My human mate

By maia_l

152K 3.1K 260

One simple school fight. That's how this all started. Well it wasn't that simple of a school fight, it was ac... More

My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate

My human mate

6K 193 10
By maia_l


CHAPTER 10; kind of edited


When I finally woke up my head was still spinning. I reached for the wall to steady myself while I took a look around.
I was in a typical bedroom, but the bed had been removed.
The nightstand and dresser where still there, and filled with women's clothes.

I sniffed the air and caught the scent of...Allison?

I looked around the room frantically. Hoping that try didn't catch my mate too.
It was one thing if they had me, but they can't have my Allison.
I peeked in the closet and couldn't find her.
I saw a window in the corner of the room and looked around the house.

It looked exactly like Allison's house. The color and shape, there were even woods behind her house.
I craned my head to look at the woods and thought I caught the sight of, eyes?

My eyes widened when I figure out what was happening!

I am at Allison's house! whoever "kidnapped" me dragged me to HER house. Unless she has been an imposter this whole time. But it's hard to believe that she would do that to me. It's not just my mate instincts that make me feel that way, I really believe that Allison could not do something like this. She may come over like a hard-ass and act like nothing bothers her, but i know the real her. Everything she does around people is just a cover. She doesn't want people to know how she really is. 

I turned my head back towards the woods and saw several wolfs gathered together. I quickly jerked  my head back in their direction. That's when I noticed my soon to be beta, and a lot more people in my pack. They seemed to be surrounding someone, everyone looked engaged. I knew that someone  important was in  the center because they all were cooperating together and engaging in. 

Jesus, I'm going to be the alpha of the pack and I got myself kidnapped. They aren't going to want me the alpha anymore. If I can't keep myself protected how am I supposed to keep the pack protected?! That's not really what you should be worried about right  now, my wolf muttered to me. I know, i know. But I'm not necessarily worried about myself right now though. I gently replied to my wolf. You're such an alpha, he muttered. I rolled my eyes then cut him off. His commentary was not helpful in anyway. I started to brainstorm an idea so i could get myself out of this mess without sacrificing my whole pack. 

I sensed someone walking my way in the hall so I quickly stepped away from the window. I stared at the door until it slowly creaked open.

Allison's dad steeped into the room. He was one of those people that looked down when they walked. My dad used to tell me that no worthy alpha looks to the ground. Her dad raised his head a few seconds after he had entered the room. He raised it slowly, as if waiting on something. 

"i guess you are wondering why you are currently in here," he said, finally looking me in the eye.

'Yes, that question had popped into my mind a couple of times," i said sarcastically. No shit i wanted to know why i was here. 

"Well, you might want to sit down, we have a lot of explaining to do," a couple more were wolfs walked into the room. One provided me a chair, then they tied my limbs to the chair. Like I would try and escape without hearing an explanation first.  I guess they thought i was some sort of coward. 

"I am aware that you and Allison are mates. Although she has failed to inform me about this, i have sources that can prove you two are in fact mates. Am I correct?" he asked me. 

"yes, we are mates." i told him bluntly. 

Allison's dad is something that Inst human. i couldn't tell exactly what it was, it want completely werewolf though, and it wasn't human. this made me wonder why Allison wasn't some type of "mutant" either. if he dad was and her mom wasn't, a part of that should have carried down. which would have explained why she was my mate. we are positive that she is 100% human though. something was fishy about this. 

"well Cole, i am the current alpha of the Blackwood pack. As you should know, our packs don't necessarily get along, at all. ever since your pack defeated mine awhile back, I'm not as well respected as i used to be. one of the only ways i can earn my respect back, is defeat you guys the second time around. now, any sensible person knows, if the alpha is kidnapped, the pack will come running. this is why you have been kidnapped!" he grinned at the end.

"You really believe that you can defeat us the second time around? What will make it any different from the first? We have only become stronger since then."

"You didn't have a mate then. Now i can get to you easier."

"you're willing to sabotage your own daughter like that?"

"she has been in on it the whole time. she understands what needs to be done. once she found out you two were mates, well that was just the icing on the cake."

"i don't believe you."

"why not? we have all the proof needed. you are just to cowardly to admit that you have been outsmarted and soon defeated."

i smirked at her dad. he really was a poor alpha. i almost felt bad for him. "You just said Allison had failed to tell you that we are mates.  how would you know that she had used me to get closer and find information for your pack? You have no idea if this made her change sides on you or agree with you more."

if what i said effected him in anyways he did not let it show. its quite obvious were Allison gets it from. i did notice the pack members that were in the room get a little antsy. which means that i had hit it right on the nail. i leaned back in mt chair as best as i could. if my arms weren't tied i would have crossed them just to show how right i knew i was. 

"either way. you are the buffoon here. you believed that she actually cared. you even thought she was human, silly silly boy. you should have learned by now that no one is to be trusted. not even your mate." 

him and i stared at each other for awhile. we were both cornered. we had both proven a point that neither wanted to hear. we trapped each other and we had no way of getting out, yet. my head whipped around when i heard the crash from downstairs. i instantly knew that my pack was here, or at least a few of them. i just prayed that Allison was not one of them. 

a couple of the men silently left the room to go down and help. me and her dad just continued to stare. neither of us willing to look away, a sign of weakness which we did not want.  soon i heard footsteps pounding up the steps, i immediately could smell Allison. i carefully kept my eye on the door behind Allison's dad, yet still keeping contact with him. 

"perfect," he muttered," i can now show you up front how correct i am. you have no hope, Cole, she wont save you now."

Allison slammed through the door. "what the fuck is going on?!" she screamed out. 

"well hello to you to Allison."  i said.

"hi Cole, hi Dad," she said briefly, "now, once again, what the fuck is going on here?!?!" she was comeptly pissed. i could feel it now that we were in the room together, and it was obvious by this point. you would have to be stupid to realize she was not happy. 

"hello Allison. i was just enplaning everything over with Cole, as you asked me to do." her dad said, finally turning away from me.

'what are you talking ab-" Allison got cut off by an invisible force. her eyes grew wide and she started to grip at her throat. her dad had a new look in his eyes. one of pure hatred. 

"stop! what are you doing to her? you have to stop!" i screamed at her dad. seeing her in pain made my wolf go crazy. i wouldn't be able to hold myself back if he kept at it much longer.

he let Allison get a breath of air then seemed to be telling her something virtually. he let Allison go and she gasped for air. she turned to her dad and glared at him. "no." she simply said.

you could hear the cracking of her wrist echo across the walls. i growled out, desperately trying to keep my wolf down. i would not be able to make sensible decisions once he was at the surface. Allison clutched her wrist, and stiffly, as if she was a robot, she turned to me. she took a deep breathe of air, then muttered out, "everything my father said," she stopped in the middle of her sentences. she turned back to her dad and he narrowed his eyes at her. she glared at him, Allison then collapsed to the ground, you could hear another snap somewhere in her leg.

"Allison, look at me sweetie," i softly told her.  she turned her head to me. she was gritting her teeth, but no tears had fallen yet. "just do what he asked. i don't care how bad you think it is. its not as important as your well being. if you tell me we can both get out of here. i don't want you anymore broken that what that bastard has made you already." i smoothly told her. inside i had killed her dad about 1000 times. how can he hurt his own daughter? Allison opened her mouth and started to speak to me again, "everything my dad said was true. i don't care about you and i never have. all i want is for my pack to defeat you. i could care less if you were living right now. i want you and your pack gone, forever." she looked me in the eye the whole time she spoke. she even sounded like she meant it. she didn't seem robotic anymore, she was truthful. 

thought i could hear my heart cracking, but i wasn't going to let that show. i know she doesn't mean it. she doesn't mean it. me and her are mates. we care about each other. i repeated this over and over but it still felt like she meant every word that came out of her mouth.  the scary thing about this wa, i know she didn't mean it, i know her dad made those words come out of her mouth. but it felt so damn real. 

Allison shuffled back,not being able to walk from her broken leg. she turned her head to completely block out my view from her.

"i hate you! i don't even know who you are! you aren't my father and you never will be! i hope i never see you again a day in my life!" she screamed at her dad. 

i could see her struggling. she wanted to help me but her dad had her under something the enabled her to not be able to do so. plus the fact that her right wrist was limp and turned in a strange direction, showing that it was broken, and her leg was beyond broken. 

"that is no way to speak to your father!" her dad bellowed out, slapping her across the face. 

"you don't deserve respect you bastard. i hope you rot in hell."

he jumped from his seat and leaped towards Allison faster then i could blink. he had her hands around her neck. "That is no way for a young women to speak. you need to learn respect for the men around you. and if you aren't willing to do that, then maybe you don't deserve a life." he grumbled, slowly turning her neck, making sure the moment lasted awhile. 

i broke through the roped on my arms. i didn't have enough time before there was more people in the room. all of them came to me and held me down. i had men sitting on me, others chaining me with silver chains, every time i would move my body would burn. 

"Before you die, you should know," her dad said. the amazing part was, Allison didn't even look scared. she wasn't struggling, she was completely calm. if you saw her you would not believe that her life was about to end. like she was ready to die, and she wasn't scared.

"Your mom didn't kill herself, i did," he spat out at her, "and before you flip out on me, I'm going to tell you the complete story.

When i met your mom she was pregnant with you, and she was married. we started to become close friends when one rainy night her husband got in an "accident." The son of a bitch died like he was supposed to, and guess who was there for your mom? Me. After i had helped her through the tragic death of her first husband, she couldn't help but fall in love with me. By this time you were 5 years old. i eventually told your mom what i was and what my plan was. i made found a way to get her not to tell anyone. all i had do to was play the role of your "dad." simple really. i already knew you would be mates with Cole here, and i already knew he would be the alpha. 

on the way your mother brought up some thoughts that would have ruined my whole plan that i had worked hard for. we couldn't have that happen could we? no. so she had to go also. i made it look like she committed suicide and you believed it. now i have Cole and i will have power. you don't need to be in the picture either anymore, you worthless human. but i want to make it worth awhile, slowly and painfully."  

He held her down as he moved down he body. "Lets tart from the bottom and make our way to the top, shall we?" 

He twisted her ankle all the way around her foot, i grimaced back. Allison didn't even blink. He then moved on tot he next ankle. i wasn't about to watch my mate slowly get abused and murdered! i struggled against everyone holding me back. By the time i had broken though one chain on my leg without getting noticed he was up to the middle of her leg. He had successfully broken each of her toes and ankles, her one knee cap was moved in ways which i had never seen before. 

I watched him as he tore into her leg, this finally getting to her. She screamed out at him. I couldn't take the scream. I didn't want to shift and i was doing everything in my power not to, but i couldn't take it anymore. 

Ishifted, losing control of everything. It was up to my wolf now. He had instantly killed almost every person that was holding me back before. 

He jumped onto Allison's "dads" back, making him get off of her. One of the people who was holding me back dragged Allison over to the wall, away from the fight that was about to happen. I nodded my head at him, then turned my body back to my opponent. 

Everything else that happened was a blur. There was a lot of fighting with him. It went on for what seemed like forever. A lot of my pack showed up. Everyone was fighting someone. One of the women had gotten Allison out of the room, i really wanted to be with her but i knew that she could die any moment when i was fighting. It was to dangerous for her anyways. I was just sorry it wasn't me who got her out of this. 

Several of my bones had cracked, but it was no big deal, they were already healing and practically fixed. We had somehow ended up fighting outside, some people were still inside battling. A lot of the Blackwood pack was dead, we had lost some too. But it was obvious who was going to win this fight. 

Suddenly i got a call from my beta,

"Alpha you should probably get up to the pack house immediately"

"I'm in the middle of a fight right now! Kind of busy!"

"Its Allison, you need to get here now."

I rolled out of my fight and sprinted towards the pack house. I ran to our medical room and saw Allison laying on the bed, propped up by many pillows. I was handed clothes as soon as  shifted, then i went up to Allison. 

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" I asked, rubbing my hand up and down her back.

"I'm sorry Cole. I'm so sorry! I'm such a stupid person and i didn't know that my "dad" was a fucking alpha of your most hated pack and i didn't even know he was a werewolf! I'm sorry i got you into this mess. now look at you, you re all bloody and br-" she stopped short and leaned over the bed. She then coughed up blood. A lot of blood.  I hugged her to me as she continued to do so. 

"Whats wrong with her?"  I asked the pack doctor.

"Shes dying,alpha."

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