My Uncle Simon?(1D and 5sos)

By fakelimapayne

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Could this summer get anymore interesting? Jade and her friends go to live with her uncle for the summer,but... More

My Uncle Simon?
Chapter 1:L.A. Bound
Chapter 2:Can I Sit Here?
Chapter 3:Were Here!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Your Who?
Chapter 6:Hospital
Chapter 7:Ouch
Chapter 8:Um,PDA!
Chapter 9:Not so good first impression.
Chapter 10:Racing
Chapter 11: Hospital, again.
Chapter 12: Worst day ever.
Chapter 13: Im free!
Chapter 14:Im awkward.
Chapter 15: Penguins and ghost stories.
Authors Note
Chapter 16- A Day In L.A.
Chapter 17- Eat it!!!
Chapter 18-I hate all of you.
Chapter 19-I Don't Wanna Go.
Chapter 20: Crap
Chapter 21: The Plan
Chapter 22- Backfired

Chapter 4:Wait What?

830 22 1
By fakelimapayne

Jades POV.

We're here!!!!! I practically yelled in Ella's ear.lets just say she wasnt happy when I did that and now I have claw marks on my arm....she needs to cut those claws I told her while we are getting our carry on bags,she replied with what I can't hear you cause my ears drums were blown out by a STINKIN HORN!!!!!!!she yelled.ok ok I'm sorry I was just excited.jeez!I told her...whatever.she muttered under we were walking back to exit the plane.the others were already outside because they sat farther back than us.I thought as I bumped into....OH MY GOSH YOUR!!!!!my yelling was cut of by the guy putting his hand over my mouth and dragging me backwards to the front of the plane.....ASHTON IRWIN(part of 5sos if you didn't already know that)I yelled after he took his hand my mouth smiling at me,...yep wats your name beautiful?Ashton replied.I blushed when he called me um it's j-jade.I stuttered looking at my feet....that's a pretty name!!would you like an autograph??he asked .,.as I was about to say yes my phone started ringing.I answered the phone saying hello?

Holy Cow Jade WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!arizona screamed through the phone.

Um I dropped somthin... I'm coming.bye. I said as I hung up looking at Ashton....I hav' to go but hopefully I'll see you again.bye!!!!!!I said and ran off before he had a chance to answer.

Mariah's POV(before getting off the plane)

So it turns out luke is actually pretty cool...I still don't like there music though but I'm not gonna tell him that!finally we said our goodbyes as we were about to get off the plane but right before I headed towards the door he called my name.I turned around as he came up to me and asked,can I have your number????i blushed embarrassed about what I was going to explain to him how I don't have a phone...umm it's not that I don't want your phone number but I-I. Kinda dropped my phone in a toilet.....I said sheepishly..I looked up to see him trying not to laugh cause he could tell I was embarressed....he was doing a bad job...ya ya you can laugh I know it's funny.I said to him...lets just say he laughed very I just glared at him till he stopped because we were getting odd stares from people getting off the plane....finally after he recovered from laughing he handed me a piece of paper with his number on it while saying,while winking and walking away......did luke hemmings just flirt with me?I thought as I got off the plane joining all of the girls except for jade..hmm wonder where she is?I can't wait to tell her who I bumped into on the plane!

Arizonas POV

Ugggg why is it always jade we wait on?!!??!cant she like not take forever?!???for all I know she was probably off flirting!!!!i hope this trip isnt gonna be all about boys!!the only attention I get from boys is being stalked my creepy guys on instagram.....sad right?ya I know....oh look finally it's jade walking through the door thingy with a huge grin on her face.I wonder whats that about?i wonder as she walks up to me and i say, why so smiley???did u get a guys number I said even better,she replies..I ran into Ashton from 5sos!!!!!!!!!!and he called me pretty!!!!!!ahhhhh BEST DAY EVER!!!!!she says as I laugh at her...actually I have no right to laugh..of I ran into someone famous and cute I would say the same thing...I looked to see her telling the rest of the girls as they all giggle....then Mariah says somthing that makes jade open her eyes wide and her mouth is hanging wide open.i walk over with my phone and take a picture without her noticing then I post it on twitter saying:Arizona_iz_dabest:I think someone's a little shocked@jadeishot..I laugh to myself then shut my phone as I feel someone tugging my arm...crap.jade saw the picture....I'm pretty sure she's going to kill me.

Jades POV

I finally got out of the plane looking fir the girls still smiling like an idiot cause Aston called me pretty.....anyway I finally see the girls as I run over to them and Arizona comes up to me...why are you smiley?she asks jokingly as I roll my eyes and tell her why then I go to the other girls and yell GUESS WHAT to all of them!!!!!they all yell WHAT?and I tell them everything that happens and they all say cool...the Mariah says I have to tell you guys something too!well tell us!!!Demi says!well I may have run into a member of 5sos too!!!mariah said...awesome!!i say!!which one I question....umm that one that you like alot..Luke...that's when my mouth dropped and I couldn't say anything...she met luke not just any Luke.. Luke luke...I love him more than food..and that's alot...the real reason why I was shocked wAs cause she said he gave her his number!!!!!!i think I'm dying shouldve been me.


Sorry chapters over

It's kinds suks sorry I have writers block

Please vote!!!!!

And comment!!!!!

I hate to be this kinda person but....I'm not gonna update till I get 20 votes.....


Buh Bye!!!!!!!!!!!


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