When Stars Collide {иαℓυ AU}

By oncingwhovian1

667 72 4

"уσυ иєє∂ ¢нασѕ ιи уσυя ѕσυℓ тσ gινє вιятн тσ α ∂αи¢ιиg ѕтαя✨" ~fяιє∂яι¢н иιєтz... More

Two||My Letter
Three||My Faith
Five||My Promise
Six||My Mistake
Seven||My Truth
Eight||My Questions

Four||My Trust

59 9 0
By oncingwhovian1

〜•ℓυ¢у'ѕ ρσν•〜

"Damnit!" The roaring voice woke me up, followed by the sounds of breaking glass.

Well sounds like he's awake.

I looked at the blinking clock on my nightstand. "7:45?!" I squealed as I jumped up out of my bed, tripping over the covers, sending me crashing to the ground.

"Ouch." I spat as I untangled myself from the blankets. I stood up and made my way to my closet. I opened it to find my clothes neatly hung up and sorted. My eyes scan them, looking for something suitable to cover my injuries. They landed on a light pink sweater. I tore it down from the hanger and threw it over my head.

I ran my fingers through my messy blonde locks as I made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and threw my hair up into a messy bun. "Whatever..." I whispered as I looked at myself one last time in the mirror.

I grabbed my book bag and headed down the stairs. "Lucy! Is that you!" The man boomed throughout the house, causing shivers to go down my back. "Y-Yes father." I replied quietly, praying that he wouldn't start a fight.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He yelled, blocking the door. "You should have woken me up last night!"

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, avoiding his eyes. "Speak up!" He booming voice pierced my ears. "I'm sorry." I said a little bit louder. "Tch." He spat as he began walking away, "Fucking smart ass."

I let a simple sigh of relief leave my lips as I glanced at the clock,


I'm going to be late.

I thought to myself as I quickly ran out the door and headed off to school. Eventually I my body slowed itself down, "At least I don't have to deal with Flare today..." I muttered to myself.

"Hey Luce!" I heard someone call out. I looked across the street to see a pink-haired boy running towards me, with a little bluenette following close behind. "Natsu?" I ask, squinting my eyes at the two figures.

"Hey!" He cheered, "See told ya Wendy, we're gonna get there on time." The pinkette said to the girl. "Lucy, this is my cousin, Wendy." Natsu introduced. "Nice to meet you!" She cheered.

Her dark blue hair was tied back into pigtails and she wore a red long-sleeved shirt and a short black skirt.

"Nice to meet you too, Wendy." I gave her a kind smile, and continued to walk. Natsu quickly caught up to me, with Wendy following close behind.

"Natsu-san we are going to be late." The little girl whined. "Nah, Luce is always to school on time, isn't that right?" He replied.

How would he know that?

And what's with this 'Luce'

He barely knows me...

"Well, usually yeah, but this morning..." My mind flashed to my father,

His eyes,

The were like a flame.

"I overslept." My voice trailed off.

"Well, Natsu caught the house on fire, again." Wendy said glaring at her cousin. "Grandeeney really needs to stop asking me to cook." The pink-haired boy retorted.

Again? I rewind in my mind,

Exactly how many times has he caught the house on fire before?

"Hey Luce, what's that?" Natsu asks examining my arms. I looked down and saw the bandages peeking out from under my sleeve. I instinctively pulled it down, and averted my eyes to the side. "It's nothing..." I whispered.

The boy was silent, but when I snuck a peek at him, his onyx eyes were lost in intense thought. I attempted to read what was going through his head, but it seemed to come up blank.

Probably "This girl is such a freak."

Or "What a weirdo."

That's usually it.

"Looks like we are here you guys!" Wendy cheered, oblivious to awkward silence between us. "See you later Natsu-san, it was nice meeting you Lucy!" The blue- haired girl waved before running off to her class.

"Hey, I get it. I'm the strange guy with messy pink hair you barely know." Natsu began, "But you can trust me." His voice was caring, soft. It echoes in my head, bouncing from thought to thought.


Trusting people will only get you hurt Lucy.

You know that.

"C'mon let's get you to class." The pink-haired boy cheered. He took my hand, and began running with me following behind. Natsu lead me through the halls, making every twist and turn. "Professor Makarov's room right?" He turned his head and chuckled.

How does he know where my first period is?

I simply nod, ignoring my thoughts.

Lucky guess, I suppose.

"Room 177." Natsu read out the numbers written on the wall. His goofy grin dissipated from his face, while his onyx eyes contorted into a look I am all too familiar with,

A look of loss...

"Who?" I gently asked, seemingly snapping him out of his trance. Natsu looked down at me and plastered a smile on his face. "Whatcha talking bout Luce?"

The words he spoke from earlier rang in my ears.

"Hey, I get it. I'm the strange girl with messy blonde hair you barley know." I paused, letting a sincere smile tug at my lips, "But you can trust me."

There's that word again,


"You better get in there, Gramps hates it when students are tardy." Natsu chuckled, holding open the door for me. I nod a silent 'Thank you.' and walk into the classroom. "See ya later Luce!" He cheered as he closed the door and headed to his class.

"Ms. Heartfilia? You're late." The old man spat when his eyes landed on me. "Sorry Professor, I overslept this morning..." I say quietly. "Take your seat." He said as he returned to his lesson.

"Heya Blondie~" Flare taunted as I took my seat in front of her. "Hello Flare." I said blankly, without making eye contact. I opened my bag and began taking out my notebooks.

"I saw you with pinky, thought I told you to stay away from him~" She taunted.


Why does she care whether I am around him or not?

"Flare, leave her alone." A familiar voice spat from beside me. I turn to find the hazel eyes and the light blue hair of my best friend. Levy looked to me, with a contortion of worry and care layered within her hazel eyes, "Lu-chan, why were you really late?"

"I overslept." I whispered, braking my eyes from hers. "Is that all?" Levy replied, gently placing her hand on my arm.

"Ahem." The professor cleared his throat. Our attention was directed to the short man at the front of the room. "Care to share something with the class ladies?" He says as his brow wrinkles and his eyes narrowed at us.

"No sir." Levy replied retreating back to her seat. I heard a quiet cackle from behind me. Makarov went back to his history lesson, causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

I took out a piece of paper, and began writing notes. But as the professor's lesson began to drone on more and more, I found my mind lingering elsewhere.

I found it thinking back to the stupid grin on his face,

The sad look in his eyes.


I found my hand deciding that instead of writing notes, it wanted to write a letter to her, to my mother.


I hope you're doing okay. I am in first period with Professor Makarov right now, and we are learning about the First Great War and such. An interesting topic, but I couldn't help myself from talking to you.

This morning, Dad was up. I believe he was sober, but he was still angry at me. But while walking to school I ran into Natsu, and his cousin Wendy. Apparently, Natsu had caught the house a flame, again! I know I've only met him, but it feels like I've known him my entire life. I still don't know for sure if he remembers me from the roof, but he looks at me strange. Not like everyone else does, he looks at me like Levy-chan does, like you and Dad did...

Natsu walked me to first period as well, I found it strange that he knew where it was. But something about the room number unsettled him, because when he saw it, his expression became sad. I knew that expression all too well. It was the expression dad wore at your funeral, it was the expression he wore when he looked at me before he resorted to drinking.

I know I shouldn't hate resembling you as much as I do, but it's hard because my face is a constant reminder of you. I know it hurts Dad when he sees you within my eyes. That's why I can't bring myself to hate him, even after everything. Instead I hate myself, I blame myself for your death, for Dad's addiction, for everything.

I wonder if you blame me too?

I'm sorry Mom, so sorry...


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