The Outsiders: Dally's little...

By Pony_babe

1M 18.5K 63.1K

Dallas Winston knew he had a younger sister up in New York with his parents, but when his parents die, and So... More

From New York to Oklahoma?
A good gang of greasers
Sodapop's secret
What Dallas did...
Kick em' where it hurts!
Near death experiences
Point of view.
Outta there
The doctor, the date, and the drive-in.
Who ya callin' greaser?
We thought it was a good idea
Ridin' dirty
Going steady
~The Fair~
The New Girl
Real quick A/N
Try Outs
Violence Is The Answer
A Romantic
Cold As Ice
Out With A Bang
Merry And Bright
The night before Christmas-pt. 1
The night before Christmas-pt. 2
Christmas Kisses
The Framed Girl
In The Cooler
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Walking On Thin Ice
Saying Goodbye
The End.

If he never killed a soc

61.9K 1K 3.6K
By Pony_babe


There was a heavy knock at the door. "What?" I yelled sitting up from the bed.

Buck lets me stay at his place most of the time. I don't really have an actual house. I glanced at the clock seeing it was only nine. The door creaked open and Buck was standing there leaning up against the door. "Candygram for ya." He said smugly.

If I had to choose one place not to stay, it would be in this nasty bedroom. But I ain't got anywhere else to sleep. I used to sleep on a few buddies of mines couch, but I overstayed my welcome.

I got out of bed and put on a tank top undershirt. "What?" I asked still a little groggy from sleeping.

"There's a broad at the door for ya, looks bout' fourteen-fifteen if ya ask me." He explained pushing himself off the wall and starting to make his way back down the stairs.

I stood for a minute thinking about who it could be. No one came to mind, so I walked down the staircase as he did before me. I pulled a weed out of my pocket and lit it up. I saw a silhouette in the door frame. I walked over and looked at the young girl in the doorway. I took a long drag on my smoke. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it... Suddenly, I remembered. "Sophie?" I whispered throwing the cigarette out onto the ground.

This girl didn't look like Sophie. The only reason I recognized her was because of her distinct bright green eyes. The last time I saw my little sister Sophie was when she was ten and we lived up in New York. When I last saw her, she was shorter, she had shorter hair, and had a sparkle in her eyes. This girl that stood before me was tall with long hair and she looked tuff. This girl that stood before me looked like she had seen some crap. This girl that stood in front of me had boobs! This was not my little sister I left in New York. "Hey Dal', How's it goin'?" She said softly.

She tried to smile, but it kinda came off nervous.


Dally looked surprised, happy, confused, and worried all at the same time. "What are ya doing here?" he asked glancing behind him, then stepping out of the doorway outside and shutting the door behind him.

"Mom and dad are dead Dal'," I said looking down at my shoes. I glanced up at him and he was looking at a fixed point on the ground in shock. "This lady came and said that I had to come here and stay with you."

"Till' when?" He asked quickly.

Those words hurt. First, he left me with abusive parents, then he never calls or writes, now he still doesn't even want me. "Ya don't want me?" I asked giving him my best "sad little girl" voice. He looked at me in sympathy, then in pity. This made me mad. "Well, I don't want your pity." I snapped. I turned around and started walking away from the house.

"Sophie!" He called running off the porch. "Sophie, that's not what I meant and you know it."

He grabbed my arm and I swung around. "Why'd ya leave me in New York?" I asked loudly.

His face fell and he looked regretful. "Soph-"

"It's a simple question!" I yelled with tears welling in my eyes. It didn't seem like much to cry over, but he was my best and closest friend, and then he left me. "Why'd ya lea-"

I couldn't get through the rest without breaking down. I started to bawl in my hands. Dally stood for only a moment before enveloping me in a hug. "Don't cry baby girl." He hushed. "Don't cry, not over a bum like me."

I sniffed and tried to gather myself together to say something. "They hurt me." Was all I managed to get out.

He kept me in a tight hug. "I was comin' back for ya." He defended.

I pushed him away. "Whatever." I wiped my face and sniffed.

I turned away and started to walk away. "Where are ya going?" He yelled after me.

"Anywhere but here!" I turned back around while continuing to walk and spread my hands out.

Then I took off running. The road was old and looked paved, but it was mostly covered in rocks. My shoes hit the gravel hard as I ran as fast as I could. For the first little while, I could hear Dally chasing after me. But then I guess he gave up because I glanced back and no one was behind me. I stopped running, and I walked along the sidewalk. It looked like I was in a neighborhood. I came up to what looked like a park, and I walked up. I found a bench and slug off my backpack. I used it as a pillow I was tired from all that running, so I fell asleep instantly.


I was awoken by shouting and grunting. I opened my eyes and glanced at my watch. It was a little after two in the morning. I looked in the direction of the yelling to see a group of boys next to a fountain. About three were beating up one, and four were drowning one in the fountain. Immediately, on instinct, I jumped up and started running towards them. One of the boys who was beating up the other one gave that guy a final punch that knocked him to the ground. "Stay down!" I heard him yell.

Then, the boy who was on the ground pulled out a switch from his back pocket. I'd seen switchblades in New York, but they were mostly to scare people, this kid was gonna use it. The kid with the switch ran up to the guy who was drowning the boy and pulled his hand back. "Stop!" I yelled running up and grabbing the boy's hand, preventing him from stabbing the other guy. "Stop!" I yelled again.

The guys drowning the boy looked at the guy's hand which I held back, got one look at the blade, and took off. They ran back to their car and drove off. I ran over to the kid still in the water and pulled him out. I dragged him over to the ground and laid him down. The boy who I had stopped got on his knees next to me. The boy lying on the ground was actually quite handsome. They both were. Now, it was just me, the boy with the switch, and the boy who might be dead.

I put my fingers against his neck. "What'd ya doin'?" The boy next to me asked panicked.

I looked over at him, and fear danced in his eyes. "I'm checking for a pulse," I said calmly looking back at the boy on the ground's expressionless face.

"Well does he got one?" He asked.

I felt for another moment before finding a heartbeat. "Yes," I said.

I looked back at this boy as he sighed with relief and studied his face. He had long, black hair that was greased back. It stuck out in the back and his bangs stuck to his forehead. But then again he had just been in a fight. His eyes were dark and they sparkled. His face was cut up, but the cuts didn't look fresh, kind of like mine. He wore blue jeans and a jean jacket. Under his dirty jacket, he had on a black t-shirt.

He was good-looking, but he looked scared. It was comprehensible that he was scared, but it kind of looked like that was his natural facial expression. what made him so scared? 

Suddenly, The boy laying on the ground sprang to life with a series of coughs and gags. "Hey Pony, you alive?" The other boy asked as he helped him sit up.

"Think so.." He mumbled. He looked at me, and confusion lit up his eyes."Who are you?" He asked rubbing his temples.

"I-I'm" I stuttered debating whether to tell them my name or not. "I'm Sophie." I decided.

The boy I knew as "Pony" glanced over at his friend and he nodded.

"She stopped me from stabbin' Bob." The dark haired boy explained.

"Well," The almost-dead-boy said. "I'm Ponyboy Curtis."

"That's an interesting name," I said shaking his hand.

He gave me a warm smile. "I didn't get to pick it." He said chuckling.

I got a good look at Ponyboy. He was handsome just the same as the other boy. He had dark brown hair that was also greased back. Ponyboy's hair was a little longer than the other boys, though. He had hazel eyes that glowed and sparkled. His lips looked permanently with a half grin, and it was kinda cute. He had cuts on him too, but those looked pretty fresh. His biggest cut was on his neck, looks like he gets in some pretty heated fights. He wore a blue muscle tank top that clung to his chest and semi-muscular arms, and a pair of old blue jeans.

I looked back at the other boy, and he held his hand out too. "I'm Johnny Cade." He said shyly.

Johnny was blushing and had a little smile. I smiled back which caused him to blush more. "Why you guys out here so late?" I asked getting up from the cold ground.

"We could ask you the same thing." Pony said also getting up.

"I asked you first."

"Well, if you must know, I got into a fight with my brothers, and I ran off," Ponyboy explained. "Now you."

"I got in a fight with my brother too. Guess great minds think alike." I said smiling at him and Johnny.

Pony snickered and Johnny smiled stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Well I ain't ready to go back and face my brothers, so ya wanna spend the night with us in the lot?" Pony asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "What's the lot?" I questioned.

We started walking in the direction of the bench I was sleeping on. "Just an open lot with a bunch of old furniture and stuff like that," Johnny said.

"What's the hurt?" I said shrugging.

I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. We started walking down the street that was lit by only the street lamps. "So you new to town?" Johnny asked as he kicked a rock across the pavement.

"Yeah. My parents died, and I got sent here to live with my brother." I said looking at my feet.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Johnny apologized.

"Don't be, they were shit parents."

"Why?" Pony chimed in.

I mumbled something or other.

Johnny looked at me suspiciously. "Your parents beat you?" He asked.

I hesitated. "Yeah," I confirmed.

"My parents beat me too." He said in a hushed tone.

"Well," I said putting my arm around Johnny. He was only a few inches taller than me. Pony was a lot taller than me, though. "I guess we're one of the same." I giggled.

"Well shoot, maybe we are." He chuckled.

I took my arm back from around him. "Why were those guys beatin' on you back there?" I asked concerned.

Pony started to explain. "Earlier tonight, we was talkin' to their girls, and they didn't like it too much."

"That's their reason to drown you?" I asked thinking that there might have been more to the story.

"She's new here Pony. She don't know" Johnny said leaning forward and looking at Pony.

We all continued to walk. "Well, Tulsa is split into the rich and the poor side. Rich is the West side and poor is the East." Pony continued. "The rich kids are called socs, and they like to jump us and beat us up."

"What are you called?" I asked.

"Greasers." He replied.

"Cause of your hair?" I suggested.

"Yeah," Johnny answered.

"They beat up on us just of where we live." Pony said in a sad voice.

His words reminded me of mine. "That sucks," I said bluntly. We turned into a lot just as they had described. "Do you guys come here a lot?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's a great place to watch the sunset." Johnny said.

Ponyboy proceeded to elbow him in the side. "What?" He turned to Pony in defense.

Pony gave him a sour look. We walked over to a small clearing about the size of a queen bed. We all sat down and made ourselves comfortable. "Now how often do you guys sleep here?" I asked.

"No too often." Pony said adjusting himself.

"Speak for yourself." Johnny joked, as he instantly got comfortable.

We all laid shoulder to shoulder. Pony on one end, Johnny in the middle, and Me on the other end. I fell asleep instantly. I was tired from being woken up all these times. But this time, I slept till mornin'.

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