?”


“Abby...don’t say that again. Jealousy is a dangerous fuel. Especially for a wolf...” he stated.

“I know.” I said and decided it best to find answers to my question first. “About that wolf...What are you going to do?”

“The normal thing we do. Don’t let it bother you Abby. You are always going to be safe with me.”

“It’s not that I’m worried about that but...you don’t even know him.”

“Yeah...but I won’t forget his scent.. Don’t worry.”

“He didn’t say anything at all?” I asked knowing the fact that other alphas could communicate with alphas.

Preston stopped. “He just said something about me being stupid enough to trust you and something about...let’s not worry about that.” I could tell he was keeping something from me. “Let’s just get out of here.” He said and I agreed.

In the car as he turned the ignition h e looked at me and said, “I won the bet you know...technically.”

 I smiled at that but my mind was still at what the hell that black wolf had meant when he said Preston was stupid to have trusted me.

it's been long but love you guys and all my new fans....

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