Story of another us // Calum...

By proseccoproblems

335K 6.3K 2.5K

'An epilogue before we're done, A sequel to what we've begun' *** "Don't marry him" Calum said taking Emily's... More

Four years.


7.9K 160 101
By proseccoproblems

Emily arrived at Poppy's house at 9 am. Poppy's house was where she and the bridal party were preparing because she had the biggest house. The make up arisits and hair dressers were already there.

"Hey!" Poppy exclaimed as Emily walked into the living room.

"Hey" Emily said before she said hello to the make up and hair artists.

"Excited?" Poppy asked as she handed Emily a mug of coffee.

"Of course" Emily said before thanking her for the coffee.

"Nervous?" Poppy asked as the doorbell rung.

"Of course" Emily said making Poppy chuckle as she went to answer the front door. It was Tommy, Tilly and James. Poppy welcomed them before Tilly was sent over to a hair dresser to get her hair put up into a half up half down do. Holly and Parker were next to arrive with Paige and Mali. Dixie and Izzy came last with Dave.

"Hey girls!" Emily greeted the twins as they walked into the room. Dave followed closely behind them and he made eye contact with Emily, his eyes soften a little.

"Hey" Dave said with a small nod.

"Hi" Emily said giving him a smile as she sat having her hair curled. Holly hung up the dresses on a rack. Holly turned to look at Emily, they had eye contact for a few seconds before Holly broke out into a grin.

"Shit you're getting married" Holly whispered making Emily nod, but not a very big movement because she did have a curling wand in her hair. Holly glanced back at the dresses. The bridesmaid dresses were floor length, a baby blue and strapless. They flowed down to the floor from fitting the top of the body. Holly's dress was the same apart from it being dark blue. It was the colour scheme that Emily had always wanted. She had a mixture of white roses and dyed blue roses. The boys wear blue flowers on the left pocket of their suit jackets.


Calum was in his apartment with his parents and the boys. They didn't have to start to get ready so soon as the females, suits and hair didn't take them as long.

"I can't this fucking speech" Michael said tugging at his hair as he sat at the edge of Calum's sofa. Calum chuckled a little.

"You've gotta make it good because Holly's is your competition" Calum stated making Michael groan.

"Why didn't you pick Ash he's good at talking to people" Michael whined a little making Calum roll his eyes.

"Because you've been my best friend since we were 7" Calum stated "It isn't that hard to write a speech"

"Can I say how I used to hate Emily?" Michael asked making Calum frown at him.

"Wait what?" Calum asked making Luke chuckle from the other side of the sofa. "You hated her?!"

"In high school yeah" Michael shrugged "Wasn't that obvious?"

"What did she ever do to you?" Joy asked making Calum raise his eyebrows at Michael.

"Yeah what did she ever do to you?" Calum repeated

"I don't hate her now!" Michael protested "Can I write about it or not?"

"You want to write about how you hated the bride?" Luke asked frowning a little "That's a tad messed up?"

"Okay okay" Michael said as he twiddled the pen around his fingers.

"You boys should start thinking about getting ready" Joy stated making the boys start to shuffle around the rooms for their suits.


"Okay suck in" Holly said to Emily as she began to button up the back of Emily's dress. The dress was white, a strapless sweetheart cut which was a diamond patterning covering the top half before it start to gradually flow out from the hips. It wasn't a a typical 'princess' style dress but it definitely had the vibe of it. Holly did the last button up and Emily exhaled. She turned around to face Holly who nodded a little at her and smiled. "So beautiful"

"Can I marry you instead? I swear you can still have the surname" Mali said walking over to Emily. Emily chuckled a little as she hugged Mali who wore a baby blue bridesmaid dress. "You're so beautiful I think you're with the wrong Hood"

"You're not a Hood anymore" Emily pointed out making Mali smirk at her.

"Ah young one as you're soon to find out. Once a Hood always a Hood" Mali smiled making Emily laugh a little before she pushed hair out of her face and looked around the room. Tilly, Izzy and Dixie were also Bridesmaids, but more flower girls - even though they were all over the age of 10. They wore similar dresses to the bridesmaids, baby blue which flowed to the floor.

"Oh god" Emily said as she saw Tommy attempting to do a bow tie in the mirror. "Oh god stop" Emily said walking over to him. He paused and turned towards her. "Honestly you're a poor excuse of a boy sometimes" Emily mumbled as she began to tie to bow tie.

"Hey that isn't very nice" Tommy whined "I'll push you over walking down the aisle"

"I fall you fall you twat" Emily said as she finished off the tie. "I dare you" Emily teased making Tommy raise an eyebrow at her challengingly. "Actually I don't please don't"

"We need to put your vial on" Holly said walking over to the pair. Tommy stepped out of the way and Emily turned towards the mirror as the hair dresser placed the vial into her hair with a sparkly clip. Emily's hair was down with two pieces from the front twisted to the back. The vial went down into a train behind Emily.

"We're going" Dave said gesturing towards himself and James.Dave paused and looked at Emily as she turned to face him. "You look stunning and just like your mother. She'd be proud of you Em" Emily smiled at him before she brought him into a hug. "We'll see you later"

"Okay bye" Emily said giving him a smile before she fist bumped James.

"Laters" James said "Oh and good luck try not to trip but if you do I'll be recording it"

"You're all so mean" Emily pouted before she shooed James away to catch up with Dave.

"We've got fifteen minuets until the cars come" Poppy announced "Do you wanna do some photos or something?"

"Yeah sure" Emily nodded as Holly handed her a champagne.


Emily bit on her false nail as she sat next to Tommy in the car on the way to the venue.

"Are you actually nervous?" Tommy asked looking at his sister. She looked at him and nodded.

"A little a guess" Emily said "I'm feeling a lot of things"

The car pulled up in front of the manner house. The ceremony was to be held outside in the garden before the reception is held in the manner. The car stopped an Emily swallowed hard before she stepped out of the car. Her dress fell to the floor and Holly came over to help her straighten everything out before the walk down the aisle. Izzy, Dixie and Tilly were taken to walk down the aisle almost straight away.

It wasn't five minuets after that the Bridesmaids were sent to walk down before the classical music started and all of the guests stood up.

Emily and Tommy looked at one another before Emily linked her arm through his.

"You fuck this up I kill you" Emily hissed making Tommy chuckle at her.

"You're the one who picked me to walk you down the aisle" Tommy stated as they walked to the corner before the first arch where the aisle started. "Ready?"

"Yep" Emily breathed before they appeared under the arch and walked passed the guest starring at them both.

The aisle had flower petals scattered down it from Emily's three younger sisters. At the end of the aisle was a step where Calum stood wearing a black and white tux. An archway was also at the end of the aisle with roses weaved around it. The aisle was lined with white wooden seats which the guests sat on and went in rows of ten.

Emily clutched onto Tommy's arm and her flowers as the walked the long length of the aisle. Calum watched as she gradually walked closer to him, the eye contact between them never breaking. Calum felt tears prick up in his eyes making Emily give him a 'don't you dare' look because that would make her cry and she'd hadn't gotten down the aisle.

Once at the end of aisle Tommy and Emily exchanged a hug before he helped her step up on to the step. Emily smiled at Calum as they faced one another.

"I want to welcome you to a day that will change the lives of both these families forever. I want to welcome each other you and thank you for coming to share this memory that will last in these families forever and for wanting to be a part of this day. We are gathered here to witness and celebrate the wedding of Emily and Calum. You have come here to share their formal commitment they will make with one another and you will offer your love and support for them today. They will begin their married life today and they are surrounded by the people who are most dear and most important to them. Marriage is perhaps the most greatest and most challenging advantage of human relationships. No ceremony is going to create the marriage. Through love, patience, dedication, perseverance, through talking and listening, helping and supporting and believing in one another, through tenderness and laughter, through learning to forgive, learning to appreciate your differences, learning to make the important things matter. That is what is going to create the marriage" the officiant began the ceremony with. The officiant said the official vowels before asking "Do you Calum take this woman to be your wedded wife?"

"I Do" Calum said glancing at the officiant before back to Emily.

"And do you Emily take this man to be your wedded husband?"

"I do"

"Now the couple have choosen to some some of their own vowels before the ring exchange"

"When we woke up this morning Emily turned to me and said I want to write vowels for you to say to me" Calum said making the audience laugh a little. "So I think she has written something that I'm supposed to read" Emily nodded before Holly handed her a piece of paper who handed it to Calum. Calum glanced over the words on the paper before he chuckled a little. "I promise to always tell you that you're right. I promise to clean up any dog poop that is to ever come out of our dog. I promise to watch a click flick with you at least once a week and pretend to enjoy it. And lastly I promise that I will never shave my hair like I did a few years ago." The guest chuckled a little. "So I wrote vowels to"

Calum handed Emily a piece of paper. Emily unfolded it before taking the microphone from Calum. "I promise to never sing or play any of your songs around the house. I promise to never make you watch any chick flick with you ever again. I promise to remind you how good looking you are on a daily bases even when you have hair growing out of weird places" Emily said laughing a little "I actually have real vowels"

"Yeah me too"

"Do you wanna go first or me?" Emily asked making Calum take to microphone from her signalling that he would go first.

"From the moment that we first ever had a conversation I knew that you were different. I wasn't exactly sure how different you would be. I didn't imagine that at 17 years old when I asked to be your chemistry partner that you would end up being my life partner, frankly I did it because you were hot and didn't like me. So in front of all these people I promise to choose you. I promise to choose you no matter where our careers take us, I choose you when things get hard, I'll choose you when you get sick I'll look after you, I'll protect you with everything that I can. So from moment on for the rest of my life I promise to choose you" Calum said making Emily smile at him with signs of tears in her eyes as he handed her the microphone.

"I actually wanna start of by thanking you. Thank you for showing me what love means, before I met you I didn't think it existed. Thank you for telling me I look beautiful even when I know I look like a mess. Thank you for choosing me even if it was hard for you." Emily said her voice cracking a little. "So I promise that I will fight for you, I promise to never give up on you, I promise to believe in you and support you in your very need, I promise to take care of you, I promise to try and make you laugh and help you out when things get tough. I promise to love you and cherish you for as long as I can"

Calum blinked a few tears back as Emily wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

"I Calum give you Emily this ring as a token of promise and love" The officiant said before Calum repeated it and slid the sliver ring onto Emily's finger.

"I Emily give you Calum this ring as a token of promise and love" The officiant said before Emily repeated it and slid a sliver ring onto Calum's finger.

"It has come of the moment where Calum you made now kiss your bride"

Calum cupped Emily's face before their lips were brought together in a long kiss before they pulled away and smiled at each other as the guests wooed and clapped.


It was the point in the evening for the speeches. Calum and Emily sat in the middle of a long table which looked out over a lot of round white table clothed tables where the other guests sat.

Holly stood up and held a microphone in her hand. "So apparently I have to go first" Holly said before she smiled down at Emily "I'm Holly and the maid of honor just incase you were like 'who is she?'. Urm now I've known Emily my whole life. I don't have a memory with out her, at least not really. Our mothers become friends through the birth of us being born two days apart. urm" Holly chuckled a little. "My first clear memory of Emily is actually one that sums her up as a person. When we were at primary school and we were four years old. Emily is a very kind person so she made friends really easily. I was a bit more spiteful and found it harder to make friends. So one time these girls told me I couldn't be involved in the game and told me to leave them alone. Now being four this breaks your heart so I went and sat on a beach on my own. Emily came over about five minuets afterwards and sat next to. I asked why she wasn't playing with the group of girls and she turned to me and said 'because they were mean to you and I don't want to be around mean people. I don't want you to be sad and by yourself'. Emily has the sweetest and kindest heart I've never known. You don't have to be her friend to know that. Even though she has been through an absolutely challenging and heartbreaking life Emily has remained true herself and everyone else around her. Emily has always had my back and even when I've tried so hard to push her away or we've argued to the point I didn't want to not smash her face in she is one of the most important people to ever be into my life and I couldn't imagine it without her. Now if we skip past the childhood adventurer stories, which honestly consist of her telling me not to climb that because I will fall and hurt myself to which I should've listened too, and go to high school. High school is a life changing event. You grow a lot during it. We never really found a proper friendship group until late into our years of high school. Emily was a content, quiet girl who liked to stay out of drama and attention. Emily worked hard to get amazing grades and kept a low profile. Calum Hood on the other hand. The main source of drama and attention, the charming an intimidating 'badboy' who every single girl had a crush on. I mean apart from the one who ended up marrying him. Emily here disliked Calum. He was too cocky and she didn't see the big deal about him. They got paired together in Chemistry for a month long project. Now something happened in the month that no one really understands, I don't think they understand. Somehow this relationship was formed and suddenly they were in an relationship and then the drama came, and the attention came. Calum and Emily are the weirdest couple I've ever seen. Weird in how they work, half the time they hate one another. They are opposites in so many factors. But they also have these similarities that come out deeper in side of them. Honestly, if anything their relationship has taught me that true love exists and fate exists and that no matter how tough things get if you love them enough fighting for them is worth. I'm so honored to be able to see the relationship grow into a lot more than puppy love.  So congratulations guys and good luck" Holly finished before she past the microphone to Tommy.

"I don't actually have a speech prepared because I wasn't told I had to do one. But apparently I do so lets go" Tommy started before he looked at his sister and nodded "As much as I hate to say it Emily is someone I have always admired. She has always remained positive, strong headed and kind through out our rough childhood. She has always been an anchor to me even if she didn't know it.  When we were younger Emily used to teach me the weirdest things like if you walked backwards it feels like you're walking faster but you're actually walking slower. She also taught life things like riding a bike. Emily is the only person in my life who has remained consistent and even though I am a grown man she still treats me like I'm a teenager. I know that she has my back and I know that she will always help me out in hard times. I remember Emily bringing Calum home and I was so confused because Calum was this really popular dude and Emily was lame. I was reassured by Calum himself that they weren't dating and they were chemistry partners. That lasted about a month." Tommy paused before he looked out at the audience. "Our mum called Calum being in love with Emily before I think he even knew. I remember we watched them sit out on the beach in the back garden talking and she said 'He loves her' I asked her how she knew and she replied 'look at the way his eyes light up when she talks and the way he looks at her in general'. From that moment I always looked to see the way he looked at her and the way she looked at him. If you're luckily enough to see them exchange a glimpse you might be able to see it too. I remember that our mum was the biggest supporter of Calum and Emily she convinced Emily not to end it at least twice. She saw something worth fighting for within them and I think that if she was here now she'd say 'I told you so' because no one ever believed that they were actually in love. So congratulation to the couple and good luck to Calum because you think you've seen the worst but you haven't"

Michael stood up with the microphone and looked down at the piece of paper n front of him. "I think that I'm actually going to start by thanking Emily" Michael said nodding a little as he looked at Emily. "I want to thank you for helping shape Calum into the person he is now. I don't think you know how much of an impact you've had on him ever since day one. So thank you for helping Calum find his way when no one else could and for making him happy when no one else could. Lastly thank you for putting not only Calum but all four of us before your happiness in order for us to become the band we are today" Michael paused "I want to keep this short so I've known Calum for a very long time and he is someone who I share amazing memories with. Calum is the kind of guy who makes you feel okay about life, he is care free, relaxed and sometimes funny. He has always been a humble friend and he is insanely talented.I think the moment I released that Calum loved Emily was when he wrote this one song based on her not wanting them to be on technology for one of their first dates or something. Calum had never written a song about someone before. Even though it took me months to admit that Calum was happy in this relationship and that he was love with her deep down I knew that he'd never been happier. I think that seeing a somewhat beautiful some what twisted love story has taught a lot of people that love survived a lot of things, four years apart being one of those. I think that this was a surprise ending to the relationship and it was something they depended on. So best of luck and happy wedding day"
Calum stood up and took the microphone from Michael. "So I have a boring speech" Calum stated "and in gonna keep it short because this is really intimidating" he paused a little and looked around the room. "I want to thank you all for coming today, a lot of people have travelled for this and honestly that means a lot. It means a lot why we are surrounded by as many friends and family as possible. I want to thank my best men for everything they have done, not that they did much but thank you for the support you have given me. I want to thank the bridesmaids for everything they have done because they have helped keep Emily as calm as possible these past few months. Holly, thank you because you basically planned this whole wedding. My parents thank you for everything you've done not only for this but in general also thank you for welcoming Emily into our family. Lastly I guess thanks to Em for actually turning up and marrying me that saves me a lot of embarrassment"

Emily and Calum walked onto the dance floor for their first dance. 'I won't give up' by Jason Marz began to play. Calum placed a hand on Emily's waist before taking her other hand into the basic hold.

"Remember side step" Calum mumbled as they began to move slowly around the dance floor. "Also have you seen what some people are wearing?"

"Calum!" Emily hissed making Calum chuckle.

"I'm stating an opinion" Calum said rolling his eyes making Emily shake her head at him.

"Do you remember me telling you I wanted this as my wedding song when you took me to Scotland?" Emily asked making Calum nod.

"Yeah that was after you did that awful dance to what makes you beautiful" Calum stated making Emily laugh at him. "I mean that was a better time of you being drunk than when you threw up"

"Shut up" Emily chuckled "You loved it"

"Hey at least Nia didn't stand up and object the marriage" Calum whispered making Emily laugh at him again. "That would have been embarrassing"

"Please stop talking" Emily said shaking her head at him.

"Buzz should've taken part in the wedding" Calum whispered

"Oh my god shut up" Emily whined a little.

"Okay but seriously" Calum said looking down at her "We're doing pretty well in order to start swimming"

"I hope you still got some energy mate, because there's a long distance ahead" Emily said making Calum nod in agreement.

The music soon enough cut out and the rest of the guests came into the dance floor as new music began to play.

"Hey I love you Hood" Calum said to Emily as they both grabbed champagne glasses.
"That sounds kind of weird" Emily whispered.
"I agree can I still call you Jones?" Calum asked making Emily shrug
"I guess so but it's not correct" Emily answered "oh and I love you too, Hood" Calum smiled down at her and put up his hand for a high five. Emily high fives him before she grinned up at him.
"So what's next on your list?" Calum asked making Emily raise an eyebrow at him.
"You know the answer to that.."

Omg this is the last chapter and I'm so emotional. this is the only chapter i cried writing and I also learnt that weddings make me very emotional - i had to watch wedding videos on YouTube to prepare because idk what is said at weddings. I have to say that the vowels are very much based on Colleens and Josh's wedding from YouTube I thought that the vowels were very fitting for my characters and I don't actually know what is said at weddings so don't hate me for that.
Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book it means a lot to me! I love you all very much.
I will be doing a q&a if people leave some questions about the books or just whatever on snapchat or if there isn't enough people interest in the snapchat one I'll answer on here. That will be tomorrow! So let me know if you want it at all and if so on snapchat or just as a reply to comments! The snapchat is Mukebums
Again thanks so much for reading and the epilogue will be up neither tomorrow or Saturday along with information about the third book.

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