Make Me Fall

By xXMade2LoveXx

62.3K 2.3K 423

Autumn Rose Turner was adopted. She doesn't know who her birth parents are, but she does know that her adopti... More

1. Me
2. Him
3. Her
4. Yuletide
5. He's Back
6. Family
7. OWLs
8. A Question of Blood
9. Subtle Threats
10. Poor
11. The Note
12. Quidd- Ouch!
13. Hospital
14. Boys, boys, boys.
15. Detention!
16. Snape Lets Slip
17. Emeralds and Rubies
19. Christmas Day
20. Goodbye Hogwarts
21. Branded for Life
22. Locked Away
23. Taking Sides
24. Draco's Birthday
25. My Birthday
26. ... Something Blue
27. Wedding Bells
28. Back to Reality
29. The Double Agent
30. Little Sisters
31. Deadly Secrets
32. Anniversary
33. Safehouse
34. Resolutions
35. Back To School
36. Hogwarts Isn't Home
37. Kidnap
38. Christmas At Saumarez
39. Resistance
40. Malfoy Manor
41. Divided Alliances
42. The Beginning of The End
43. The Battle of Hogwarts
44. Nineteen Years Later

18. Home Again

1.3K 53 6
By xXMade2LoveXx

Hermione fell asleep. I drew a moustache on her.

We're just arriving on the outskirts of London, so we should be there in about fifteen minutes. We should get changed out of our school robes. I don't know why I even bothered to put them on. I'm so tired that I'm tempted to curl up on top of Hermione and fall asleep. I still have to take the bus home because Mum and Dad are working. Well, Dad is. Mum's taking care of the kids. Ah well.

"Oi," I nudge Hermione with my foot. She jerks awake and wipes a trail of drool from her mouth.

"We're nearly there," I say, pulling my trunk down and taking out the dark purple robes I put on top to wear home. Hermione gets up and stretches. She pulls out a sweater and jeans.

"How come you always wear robes?" she asks.

"Mum and Dad prefer it," I shrug, pulling them on, "I sometimes get away with muggle clothing around the house, but never when I can be seen. They don't like the image it presents."

"Do you have a lot of robes?" she asks, "are they all dark?"

"Nah," I shake my head, "robes are like t-shirts. They come in all different colours and styles. During the summer I'll take you shopping."

"Will your parents let you?" she asks dryly. I cringe.

"Come to think of it, probably not," I admit, "but, they don't have to know."

Hermione grins and closes her trunk.

"So, how're you getting home?"

"Bus," I groan, "you?"

"Same," she grins.

We drag our stuff off the train and line up to go through the barrier. It's freezing and I shiver as we walk outside into the snow.

"At least it's a white Christmas," Hermione says, her teeth chattering.

"I like it better when I'm inside with hot chocolate," I mutter, flinging my right arm out. There's a bang and the bus pulls up.

"Good evening, I am-"

"Yeah, can we get on? It's freezing," I say, handing the guy my trunk. I climb up and fish out a handful of sickles. Hermione is fishing through her purse.

"I got it," I tell her, handing the money to the conductor.

"Oh, thanks," she says.

"So, where to?" the conductor asks.

"Grimald place," Hermione says.

"West end," I say.

We sit down on a bed and hold onto the posts as it slides around.

"So, the Weasleys live in London?" I ask as the bed swings around.

"No, we're staying at a mutual friend's house," she says, "they live a bit out of London."

"Where'd they go the last couple of- AH! Days?" I straighten up and hold on tighter.

"Don't know," Hermione says, "will probably find out toni- OUCH!"

"West end," the conductor calls out.

"Thank God," I sigh, "have a good Christmas. See you in a couple of weeks."

I stagger off the bus. My trunk is thrown off after me and the bus disappears. I grab my trunk and drag it down the street to our house. I unlock the door, not wanting to knock incase I wake the kids. I walk in and stomp the snow off my shoes. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and Mum appears.

"Oh, darling!" she cries, running down. She's holding Sophia. Mum puts an arm out and I smile, going for a hug.

She hands Sophia to me.

"Could you put her to bed?" Mum asks, "and the other girls? I'm just exhausted."

"No problem," I smile.

I carry Sophia upstairs where the other four are still up, running around. Tori is still in her day clothes, not bathed and Sarah and Drew are running around in the nude. I'm surprised they're not frozen to death. Jessica is in her pyjamas, jumping on the bed.

"Sissy!" Tori squeals, throwing herself at my legs. Sarah and Drew start screaming and trying to climb me. Jessica just screams.

"Whoa, guys, guys, hush," I say, pushing them off me, "let me put Soph down to sleep."

I walk into Sophia's room and pull back the blankets. She's dozing on my shoulder, obviously exhausted. I put her down and she's asleep before her head hits the pillow. I brush her soft, blonde hair off her forehead and give her a kiss. She's adorable.

Now to deal with the rest of them.

It takes nearly an hour and a half, but I finally get them all to sleep. I drag myself downstairs to find Mum. She's sitting in the kitchen, reading the paper with a glass of brandy.

"There's some dinner on the stove," she says absent mindedly. I get a glass of milk and sit opposite her.

"So, what happened with the kids?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"The nanny left early," she says.

"Nanny?" I ask.

"Mm, she comes every day from seven until bed time."

"What do you do during the day?" I ask. She looks up at me.

"I run the house hold," she says, "I have to manage the house elves and the nanny. And not to mention all of the social affairs to plan."

Oh, my God. My mother is insane.

I finish my glass of milk and put it in the sink.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Nice to see you," I say, walking out. I take my trunk upstairs and unlock my bedroom door. I have to keep it locked to the kids don't get in here. It's my little bit of space. The fire is blazing, thanks to either Linny or Kappy, our house elves. The whole room feels like a warm bath. Speaking of warm baths, I walk into my en suite and lo and behold, there's a hot bath, bubbles included, waiting for me with a pile of towels on the warmer and my favourite Christmas pyjamas laid out.

Half an hour later I emerge from the bathroom, my hair in a towel in my big, fluffy dressing gown and slippers on. On my desk is a cup of hot chocolate with THREE marshmellows and a plate of cookies. I have my snack, then climb into my warm bed and snuggle down. I am perfectly happy.





I roll over, my towel loose and falling over my face. I check the time. It's six-fifty-five. WHY?! It's the holidays!

I get out of bed and pull my hair into a ponytail. The kids are pounding on my door. I pull on my dressing gown and crack open the door. As soon as I do they all push in, Sophia following on her hands and knees. I pick her up and turn to find Tori jumping on my bed while Jessica ferrets in my wardrobe and Sarah and Drew go through my drawers.

"OI!" I yell. Sophia starts to cry and the others all stare at me.

"Out," I tell them, pointing at the door.

"But we want to play!"

"Can we dress up in your clothes?"

I close my eyes and pat Sophia on the back, hoping she'll stop crying. I didn't mean to yell so loudly.

"I'll count to three," I tell them all, "and if you're not out of my room... One. Two. Thr-"

They all make a mad dash for the door and stand right outside it.

"This is my room," I tell them, "it's out of bounds."

I set out and lock the door behind me.

"Come on," I tell them, ushering them downstairs. As we reach the lower level a girl comes in through the door. She looks about nineteen.

"Hi," she says, "I'm the nanny, Josie. You must be Autumn."

"Nice to meet you," I say, shaking her hand. Sophia pulls out of my arms and grabs onto Josie, who takes her.

"Sorry, did they wake you?" she asks, "you go back to bed, I'll take them out for a while. Come on, girls, let's go."

They all follow her obediantly upstairs. If Mum or Dad ever said that there'd be a full scale riot.

I go back upstairs, but I know I won't get back to sleep. I wish I was spending the holidays with Hermione and the Weasleys. I'll have to talk to Mum and Dad about my parents this morning. I'll just come right out and ask them.

Breakfast is at eight, as usual. Josie has taken the girls to the park to have their breakfast and play, so it's just Mum, Dad and I. Perfect. We're sitting in the dining room, clustered at one end of the table, eating sausages, eggs, bacon and pancakes.

"Mum, Dad," I say. Mum is pouring over a notebook, making notes and checking things off and Dad has his nose buried in the paper.

"Mum? Dad?" I try again, louder. Mum glances at me for less than a second. Okay, third time lucky.


"What?" Dad frowns, putting his newspaper down. Mum sighs and looks up at me.

"Did you adopt me from the Potters after the Dark Lord killed them?" I ask. Both of their mouths fall open.

"What? Who... Where... Why would ask such a thing?" Mum splutters. Dad flicks his wand, causing the curtains and doors to close.

"Who told you this?" Dad demands. I blush.

"Just someone at school."


I've never seen Dad so angry. It's scary.

"Professor Snape," I admit, "it sort of slipped out."

"Severus," Dad snarls, "dammit."

"So, it's true?" I ask, "you did?"

"We can't let this get out," Mum says, "if the Dark Lord hears of this..."

"I know," Dad says, running his hand over his face, "I know... Autumn, go to your room."



I drag my feet upstairs. This wasn't how I pictured it at all.

Mum and Dad kept me locked up in my room all week. I haven't been allowed to go Christmas shopping or anything. They'll have to let me go to the Christmas party at the Malfoy's, though. They said that we're having a very important conversation with them. I wonder what's going on. Ah well, tomorrow is Christmas! Nothing can ruin Christmas.

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