'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

Af ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... Mere

I Miss Her.....
Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....
Return To Thee.....

Reality Sinks In.....

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Af ElleMiglioranza

Siena P.O.V

I still couldn't get over it that Damon actually agree to turn me to be honest when told him my reason I thought he would of thought they were lame. But Damon Salvatore had stunned me once again. I couldn't help but smile I was going to literally spend my whole existence with the man who I knew I could never live without. Reality sunk in how could I be happy about turning myself into some immortal vampire where my Nico out there somewhere. What kind of mother I'm to be thinking about myself before I find my own son; guilt began to overwhelm me. As how could I be so freaking selfish.

"Bella what wrong?" Damon asked looking down at me.

"I just feel like a terrible mom. Look at me wanting immortality while our son...." Damon cut me off.

"While I was out I went to see Tia Dalma and she getting close princess we are going to have our son back to us soon" He began to stroke my cheek "You're not a terrible mom. I don't ever want to hear you say that again" His tone was firm as he spoke but that how I felt. I didn't deserve to be a mom, what kind of mom would put their child life in danger "Siena" Damon snapped me out of my thoughts "I don't want you to say that again!" I nodded he flipped me over so I was on top of him "Hey everything going to be ok. We are good place and in a few days we going to have Nico back. Our lives are getting back on track Bella" He cupped my face and pulled me towards him and kissed me. Damon made everything all sound so perfect that but will it all turn out like that?

The following day Damon and I left New York it felt a little harder this time to say bye to my mom and dad I don't know if it was because of what happened while I was here but I was really going to miss them. My mom brought up about talking to Elena again I didn't really want to have this discussion with her again but my mom stubborn. All I told her is that I would try.

The drive to Mystic Falls was a daunting knowing I was going back there after everything that had happened. I know Damon knows about what I did to Bonnie but I'm worried about everyone else reaction to it all. I wanted to talk to him about it all but I couldn't bring myself round to say it, they all going to hate me and I might as well accept that now. Then there was Elena she will probably look at it like an eye or an eye that I killed her best friend because she killed mine. It wasn't about that. I kept on trying to remember that night and all I would get is little flash backs all I remember that I felt rage because of them taking Nico from me, and that it. I don't even know what I did to Bonnie no matter how hard I tried that part would never come to me.

I looked up and saw the sign for Mystic Falls we were finally here and I don't know if I'm ready for any of this. I felt Damon hold my hand I looked at him.

"We are home" He made it all sound normal I turned away from him "Hey!" He suddenly stopped me car and he turn my face so I was looking at him "Princess what's wrong?" I took in a deep breathe.

"Do they all know what I did to Bonnie?" Damon face soften he rubbed my check with his thumb.

"Is that why you've been so quite the whole way?" I nodded my head "The only people know is Jeremy and I, Bonnie don't want anyone to know yet" It wasn't just Elena there was Caroline, Matt that lost her but also her family. Oh my god I' m evil I've killed the mayor daughter "We are going to work through this as a couple Siena" I sighed and nodded he started up the engine and drove into Mystic falls. Nothing had changed everything looked the same. Damon parked up the car I looked around and the house was still standing. He had warn me that Elena and Jeremy were staying here, there weren't much I could do or say about it all. I got out of the car and so did Damon he gave me a small smile and walked over to the trunk of the car, he grabbed out case and I walked over to him.

"Home sweet home. Princess" He leaned in and kissed me gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Suddenly I was swept off my feet and laying on something soft. I opened my eyes Damon was hovering over me I looked around and we were in the parlour.

"You couldn't even wait to take me up the bedroom?" I teased as he began to kiss along my neck; I wrapped my legs around his waist drawing him closer to me. Our kisses became more intense I began to unbutton Damon shirt while he took off my jacket. I wanted him so much right now it was like my desire for Damon was like a burning inferno.

"Well it nice to see the happy couple back" Damon and I moved apart and Jeremy stood there with a little grin on his face while Elena standing beside him, looking a little upset.

"Looks like the kids are home" Damon joked he moved off me and I sat up trying to fix myself

"Hey Siena how are you feeling?" Jeremy asked with concern I looked up, he knew about my guilty secret.

"Yeah I'm better" I looked over at Elena who appeared to look nervous. My mom was right I couldn't continue like this with Elena something had to give "Elena can you and I talk?" Elena nods, Damon looked at me and I gave him a reassuring look. We walked out into the garden, I turned to her "So how your summer?" I thought this would of been easier but it was harder than I thought to have a conversation with her I didn't know what to really say to her after everything that gone on with us.

"It's good, Jeremy's back and Bonnie's off traveling. How are you?" hearing about Bonnie travelling made my stomach churn, I couldn't do this and pretend like nothing happened any more. I need to make myself clear with Elena once and for all.

"Look Elena I know your off to Whitmore in a few days but I want to get a few things clear" I looked into her eyes "You have to stop this obsession with Damon, it getting ridiculous now. Damon and I are more soiled than ever I'm not going to let you come between us anymore" I know I sounded a little harsh telling her that but I couldn't do it anymore. I wasn't going to let Elena come between us anymore.

"I know it's hard Siena I love him and I understand that he is your husband. I can't control the way I feel about him" I need to keep my cool I can't flip out over this need to be calm.

"Yes Elena my husband" I felt my voice rising I took in a deep breathe "Can you answer me something? You're in love with Damon. Where do you even see it going? I mean I'm really interested to know" I didn't get it because end of the day Damon was with me, he married me, he chosen me so many times over Elena I just don't understand what she getting out of this.

"Siena he loved me once I can make him love me again" Elena eyes widen as she realized what she had just said. Keep it all under control remember Damon with you he proven that it will always be you. I swear Elena had been drink some bad blood or something since she turned because it causing her brain damage.

"You think you can do that?" I extended my arm towards the house "Be my guest go in there and get Damon to love you again" I'm not going to stop her from doing anything anymore if she thinks that she can get Damon to love her again. Then who I'm to stop her.

"Siena I know that Damon said that he will always love you but we met first. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I love him Siena and I'm not giving up on him. Even if it means that I lose you as a sisters" Wow she really wasn't giving up she didn't care about us being sister and what that meant to her. Elena really thought of Damon as her true love.

"Then go in there work your magic Elena. Use your seduction methods, go all out I'm not going to stop you" Elena stood there frowning she really expected me to flip out at her right now. I'm not going to go down that route with the way I've been lately I will end up killing her.

"Damon made it pretty clear that his in love with you over the months Siena. You want to know what I think? Damon settle for second best. He only hooked up with you as a distraction. I'm gonna make Damon love me" She raised her voice slightly, well Elena had changed while I've been gone.

"Wow Elena you've actually built yourself a backbone. I'm impressed" I began to approach her slowly and Elena looked at me with a little fear in her eyes "I mean your immortal Elena you have all eternity to win Damon heart, I'm mean what 60 odd years of waiting around for him" She looked down to the floor "It's nothing for a vampire as time is all you have" It was true that all a vampire had time years roll in and out.

"Your right Siena your human and in a couple years, months or weeks you'll be dead. When Damon's gonna need rant and support I'm going to be that girl to help him cause I can be there for him. Unfortunately you can't as your just a mere mortal" I stepped forward I couldn't help but smile at her I could tell Elena was waiting for a reaction from me.

"Here a News Flash for you Elena, Damon going to turn me....." I couldn't help but boast about it Elena jaw dropped "So it won't be a matter of weeks, months or years of waiting, because Damon and I will be together for all eternity. Like you stated Damon will always love me" I smiled at her sweetly, Elena began to shake her head in disbelief.

"Damon would never do that I know him and Damon wouldn't dare to hurt you. Yet turn you into a vampire" I could see anger filling up in her face. I really did touch a nerve with my little sister.

"Oh really..... well he was fine drinking from me, and the fact he don't want to live without me, I think Damon has overcome the fact of hurting me" I tilted my head to one side "Now that true love Elena not be able to live without person who you cherish most in the world" She stood there speechless that was the last thing she thought she would ever hear the fact that I will be around all eternity.

"You think that telling me this is gonna stop me Siena it's not! When you love someone you don't give up on them and I'm not giving up whether you're a vampire or a human. When you're a vampire you think Damon's going to look at you the same way? I was in your place with Stefan and me being a vampire broke us apart" See the thing is I know who I'm and I'm not confused about who I love and who I want to be with. Damon has seen a change in me over the last two years I wasn't that Siena he met in the grill but as time went on he fell in love with me more and more. Him turning me will bring us closer together no further apart if Damon felt that him turning me would drift us apart then he would of said. His only fear was that I'm not human and he was afraid of what would happened to me.

"Elena, Elena you changed because you were never true to yourself" I began to chuckle "You see I think it has something to do with that Petrova bloodline. I mean there was Katherine who played both brothers and then came along sweet Elena who did the same" Elena began to clench her jaw she hated when I referred her to Katherine "You and Stefan broke apart because you claimed to be in love with his brother. Do you recall being sired to Damon ass?? You know Elena you're going to end up just as lonely as Katherine Pierce" I thought I'll stick the knife in a little further.

"Actually Siena I'm no Katherine Pierce didn't play with both brothers at the same time even though I was sired to him. The sire bond was broken. A sire bond only worked if I had feelings for him before I turned. I'm no Katherine Siena" She really didn't get it she had feeling for Damon while she was with Stefan to me that's a page from the Katherine Pierce playbook. "I'm not going to end up being lonely Siena cause Damon was there with me for everything that I needed him for, he would come to me first to help me. He may say he's I love with you but that will change" I couldn't help but laugh at her, she really wanted to rise out of me the thing Elena has forgotten is that I can rip her into shreds.

"You're claiming to be no Katherine, BUT you did play both brothers" I told her in a duh tone "Elena you played them both just admit it...." I glanced over her shoulder and I saw Damon standing on the porch looking over at us. Well I'm sure he loving all this "You know your right Damon had been there for you. He helped you through a difficult time and you know what. I'm grateful he did that because as much as we both hate the idea we are sister and he did that because YOU ARE MY SISTER" Elena began to run her hands through her hair "Look his over there right now Elena" She turned her head and glanced at him then back to me "Go on Elena I told you I'm not stopping you" she looked away from me you could see the rage building up in her face.

"I'm not Katherine! I didn't play with them at the same time. You want me to show that I can make Damon love me again, even if it means losing you Siena" Damon standing there with no expression on his face, Elena turn back to me 'Temper Siena keep it under control'.

"You lost me a long time ago Elena so it wouldn't make a difference" I took a step back from her "The reason I'm telling you to do it Elena because I would find it entertaining to see you try" I glanced over at Damon and he gave me the 'what the fuck look "Because you can try and try but you will always fail...... you don't hold Damon heart anymore I do and I'm sorry Elena you need to come to terms with that" I clicked my tongue "Your clearly deluded with everything so don't worry about a thing. I'll called the guys at the local asylum there more than happy to put you up" I told her in a teasing tone, fury spread through Elena face from that comment, but she really did need checking in because her behaviour was irrational. I don't know why she don't give up and we both move on from all of this somehow.

"Don't talk to me like that Siena you have no right whatsoever!! Your the one that needs to go to the local asylum I didn't lose my memory of the last 8 months of my life. My best friend isn't dead unlike yours and I'm not going to stop until I have that man's heart" I felt like I was going to explode it weren't to the fact that she was determined to steal my husband from me it was the fact she brought Blair up. I walked towards her as she stepped back

"Would you like to remind me who killed my best friend? You see with having my mind wiped I kind of forgot who" I kept advancing towards her as she kept going back. Elena all good giving the mouth but she knew not to mess with me right now "You see it must be pesky dimidium sanguinis thing I tend to black out" I flicked my hand and blue ball flame appeared I held it so Elena could see "I've learnt a few tricks while being away. So are you going to remind me?" I threaten her Elena had over stepped the mark with me right now, and I was finding it so hard to keep myself under control.

"I'm a vampire I'm not scared off you Siena not anymore your giving me the chance so I can make Damon love me again. Watch and learn" With that she speed over to Damon and kisses him passionately but he couldn't move as I put a barrier around him so he didn't intervene between out argument. I didn't even need to touch her I flicked my hand and ripped her off Damon she laid on the floor looking up at me.

"Bravo Elena I'm impressed" She was trying to move but couldn't I crouched down beside her

"As much as I love two women fighting over me, this has to stop the both of you" Damon shouted "What the hell have you done? Why can't I move?" Great now Damon was getting mad at me, I dropped the barrier around him

"You're a vampire granted Elena, and I think it sweet that your trying to be all big and brave.... But you forgot to mention to me who killed Blair" Suddenly Damon moved me away from Elena.

"Hey I think sister playtime over" He turned to Elena who was still on the floor unable to move "Princess will you let your sister go please" I sighed and I stopped hold Elena down, she got up slowly and with caution all I wanted to have a normal conversation with her. I didn't want to end up in a death match. I know my mom said family always comes first but I think whatever Elena and I ever had is well and truly gone there nothing left to save.

Jeremy P.O.V

It feel s so weird to be back and I mean I had been dead for months watching over my sister with her humanity off completely screw things up. What hurt the most to watch was everything that she did to Siena she didn't deserve any of that. But I could see from the other side that Siena had begun to change. I heard a lot of whispers on the other side saying that she was getting consumed by the darkness, and when I witness what happened that night when she completely lost control of her powers and nearly killed Elena. From that moment I knew they may have been right. Even though all of that had happened and Siena had sworn she had turn her back on Elena, she did the one thing that after everything that had been said and done Siena got Elena humanity turn back on. Watching that moment there I couldn't believe that Siena had been taken over by darkness, I refused to believe it I considered Siena as a sister and she brought our sister back from the depth of hell and I wouldn't even know where to start to thank her for that.

So Bonnie and Siena brought down the veil which was great I finally got the opportunity to say that goodbye to Elena. But it didn't turn out like that Siena was in a state because the witches had taken her son and she was broken. Then you had Damon who was a dick and got himself infected with werewolf venom which made everything even worse. My last day with them all and everything was falling apart. Well I thought all of that was bad but it was nothing compared to what I heard when I went to see Bonnie. She had kissed me and I felt a strange sensation over me she had told me that she had brought me back and that it weren't my time. When I went to touch her and my hand went right through her, she had told me that Siena had lost control after hearing that Nico had been taken and Bonnie wouldn't tell her where they take him so Siena had killed her. I couldn't believe it I was trying to make sense of it in my mind and I couldn't. Bonnie didn't blame Siena for any of it her only concern for Siena right now was the fact that something dark had taken over her.

I need to let Damon know about it all so made my way back to the boarding house, Damon looked pretty upset he gave me the whole don't make yourself at home speech. Which I expected from him. I had told him that I'm back for good and I had to tell him the hardest thing I've ever had to do that Siena had killed Bonnie of course he flipped out. I tried to calm him down Damon looked really stunned and hurt by it all. I think in his mind he couldn't see Siena killing anyone, after that night he had become withdrawn. Elena kept trying to talk to him but he kept brushing her off.

We went weeks without seeing Damon then suddenly we walked on Damon and Siena making out on the couch, most people would feel anger towards Siena but talking to Bonnie over the summer she made me see things in a different light about everything. I was actually happy to see her but the look in Siena eyes were filled with guilt. Damon must have told her that I knew about it. Siena had asked to speak to Elena and they both walked off outside, maybe they could put their differences to one side and become the sister that they used to be.

Damon was really on edge of course he was listening to their conversation and from what I saw from the window the body language from the both of them wasn't good. I don't think Siena and Elena can ever move on from this and the fact that Elena declared her love for Damon really weren't making things any easier.

I left the house before it got anymore messy Damon will be able to deal with the both of them. I met Bonnie in the town square we did this a lot as I was her form of communication to everyone. I sent postcards to her dad and emails to Elena and Caroline so it didn't become spurious. They all thought that Bonnie was travelling with her mom I opened the most recent email from Elena.

Hey Bonnie,

How is the summer almost over, and yet I feel like I got nothing done? Sounds like you're having fun traveling with your mom. I still don't know how I'm supposed to do this whole college thing without you. And Caroline agrees; she spent the whole summer designing the colour palette for our dorm room, while Tyler's been away helping some wolf pack in Tennessee.

Matt and Rebekah have been sending postcards. I think they're in Amsterdam now... or was it Prague? I can't keep track, and honestly, I'm not sure I really want to know. Anyway, I can't wait to see you. When do you get back?

Love, Elena.

"Dear Elena..." I said out loud it felt weird for me to be replying back to my sister. I was only writing what Bonnie told me to write.

"Wait, don't start with 'dear'" I turned to her.

"It's bad enough you're dead - now you're a control freak?" Bonnie began to chuckle she knew I was right and she also know I didn't like doing this either but she didn't want them to know that she was dead yet.

"I'm just saying, people don't say 'dear; anymore" She told me with sarcasm, I looked back down on the screen on the phone.

"All right, fine. How about, 'Hey Elena, what's up?'" I think that sounded more Bonnie like.

"Thank you" Bonnie told me with sincerity in her voice.

Hey Elena, what's up? You guys have no idea how much I miss you. I've been emailing with Jeremy... he says it's been surreal to be alive.

If Katherine ingesting the only cure on this earth and having to live as a human isn't justice, I don't know what is.

I miss you guys. I'm glad you're having a great summer. P.S. Have you heard from Stefan?

I had left Bonnie and made my way back to the boarding house it felt really weird to live there. I mean Damon kind of let me feel at home, but it wasn't home. My home was burnt to the ground the place where I held memories of my childhood. Memories of my parents but it was all gone and I had to accept that.

I walked in through the front door and I witness another Damon and Siena make out session. Siena jumps off Damon.

"Hey, um, sorry, I - I thought you left" She spoke and little nervously, I walked into the parlour.

"I did... five hours ago" Had they both been making out this whole time to forget the whole concept of time.

"All right, well, there's pizza in the fri-"Siena began to say but I had to walk out of the room I think this living arrangement going to be getting awkward. I really had nowhere else to go I mean Elena going to be staying on campus while I'm shacked up with the love birds, maybe it will die down in time.

Damon P.O.V

Siena really couldn't believe that I agree to turn her she was smiling once again which made me smile too. What kind of surprised me is that she never asked me when I would turn her which I found a little strange. I think she just wanted to know that I would actually be the one to do it for her, and after what Tia Dalma told me I was convince that I wanted to be the one to do it. When she spoke about the human side of her that she had left and that she want me to be the last person to see that, it gave me a cold chill it felt kind or eerie and sweet at the same time.

We left New York and began out journey to Mystic falls Siena hadn't spoken a word the whole way she looked deep in thought. I think she worrying about going back. I mean when she was last there Siena weren't really herself, I began to question her about and she confirmed my thoughts. I reassured her that no matter what happens we going to get through this as a couple. Tia Dalma had opened my eyes up to the fact that there something coming for Siena and that I needed to stand by her.

When we got home I couldn't wait to get her in the house and have my wicked way with her, I didn't even bother bring up to our room I just wanted her. I craved to have her in my arms and enjoy every single touch and kiss. Well that was short lived when we got interrupted by the house guest, Jeremy surprised me with him being so happy to see Siena, Elena on the other hand looked like she had been slapped in the face. Siena had asked Elena to have a talk I really wasn't keen about the idea of that, I mean I know Siena can handle herself but even after all of this time that had passed by Elena still told me that she still had feeling for me. I didn't know what I had to do anymore about that I couldn't make it any clearer to Elena that I will always pick Siena.

The girls had gone out but of course I wasn't going to sit back and leave them to it I was going to listen in. Well from a conversation saying Elena needed to back off it went on all types of levels. I was getting messy I made my way out of the house to go over there and stop anything from happening. Suddenly I couldn't move I was completely frozen on the stop and this had Siena written all over it. Elena wasn't scared at all of Siena reaction when she kept telling her that she will get me to love her again. I don't know what planet Elena on but it never going to happen.

Well everything became a blur there were harsh words said and Elena brought up Siena having her mind wiped then the whole Blair incident, real bad move Elena. Suddenly I had Elena lips on mine I wanted to push her away but I couldn't. Elena went flying and Siena began to taunt her I was getting a little pissed off that Siena had done whatever she done to me. Then she finally let me go and of course I had to stop her doing anything stupid. Siena unpredictable at the moment I mean after everything that had happen I still believed that she was still the Siena I fell in love with. A part of me deep down was worried about scary Siena was going to come out to play.

Elena super speed off clearly she was upset by what had happened I brought Siena back in the house. I think I really need to talk to her about all of this.

"So that 'talk' went well, who would of thought you and Elena would end up wanting to rip each other's hearts out" I told her with sarcasm she looked up and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well I did try but Elena seem to think she can win you over. Who I'm to stop 'true love'" I walked over to pour us both a drink "So do you think my sister seducing tactic are going to work?" Siena asked in teasing tone. I picked up the two glasses and walked over to her.

"Ermm nahh" I said while pulling a face Siena sat there and giggled lightly. She had nothing to worry about and Siena knew that herself I placed down the glasses on the table and sat down pulled Siena on my lap so she was straddling me "I find it kind of hot having sister fighting over me" Siena punched me in the shoulder "Ouch" that actually hurt.

"Salvatore" She warned me I sat forward so our noses were touching.

"Mmmm" I leaned in and began to kiss her soft lips it took. Siena a few seconds to cave in.

I don't think we were getting used to the idea of having house guest there was a definite awkward moment when Jeremy came back where Siena went all nervous, and Jeremy definitely found it awkward too. I mean we were a married couple of course we still had that fire and desire towards each other. We weren't your typical married couple where the love dies after months of marriage, if anything more time went on the more fuel went into the fire. This got me thinking about what Tia Dalma told me, that our path was entwined from the moment Siena was born. Reflecting over the last 147 years where all I got was shit. Then when Siena walked into my life everything began to fall into place things began to go my way I actually felt happy, I didn't feel I deserved it but it didn't matter what I thought it was all fate. Siena and I were meant to be together no matter what.

Siena and I had just had a lovely bath together she was in the tub looking really deep in thought. I kept forgetting that all of this was difficult for her. I mean it weren't just the fact of coming back here and her little show down with Elena; it was the fact that we didn't have Nico with us and I could see that hurt her but I had full faith in Tia Dalma. I know me having faith in a witch but Tia Dalma was different from any of the witches I've meet over the years. You could see and tell she had no hidden agenda she genuinely wanted to help find Nico. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bath Siena hadn't even notice she just kept staring into thin air.

"You okay?" I snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, I've just got this weird feeling like something bad about to happen" I caress her cheek.

"Well, nothing going to happen I know we use to everything screwing up, but everything falling into place now" She gave me a half felt smile "As soon as Nico back with us we going to leave this cursed town and start a new life all together" Kissed her then suddenly she had me in the bath tub and we continued with our kisses. I meant everything I said all I wanted was a normal life even if it is for a little while until god knows what coming for Siena I wanted us to be a normal family.

Elena P.O.V

From the moment Siena left town I had notice Damon was in a depress I tried talking to him but he didn't want to talk about it. No matter what I tried he kept pushing me away. Then there was the fact that Bonnie had brought back Jeremy I couldn't thank her enough for that, to have him back made my life seem like there was a purpose once again. After a big spell like that Bonnie had gone off travelling with her mom, she really deserved it after everything she did to bring him back and I could never thank her enough for that.

Damon kept on disappearing for days on end without telling a word to anyone I thought with Siena being gone that we would have gotten closer, but we couldn't be more further apart. Then there was Stefan who left town the same day as Siena and we hadn't heard a word from him, but maybe he just needed time away from it all but part of me couldn't help but feel there was something wrong with him. I kept on having dreams about him where he asking me for help in some way and every time I tried to get closer to him he would disappear.

I couldn't wait to get to college now after Damon turn up with Siena watching the both of them loved up on the couch, as I saw them together it broke my heart. I was green with envy. Then Siena wanted to talk to me which I was fine with maybe we could move on from this, but when she started to tell me to back away from Damon I felt angry like who was she to tell me what to do. I really didn't understand Siena at times one minute she telling to stay away and the next she telling me to go ahead and try it with Damon. I knew she was trying to test me to see if I would fall for trap I'm not that stupid. Then she hit me with the fact that Damon going to turn her, I didn't believe that for a second Damon would never hurt Siena let alone turn her, but she kept tormenting me with her words tell me that I would never get Damon. Well things got real heated between us harsh words were exchanged and when she tell me I'm the one who needed locking up. Serious she was taking it all to another level and of course thing got even more heated up after I kissed Damon. I vowel that I will get Damon back once again if the last thing I do.

I kept out of Damon and Siena way over the last couple of days, I had been catching up with Caroline she still hadn't heard much from Tyler, and to be honest I don't really see him coming back. But Caroline stayed positive like always thinking he going to turn up at Whitmore, even though I knew deep down he wouldn't I didn't want to say anything to her about and upset her we had only just got our friendship back on track. I was waiting on her to pick me up as finally today was the first day of the rest of my life, Jer and I were going over his cover story for him to go back to school. I knew he weren't happy about going back but he had to face it all sooner or later.

"There were issues at home. Ever since I lost my parents, my aunt, I've been acting out... drugs, drinking. I was looking for attention, so I lit my house on fire and faked my own death" He went over the story with me, he needed to be more convincing.

"Really stress the drug thing. And I'd definitely say that the fire was an accident, because there's crazy, and then there's... well, me" Remembering how screw up I was when I turn off my humanity.

"Or I could just not go back, considering my school already had a memorial for me" I heard honk from outside the house Caroline was here already. Damon carried my suitcase into the foyer.

"Caroline just pulled up" Maybe it was a bad idea that I was going I should really stay until Jeremy back on track.

"I-I can't leave. I should stay and at least wait until Jeremy settles in to school-"I began to say and Damon began to approach me.

"You're leaving. You're going to college. You're gonna drink cheap beer and you're gonna protest things you don't care about. And I am gonna take care of your little brother. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about" I knew Damon would look after Jeremy and even though Siena and I hate each other guts I know she will always look out for him too.

"Okay, well at least Whitmore is only a few hours away, so if there's anything you need, Jer, just call me-" He cut me off.

"Hey, I'll see you on laundry day" Jeremy hugs me, then I walked over to Damon it was going to be hard to say by to him.

"Well, I personally plan on forgetting about you the second you walk out the door" I was taken back by that "I'm kidding enjoy college life" He opened the door "All right. Off you go" I gave him a smile and walked out of the house and got into the car Caroline seem in high hopes about going.

We had finally arrived on campus it was crawling with students and parents moving in while we made our own way to our dorm. I think living with Caroline going to be interesting.

"You're dreaming about Stefan?" I had told her about it in the car and now she brings it up?

"They're not dreams; it's more of a... feeling. Maybe you should call him" Caroline stopped suddenly and I turned to her.

"Absolutely not. He'll call you when he's ready" I couldn't shake off this feeling I had about Stefan I know I hurt him but it didn't mean I stopped caring for him.

"So I should just live with this nagging pit in my stomach?" I question her should I really avoid this feeling I had?

"Okay, Elena, that pit is called guilt. You feel terrible because you broke Stefan's heart, and that nagging feeling is your brain waking up to tell you that you've made a horrible, yet completely reversible mistake" Caroline was obviously trying to make feel guilt for what I did but I couldn't dey my feeling for Damon any more or string Stefan along.

"Nice try. Besides, Stefan and I left things in a good place" I carried on walking off then suddenly I bumped in to someone and all my stuff fell on the floor "Oh my God, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I looked at the person who I bumped into and he was actually really hot with his dark brown hair and amazing blue eyes he reminded me of someone "Let me help you" We both went down at the same time and bumped head, I began to laugh while holding my head. I'm being clumsy today "I'm sorry" I held out her hand "I'm Elena Gilbert" He shook hands with me and gave me a smile.

"I'm Nico Garcia" I helped him placed everything back into the boxes "So are you a freshman here?" He picked up my box from the floor and smiled at him he seemed like a sweet guy.

"Yeah I am..." Well looks like I've made a friend already.

"Elena, we needed to settle in our room, what are you doing?" Caroline really needed to control her tone we are in college now meeting new people.

"Caroline don't be rude. This is my new friend Nico Garcia, he's new here too" Caroline looked at him and her expression soften. I notice their eyes locked for a few moment I think Nico may have a thing for Caroline.

"I'm sorry, it's a pleasure to meet you Nico" She turned to me "Seriously Elena we needed to get going" I gave Nico the box and placed it in his arms

"Ok Care, Nico maybe we could all meet up later, there a frap party tonight be nice to see you again" We here to start a new life might as well make new friends too.

"Yeah that sounds like fun" We both walked away from him he really seemed sweet, Caroline was fretting to get to our dorm room and when we finally did she was pleased with it. We were both unpacking our stuff.

"You brought a Panini press?" Why would we need a Panini presser? Caroline turned to me.

"Small appliances, by the fridge" She pointed in the direction I walked over and put it over there I think Caroline may have some kind of OCD. Sheriff Forbes walked in to the room with more boxes

"Okay, that's the last one. All right, give me a goodbye hug before I change my mind and drag you home with me" Caroline hugs her mother I couldn't help but smile it was good to see Caroline and her mon in a good place "You can call as much as you want, you know?" she was trying to keep her voice steady.

"Mom, we'll be fine" Caroline assured her, then she laughs and steps back she looked at me

"Come here" All three of us hugged "This is where your dad fell in love with medicine, you know? He would be really proud to see you here" It was nice to hear that my dad would have been proud of me, I smiled at her.

"Thank you" Sheriff lingers for a long moment while they all look at each other, and we began to laugh.

"Okay, go! Before I change my mind and make you stay" Caroline told her could she was getting teary about leaving her mom.

"I'm going, I'm going! I love you. Bye, girls" She left and closes the door behind her; we turned to each other excitedly.

"So? Roomie, I think we should drink to something" I thought as we are starting a new chapter in our lives why not.

"Well, I couldn't agree more... roomie" Caroline opens her suitcase and pulls out two blood bags; she tosses one to me.

"To us, and college, and being functional vampires" I announced Caroline came closer and raised her blood bag

"To the next chapter in our lives" we 'clink' our bags in a mock toast then there was a knock at the door. With vampire speed, we stash our blood bags and turn to face whoever the visitor is. The door opens and an unfamiliar girl walks in, carrying a load of stuff.

"Hey" she said sheepish.

"Uh, who are you?" Caroline kind of said rudely.

"Oh, I'm Megan. Your roommate" Caroline and I looked at each other, shocked and confused Bonnie meant to me joining us that was the whole point, what the hell going on?

Damon POV

Well everything was kind of back to normal Elena was off to college the tension in the house would be back to normal. Siena kept out of Elena way and Elena did the same to her. We had news from Tia Dalma that spell was broken now and she needed Siena blood to find the location of Nico. Siena was all ready to go to New York but Tia Dalma had told us that she will come to us.

So with hearing that Siena got excited about getting Nico back, for the first time in months we both walked into his nursery and it still remain untouched from the night that bastard Silas took him. So we began to get things ready for his return I know Tia Dalma will not fail us but part of me didn't want to get too excited like it weren't going to be that simple.

Siena had gone into town to pick up a few things that we would need for Nico, it was all a little surreal at the moment having my little boy back with us. I couldn't believe how a little person could make such a huge impact on someone life. I'm going to keep hold of him and never let him go I wanted to prove that I'm going to be a good father to him.

My phone began to ring and I looked at the ID it was Elena, she had told me that her and Caroline had a new roommate that wasn't Bonnie. Of course that would never happen but they were both panicking over it as they feared that she will find out that they weren't completely human.

"There must've been a mix-up at the housing office" Elena and Caroline really to use some of their vampire ability on this one.

"Compulsion - it's the unwanted roommate repellent" I told her while I poured myself a drink.

"That's exactly what Caroline said" So what was the freakin problem then?

"Right, so then just compel her ass out the door" I took a swig of my drink at least Caroline had the idea of how to get rid of her.

"Damon, what's the point in going to college if we're just going to recreate what happens in Mystic Falls?" Well she seems in better sprites.

"Look at you, giving it the old college try" I teased maybe with her being there she meet someone nice and forget the feeling of what she has of me.

"Did Jeremy get to school okay?" Well the kid left for school, I'm hoping he dealing with it all ok.

"Yup. Showered, groomed, even cut the crusts off of his PB&J myself" I teased it weren't that hard to look after a human teen. Jeremy pretty much kept out of my way most of the time.

"So, what you're saying is that me being here... this could actually work?" I walked into the parlour to find Katherine, bedraggled and human, standing there.

"Exactly. Listen, I got to, uh... go" I hung up on her, god Katherine looked a state.

"It's been a long summer, Damon" Wow I have never seen Katherine looking so bad before. What the hell had happened to her?

"Katherine" Seriously what the hell is she doing here? I'm sure its no to drop in and say hi, Katherine Pierce don't do things that there clearly something she after.

Elena P.O.V

So I spoke to Damon about our little problem with our new roommate Megan like I expected he opted to go with the whole compulsion thing, which also Caroline agree to. But we couldn't continue our lives like that we had to try and deal with this problem as humanly as possible, so they only way we could deal with it is to just expect the living arrangement for now. So we began to talk she asked me about my life I gave her the run down, supernatural free version I told her about Stefan and how we broke up but we were both in a good place he had left town and I hadn't seen him since.

"You and Stefan are friends, but three months ago he left without saying goodbye?" Megan questioned me; well she had a point I'm sure he would have called or wrote or something.

"Do you think that I should call him?" Maybe that what I should do, I mean it weren't like we were on bad terms.

"No way" Megan responded quickly.

"Absolutely not!" Caroline responded firmly, well I knew why Caroline didn't want me to call him because she didn't want me to mess with his head. I wouldn't do it for that I'm worried about

"Do you have a boyfriend, Caroline?" Megan questioned her, Caroline turn to her and smiled.

"I do. His name's Tyler. He had to miss move-in day, but he'll be here for the first day of classes" I think Caroline was delusional Tyler weren't coming.

"Assuming he registers. And picks a dorm. And buys books" Caroline glared at me well she didn't like hearing the truth.

"Speaking of minding one's own business, let's talk roommate ground rules. Privacy is very important to me" I looked in between both girls I could see this was going to get a little messy.

"Same here" Megan replied wow maybe I'm wrong.

"I have low blood sugar. My diet's finicky, so keep your paws off my stuff" Caroline way of justifying her behaviour.

"We'll split up the shelves" Megan told her with a smile, she seemed like a nice girl.

"And if I suddenly get up to leave or disappear for a while, don't follow me or look for me" Caroline told her in a slightly threatening tone.

"Okay... sounds good" Well I think I need to break the tension here.

"Great, then we agree on everything" both of them smiled at me. I notice Nico coming over with some over guy.

"Hey ladies, Party at Whitmore House tonight" Nico hands us a flyer "Be great to see you there" his friend nudges him "Oh sorry this is my roommate Jesse. Jesse this is Elena and Caroline and I'm sorry I don't know your name" Megan began to blush looks like she got a thing for Nico.

"This is Megan and we'll be there" Nico smiled and began to walk off.

"I hope so" Jesse said smiling looking at Caroline and he walked off. I wrapped an arm around Caroline's shoulders while we watch them walk away.

"I love college" Caroline looked at me arching her brow, I think college is going to be a good thing no vampires well there me and Caroline but what I mean no drama just normal drama that you would get on college and now I'm embracing it all.

Siena P.O.V

Finally Elena had gone she out of my hair the last couple of days have been a little awkward with her being around the house, but we both stayed out of each other way. Jeremy was back to school and personally I didn't think it would be a good idea considering most people around here will be pissed of the fact he 'faked' his death. Elena wanted him to go back not like I could do anything about it all I can do is support Jeremy.

Then we had some great news from Tia Dalma about the spell being broken and that she needed my blood to find Nico, I was ready to jump on the first flight over but she insisted to come here. Which I thought was strange at first but I didn't care any day from now I'm going to see my Nico. I kept thinking what he would look like now I mean he would be over 6 months. God I can't believe I'm going to have him back in my arms, I started to get excited about it I went into his nursery and it was still in a state.

Damon helped me clear it up he seemed just as happy I think he real began to hit home for the both of us now we couldn't stay in Mystic Falls and bring up Nico. Another thing that been on my mind is that I want my parent to know about Nico. How did I even do that? I had to figure out a way and as bad as this sound I might need Damon to do some compulsion on them so they won't freak out.

I went into town to pick up a few bits so everything will be ready for when he came home. I notice they were having some end of summer event maybe Damon and I could come down here later. I made my way back to the house I parked up and got out of my car and got the bags from the trunk, I walked to the front door and opened it and walked in. I came into the parlour and I saw Damon and Elena who looked a hot mess. I put my bags down what the hell happened to her?

"Arhh my favourite dimidium sanguinis" God she sounded bad. I came down the steps then I realised that it was actually Katherine.

"Katherine" Katherine downs a shot of bourbon while Damon and I watched her pour another glass.

"You're gonna have to cut me off soon. My tolerance is a joke now. It's just so... glorious" I looked over at Damon. What the hell had happened to her?

"What going on?" I looked between the both of them.

"Well princess you remember that cure" I nodded my head "Well your sister kind forced it down Katherine throat" I looked at Katherine and she looked terrible.

"You're miserable" She downs another shot and looks at me.

"Please. I'm Katherine Pierce - I'm a survivor" I don't know if she was trying to convince me or herself.

"You're a liar. Your hairs messed up, your nails are chipped. You're a sad and miserable human being and you want me to turn you. So, here" Damon bites open his wrist and offers it to her "Go ahead, drink up. I'll kill you, you'll bite the mailman, you'll be a vampire again. Go ahead, come on" I looked between the both of them Katherine was hesitating to drink from Damon.

"I can't, okay? No one's ever taken the cure before. If I die, there's a good chance I may never wake up" Wow first time ever I've seen Katherine venerable and it was weird to watch.

"And that would be tragic" Damon teased her you would of never thought he was in love with her for 145 years,

"And deep down, in that mushy-gushy Siena-loving heart, there's a part of you that doesn't want me to die" Great here we go I get rid of one doppelgänger and another one walk through the door.

"What are you doing here, Katherine?" I demanded then the house phone starts ringing. Damon moves to get it but Katherine beats him to it and answers it.

"Salvatore residence. Hello, Principal Weber, this is Elena. Oh, dear. We'll find him" She hangs up and turns to Damon and I.

"So Jeremy's been expelled. Elena will be cool with that, right?" Even though Katherine was human she still had that devilish side to her I guess that was always really part of her.

"When we get back. You're gone" Damon got hold of my hand and we began to walk out of the parlour.

"Wait, Damon. There's someone chasing me" Katherine called out. Damon stops and turns around please don't tell me he going to get all mushy and help her.

"Then run. Run far away" I'm impressed, Katherine had a worried expression.

"Damon, you don't understand. I have enemies everywhere. What happens when word gets out that I'm a human? I can't protect myself! I'm weak and I'm slow - do you have any idea what it's like to run in heels? I have blisters, Damon! Please, just... help me" Katherine's pleaded for help sounds grudging but desperate, Damon seemed torn then he looked at me I sighed and nodded my head. Everyone deserve a second chance even Katherine, she couldn't really do anything to harm us. As much of a bitch she had been to everyone else she hadn't been one to me so I'll show her some kindness.

Stefan P.O.V

I regain consciousness I was still locked in the safe underwater and bang furiously against it, however, I lost consciousness again, and begins to have a hallucination again. I was standing at a window, bright light streaming inside, when Damon approaches me from behind, handing me a glass of bourbon.

"Wish I could say it gets better" It was never going to get better; I'm continuously drowning and losing my mind.

"The answer's 'no,' Damon" I knew what he wanted me to do but I couldn't, I couldn't go back to being that.

"Why? So you can keep dying and coming back to life? You've felt nothing but sheer agony for three months. You hallucinate conversations with me to have something to do. Just turn off that pesky humanity switch" I shook my head I'm not going to do that it won't make any difference.

"Won't take the pain away" I said turning to him Damon approached me.

"Yeah, but it'll turn off your misery. Your fear, your hopelessness" What will it achieve?

"And then what, huh? Let's just say that you actually notice that I'm gone, let's say I get out of this. What good is it if I'm a monster again? How is that better than any of this?" Damon stood there silent he knew I was right.

Siena P.O.V

Damon and I had left Katherine back at the house to clean up I left some clean clothes for her. I just hope Katherine don't bring too much trouble our way. Damon kept on questioning me why we were helping her; I kept asking myself the same question but seeing Katherine like that I couldn't walk away and I know I may regret.

Damon had gone to find Jeremy and he dropped me off in the town square I think Damon needed to deal with this little issue with Jeremy. I don't think I can deal with anymore drama today. I look around town square and saw Stefan when the hell did he get back? I walked over to him

"Hey Stefan where have you been all summer?" He turned around and seemed a little stunned to see me.

"Siena" He kept looking at me intensely "Well I couldn't stay away" He seemed a little smug with his smirk.

"I think you should see Damon he's been really worried Stefan. No phone call. No text" I felt a burning sensation through me like something was scratching at my brain.

"Well.... Damon had been too busy finding you all summer" I saw flashing imagines of me partying getting drunk on one man lap then another "Haven't you been a naughty girl all summer" I shook my head and looked at him. What did he mean by that?

"What do you been I've been a naughty girl? The only reason I left was because of your sweet Elena! If you have forgotten I lost my son and wasn't an easy thing for me to deal with" I was freaking out now. How could he know the things I did all summer?

"Dear sweet Siena" Stefan hands caressed my cheek. I stepped away immediately something was definitely wrong

"What do you want Stefan" Flashes started to pop in my mind, men touching me and I was allowing it. What the hell going on with me?

"I would like Qetsiyah to come out and play, you know for old time sake" I stepped away I was really scared now no one knew about Qetsiyah only Tia Dalma.

"Silas" No Silas couldn't be alive Stefan got rid of his stone ass.

"In the flesh" He smirked at me and began to approached me, he moved the hair from her face "Now Siena, why don't you let me have a word with Qetsiyah" I wanted to scream and run but I couldn't I was too frighten.

"Leave me alone!! Qetsiyah is isn't going to come out" I finally spoke up it was a good thing that we wasn't alone. Then burning happened again a film reel of me ripping out the heart of 6 innocent humans the pleasure that appear on my face as I heard there screams.

"Fine Siena, maybe I'll go and see Damon and have a conversation with him, let him know about the real Siena... You know the one who had let his brother make passes at her.... or should I tell him about the 6 people you murdered" I felt the blood fade from my face "I do have to say I admire your work" Damon wouldn't believe a word he would tell him.

"Fine you want to tell Damon go ahead I'm not stopping you. So go ahead tell him! Let's see who is he going to believe" With every word I spoke I was getting more scared who knows what he could do to me.

"Mmmmm I love your fire" He leaned in so his lips were a centimetre from mine "I know how Damon mind works, Siena giving him a little seed of doubt about his precious princess won't be hard. You did kill Bonnie after all" His lips were still a centimetres apart from mine. For some strange reason I just wanted to kiss him. What the hell! How could I say that?

"I killed Bonnie for a reason she helped the witches take my son. Over the months Damon has proven that he will love me no matter what. I do so go tell him" Moving away from him I'm not having Silas walk in and mess with my mind again. No way is that happening.

"Tic for Tac but you still murder her in cold blood, Siena" All that went through my mind is the fact that his right I'm a murderer "Love is a dangerous weapon" he moved away from me "Well it was a pleasure seeing you. I think I need to go and see Damon" he began to walk away from me.

"You think telling Damon would change anything between us it won't, our bond is unbreakable you want to spill everything I've did over the months go ahead. I'm not stopping you. But who is he gonna believe his loving wife or ripper Stefan who been off the radar" I wanting to kill him but he was immortal I walked away I couldn't handle any of this first Elena now Silas. I just hope I get to Damon before he does

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