One Direction Preferences (tu...

By lilmisscupcake

17.8M 133K 20.6K

A collection of preferences from Tumblr. Simple. Good. **some may contain sexual references which I will no... More

One Direction Preferences from Tumblr
Preference 1- You first meet the boys
Preference 2 - Something Kinky...
Preference 3- where you have sex
Preference 4- you're going camping
Preference 5- youre on a sex ban
Preference 6- Something romantic he does for you
Preference 7- Day at the beach
Preference 8- you act like you dislike each other but you really like each other
Preference 9- What You Two Do On A Long Flight
Preference 10- You play a stupid game together, what happens?
Preference 11- Something that you do, that he finds adorable
Preference 12- He Finds Out You're Afraid Of Water
Preference 13- You're shorter than him
Preference 14- You're trying to study
Preference 15- Watching a scary movie
Preference 16- You have a panic attack
Preference 17- Shopping for a swimsuit
Preference 18- He talks to the boys about you when he thinks you're asleep
Preference 19- Hacking your twitter
Preference 20- Winter Dates
Preference 21- awkward photos
Preference 22- You're famous and he has a crush on you
Preference 23- He finds your tumblr
Preference 25- Baby Shower
Preference 24- You go into Labor
Preference 26- he meets your friends for the first time
Preference 27- He tries on your clothes
Preference 28- Fanily day at the pool
Preference 29- He takes you to an award show
Preference 30- The song he serenades to you
Preference 31- how you cuddle
Preference 32- he dedicates a song to you at his concert
Preference 33- He's sick
Preference 34- what you guys stay up late doing
Preference 35- what you wear that turns him on
Preference 36- horseback riding
Authors Note
Preference 37- Twitcam requests from fans
Preference 39
Preference 40- He catches your daughter with a guy
Preference 41- You get in a huge fight
Preference 42- Your dog takes something of his
Preference 43- During a movie
Preference 44- Your Babys first word
Preference 45- You're alot younger than him
Preference 46- playing games on a rainy day
Preference 47- he reads a story you your child
Preference 48- how he turns you on
Preference 49- he finds out your hidden talent
Preference 50- first kiss
Preference 51- sexual twitter convo
Preference 52- movie night
Preference 53- the kind of dessert you two make
Preference 54- how does he wake you up??
Preference 55- what movie you watch together
Authors Note
Preference 56- what he does when a guy is looking at you
Preference 57- what he calls you
Preference 59- you change your hair
Preference 58- he tells you he loves you for the first time
Preference 60- how you sleep
Preference 61-Can i watch you change?
Preference 62- he meets your family at a get together
Preference 63- You hate each other, but secretly have feelings
Preference 64- how you two sleep
Preference 65- you have a miscarriage
Preference 66- how he says goodbye when he goes on tour
Preference 67- your first date
Authors Note
Preference 69- he asks you to start a family with him
Preference 70
Preference 71 - you catch him with something of yours
Preference 72- You Dont Like His favorite band
Preference 73- You tell him you're pregnant
Preference 74- interview together
Preference 75- How he kisses you
Preference 76- Shower time
Preference 77- He finds out that you're pregnant
Authors note
Preference 78- how he hugs you
Preference 79- How he seduces you
Preference 80- Where he kisses you
Preference 81- wedding dance song
Preference 82- he sees you with a guy after your breakup
Preference 83 - First Date
Preference 84- you get in a fight
Preference 85 - One of the boys walks in on you two
Preference 86- he leaves you turned on
Preference 87- Leaving him turned on
Authors Note
Preference 88- You guys are best friends and get awkwardly close
Preference 89- When a guy starts forcing himself onto you, how does he react?
Preference 90- A Jealous fan physically hurts you
Preference 91- Your wedding
Preference 92- You Tell him you're Pregnant
Preference 93- Someone close to you dies
Preference 94- How you respond to him getting hate
Preference 95- What turns you on
Preference 96- how he asked you out
Random Imagines
Preference 97- He accidentally touches your boob
Preference 98 and 99- sexy ones
Preference 100- he doesnt want to leave you alone on a date
Preference 101- you two skip class to have fun
Preference 102- he does your hair
Preference 103-he talks in his sleep
Preference 104- you are 15 and date
Preference 105- you act like you hate each other
Preference 106- he talks about your sex life
Preference 107- the paps hurt you and he gets angry
Preference 108- you talk about your sex life
Preference 109- title too long to write
Preference 110- you hit him in the balls
Authors note
Preference 111- First Date
Preference 112- youre getting married
Preference 113- you tell him you love him
Preference 114- your kids' names
Preference 115- You're his celebrity crush
Preference 116- first time you say you love him
Authors Note
Preference 117- he gives you your first kiss
Preference 118- your child is/got someone pregnant
Preference 119- he gives you your first kiss
Preference 120- you hit him in the balls
Authors Note
Preference 121- welcome home from tour
Preference 122- one of the boys catch you making out
Preference 123
Preference 124- you hit him
Preference 125- cuddling
Authors note
Random Harry Imagine
Preference 126- he forgets your birthday
Preference 127- fights
Preferenfe 128- precious memories with the kids
Preference 129- magazine article about your wedding
Preference 130- he asks you to be his girlfriend
Preference 131- He catches you fangirling over him (his pov)
Preference 132- song he dedicates to you
Preference 133- Braces Hurt
Preference 134- you talk about having a baby
Preference 135- you find out
Preference 136- telling him about the pregnacy (his pov)
Preference 137- morning sickness
Preference 138- telling the family
Preference 139- telling the boys
Preference 141 - the day before tour
Preference 142 - things you exchange before tour
Preference 140 - Talking about the tour
Preference 143- frist ultrasound
144- you start to show
Preference 145- cravings
Preference 146- guessing the gender
Prefernece 147- finding out the gender
Prefermece 148- first kicks
Preferneece 149- picking names
Authors Note
Preference 150
Preference 151- talking to the baby
Preference 152- shopping for the baby
Preference 153- He goes on tour (part 1)
Preference 154- You two baby sit Lux
Preference 156- He discovers something (embarrassing) from your childhood.
Preference 157- Valentines Series
Preference 158- You tell him you're pregnant
Preference 159- Rain Moment
Update on Preferences!!!
You're an Olympic gymnast
Preference 160- He sings for you
Preference 161 - Airport moment
Preference 161??- Backstage moment with him after the concert
Preference 163 - bringing your first baby home
Preference 164 - First Date
Preference 165 - He finds out you still sleep with a stuffed animal
Preference 166- He loves it when you...
Preference 167- he meets your daughter's date
Preference 168- He proposes
Preference 169- He supposed to be on tour but surprises you
171- Sleep Talking
Preference 172- You loose a family member
Preference 173- You're Best Friends & Your Boyfriend Breaks Up With You
Preference 174- The Little Things That You Do That He Loves
Preference 175- You break a bone
Preference 176- You Get Attacked / Hurt By Fans
Preference 176- your parents are getting divorced

Preference 155 - First Day of Moving in with him

62.9K 398 21
By lilmisscupcake

Prompt- First day of moving in with him


You closed the lid of the last box and sighed as you looked around your empty apartment. There were only a few scattered boxes left on the floor and everything else that suggested you had lived here was gone. Just as you were starting to get a bit emotional you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your torso and Louis pulled you tightly to his chest planting a kiss to the top of your head. “You ready to go babe?” he asked, voice filled with obvious excitement. “Yeh I’m ready” you replied, voice soft. Louis spun you around in his arms, glanced down at you, excited eyes suddenly filled with concern, “what’s wrong love?” he asked, voice gentle as he rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “Yeh, no I am fine. There’s just a lot of memories in this place is all,” you said as Louis wiped the one tear that had slipped down your cheek. “But I am ready to make some new memories, in our place” you continued, reaching down and wrapping your smaller hand around Louis’. Louis smiled, the excitement filling his eyes again as they sparkled, “good lets go then.” You nodded and you both picked up one of the two remaining boxes and you exited the apartment, with a final glance over your shoulder.

*When you pulled up at the new house the two of you had picked out, you smiled over at Louis as he squeezed your hand. You got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the front door, you fidgeted with excitement when Louis reached out to unlock the door. “You ready babe?”  Louis asked for the second time that day. You nodded in excitement and  he swung open the door. As soon as the door opens you let out a squeal that was a mix of both excitement and shock. You had expected to see an empty building with scattered box towers. But instead there was a beautifully furnished house, that was a mix of both yours and Louis’ old furniture and a few new things to. There were pictures scattered around of the both of you, the other boys and your families. It was a perfect mix and felt just right. “Louis when did you do this?” You whispered. Louis grinned even bigger, if that was possible, “well I won’t claim all the credit, the rest of the boys helped and their girlfriends to, thank god, otherwise god only knows what Niall and Harry might have done.” You laughed and grinned at Louis, throwing your arms around him, “thank you, so much Lou.” “You’re welcome beautiful” Louis said “care to go take a look at our new bedroom? He concluded with a smirk. You laughed but nodded anyway and Louis wrapped a hand around yours, tugging you from the room.


You giggled to yourself as you planted the last, pink frilled, teddy bear on the bed. This was your first day after moving in with Niall and unfortunately, what you had planned to be a relaxing day had ended up being you alone while Niall was called into the studio to record.

*“Y/N” a voice whispered as you slowly woke up to a gentle shake of your shoulder. “Ni what you doin?” you slurred turning and trying to curl into his chest. His chest shook with a chuckle, “Sorry babe, work just called I got to go in and record today” Niall responded. You pouted slightly, still refusing to open your eyes, Niall laughed and leant down to kiss your pouted lips. “I won’t be too long and we can watch a movie later,” Niall said, gently pulling away from you, shifting your chest from his to the soft mattress. You whined at the loss of contact and continued to pout but nodded in agreement curling into the soft covers, Niall pulled over you. Later when you woke properly you sighed wandering through the quiet apartment. Deciding it was about time you got revenge for all Niall’s pranks, you rushed into the large walk in closet and found the last box that you had decided not to unpack. Ripping open the top you smiled at the sea of pink and pastel that sat in front of you. The box held a few things from your childhood and a lot of girly things. Grabbing an armful you made your way through the apartment placing items on various surfaces. You put a few pastel coloured candles on the table in the front room, draped a fluffy pink blanket over the couch, along with a few floral pillows and a vase of flowers. As a last flash idea you plastered some posters from an old magazine you found of male celebrities like Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron and Channing Tatum, on the back of the bathroom door.

Satisfied with your work you settled on the couch and waited for Niall. It wasn’t long till you heard the door open and the loud entrance of your boyfriend Niall. Quickly attempting to hide your smirk you turned to watch him enter the room. “Babe what’s the craic?” Niall called, trailing off as he caught sight of the new decorations, quickly taking a moment to glance around the room, picking up one of the cushions he turned back to you. “Why is the apartment covered in…..girl?” unable to even attempt innocence you just cracked up laughing, the sound echoing around the room. Niall groaned as he noticed more items around the house, “Y/N why?” You just laughed harder, “just a bit of payback babe.” “Please tell me this is not permanent” Niall pleaded. “Course not” you laughed “I just wanted to see the look on your face… was worth it.” Niall sighed “Thank god, I’ll be back down in a second, I’m just going to have a shower.” You nodded, successfully hiding a smirk as Niall left the room. Only a few moments later you heard a shout from upstairs “Y/N what the fuck is on this door” and again you found yourself in fits of loud laughter.


You collapsed on the couch as you dropped the last box into the living room, Zayn dropping down beside you soon after. “This is why people, stay in the same place, I am exhausted” you said, stifling a yawn. Zayn chuckled as he swung an arm over your shoulder, tucking you into his side, “me to, reckon we can just take a quick power nap?” you just nodded in response as Zayn stretched across the couch, pulling you in close. You both closed your eyes as Zayn rubbed a hand up and down your back, easily drifting off to sleep, surrounded by towers of boxes. What felt like only minutes later, but in reality was a few hours, you both woke to the loud banging on the door. Jumping from the shock, you both shot up from the couch and stumbled over boxes towards the door. You opened the door, both still slow and bleary eyed from the sudden awakening. You were met with the smiling face of Liam. “What ya doin ere” Zayn mumbled. “I just came to see how you’re going and to bring some food,” he said offering a box of pizza. You moved off to the side with Zayn and gestured for Liam to come in. He strolled in and glanced around, a bemused smile on his face, “have you guys actually done anything today or just decided to sleep?” Zayn shrugged “we may have had a short 3 hour nap,” he responded sharing a look with you as you both started laughing. Liam chuckled to, “well I would love to say that I could stick around to help, but I’ve got to go meet Andy, I can come help tomorrow if you like.” “Thanks Liam that would be great,” you said with a smile, excepting the pizza and cans of coke from Liam as he turned and headed back to the door. After Liam left you glanced at Zayn and asked “what do you reckon, living room floor as good a place as any to eat pizza?” Zayn grinned, “sounds perfect to me.” You both settled on the floor, munching on the pizza and sipping your drinks as you talked about how you were going to set the place up. When the pizza was gone you both yawned and again looked at the pile of boxes. “I know we already had a nap but I could really sleep right now, the unpacking will always still be here for us to do tomorrow” you said looking up at Zayn with a small grin. “I couldn’t agree more” Zayn said, standing and extending his hand to help you up. Gripping your hand tightly in his own, Zayn led you up to the bedroom, which luckily was the only room you had managed to set up early, before the rest of the boxes arrived.


“Haz, where did you put the keys for the new place?” you asked as you swept past him, arms full of things to deposit in the car. “Ahh, didn’t I give them to you?” Harry replied voice deep and slow as he looked at you with wide eyes. You stopped quickly and turned to face him, “Harry please tell me you are joking and you know where the keys are.” Harry just stood looking at you for a moment, before he started rummaging through the box in front of him, “well no but I am sure that they are here somewhere.” “Harry” you sighed in exasperation and dropped what was in your hands to rummage through the one of the other boxes Harry had been working on. Twenty minutes and a number of boxes later, you sighed in frustration and looked across the room at Harry to see him fiddling with his phone. “Harry!” you exclaimed. “Sorry” Harry said with a small smirk, “I was just updating twitter, you should check the trends.” You sighed, somewhat annoyed, but pulled your phone from your pocket anyway and pulled up the twitter app, to see a notification from Harry. @Harry_styles: Sorry Y/T/N maybe next time don’t leave me with the keys #IthinkIpackedthem. You tried to hide your grin but when you glanced at the trends you couldn’t help it. #Y/Nyoushouldknowbetter #SillyHarry and #Ahuntforpackedkeys were all trending and you just started laughing. Harry smiled to, as he came over and wrapped his arms around your torso. “I’m sorry babe” Harry mumbled. “It’s ok Harry we’ll find them, I really should know better” you said with a cheeky grin as you leaned back into Harry. “Hey” Harry started to protest before you felt something bump against your hip. “Harry…” you started slowly, causing a confused look to cross his face before you continued “what is that in your pocket?” “My phone” he stated matter of factly pulling it out, still looking confused. “Harry, the other pocket” you exclaimed. Harry dug into the pocket and sheepishly extracted a set of silver keys. You started laughing again, this time clutching your stomach as tears streamed down your face. When you finished repacking the boxes, you told Harry that you would meet him at the new place, you got in your own car and headed to the store quickly.

*Later as the both of you finally sat on the couch in the messy living room of your new home you laughed again as you checked over the tweets and trends in response to your own tweet. Y/T/N: Found the keys……in @Harry_styles pocket. #Youhave2pocketsHarry. The most popular response trend was #Harryonepocketstyles which had you giggling uncontrollably and Harry groaning as he ran a hand over his face, “I’m definitely not living down this one.” “No way,” you responded happily, “I got you a present” you said a glint in your eyes. “Hmm?” Harry enquired. You reached to the side and grabbed the bag, from your trip to the store, pulling out a wooden plaque with a number of hooks on it and gold lettering which read ‘A home for keys.’ Harry just groaned again as you started to laugh “yes alright, good joke Y/N” he said and pulled you into his side as you continued to laugh.  


You woke up to a heavy arm splayed across your torso and your eyes fluttered open to see a still sleeping Liam beside you. Glancing around the room, you smiled at the peace you felt, waking up for the first time beside Liam in this new house that you had both chosen. You lay there for a while just enjoying the morning and scrolling through twitter on your phone, until you decided it was time to get up, thinking you might go make some breakfast for the both of you. You started to gently shuffle your way out from under Liam’s arm but didn’t make it far before he stirred and his arms wrapped around you, pulling you against his warm chest. Thinking he had woken you started to speak before noticing that his eyes were still closed and breathing even. You smiled softly, lifting a hand to Liam’s cheek and shuffling closer to press a gentle kiss to his slightly jutted lips. After a few minutes Liam’s eyes finally opened and he looked at you with glassy brown eyes. “Morning Y/N” he mumbled voice deep and thick with sleep. “Morning sleepy head” you responded with a smile. His eyes slipped closed again, you knew he was tired from the last few busy weeks at the studio, but you nudged him slightly till they opened again. “Liam you can go back to sleep, can you just let me go?” you asked softly. “Sorry” Liam mumbled as his arms loosened and you were able to shuffle from his grasp. You chuckled as you noticed he was asleep again before you left the room for the kitchen.

*You were just finishing up breakfast when Liam wandered into the kitchen, a sheepish grin on his face. “Sorry about this morning love, I guess I’ve been missing a bit of sleep” he said. You only smiled as you returned the soft kiss he pressed to your waiting lips. His hands travelled down to you own and he wrapped his large hand around yours, starting to pull you from the room. “Li breakfast is ready” you reminded him. “I know but I have a surprise, I have been waiting so long to show you,” he said a huge grin on his face which crinkled the corners of his eyes. Unable to resist that smile you let him lead you through the house to stand outside the door to one of the spare rooms. He gestured for you to open the door and you looked up at him in confusion, “Li I’ve seen every room.“ “I know, just please open the door,” he said smile getting impossibly bigger. You shrugged and turned the handle, pushing the door open. When the room was revealed you gasped and raised a hand to cover your mouth. “Li, this is….amazing…..when….how did you?” you asked in broken sentences. Liam just smiled down at you as you walked into the room and looked around in awe, the room was set up as a perfect art room; it was full of bright colours, one wall completely covered in layered levels of shelving, already full of your art supplies. Another had a desk and easel pressed against it and the final two held your favourite artworks, you had made, in beautiful frames. Lacking the words to thank Liam, you just ran into his open arms and hugged him tightly. “You’re welcome beautiful” Liam said acknowledging the unspoken thank you.

AN: So I thought this one was super cute and I loved it. It is also super long which is good too. 

Check out a new story I have called The Tomlinson Bunch. I won't be updating it for at least a week but just the summary is there if you want to save it to your library ready for when I do update it :) 

So what did you think of this one :) ?????





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I DO NOT OWN/MADE SOME OF THESE PREFERENCES I FIND THEM ON TUMBLR/WATTPAD I decided to find alot of preferences and put them in one big book
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