The Prince's Duchess { Illyri...

By SeraEnigma

196K 8.4K 922

Hardworking Sarina loves her job and is considered a kind hearted girl. Along the way, she befriended an ecce... More

Author's Notes:
Chapter 1: Blinded
Chapter 2: Who are you?
Chapter 3: A Promise
Chapter 4: Death of a Duke
Special Chapter: Luis Valentine
Chapter 5 - Grief on both sides
Chapter 6: I'm a Duchess?!
Chapter 8: On My Way
Chapter 9: First Meeting
Chapter 10: Living with the Prince
Chapter 11: An After Party Invite
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13: Seductive Kiss
Chapter 14: Lovers
Chapter 15: Stay with me
Chapter 16: Henry's Funeral
Chapter 17: Tonight
Chapter 18: A Prince's Warmth
Chapter 19: Town Legends
Chapter 20 Part 1: The Charity Gala
Chapter 20 Part 2: She is Mine
Chapter 21: Confrontation
Chapter 22: Alone with you
Chapter 23: What It Means
Chapter 24: This is not Goodbye
Special Chapter: Catherine Lyonel
Chapter 25: Missing You
Chapter 26: Telling the truth
Chapter 27: Old Wounds
Chapter 28: Twins
Chapter 29: Hidden Shame
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: An Unexpected Meeting
Flash Back Chapter: Before I Met You
Chapter 32: Did you Miss Me?
Chapter 33: Tonight, I'm Yours
Chapter 34: Cousins
Chapter 35: The Lost Princess
Special Chapter: Seymone
Chapter 36: Results
Chapter 37: A Stronger Bond
Chapter 38: World of our Own
Chapter 39: Be Honest
Chapter 40: The Brother In Law
Chapter 41: Back to Illyria
Chapter 42: My Fiancรฉe
Chapter 43: Kassim
Chapter 44: Forgive Me?
Chapter 45: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 46: The Forgotten Agreement
Chapter 47: Leaving again
Chapter 48: The Truth about Laila-Part 1
Chapter 49: The Truth about Laila - Part 2
Chapter 50: The Poison
Chapter 51: Flaunting your Title
Chapter 52: Akhun
Chapter 53: The Plot Thickens
Chapter 54: Now and Always
Chapter 55: Sex, Netflix and Chill
Chapter 56: The Lyonel Family Secret
Chapter 57: The Trial
Chapter 58: Forever Mine
Chapter 59: A Lost Love Returns
Chapter 60: An Unexpected Invitation
Chapter 61: Sealed Letter
Chapter 62: Elite Affair
Chapter 63: Her True Colors
Chapter 64: Kidnapped
Chapter 65: Huntress
Chapter 66: Redemption
Chapter 67: Body Heat
Chapter 68: Who am I?
Chapter 69: Rekindled Interest
Chapter 70: Memories of Us
Chapter 71: Aphrodisiac Fever
Extra Chapter: Laila
Chapter 72: Surprise Ambush
Chapter 73: Luce e Ombra
Chapter 74: La Famiglia e tutto
Chapter 75: The Cat is out of the Bag
Chapter 76: Abstinance
Chapter 77: The Wedding
Chapter 78: Night at the Tower
Final Chapter 79: The Prince's Duchess
Epilogue Chapter 80: The Princess' Personal Chef
End of the Story Greetings!
Special Mini Novel Coming Up!

Chapter 7: Invitation

3.7K 161 24
By SeraEnigma

Sarina POV:

I sighed to myself as I chopped some garlic and onions in the suite's mini-kitchen while a small pot of spaghetti pasta boiled on the stove.

About a month passed since I found out about my sudden inheritance and I still feel like it was not real.

After throwing up, I found my cousin shouting at Luis, who was enduring her lectures with strained patience.

Somehow, I managed to calm Seymone down and Luis eventually told her about Henry's will.

Even she was floored and became so quiet that I worried for her.

Fast-forwarding to the present, I sliced up mushrooms and opened cans of tomato paste, and made sure the ground beef is ready for cooking.

I found cooking for my cousin a small part of me that has not changed. Something that I stubbornly held on to.

Because try as I might, our lives are changing so fast.

A news report from the kitchen flat screen tv flashed and I sighed as I heard the familiar scoop headlines coming from the reporter.

"From Nurse to Duchess", "a Pinay Cinderalla Story" or "First Filipina Duchess in History"

Those words somehow made me feel uncomfortable.

Thanks to Luis' help, I managed to avoid interview offers from even the top news stations for several weeks now. He acted as my spokesperson and took the brunt of the media's questions to ease their curiosity.

I am seeing him now on the TV screen, answering questions that were harmless but staving off those that might hurt my reputation.

"He did say he will be coming here to discuss another matter of importance. Sey is late but I guess trying to leave when she is also being questioned by her classmates and professors will do that."

As I drained the pasta and started making the sauce, my mind drifted to someone else I missed.

My dream stranger.

Sadness and a mix of emptiness warred inside me. It has been months since I last met him in my dreams. But after my operation; he ceases to exist.

I remembered his voice and his touch vaguely but I cannot seem to recall anything else. It was as if my connection to him was dwindling.

It caused a wave of panic within me. This sense of loss was familiar and I realized why.

I miss him.

"He promised to find me. Where is he now?" I said to myself as I finished the pasta sauce and tasted it.

After making sure it was seasoned well. I quickly heated up some bread with garlic butter on the oven toaster.

I then took off my apron and proceeded to take a quick bath so that I will appear presentable when the company arrives.


Seymone and Luis both arrived at the same time and were now seated at the table as I started bringing in the food.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" her cousin asked.

"I have been locked in here for months Sey, at least let me serve you dinner." I smiled as I set a plate of spaghetti in front of them.

"I have never had my employer cook for me, It is a new experience."Luis smelled the fragrant tomato sauce. "This smells good."

"Of course it is! My cousin's spaghetti is the best I have ever tasted!" my cousin smiled proudly at me.

I felt really good at having accomplished something as I sat down myself so that we can begin to eat. Seymone liked heaping lots of cheese on her pasta and so did I, but what I was really looking out for was Luis' reaction to my pasta.

Pinoy style spaghetti tends to be on the sweeter side as opposed to the more tart and savory Italian style because we mix in sweet style tomato ketchup and tomato paste to make it distinct from the marinara sauce used in the West.

The lawyer's face was blank as he twirled the pasta with his fork and ate. After that his face became interested and then a flash of pleasure crossed his eyes as he ate more of the spaghetti with more relish.

He liked it!

Feeling even better about myself; I went back to finishing my own food, satisfied that everyone is enjoying themselves.


While her cousin volunteered to do the dishes, I and Luis sat by the table enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

"Where did you learn to cook?" he asked after a small sip.

"I learned from my mother. She taught me several Filipino and Italian style recipes."

"Well, you do her legacy some justice. I never quite like the overwhelming sweetness present in Filipino pasta but yours has a certain tartness combined with the sweetness. It was very good."

"I could give you some to eat at your hotel. I made too much."

Luis smiled at me gently.

"Thanks I would be honored to eat your food again."

After some more pleasantries, He assumed his usual serious expression.

"I received a letter from Illyria and it was directly from the team handling Royal affairs." he said."Henry's burial has been scheduled."

"His burial but he died 5 months ago. Why now?"

"His brother, the King has his remains cremated and kept in a jar in one of the inner chamber. He decided that the family has had enough time to mourn him and will now commence with burying him for good."

"I see."

"The King has extended his hand out to you. This is an unofficial invitation to Henry's burial ceremony, A response will be needed to secure an official invitation. Will you go?"

I suddenly stood up excited, I was so sad that I failed to see Henry's remains when I woke up so I never had any disclosure of his death. Hearing that I was invited by the royal family to say my goodbyes to him made me stand up from my chair so suddenly.

"I will! Of course, Is that even a question?" my voice became giddy with excitement. At last, I can pay my respects to Henry.

My reaction startled Luis who looked then laughed softly before he wrote my answer down and slipped it inside his briefcase.

"Well then, that answers my question. I will personally deliver this response to our embassy. I will come back the moment the invitation arrives." he then looked at me. "Miss Sarina, you may sit down now."

I sat down quickly and blushed at my outburst.

"There is also a matter of your education."

"My education?"

Luis cleared his throat.

"Lessons on social etiquette and deportment. I have taken the liberty of teaching you the basics since I am privy to a few practices." he massaged his neck. "that would cover table manners, social graces, fashion, and dancing."

My eyes went wide and I gulped.

"But I will be there only for the funeral. I do not think I would need to learn all those right?"

"Miss Sarina, going to my home country would mean subjecting you to attend social functions while you are there and since you are the Duchess of Ladon now, you cannot embarrass Henry's good name."

"I-I would never." I sighed. Luis was right. I am behaving like a petulant child, I agreed to cherish the gift Henry gave me and I never back out of a promise. "I will be in your care then Luis but just so you know, I have two left feet."

The lawyer shrugged and he just smiled.

"I suspect I will have my work cut out for me but, I will do my best." he then took my hand and he kissed it. "Thank you."

I withdraw my hand and looked at him puzzled.

"For what?"

"For showing me exactly why Henry loved you." the lawyer said with pride. " You are a strong and kind woman, he is surely proud."

I was speechless, Luis has never acknowledged me before. When he said he was leaving; I hurriedly packed him some spaghetti and he promised to see me tomorrow before he left.


While Luis waited for the Royal Palace's confirmation, he visited me and coached me on various lessons for the next following weeks.

Seymone, who seems intrigued by the lessons sometimes joins in. As I memorized several table rules and etiquette; I saw that my cousin seems to excel at the lessons like she was a natural at these things.

I felt both proud and exasperated that she seems to get the hang of it better than me and I was the titleholder to millions of assets.

"Uhm about Fritz." Seymone asked one night when I was reading some notes Luis gave me on formal dinners.

Our dog was left in the care of our neighbor when I was still recovering to make sure he won't be stressed out while I and Sey were away most of the time.

Maybe it was time that we take him back.

"Ask Luis if he can arrange to have Fritz taken to the new apartment." I decided and earned a hug from her.

"Yes! I cannot believe we have a new place to live. I went with Luis and had it redecorated according to our taste and I bet he will love it!"

"Well we will need a place where you and I will be better protected. The media attention seems to be dying down but I won't take chances." I smiled.

The new apartment was a modest two-floor style flat with clean white walls, 2 bedrooms, an upper and lower floor bathroom, a veranda, and a kitchen. It was also at a secured location with 24-hour surveillance and several amenities like cafes, laundromats, 2 pools, and a fully equipped gym.

Luis had advised me that my inheritance can buy a house or at least a bigger apartment for us but I had to put my foot down on this one.

I just wanted a spacious but simple place where Seymone can live in while I am gone. Plus she may feel alone and lonely in a big mansion so a modest apartment with enough room for the both of us and our dog is sufficient.

Plus, The new place affords Sey to be creative in redecorating the whole place.

"I cannot wait to see it. The doctor says I can be discharged tomorrow but my check-ups will continue till next month." I flipped one note. "I never knew they use these many utensils at a formal dinner."

"There is even a spoon for puddings if I remember." Seymone giggled then she rested her head on my shoulder. "Hey cousin, what do you think of Luis?"

I was busy with remembering which fork to use for salads when Seymone's question hit me.

"Him? I think he is a dependable lawyer, a little serious but he has been nothing but courteous and friendly."

"I saw him kiss your hand the day he was invited for dinner. Don't you find him attractive?"

My cousin's observation got my attention. Somehow I am aware that Luis Valentine was a handsome guy and attractive too but somehow when he kissed my hand, I did not feel anything.

Not like with the stranger, whose touch seems to make me feel flustered and aroused.

"He is cute but I see him as a good friend Sey. Why the interrogation?"

My cousin's face flushed red and I felt a flicker of understanding. Ever since she chased the lawyer out on their first meeting; she has been more reserved and aloof whenever she was alone with Luis, but at times I would catch her stealing glances at the handsome lawyer when his attention was elsewhere.

Seems like someone has a crush.

"I see."

"What do you mean? I-I don't like him okay? He is so stiff, so formal and he treats me like a child when he is only seven years older than me!" she stammered as I hid my laughter. "This is not funny Sarina!"

Luis' notes were forgotten as Sey started a tickle fight and soon both of us were laughing amongst the scattered notes.


Upon being discharged, Luis was by my side as about a half dozen security guards formed a tight circle around us as we got out of the hospital.

Almost immediately, camera crews and reporters crowded us at the hospital entrance and one photographer was about to snap a picture of me but Luis hid me from its view by tucking me under his arm.

Loud voices and questions were fired at me about my opinions on my sudden rise to wealth and how do I feel.

I ignored them all as Luis and I reached a black car with flags attached to the antennas. I got a glimpse of a scarlet lion against a crescent moon before I got inside.

A sigh of relief comes out of me as I felt him slid to the seat next to me and ordered the driver our new address.

Feeling slightly better as we left the hospital grounds and the reporters so I looked around the spacious car which was not exactly a limo but it was clearly built for comfort because I saw a mini flat screen with a remote compartment and a mini icebox all installed inside.

"Your cousin is also being escorted by another one of my security team to your new home Miss Sarina. I also had Fritz transported there too and he seems to be a bit nervous around a new place but I am sure once he sees you and Miss Seymone, he will settle down. He is being monitored by my assistant for now."

"Thanks Luis." I settled against the seat and I just happened to see a mirror next to me.

Despite my recovery, I still cannot quite get used to my new eye color.

I admit that before I was passably pretty even with my plumpness and curves but somehow these silver eyes transformed me into another person.

I remembered the blush on a young male nurse's face when he had taken my temperature before I got discharged from my room. Sey had often said that my new eyes made me look so exotic and sexy.

I set the mirror inside a compartment and closed my eyes to rest.


Fritz was already playing with my cousin when we arrived.

I stared at the tasteful decors and new furniture that Sey bought with Luis' supervision.

"Nice cousin. You did an amazing job." I smiled as I hugged my dog, who greeted me with licks and lots of tail wagging.

"No problem Sarina. Wait till you see the rooms and the kitchen."

As Luis had his assistant supervise the unpacking of my suitcases, I and Seymone took a brief tour of the new apartment.

The bedrooms each had some of our old stuff from the old apartment along with the new ones but it only served to make it cozier and homey.

Sey bought new utensils and even pots and pans that I see only on TV. The kitchen was small but it has a coffeemaker, a coffee press, a state of the art refrigerator, a sleek dining table and cushion stools.

We even took time to eat leche flan, a popular Filipino dessert to celebrate our first day, and even had Luis snap a photo of us.


By the time the tour was finished, Luis had informed us that all my clothes were in my closet.

I graciously thanked him and his female assistant, whose eyes went wide at my words and stammered an embarrassed reply.

"She is new and has never been thanked by royalty before,"Luis said then he must have noticed my unease. "Still not used to being recognized as a Duchess?"

I nodded. Usually, when you say "duchess" it usually means a sophisticated and tall lady not a petite young woman with a lot of meat in her bones.

"Well, I will see what we can do about that." he chuckled lightly then he looked at his watch. "Miss Sarina, please rest for today. We have a busy schedule ahead tomorrow."

I nodded. To make sure the media's attention to me dies down, Luis has discussed holding an exclusive interview with a few reporters so that it would give me and my cousin some measure of peace.

I also wanted to properly visit Hope Nursing Home to turn in my resignation and to thank my friends for being there for me.

And I also wanted to make sure my cousin's tuition is paid for till she graduates so that she can concentrate on her studies.

I saw Luis to the door and he turned towards me and whispered something in my ear.

"The invitation will arrive in three days," he told me. "We will discuss this tomorrow as well."

Then he left.

It seems like I am going to Illyria soon.

Somehow I could not wait to go. I can feel like Henry is calling me.

Somehow, I felt another pull of force whenever I think of this small European Country.


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