Can Destiny Be Changed? | A V...

By PrincessSerenity16

144K 3.5K 899

"It all started with a dream...." Lily Adachi, a 17 year old noble vampire hunter was cursed on the day that... More

About the OC
Chapter 1: Dreams
Chapter 2: Voices of the Past
Chapter 3: The Night Class
Chapter 4: It Will All Eventually Return
Chapter 5: Shards of Memories
Chapter 6: The Inconditional Love We Once Shared
Chapter 7: Confessions of Love
Chapter 8: He Returns
Chapter 9: Seeking Forgiveness
Chapter 10: The Stormy Night that Changed Everything
Chapter 11: The Class Trip
Chapter 12: The Island of Our Memories
Chapter 13: Our Passionate Evening in the Moonlight
Chapter 14: Yuuki's Envy
Chapter 15: The Past Returns
Chapter 17: My Feelings Conveyed Through a Song
*Watch Out Guys!*
Chapter 18: The Secret to the Curse
Chapter 19: Hideki's Resolve
Chapter 20: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 21: Going Back in Time
Chapter 22: A Date To Remember
Chapter 23: Blessings
Chapter 24: Shattered Hearts
Chapter 25: Tears of Regret
Chapter 26: A Sticky Situation
Chapter 27: The Mission Begins
Chapter 28: Revelation
Chapter 29: The Blood Moon
Chapter 30: Two Months Later
Chapter 31: The Race for the Scroll
Chapter 32: Yami's Plan
Chapter 33: This is Our Destiny
Chapter 34: Moving Forward
Chapter 35: Together Forever
Epilogue: Here's to Our Future
Thank you!
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Chapter 16: Hidden Feelings

2.7K 78 9
By PrincessSerenity16

*Kaname's PoV*

I heard that Kiryu was going out of control in the woods, so I had to leave the temple and take care of things. I happened to come across someone by the name of Mina, and I sensed that she is the reincarnation of one of the six ancestors so I asked her if she can watch over Lily until she wakes up.

About 15 minutes after I left the temple, the others arrived and shortly after, Lily and Mina arrived as well. Then Lily said something that worried me a bit.

"This will be the last time..." Lily said in a soft voice.

Everyone looked at Lily, confused.

"This will be the last time I will give Zero my blood... I will take away his painful thirst and make sure he never becomes a Level E... My blood has special powers similar to a Pureblood's that can take the thirst away..." Lily said.

Why would she offer her blood to him? And why does it have to be her  blood? Can't someone else's blood satisfy his thirst? Why does it have to be Lily's?

Lily looked at me and she noticed that I was worried, but she smiled.

"Everything's going to be fine. No one needs to worry... For now, let's just end Zero's desperate thirst." She said.

"Hey, Zero. Wake up. Snap out of it." She said as she gently slapped his cheek.

When Kiryu's eyes opened, they glowed red.

"Lily... I need your blood. Please..." He said, begging.

If it weren't for Yuuki, then honestly I would kill Kiryu right here and now for asking my lover for her blood.

"Kaname, be careful! You just created a big hole on the tree!" Ichijo said.

Lily turned around and came up to me, taking both of my hands.

"You don't have to be jealous. It's just giving him some blood to help him so that he won't become a Level E.." She said in a gentle tone.

Then in that case, if Lily's blood has powers similar to a Pureblood's then maybe I should give him some of mine. It's not going to take away his lust for blood, but it will keep him from wanting blood for a long time.

I held Lily's hands even tighter. "I'll give him my blood. I don't want his fangs to touch you ever again." I said.

"But..." She said.

"It's fine." I said, reassuring her with a smile.

"Too bad, Kiryu. You will not take Lily's blood. You are going to have to make due with my blood. Everyone, you may all leave. Lily, can you wait for me back at the beach house? This won't take long." I said to her with a gentle smile.

"Sure..." She said.

I went up to her and gave her the keys to the house. Still holding her hand, I brought her into a passionate kiss. Zero looked at us in disgust, but with a hint of sadness as well.

"Be careful on your way back, ok my love?" I said as I caressed her cheek.

I nodded my head. "I'll see you there, then. And feel better, Zero." She said with a smile.

*Lily's PoV*

I left the woods, walking my way back to the beach house. I really do hope Zero gets better. I do tend to worry about his painful thirst.

Maybe I should stop by the market in town, and buy some groceries to make a nice lunch today. One of the requirements for women in the Adachi family is to know how to cook by the age of 11 in order to cook for their husbands, since many females get married when they turn 12. However in my case it was a bit different since I have to find my eternal soulmate before I turn 18, but even so I was taught to cook at the age of 11.

I'll make him the best home-cooked meal ever! But what should I make him...? As I pondered this, I see some people on a stage worried. Curious, I decided to go up to them and see what the problem was.

"Hey, is everything ok?" I asked, walking up to them.

The man looked at me and whispered to his companions.

"She's a good replacement! She looks the part!" One of them whispered.

"Umm..." I said puzzled.

"Hey, Miss. Can you sing?" One of them said.


"Can you sing this song in front of a crowd for a performance coming up tomorrow? We beg of you. Our singer bailed out on us and we need someone! It's an emergency!" He said worriedly.

I looked at the song and it's titled "Mirai", meaning future. This is the song that I was practicing back at Cross Academy! And this is my chance to sing in front of a crowd!

"Of course! I'll be happy to do it!" I said happily.

"Great! Then it's about 1pm right now, can you come by like at 6pm later to rehearse?"

"Sure!" I said excitedly.

"Thank you so much, Miss...?"

"Lily. Lily Adachi."

"Thank you so much, Miss Lily! You saved our backs. If this was canceled, then everyone in town would be upset. This is a big event for everyone, and the conclusion to the Tengoku Festival. After that there is going to be a formal masquerade ball at the Enjo Mansion, which will reveal the reincarnations of the ancestors and some really good food! I'm pretty excited myself! I'm Hitoshi Sato, I'm the one in charge of the organizing of the performance! It's a pleasure to be working with you." He said.

"Likewise. Well, I have to get going. I need to go and buy some groceries." I said.

"Hehe. Going to cook a meal for your husband?" He said.

I blushed. "Something like that... Anyways, I'll see you later!" I said as I waved my hand up.

Now... To get those groceries. Kaname eats anything, as long as it's delicious. Maybe I'll make a simple ramen this time...

I went to the market and picked up some noodles, cabbage, eggs, carrots, soy sauce and other important ingredients. As I went to the counter to pay for the things, I also saw some mochi ice cream.

Ooo.... That looks good. This could be a great dessert! I then decided to buy some mochi ice cream as well. I wonder if Kaname would eat this... I mean, he's probably used to eating fine foods. But no matter. It's trying something new, right?

I made my way out of the store, and went on my way back to the beach house to make lunch.

When I made my way back, I opened the house and went inside, closing the door. I put my purse on the kitchen table and brought the groceries to the kitchen. I then put the mochi ice cream in the freezer and then took out the things to start cooking.

Now, I have to get this lunch done, and since this is quick I'll finish this in 15 minutes. I'll probably relax with Kaname for a bit, then go to the Enjo mansion for the fitting, then go to run to town and rehearse.

I started humming the song as I began to boil some water and cut the carrots. I was in my own little world as I cooked, until I felt someone's embrace which was very obvious that it was Kaname.

"I'm back." He said.

"Welcome back." I said with a smile.

"You're cooking?" He said.

"Yes. I thought you would like something homemade. It's just simple ramen, but..."

"It's perfect. Anything made by you must be delicious." He said with his usual kind smile.

I blushed.

"It's also nice. I've never seen a vampire hunter cook a meal before." He added.

"Well, we do live a normal life like everyone else it's just that you guys are mostly used to seeing us kill. And speaking of vampire hunters, is Zero ok now?" I said.

"He will be for now. My blood cannot satisfy his thirst forever. I just couldn't let his fangs touch your skin again. I understand that it is to help him, but honestly I could care less what happens to him. He and Itsuki both, falling for you. I know that you no longer love Itsuki, but Kiryu is the one that bothers me." He said in a somewhat jealous tone.

I laughed. "Zero, in love with me? How funny! That's not possible! I've never even noticed that once!"

"It's true. He even told me himself." He said.

As soon as I finished putting the ingredients in the boiling water, I turned around with my eyes widened.

"Zero has feelings for me? That's preposterous. I never have heard that once."

"Well, he didn't hesitate at all when he told me his feelings for you. He stated, "I love Lily. And I don't care if you are her lover or whatever, you can't change my feelings either way." It angered me so much, up to the point that I almost, just almost killed him."

To comfort him, I hugged him. "I've told you this many times, and I'm going to say it to you again. I love you, and I'm never going to leave you for another man. You're my one and only, Kaname. So don't feel jealous or angry when I offer my blood to Zero, because it's just to help him so he won't be in pain." I said in a soft, comforting tone.

"To us vampires, taking one's blood is considered intimate... That's why it angers me that he wants your blood. And to top all of that, he loves you."

I didn't know that that was something intimate... No wonder Kaname sounded angry when Zero was begging for my blood..

"I'm sorry, Kaname. I didn't know..." I said.

He kissed me in the cheek and embraced me a little more tighter.

"It's fine... You didn't know, so it's ok. It's just sad that I cannot bite you... Your blood is just so enticing, I cannot help myself. If I wasn't born a Pureblood, then I could have.." However, I interrupted him there.

"I know. But that won't be possible. That is the only thing that I'll say no to you. I don't ever want to become a vampire. Unless it's absolutely necessary. I want to live my life as a normal human being. And plus, my grandfather, my parents... They would shame me for life, and possibly even disown me...."

"Disown you? They wouldn't go as far as that..."

"Yes, they would. My parents approve of the coexistence, but they wouldn't want to have a vampire in the family. It's just so sad that after these 9,000 years, nothing has changed. People still hate vampires and quickly think that they are monsters." I said as I began to pour the ramen into two bowls, and then starting to add the top ingredients.

"But speaking positively, at least there are some humans that are fine with vampires now, Things weren't like that 9,000 years ago so there is some progress that we made during those times." Kaname said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said.

There are people that are fine with vampires coexisting with us humans. Yuuki, the Headmaster, my parents, Itsuki's family, and my siblings and I. So maybe things have slightly changed.

"Ah, yes. I forgot to ask. So you remember everything? Your past as Kira Adachi?"

"Yes, but that doesn't change anything. I'm still Lily, and am going to continue to be the person that I am today."

I then put the seaweed on the side. There, all set...

"I love the person you are today.... Nothing about you doesn't even need to be changed at all." He said.


He quickly brought his lips into mine, bringing his tongue in as he kissed me.

"Mm...!" My eyes widened at his surprise passionate kiss, but then I ended up giving in into it, slowly closing my eyes.

He stepped me back to the long tan-colored couch in the living room without stopping the kiss, and the both of us ended up falling into the couch, him hovering over me still going at it. This is the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced...

"Can I have you instead?" He said, his eyes glowing red.

I can't... I mean, I would want to but..

"Ummm..." I don't know what to say.

He then chuckled.

"Hehe...I'm just teasing you, my love. I know we have things to do later." He said as he sat up from the couch, his eyes back to normal.

"Kaname don't do that! That's not good for my heart..." I pouted.

"I apologize, but I couldn't help but tease you. You were just so defenseless, I couldn't help myself..." He said smirking.

"Not only do we have to go to the Enjo mansion later, but I also have to go to town and rehearse a song that I'm going to perform for the people of the town during tomorrow's festival." I said.

Kaname's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's great, Lily!" He said, smiling.

"Yeah... The singer bailed out on them and I was curious enough to go up to them, since it looked like they were worried, and they asked me to perform!" I said happily.

"What is the song called?" He asked curiously.

"It's called Mirai. It's actually a song that I was practicing at singing class, so I should be fine!" I said happily.

He smiled. "Then I'll be watching you from the audience, hearing your beautiful voice echo from the stage." He said.

"Hehe... Thanks. Well, we should go and eat before the ramen gets cold." I said.

"Yes, you're right." He said.

We both got up from the couch and made our way to the table. I got the two bowls of ramen and brought them to the circle shaped table.

"Lunch is served! I hope you like it..." I said a bit nervously.

"Itadakimasu." We both said as we got our spoons.

I looked over at Kaname as he took the first slurp.

"Umm.. How does it taste?"

He smiled. "It's very delicious. The flavors and the texture. If you were my wife, I would be looking forward to your meals every day."

I blushed when he stated that if I were his wife. I end up picturing our special day. But I don't know if it's even going to be possible. Unfortunately, my grandfather Hideki Adachi is the one who approves or declines marriages in our family. He hates vampires, so he won't approve of our marriage. That is a fact.

I blushed, however thinking of us as husband and wife.

"I would look forward to welcoming you home as well." I said, smiling.

*after dinner*

Kaname and I went for a walk on the beach holding hands while I walked barefoot, carrying my shoes.

"You continue to love to walk barefoot, don't you?" He said.

"Hehe, yes I do. I like to feel the softness of the sand through my toes. You should try it sometime." I said.

"All right then, I'll do that." He said.

"Huh?" I said in a questioned tone.

He took off his shoes and started to play with the sand with his feet. This is kind of refreshing... I've never seen Kaname do these kind of these things.

"It really does feel nice. The sand is really soft..." He said in a satisfied tone.

I then made my way to the shore of the water and put my feet in the lukewarm water. It feels so nice..

"Kaname, come here! The water's great!" I said, calling out to him.

"Hehe... You look like a little child playing in the water." He said with a small laugh.

"Mou... Come on!" I said, pulling his hand closer.

"All right, all right..." He said.

When a wave pulled ashore, it pulled me, however Kaname ended up catching me with his quick instincts.

"Be careful there.. I have to keep an eye on you, or you would have gotten wet there."

"Sorry... I can be such a klutz sometimes..." I said as we walked away from the beach waves.

"That doesn't bother me. One of the other things I love about you is your klutziness as well." He said giving me a peck on the lips.

I smiled happily, and the both of us continued walking through the shore of the beach before going to the Enjo mansion for our fitting.

*Hanabusa's PoV*

"This would look great on you, Aido!" Seira said as she picked out a blue tie.

Seira and her siblings ended up getting invited to go to a masquerade ball after the festival and she invited me to be her date... I feel happy that she picked me, but she might have just asked me since I'm her partner. Recently, I've seen Seira in a different light. Something within me changed when I got to know her. She's actually very outgoing, cheerful and kind. But at the same time, I feel like I don't deserve to be with someone as kind as her and I don't think she feels the same... Anyways, I can't be with someone that is from the light... My loyalty is to Lord Kaname...

But I can't deny the fact that I'm beginning to see her as a woman...

"Helloooo? Earth to Aidooo!" She said, getting me out of my trance.

"Sorry..." I laughed. "Yeah, yeah! It looks awesome for a genius like me!" I said proudly.

She sighed. "There he goes again...Anyways, I'll buy it for you for tomorrow's ball!" She said happily, scurrying to the register.

I sighed. "You don't have to. I can get it myse-"

She then cut my words.

"Nope! Just consider it as a special present from me! Don't worry about it!" She said with a warm smile.

When we made it up to the counter, Seira paid for the tie and and the cashier smiled at us.

"That's so sweet of you, Miss! Buying something for your husband?" She said with a smile.

"N-no! He's not my husband! W-we are just friends..." She said nervously.

I sense her heartbeat is speeding up... I couldn't help but blush either.

"How cute... You're both denying it! It's fine if you don't want to say it. There are some couples that don't like to show public affections. But that's fine." The cashier said cheerfully.

"N-no! Really... We aren't." She said.

I took her hand. "Let's go." I said.

"Come again!" The cashier said happily.

We made it outside, and the sun began to set.

"Sorry about that, Aido. Here in the Ishigaki Islands, if they see a woman my age with a man they immediately think we're married."

"Really, but you're like 15, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, but you see in my family when you turn 12 you get married based on either an arranged marriage or you have the option to pick. For me, the reason I'm not with anyone is because I've been holding it off. I want to spend more time with Lily more than someone special right now. Time is running out, and I just want to spend the time left with her."

"What are you talking about? Lily is fine and happy with Lord Kaname, right? You don't need to worry about her." I said.

*Seira's PoV*

"Lily is fine and happy with Lord Kaname, right? You don't need to worry about her." Hanabusa said.

I wish I didn't have to... But I don't even know if Kaname is truly the one. I thought that Itsuki was truly her eternal soulmate, and look what happened! I have to think if Kaname isn't Lily's eternal soulmate, then she will leave this world eventually... But I don't want to lose Lily... She's the one that's always been there for me, no matter what happened...

"It's just something you wouldn't understand, Aido..." I said as a shadow overcame my bangs.

"Then tell me, what's bothering you. You can..."

"No. I can't tell you. Or anyone.... Because I promised Lily..." She said.

I can't tell him Lily's situation... Only Kaname, Itsuki, Daisuke, Hiroki, and the Headmaster know...

"Oh..." He said.

"I'm sorry..." I said as I turned around. "It's not that I don't trust you, Aido. It's just that I promised Lily I wouldn't tell anyone... Please forgive me." 

"You don't need to say that, Seira! You kept a promise to your sister. It's fine." He said, trying to reassure me.

I smiled. "Then shall we go back to the hotel? We need to prepare for tomorrow's festival." 

"Yeah, let's go.." He said with a small smile.

*Lily's PoV*

After relaxing ourselves for a bit at the beach, Kaname and I made our way to the Enjo mansion for the fitting. A small carriage picked us up at the front of the beach house, and we got in.

We sat across from each other on our way there. Something then came to mind. Where is the Golden Artemis? I mean, I used it only a few times to defeat the Ayakashis, which were also a growing problem as well...

"Kaname... Something has come to my mind."

"And what is that, my dear?"

"What happened to Golden Artemis? After that time... after I died... It was with me."

"Ah yes, now I realized that I think I have it back in my room in the Kuran Manor. When I looked at it, something told me that the owner of it was someone special to me.. And it turned out to be you, the girl that appeared in my dreams..."

I smiled. "Really... Well, that's nice to know."

"I can give it back to you if you'd like. You are its original owner." He said.

"Well, there's no Ayakashi anymore. But it was a gift from you, so I wouldn't mind getting it back. " I said, giggling.

"But it has many other uses, however. It doesn't serve to kill just Ayakashi, but to kill any vampire especially a Pureblood with just one slash. You can use it to end Shizuka's life. It's a very powerful weapon that I created 9,000 years ago. The vampire hunter gun that you have works well, but the Golden Artemis carries even more powers." He stated.

"I didn't know that... You told me that it served to kill Ayakashis." I said.

"Well, it seems like I forgot to tell you the other things it was capable of because of you. You wanted to cuddle with me that night, and then you decided to take things to a higher level that night, so I couldn't tell you the rest.. You were such a naughty girl, trying to make a move on me like that..." He said with a smirk.

I blushed fiercely. Honestly, when I think to myself from the past I think how I can't make those advances today. Last night when Kaname and I became one he was the one who started it, not me.

"I don't know how I did that.... "

"It's been 9,000 years. Should I review what you did to turn me on?" He said, moving his hand up and down my thigh.

"Kaname, stop teasing me...And we are in a carriage for goodness sakes! There's someone there! " I said nervously, whispering.

"It doesn't matter... If you really wanted to, you can just put up a sound barrier, and he wouldn't hear you..." He said, smirking.

I then saw that the Enjo mansion was ahead of us. I'll just take this opportunity to change the subject.

"Look, Kaname! There it is!" I said cheerfully.

He looked there, and sighed.

*Kazuki's PoV*

Hiromi and I were walking to the location where the Level E's were spotted. It was in a very dark and desolate forest.

"Level E's in this area? How can that even be possible? They usually are in places where there are people to take blood from..." Hiromi said, carrying her sword.

"I don't know... But this is suspicious to me..." I said, looking around.

Then Level E's started attacking us from all places and we began taking them down, one by one. This is weird. How can there be a horde of Level E's in these woods?

"What is this? This isn't normal to be having so many Level E's here! They must be following the orders of their Pureblood leader!" Hiromi said.

After we defeated all the Level E's, a man's voice was heard.

"That's right, Hiromi Adachi." A man with two different color eyes came out from the shadows, an evil smirk on his face.

"You're... Rido Kuran!" I said.

"That's right... I was finally able to rest and awaken even without Kuran blood! Another Pureblood gave me their blood and it was the same effect! I'm here to get your daughter, the reincarnation of Kira Adachi. She carries blood that smells delicious... Her blood is part of the reason that I have awakened. But I'm also here get my beloved Juri's blood as well. Both their bloods brought together will give me even more power!"

"I will not let you touch my daughter, you monster!" I said angrily.

"I don't think you should mess with an hungry vampire like me." He said, getting closer to us with an evil smile. We prepared our weapons to fight him....

                                            ~I'll show you a sweet dream next night~

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