Unkiss Me (Camren)

By camrenstan

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I'm not actually picky with people, I'm more of afraid of them because they teach you how to love but they do... More

I - Aesthetic Angel
II - Beauteous Birds
III - Conceited Camila
IV - Dulcet Donuts
V - Ebullient Elephants
VI - Faux Faces
VIII - Hampered Harpoon
IX - Iniquity Ideas

VII - Garbled Games

470 14 1
By camrenstan


From all the people I've been seeing my whole life, my batch mates and best friends, it had to be the one person whom I've trusted, the one I truly love or did love. I can't express how angry I am and hurt that in a span of two weeks she has been using me for fame. She said she wanted to be treated the same way, to live a normal life well I guess when you grew up with a rich family it's already in your blood. She wanted to be on the top and she makes sure of it. People are nice and it's their choice to be and will always be a choice but she picked not to.

What is wrong with me?

What was I thinking?

On my way home, it was already dark and for the first time in my life I felt at peace despite my fear of what's in the dark. I guess I was caught up thinking of reasons why would Camila do it. Was it because Paulette wanted her to do it? But why? she could've said 'No'. She had a choice and everyone has but why me? What did I ever do to Paulette for her to hate me? I've been silent, I've been ignoring her and I never fought back. I always saw what her group did from harmless pranks to humiliating ones. I wanted to help those victims but I was afraid that my own silence would be ruin of one act.

Now, I feel what they felt. Loneliness.

I'm an independent person or at least I try to be, this is my life after all. If I could solve a math equation or riddle then I could solve this problem too and that was my number one goal, nothing and no one will stand in my way.

As I saw the familiar house that I lived for 18 years I let out a small breathe and I relaxed myself. I didn't want to mix the person I am in school and the person I am inside of the house which means my family doesn't know anything about my school life mainly what I go through everyday and I want it to stay that way so it wouldn't be chaotic. One last step until I was at the front door. I took the spare key from the pocket of my favorite black leather jacket and I carefully slid it inside the hole, twisting it making sure not to create such noise. Knowing my family they would ask questions instantly and it's never ends.

I twisted the door knob and pulled it open, I notice that the house was quite quiet. Once I was in I closed the door behind me and I made my way to the kitchen as I noticed the burning sensation of my throat, I was thirsty. I open the cupboard and quietly took the glass. I carefully opened the refrigerator and pulled out the pitcher. As I was filling up the glass I noticed a paper attached to the upper part of the refrigerator. After filling up the glass I swiftly place it back inside the refrigerator and I closed it. I read the note:

Lauren Michelle,

Me and your father are going out, His band got invited into some celebration party and he wanted me to come with him. We left you some food in the refrigerator and don't worry we'll be back in three hours maybe more cause you know your father he loves to socialize.

Love, Mom.

That's great, Dad loved the band and my Mom is super supportive of it. Well the band was the reason why they met and it's true by the way. My dad used to joke around the they formed the band and make music mostly because they wanted to get laid. I guess I had my own ways and I did have the gift but I wanted to do it for only one. Unfortunately that only one doesn't deserve it. As I took the last sip of my water I heard some footsteps behind me.

"Lauren?" I squinted my eyes "Where were you?" the figure walked closer and it was Taylor.

"I was at.. Uhm, Camila's" Taylor smirked at the mention of her name "Are you together?" She asked, crossing her arms. Well to tell you the truth I don't really know. I never asked her to be my girlfriend and it was only 'just for show' in the carnival so it technically means it still is until school. "Sort of" I answered as I placed the glass on the sink.

"Well she seems to like you, like a lot" she said as she approached the cupboard "I mean, it's the first time I've seen you happy since. I don't know. Maybe.. 3 years ago" she then took a glass from the cupboard and opened the refrigerator "Whatever she did to you" she paused, filling up her glass to then return it inside and drinking it. After drinking she continued "I love it." she carefully place the glass in the sink "Good night, Lo.." she wiggled her eyebrows as she left me there.


That nickname she gave me. Well I did like my name but I loved it even more when it rolled out of her mouth. I decided I had to get some sleep since I have school tomorrow and I'm mostly worried about ignoring Camila. It's already hard not to think about her, how much more if she's meters away from me. I changed into my pajamas and I slowly crawled in my bed. I sighed when I finally found my favorite spot but there was something missing, my favorite person.

"How did your parents come up with your name?" It was a sunny afternoon and we decided to rest. We were on our way to the park where we would be riding some elephants which I know she would love. "Well.. During those times. Ralph Lauren models had dark hair and bright blue eyes" I paused looking at the small latina beside me and she nodded "I was a dark haired and bright blue eyed baby" she smiled "I bet you were hella cute" she pinched my nose and I scrunched my nose at the contact.

"Ralph Lauren, Lauren" I closed my eyes at the mention of 'Ralph', the total embarassment. Dinah used to make fun of me and started calling me Ralph because of that. I heard a cute giggle beside me and I decided to open my eyes. "Ralph.." she said between giggles. God, you're effortlessly beautiful. "Dinah already got that one babe." I spoke up once her laugh died down.

Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips were pursed, she was thinking of something. "Lo." I raised my eyebrows in question "That's my nickname for you." she smiled as she snuggled closer and she wrapped her arms around me.

A beep from my phone woke me up. There were a lot 7 missed calls from her.

From: Camz 🍌
Why did you leave? I miss you. 😫

From: Camz 🍌
Good morning babe! 💕 On my way to school, see ya there 😘

From: Camz 🍌
Where are you? Classes are already starting.

From: Camz 🍌
Answer your phone. We need to talk. 😠


I forgot to set up my alarm last night. My parents are probably asleep, Taylor and Chris woke up earlier since they both had practices in the morning. I quickly took a shower and changed to my favorite pair of boots, denim jeans, checkered halter top and a leather jacket. I also put on a bit of light makeup before I took the keys to my motor. I left the house and rode down to the school.

The teacher was already passing out some papers when I arrived. I silently cursed to myself for forgetting to set up the alarm. She noticed a presence by the door and her head twisted to the left. "First time, Lauren" she said and everyone looked at me. "I'm really sorry Ms. Diane, it won't happen again." She nodded and gestured for me to come in.

I scanned the room and the seat beside Camila was vacant and that was where I usually sit but not today. There was also a vacant seat beside Belle and it would be pretty easy for me to ignore her if I would sit there. I don't know why I have this habit of ignoring people rather than facing with them, I just didn't have the guys yet to tell her everything and of course enough evidence. Even if I would've told her everything she would immediately report it to 'her friends' and I would become a laughing stock at this school forever. Once I sat down beside Belle, Camila's eyes were on us two. Her gaze was already burning through my skull and I just shrug it off with the fire that she sparked first, I'll just beat fire with fire.

Belle also gave me another set of papers which were printed out articles from the tumblr blog. It was getting creepy that Camila had almost everything about my family background and every medical record but where did she even get the Chlamydia results from. "It's easy to edit and of course.." she lowered her voice "to pay someone to do it." I nodded and Camila wasn't looking at us anymore because she was busy writing something down. After discussing a bit more and luckily the teacher didn't notice anything. We returned to listening to her anyways but Belee called me again, tapping my shoulder.

"Your girlfriend wanted to give you this." I slowly took it and read it 'You left me last night... then you completelt ignore right now, Is there something wrong? Can we talk about it?' I looked up and was met with those chocolate brown. Her eyes were soft and she was sad. I mouthed the words "I'm sorry." Timing was definitely perfect because the bell rang and I ran out of the classroom as fast as I can and went straight to Normani's classroom.

I stopped just by the her locker. Normani was still fixing her stuff in her locker and I took that chance to regain my self. She then close her locker and looked at me amusingly "Lauren, what's up?"

"Sqaud meeting at the field, right now." I said before grabbing Normani's hand and dragging her out onto the field. While we were waiting outside, Normani texted Ally and Dinah "Tell them not to tell Camila." Normani just smiled "That's your job Lauren. Besides you two are attached to each other and it's suprising that you aren't today." Why did it have to be her?

I also texted Belle and Becky to join us because obviously I need witnesses and backup. "Okay guys, I know who did it." All of their eyes were on me "It's Camila." The three of them laughed but instantly stopped when they saw us not smiling at all. "You're kidding right?." Dinah looked at me still shocked at what I said. Belle and Becky gave the evidences to them and slowly the understood. "Under the tumblr blog of Camila, Paulette must've forced her." Ally spoke up and my eyes saw the group coming out of the cafeteria "Ally, the point is she should've never let Paulette, actually anyone to tell her what to do yet she did it."

My blood was already boiling and suddenly Dinah's eye were gesturing me to look behind. I followed her gaze and there stood the so called 'princesses' Rachel, Jade, Paulette and Camila. Jade eyed me up and down, Rachel had her arms crossed, Paulette had one of her eyebrows raised and Camila was just staring at me blankly. "Eww.." Jade said in disgust and Rachel quickly spoke up "You're little friend here obviously can't get enough."

"Are you sleeping with Belle and Becky too?" I clenched my fist at how she disrespected my other two friends. "Camila!!" Paulette snapped her fingers and Camila approached her with two cups of drinks that had a horrible smell. The tree of them quickly took the drinks and spilled it on top of me "You're welcome." Rachel commented "Your thirst has already been fulfilled, hoe." That was it.

I quickly pulled her by the collar and pushed her down on the ground. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!!" I shouted and all of my friends were frozen at that moment and Mani was trying to calm me down. "I'm someone and you're no one." She said and before I could punch her "Don't think that punching me would erase the fact that the whole school knows you have Chlamydia." Her eyes were shut close and I completely missed her face, she was right. It would change nothing but a payback wouldn't hurt.

Dinah managed to get me up and Paulette's friends quickly helped her up. She rubbed some dirt off her expensive dress. "Once a hoe, always a hoe. Jauregui!" She shouted and I stood there defenseless and wet.

Becky handed me a cup full of sticky stuff "Whenever you're ready." she whispered and I grinned "Just not Camila, Paulette is mine." I gritted my teeth. The bitches turned around and we ran to them and spilled the drink with my right hand while the other one rubbed the sticky spaghetti on their dress.

Everyone was drenched except Camila. Her arms were only full of sauce because she helped her 'friends out'. "Ahhhh!!" Jade screamed, you know one of those girly screams that were funny. We laughed before running back inside the school "You'll pay for this Jauregui!!!" Paulette stomped her foot and she was shaking in anger. Rachel was still trying to clean herself and Camila just looked at us, especially me in disappointment.

"That was amazing Ralph!!" Dinah clapped her hands and I glared at her "You wanna be next?" and he raised her hands up "Sorry.. I meant Laurenza" Ally and Normani laughed at Dinah's reaction

"Where are you going to go now?" Normani asked and I can't go to class like this. "To my place." We ran out of school and Ally just shook her head at how rebel we were "There's always a first time for everything." We were gonna ditch school and go to our old house which is now my dad's studio. My dad is at work today plus he gave me some spare keys just incase I wanted to just cool off. We had to stop by Belle's house which is where we got some clothes and we were now on our way to my dad's studio for more research.

After that day I positively wanted to just cool off and ignore Camila. It was my way of telling her that I was deeply hurt of what she has done.




I quickly took off my earphones "What?!" It was Camila. She was bugging me again. For the third attempt of us talking and I actually gave in. She had her arms crossed and she was mad as hell. "Can you at least tell me why you're ignoring me?" I just looked at her but to then close my locker door with force and stormed away, not looking back.

I made my way to the Cafeteria and it was busy as usual. My friends waved at me and I approached our table. Dinah and Normani were engaged in a serious conversation and Ally was talking to this new girl Zendaya. I was all alone eating my lunch and then I felt two soft arms wrap around my waist "Baby, I'm really sorry.." Her head was buried in my neck andI I heard her sniffle.

"Camila, let me eat." I whispered as I didn't want to cause any scene. "Don't be mad, I don't wanna lose you" she was getting too touchy and I couldn't think straight at that time. I yanked her off of me and I shouted "PLEAE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" and I instantly regretted my choice of tone. Her eyes were watery and she ran out of the cafeteria. The girls stopped what they were doing and so did the other people. I quickly followed Camila behind and she went in one of the stalls. I could hear her cry and every sound that escaped her lips felt like my heart was being stabbed by a knife, it hurts.

I slowly knocked on the door "GO AWAY!!" Why did I do?

"Camila..." I could hear her gasp from the other side "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to shout." I spoke up and she was becoming quiet but still sniffles could be heard "It's just that I really want some space right now and I just need time to myself, to figure things out." great she was listening.

"You'll always be my Camzi, nothing is going to change" I smiled as I mention her nickname that I gave "So... Why don't you open the door and give Lolo a hug.." I suggested and she didn't open the door. "Lolo really needs her Camzi." I could hear a giggle coming from the other side and I knew she was okay. "Lolo doesn't want to hear Camzi cry because she really really likes her and she hates it when her Camzi cries." I spoke in my baby voice and I heard more giggles. I smiled as I stared at the door hoping it would open. I could hear a click sound and I knew she unlocked the door.

I opened the door carefully and I saw her sitting on the cover of the toilet. I instantly hug her, squeezing her tight and I place a soft kiss on her forehead "Sh.. I won't do that again." I heard her mumble something, her face was buried in my chest but I looked down and loosen my grip a bit "You promise?" Her eyes were twinkling and her nose was red. I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked even though she's still crying. I raised my hand, closed it except for my pinky "Promise." We locked pinkies and I saw her wonderful smile that just made me feel a little hope that she didn't do those things.

We exited the bathroom after a minute or two. We decided to eat outside and of course we chose to just get some food from the vending machines since people are gonna start asking us questions on what happened awhile ago. Might as well avoid it and eat our lunch in privacy. We were under a shade of a tree and it was a hot day or am I just beside a hot girl that's why I'm sweating like crazy.

"That's for wearing a dark color today." Camila joked and I rolled my eyes at her comment "You can never go wrong with black babe." she shakes her head "But I can't help but be all nervous and sweaty if a hot girl is beside me." I instantly looked at her and she was now blusing, hiding her face with her hands "Stop it Lo." I was trying tobe oblivious "stop what?"

"Being so charming" she answered and I took her hands off of her face. I intertwined our hands "You love it!" and she stuck her tongue and it was cute "Sometimes.."

"You stink!!" She pinched her nose using her free hand and I chuckled "I even smell good when I sweat, my body sweat is like perfume." I trapped her in an embrace and she was trying to escape from it. I started shaking my face and trying to spray some sweat on her face, her face was all scrunched up and it was undeniably cute "Eww.." It was fun but at last when I was about to break the hug she quickly laid down and I was left to be on top of her "What?" she asked.

"You're so beautiful." I smiled and l looked down her lips. She got my message and she pulled me in for a sweet kiss. It didn't last long cause the bell rang afterwards. "So... about the space thing?" She asked and I had to assort the words I was going to say "Yeah, what about it?"

"What's gonna happen to us?" Her eyes fell down to the ground and I pulled her chin up so that she could look into my green eyes "We will always be together, no matter what." I pecked her lips before we went to our seperate class.

- - - - - - -

Weeks passed and we haven't spoken to each other since what happened. She texted me a lot of times but I didn't reply and yes, I felt guilty for what I did to them but they deserved it plus I can't do anything right now, what's done is done. For the past weeks me, Belle and Becky have been hanging out and we're getting along so well. We went to the movies and played in the arcade, it was a lot of fun.

Despite everything it was hard, as hell. To wake up everyday, go to school and expect someone to greet you. When our eyes would meet I would immediately divert my gaze or she'll walk away. It was all the same everyday, it was becoming a routine. I would see her laughing with her friends and enjoying their company. It's like she doesn't need me and here I am wanting her, needing her. I know I'm asking too much. In every instance she would talk to me I would completely ignore her maybe because that's all I'm capable of, I hurt people even if they deserve the opposite. About the tutor, Camila's grades are approving and that's great. I still have connections with Ally's mom and she still talks to my friends sometimes.

Today is Wednesday, halfway until it's Saturday. Same old ordinary day and I still miss her. She got me wrapped up around her finger and the funny part is that I want it. I still love her and no one is gonna change that. Becky has been extra clingy and she told me that her and Austin broke up because he was a jerk but I couldn't blame her, boys are boys and that's why I like girls.

The bell rang, signaling that it was already dismissal time. I was still busy arranging some stuff in my locker when a beep disturbed me.

It's Becky. Meet me in the music room, right now.

Becky did mention that her phone was broken and she had to use the temporary one. Obviously she didn't gave me her temporary phone number and since I don't have any plans anymore after school. I decided to meet up with her in the music room. It was weird that Becky chose that room because well it held a lot of memories of us. The room was empty, as usual, there was only one light in the middle and I could make out a figure, a slim one. As I went inside I was immediately pulled in, my eyes were covered with a handkerchief, I was forcefully pushed down onto a chair with wheels and my arms were tied on the chair. I didn't hear anything but just a harsh breathing and the wheels screeching at how fast I was being dragged to I don't know where.

The chair came into a full stop and the blindfold was harshly pulled of. I squinted my eyes as I tried to adjust my vision. I noticed some computers and it was a very dark room. It was silent and it smelled like sweaty armpits of a man who'd sit all around day watching TV. The room was oddly familiar. I scanned the room for any movements or figures and my eyes landed on one, two, three. My first instinct was to escape but I failed miserably and the knot just got tighter.

"It's not gonna work, Lauren." The figure at the right spoke up "Who are you?!" The three of them laughed at my amusement and all of them approached me. "We wanted to tell you something and we aren't doing this cause we like you." The girl beside her spoke up and I got angrier at every step they took. "It's mainly because we want to help Camila." the other girl continued and my face softened at the mention of her name.

"I swear, if you did something to her. My face will be the last thing you'll see before you die." The taller one in the middle sat down on the couch "Just don't hurt her, please. I'll do anything." The other two pushed the chair and I was face to face with the tall one.

The lights were immediately turned on "Don't act like you didn't hurt her already, Lauren." that voice, I heard it before.

It was familiar

That figure

That voice

Could it be?

A/N: It's almost three as I'm writing this and I just wanted to say that in our country summer is almsot over and school is about to start. In other news it was my bday last tuesday, I had a blast and my best friend had a cute surprise. So... Anyways this is sorta my gift to you guys. I hope you enjoy your summer and I also made some new friends in our school cause well we're the first batch of K to 12 so we had a lot of new students who were enrolled and we got along well. Hopefull it's gonna be an amazing year for me, for you and the girls. I've already started writing the next chapter so I might post it maybe anytime this week or next week if I can cause this week is pretty busy, a lot of parties to attend. See ya next time!

Can we take some time to appreciate how lovely they look and their performance was amazing in CMT. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
A 💋

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