My Highlighted Bible Verses

By cyrus_the_merciful

4.7K 73 42

No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. You can learn by reading His Word, the Bible. God... More

God - The Wrestler
Can't explain it
Second Temple
Found it
Opened to Job
Psalm 86
Wise Man = Fool?
What can man do to me?
Love your neighbor
Kinda confusing sometimes
God Has A Plan
The Sermon On The Mount
Love others
Isaiah 24:4-6
Lying Lips
This is really weird!!!
Love And The World
Lot And His Daughters
The Flesh
Rivers Of Water
Blessed Man's Delight
God Will Test You
God And Moses
Law Of Moses
Open Your Heart
King Cyrus
Loving Life???
Put God First
Oh No, Not My Bacon!!!
I Found An Answer
Jesus On Judgment
Walk In His Statutes
The Lord's Blessing
Leviticus 19:28
God Really Loved Moses
We Must Be Faithful
Psalm 31:9-17
Daniel's Vision
God Has Always Been Present
You Never Know
God Is Compassionate Every Morning
Moses Speaks
The Ten Commandments
The Promised Land
Mystery Of Melchizedek
Beef Tip's Verse
My Analogy
Jesus And Children
Amos 9:11-15
Riches And The Kingdom Of God
Mark 10:41-45
Stephen Is Forgiving In Death
Come To The Father Through Jesus
1 Peter:3-5
God Knows All
Bad Choices
David Praises God
The Tattoo
Many Verses - I Will Explain
Walk In The Spirit
Can't Get Away From King Cyrus
A Cubit - Temple Measurement
James and James
Coming of the Lawless One
Blessed Be The Name Of God
Abraham Offering Issac
Don't Seek Deep To Hide
James 5:10-11
The Forgetful Hearer
Better Repent
Psalm 128:1
Don't React
Only God Is Good
No Liars
God Is Your Father
1 Timothy 2:7-15
Never Doubt God
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego
Rejoice In Hope Of The Glory Of God
Israel Wants A King
Second Temple Finished
Message For The King Of Babylon
Psalm 103 - A Psalm Of David
Friendship With The World
Elijah The Prophet
Saul Doesn't Listen
God Makes Sarah Laugh
No Peace For The Wicked
The Lord Bless You And Keep You
The Beasts
Better Pray
This Verse Is Important To Me
Luke 2:11-14
Touch Of Faith
Get Ready
Lying And Wickedness
Jesus Answers With A Warning
Jesus And The Demon-Possessed Man
God Loves Jesus
God Explains
Proverbs 6:12-19
A Branch
Spiritual Understanding
Added A Few
The Heart
All Your Heart
No Shame
Psalm 69:5-6
Temple Rebuilt
Sprinkling Clean Water
Like A Signet Ring
The Helper - The Holy Spirit
All Things Are Possible
Moses Finds Grace In God's Sight
Jonathan Helps David
The Branch
My Uncle And The Gold Dome
Don't Trust In Man
Fear The Lord
Everything Comes From God
Pure Love
Have You Ever Had A Verse Pop Into Your Head?
The World And War
Be Humble
One Day = A Thousand Years, To God
Hard To Understand
Simeon And Levi Take Revenge
Sinners Beware
Be Strong, Son
God Knows
The Soul And The Spirit
The LORD'S Anointed
Here's Where I Started...
New Heavens And A New Earth
Staying On The Same Page In Isaiah
Abram becomes Abraham
Do Not Be Afraid Of Their Threats
Hosea 1:1
The LORD's Hand
The Touch Of The Holy Spirit
The Son Of God
Psalm 119:1-8
Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins
Hebrews 7:2-4
The Earth Will Tremble!
Jezebel's Prophecy Fulfilled
The Spirit Of God
That Day Is Coming
Better Read This
The Sabbath
The Prophecy
Great Research - I Learned!
The Ark Of The Testimony
Mount Of Olives - But Watch Jerusalem
God's Comfort
Noah's Ark
Leviticus 15:1-5
The LORD Will Defend Jerusalem
Abram's Descendants
The Son Of God
Ishmael and Issac
Ishmael and Isaac II
Malachi 3:1
Watch Out, Egypt!
The LORD - The King Of The Earth
We Better Start Paying Attention
No Baal - Why Golden Calves
Jesus Came To Divide?
This Story Is About You, King David!
Babylon - The Great Harlot
Sin And Punishment
Temple - Destruction To Construction
Daniel's Vision
Jesus Bravely Accepts His Fate - Scripture Fulfillment
Matthew 12:25
Done Re-editing

The Lord Will Give You Rest

7 0 0
By cyrus_the_merciful

It shall come to pass in the day the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow, and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you were made to serve,
                           Isaiah 14:3

I want to focus on rest from your sorrow. We all have experienced or will experience sorrow in this lifetime. I always come back to love and trust in God - have faith.
He hasn't let me feel His Presence in a while. Am I displeasing Him, or is there something He wants me to do? The funny thing is that I know He is around, but I certainly don't feel him.
1 Timothy 1:15 concerns me a little bit. I don't think it is bad; I just haven't figured it out yet. All in due time, got to be patient. Started reading again, I like to read at night. I haven't felt motivated to read. I am not being bad (misbehaving) just not motivated.
I guess I do read while I am writing these. So, basically, I need to do better. I have an excuse - it is getting hot. There are no legitimate excuses, God is always first. I think that I need a nudge once in a while, or a kick in the rear-end.  Tell God that you love Him.

Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Please read your Bible.

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