When Stars Collide {иαℓυ AU}

By oncingwhovian1

667 72 4

"уσυ иєє∂ ¢нασѕ ιи уσυя ѕσυℓ тσ gινє вιятн тσ α ∂αи¢ιиg ѕтαя✨" ~fяιє∂яι¢н иιєтz... More

Two||My Letter
Three||My Faith
Four||My Trust
Six||My Mistake
Seven||My Truth
Eight||My Questions

Five||My Promise

66 9 0
By oncingwhovian1

〜•иαтѕυ'ѕ ρσν•〜

"Room 177." I read the numbers out loud.


"Who?" The blonde asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

Damnit Natsu,

You idiot.

How could you let a silly little number break you so easily.

"Whatcha talking bout Luce?" I grinned down at Lucy.

Strong Natsu,

Be strong damnit!


"Hey, I get it. I'm the strange girl with messy blonde hair you barley know." The girl paused, forming a small smile on her lips. "But you can trust me."

She stole my line!

Well you dumbass, how do you expect her to trust you when you can't trust her?!

"You better get in there, Gramps hates it when students are tardy." I chuckled, opening the door for the blonde. "See you later Luce!" I cheered as she nodded her head and walked into the class room.

Before I shut the door back, I caught a glimpse of the red-headed girl from yesterday. She narrowed her snake-like eyes at me and smiled her vicious smile.


I headed to my class, which happened to be all the way across the school,


"Lucy..." I whispered her name over and over, unable to get it out of my head. Her beautiful hazel eyes haunting my memory.

When I finally made it to my classroom, I knock as I open the door. The professor narrowed his eyes at me, "Natsu, you're late."

"Hey old man!" I cheered as I took my seat next to the ice freak. Professor Clive just took a deep sigh and returned to his lesson.

"Why ya late fire breath?" Gray leaned over and asked, "Let me guess caught your house on fire again?" He retorted. "None ya ice princess." I snapped back.

"He didn't deny it." A gruff voice chuckled from behind us. "Shuddap bolts-for-brains." I spat, turning to Gajeel.

"So you did burn the house down? I feel sorry for Wendy, always having to clean up your messes." The ice idiot said, slouching back in his seat. "Whatever." I said under my breath, rolling my eyes.

"I saw him walking with that weird girl." "She's so strange, I don't know why he'd be walking with her." "What was her name again?" "Lilly?" "Lola?" I heard some girls gossip from across the room.

"Lucy." I spat, without even realizing. "What was that Salamander?" Gajeel asked. "Huh? Oh nothing." I retreated. "I heard 'Lucy'" Gray said, "Does the squinty eyes have a crush~" he teased.

"Shuddap ya damn ice block." I spat back. "At least I don't have a thing for my stalker." "Who? Juvia? Please don't be ridiculous." He denied, brushing it off. "Then why are you blushing~" I taunted, pointing out the darkening red across his face.

"Whatever." Gray spat, breaking off eye contact. "Besides weren't we talking 'bout you and this Lucy chick."

"Lucy, huh? That name sounds familiar." Gajeel said as his face contorted into one of concentration. "That supposed to be your thinking face?" I chuckled.

"Shuddap." He spat, placing his hand on his chin, "Yeah I think she's the shrimp's friend." He muttered to himself.

"Shrimp?" Gray chuckled, "What kinda pet name is that?" "Ah shut it." Gajeel spat back, "She's just my tutor. I call Shimp just to piss her off cause she's short. Her actual name is Levy, and I'm pretty sure she's mentioned something 'bout a Lucy chick."

Levy huh?

Maybe she can tell me about Luce.

"You have a tutor?" Gray retorted back, "You must be dumber than I thought." "Ya looking for a fight Fullbuster?!" The bolt-faced idiot threatened. "Ah would ya cool it, I was just kidding." The ice princess said, rolling his eyes, "Sometimes you have a shorter temper than Natsu."

"Hey, so this Levy chick, ya think I could talk to her?" I turned and asked Gajeel. He narrowed his crimson eyes at me, "Why?" "Hey don't worry man, I'm not interested in her. I want to know more 'bout Luce." I explain to him.

"Tch. Fine." He spat, "We're having a session after school in the library, you can meet her there." "Thanks man, I owe you one." I say, turning back around in my seat.

"You must really like this chick, huh?" Gray smirks to me. "Yeah, I guess I do." I smiled to the thought of her golden locks and hazel orbs.

The bell rung, meaning that first was over. But instead of heading to second, I slipped through the emergency exit without being noticed.

I normally skip second period because it's the class I have with Professor Zeref. {AN: in this AU he isn't Natsu's brother} His lectures are so boring and pointless, plus he seems to hate me for some reason.

I don't know why, I'm so adorable!

Then during third I have lunch, and I normally get back around then.

"Patient's name?" The brunette from the front desk asked without looking up from her computer screen. "Igneel Dragneel." I say, causing her to break her concentration to look up at me. "Oh, I'm sorry Natsu, you can go on back." She flashed me a smile. "Thanks." I say before taking off.

"177." I traced the numbers engraved on the wall as my mind goes back to this morning.

"But you can trust me."

I smiled at the thought of Lucy before knocking on the wooden door. "Come in." I heard someone say. The door let out a creak at I slowly opened it. I looked to see my old man laying on the bed, his long red hair tied back out of his face, his onyx eyes still shielded from the world.

"How is he?" I asked without looking away from him. "He hasn't changed." I looked at the old woman standing next to the bed. "Natsu, his chances of waking up are almost 0 to 1, it's been 7 years..."

"You can't give up hope auntie!" I cheered, looking over to the pink-haired woman in her pristine white coat. Her deep crimson eyes look to me with sadness and pity. "He's strong, auntie, you've got to have faith in the old man!"

"But not strong enough..." She muttered as she headed out the door, "I'll leave you two be." The old woman said before closing the door behind her.

"Hey dad." My voice cracked as I sat on the edge of his bed.

I was met with nothing but the steady beep of the machine.

"How you've been?" I ask.


"Ya know that Lucy girl right?"


"Well I ran into her again this morning on the way to school. Wendy and I were late because I may or may or have caught house on fire again." I let out a simple chuckle.

"She had bandages wrapped around her arms. But when I asked about them, she just pulled her sleeves down and looked away."

"She's so pretty dad. She reminds me of mom, ya know?"

That didn't work either.

"Her hair is like the golden rays of the sun, but her eyes are the most beautiful thing about her. They hide all the stars of all the night within them, all the secrets of all the universe."

Still nothing.

"I can't wait for you to meet her."


I let out a slight chuckle. I looked down to my lap and shut my eyes to keep from letting tears escape. "Sometimes I wonder if you can even hear me..."

Suddenly I felt something grab my hand. I opened my eyes to see a wrinkled hand wrapped around mine. I followed the arm up to see my old man.

"Grandeeney!" I yelled as I jumped and smiled. She came rushing in and started checking his heartbeat. "What happened Natsu?" She asked frantically. I went over to her and wraped my arms around the old woman, "He grabbed my hand! He is getting better, see! I told you!"

"He can hear me..." I smiled as I kissed the old woman on the cheek. "Natsu-" "Dad, listen to me because I'll only say this once!" I said as I held my hand in the air, holding out my index finger and thumb, "I will make Lucy Heartfilia fall in love with me, and I'll do it before you wake up, so you better hurry it up old man!"

"Natsu-" "I'll see you later Auntie, keep an eye on him!" I cheered as I headed out the door, and ran back to school.

I will keep my promise, even if it kills me.

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