A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 O...

By royal888

1.4M 61K 7.3K

(Highest Rank: #1 General fiction, 23rd June 2016) This is the second book in the New York Mafia Series and s... More

1. His Soul Ripping Apart
2. The Hurtful Nightmare
3. A Thoughtful Night Gone Past
4. An Ice Cold Close Call
5. Memory Lane
6. Dreaming What She Feared
7. At The Hotel
8. HollyWood Ball (Part 1)
9. HollyWood Ball (Part 2)
10. HollyWood Ball (Part 3)
11. Hollywood Ball (Part 4)
12. HollyWood Ball (Part 5)
13. HollyWood Ball (Part 6)
14. Good Night & Good Luck
15. Loving Feelings
16. Love is in the air & cant breathe sometimes
17. His broken heart
18. Amaranta
19. Battling with love
20. His Troubled Mind
21. Bond Between Brothers (Part 1)
22. Bond Between Brothers (Part 2)
23. An Engaged Couple
24. Pain is Part of Life
25. Mob War Erupts (Part 1)
26. Mob War Erupts (Part 2)
27. Mob War Erupts (Part 3)
28. Mob War Erupts (Part 4)
29. Mob War Erupts ( Part 5)
30. Mob War Erupts (Part 6)
31. Mob War Erupts ( Part 7)
32. Conflicts Of The Mind
33. Allies Stand Together (Part 1)
34. Allies Stand Together (Part2)
35. Heart to Heart Moments
36. Unreadable Minds
37. A Thanksgiving (Part 1)
38. A Thanksgiving (Part 2)
39. A Thanksgiving (Part 3)
40. A Thanksgiving (Part 4)
41. A Thanksgiving (Part 5)
42. A Thanksgiving (Part 6)
43. A Thanksgiving (Part 7)
44. A Thanksgiving (Part 8)
45. A Thanksgiving (Part 9)
46. A Thanksgiving (Part 10)
47. A Thanksgiving (Part 11)
48. A Thanksgiving ( Part 12)
49. A Thanksgiving (Part 13)
50. A Thanksgiving (Part 14)
51. A Thanksgiving (Part 15)
52. A Thanksgiving (Part 16)
53. A Thanksgiving (Part 17)
54. A Thanksgiving ( Part 18)
55. A Thanksgiving (Part 19)
56. A Thanksgiving (Part 20)
57. A Thanksgiving ( Part 21)
58. Flying To The Unknown (Part 1)
59. Flying To The Unknown (Part 2)
60. Flying To The Unknown (Part 3)
61. Meeting His Family
62. His Parents
63. His Uncle's Words
64. His Brother's Conflicts
65. Before Arrivals
66. An Intense Confrontation
67. Enduring His Presence
68. Guests Coming Over
69. Big Occasion
71. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 2)
72. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 3)
73. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 4)
74. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 5)
75. The Wedding (Part 1)
76. The Wedding (Part 2)
77. The Wedding (Part 3)
Bonus Chapter 1: The Next Morning After Wedding
Bonus Chapter 2: Family Matters

70. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 1)

15.3K 749 214
By royal888

Adele and Francesco were the last ones to enter the dining room of the Don's mansion followed by O'Neil. Almost everyone was sitting around the table, talking loudly but no one was eating. The Don was not there yet. Adele saw heads turned upon their arrival nodding at them.

Arturo and Anna were there and Anna had a ring on her finger now smiling at Adele. Anna and Arturo were sitting next to each other holding hands right near the top of the table and opposite Mama Adriana. Aunt Sofia was next to Francesco's uncle Pietro. Georgina and Antonio were furthest and Georgio and her fiancé, Flora were sitting between Georgina and Sancia who had an empty seat next to her for O'Neil. Francesco's parents, paulo and Maria were sitting opposite the two empty seats next to Costanzo that were reserved for Francesco and Adele. They were next to Francesco's uncle Piero and his aunt Martha. As Adele and Francesco took their seats and O'Neil walked to Sancia and planted a kiss on her cheek as he sat down, there was tension felt in the air. Too much tension.

Adele suddenly noticed someone calling her. She turned and saw a woman sitting next to Francesco that she hadn't recognised. The woman spoke "Adele. Hi... I am Patrica. Nice to meet you darling." Next to her was a man who resembled Anna so much. He had curly golden hair and had a friendly look in his eyes even though Adele knew he was an assassin. He nodded politely "Nice to meet you. I am Roberto as you may know. I am the luckiest man alive to have this woman in my life." He pointed his finger at Patricia.

Patrica slapped his wrist with her hand as she turned to him "Flattery won't get you anywhere."

Adele loved the honesty between the couple. They looked so great together. They looked so in love and she could tell they were so in love by looking at how they interacted with each other. Out of all the couples at that table, they had the most chemistry. She could see where Anna's confidence was coming from. Surrounded by alpha males in the room, did not make her cower away or act any differently at all even though Adele did notice that her husband was getting some cold looks by Patricia's brothers, Paulo and Pietro as well as from Mama Adriana. It was obvious he was not popular. But Piero acted indifferent to him. After all he had convinced his parents to not kill Roberto and let him marry Patricia.

Adele then heard Anna addressing her "Oh, Adele. I have told my mother all about you. She loves you already by the way." She then gave her a warm smile.

Adele looked at her engagement ring on her hand and spoke "Thank you Anna for introducing us already by the sound of it. Congratulations for the engagement. Have you decided on your wedding yet?"

It was O'Neil who laughed "Oh, there is no wedding. Arturo needs approval today." He then turned to Arturo "Good luck."

Arturo turned to O'Neil and spoke with hardened eyes but a polite tone "Thank you O'Neil. I appreciate your .... well wishes."

O'Neil turned to him "You are welcome."

The Don finally entered the room and all went quiet. He sat down and said a prayer before the meal and after he reached for bread, all followed silently.

It had been a while since Adele had been to Italy to see the sight of Italian breakfast. There were many items on the table most of which were home made she could guess. There were dishes of butter, jam, biscuits, olives, cheese, fruit and tomatoes. But also there were specialty type bread and pastries that Adele knew she had to say goodbye to if Francesco was never to visit Sicily again.

The smell of fresh coffee was so inviting. Adele who did not like to drink coffee in the morning even poured herself coffee into her cup. Italians knew real coffee. She smelled the coffee and took a sip absorbing its delicious smooth taste.

Francesco poured two glasses of orange juice from the jug and turned to her "Have some orange juice sweetheart. The coffee maybe too strong. I will have the rest if you could not finish it."

Mama Adriana spoke "If you visit us three months later and onwards , you will get freshly squeezed juice from blood orange. That is a specialty from Sicily."

O"Neil spoke "Of course, I remember having blood orange before. I was having a blood orange gelato with Sancia after she said yes to my marriage proposal. Very special fruit. But you know what its like. Where I am from oranges symbolise death."

Arturo turned to him "Really? you believe that oranges symbolise death? Yet, you had an orange flavour gelato when Sancia said she will marry you. Sounds fitting."

O'Neil explained "It was not orange flavour. It was blood orange. There is a difference. You are from Milan, a northern Italian. Don't they ever mistake you here for a Swiss-German?"

Anna turned to O'Neil " My friends mistook you for a German alot actually. She then gave O'Neil a long stare trying to get him to stop." Anna knew the Don did not approve of Arturo already.

O'Neil shrugged " Of course. Arturo is partly German as you know..."

The Don suddenly choked as he was drinking his coffee and spoke "Arturo.... is this true?"

Arturo sighed and turned to the Don "My maternal grandparents are German. But their family name was changed. But I am Italian." He emphasised on the last word.

The Don sighed "I have never met your grandparents and just know they operate their businesses near the Alps in three countries. But I know your mother is honourable..... That is fine then. I do not wish Anna to have to become German or her children to be raised in any culture that may not accept their heritage as Italians."

Arturo nodded "Of course. That is understandable. Sir, I assure you even my German grandparents have closer ties with yours than lets say the Irish businessmen."

The Don turned to O'Neil "Of course. How is business with the Irish at the harbour? Are they becoming restless in any way. Should we expect trouble?"

O'Neil stated honestly "Sir, I know you already know the answer to this question. Otherwise there would be war. My Irish allies are people of peace unless provoked or unless they must defend one of their own." He emphasised on the last words. He knew he was not safe in this place. The Don did not like him. No one beside his own wife did like him. Francesco was an exception. They were both special cases.

The Don smiled " Why would I know the answer to the question I asked you? The Irish are unpredictable. You are at my home but there is nothing stopping you from turning the tables."

O'Neil spoke "But they are loyal.... I assure you I come in peace. I have no reasons to cause havoc. Others might... but not me. Of course I am here for Francesco on business grounds but also Sancia and I are here to pay our respects to the newly engaged couple and offer our congratulations hoping we will be invited to their glorious wedding day." He wrapped his arm around Sancia's waist as he stared at Anna and Arturo with a sweet smile. "They look great together. When is the wedding Arturo? Of course I forgot you need to pass some tests today. I hope you will pass Arturo."

Arturo turned to O'Neil "Thank you. Why don't you tell us some stories about the time you had to pass tests after you asked Sancia's hand in marriage?"

O'Neil let go of Sancia's waist and crossed his arms on his chest "All I can say is that my father in law is an honourable Italian and it was an honour to have a meeting with him. I was enlightened about many duties I had and I learnt so much from the experience."

The Don nodded "Of course. I have respect for the Giovanni family too. Very honourable family."

The rest of the breakfast time went silently for most parts. When the Don finished his breakfast and had his coffee he announced " I need to have a word with Arturo. Ladies please make your way outside."

Immediately all women stood up. Adele looked at Francesco and saw he stood up too.

The Don spoke "Francesco, would you mind staying?"

Adele quickly whispered "I will see you outside. I need to catch up with Anna and ask her about her engagement."

Francesco nodded at Adele and turned to the Don "Of course not." He then looked at Adele's figure as she walked outside. He then turned around and sipped from his coffee as he eyed Arturo. He looked calm and very confident. He couldnt see anyone else being in his place answering to the Don for asking Anna's hand in marriage.

The Don crossed his arms over his chest as he laid back looking around the room at the men whom were left behind. His eyes found O'Neil and his eyes hardened "You don't need to be here Emanuelle. You are an O'Neil. Your people do not respect my customs."

O'Neil looked at the Don as he put his hand on his heart " My heart beats for an Italian-American woman. I certainly respect your customs sir. I have many valid reasons to stay." He then looked directly at Francesco "I wish to stay because I feel the experience would be beneficial for .... the future." He then winked at Francesco without the Don noticing making Francesco giving him a deadly look.

The Don raised an eyebrow "For future? How? You have already answered to your father in law."

O'Neil turned to him "Sir, being in your presence is an honour within itself....."

The Don was not interested in flattery at all. He said "Enough. Very well. Stay." He then turned to Arturo "Now, lets not waste any more time. Arturo... tell me about yourself."

Francesco liked that question. It was an open ended question that allowed Arturo to express himself but also it was an opportunity for the Don to catch him. Francesco was sure that Emanuelle O'Neil was making a note of the questions in his mind as he was giving him knowing looks which Francesco dismissed by giving him a hard stare.

Arturo spoke with determination and the usual air of authority that he had around him "What would you like to know sir?"

The Don stared down his son in law "Anything you wish me to know."

Arturo spoke as his stare did not leave the Don. "I am an honourable Agostini. I am part Italian and part German but I do Identify myself as an Agostini. I am proud of my roots, my family's traditions and beliefs. I feel proud of everything I have achieved and have no regrets. None. I have no fears. I have enemies but also have allies who will fight for me. I am due to take over officially from my father as the head of the Agostini family....."

The Don nodded "Of course. I have no doubt in your abilities to protect Anna. I know who you are and what you are capable of. If I doubted your position in the society not matching the demands of protecting a Rosario woman, I would not have let you even step foot here on my territory. You are capable of taking care of her. I need to see no proof. You are at the interview stage. I wish to know about your intentions towards my granddaughter."

Arturo looked at the Don and spoke with the same confidence "I wish to assure you that I love her and I am an honourable man...."

The Don stood up "Enough. I wish to hear more specifics. I need to hear what you are willing to do for me to let you take my granddaughter away?"

Arturo's expression hardened "I will take her away. I will do anything to convince you to allow me to have her hand in marriage..."

The Don started walking around the table as he spoke " Of course.....". He then stood behind Francesco and put a hand on his shoulder as he looked at Arturo "You are here Arturo today to give me good reasons to allow you to take our Anna away. She is my only granddaughter."

Arturo stood up and looked at the Don " I will not leave without her. I am here for Anna. I have waited years for her. I love her and would do anything in my power to make her happy....."

The Don spoke " You may need to wait a few years longer if I am not convinced of your intentions and your readiness to start a family. As you said you are an Agostini and your family is not allies with any Rosarios. What ties you to the Rosarios? There have been opportunities to join forces with us but you and your father have never taken them."

Arturo shook his head "I am not close to the Rosarios because their ways do not match the customs of my family. The Rosarios call my family extreme. We are proud and courageous and fight for what we believe in...."

The Don emphasised "What ties you to the Rosario family?"

Arturo stated "Anna. I love Anna."

The Don spoke "But how can I trust you with my only granddaughter when you have no ties with this family and no one on this table has any ties to you?"

Arturo was getting impatient "I have no ties to the Rosario family but I know I am not leaving Sicily without Anna and I surely would not allow anyone to have Anna. I would fight for her. I would die for Anna..."

The Don spoke "You did not answer my question, son."

Francesco caught on that the Don was getting convinced. He was calling Arturo, son. That showed trust and respect.

Arturo spoke "I have no ties to the Rosarios sir, except loving Anna. When i marry her, I will become part of this family."

Francesco looked up at his grandfather and saw the Don narrowing his eyes. He sighed. Arturo had no idea how he had passed with flying colours to this point. No one outside the family looked at the Don in the eye and ever dared speak out in the manner Arturo did for Anna. The Don wanted a confident man willing to die for his granddaughter and Arturo certainly was the one. Too bad Arturo was taking this the wrong way and had become defensive as he was looking at the Don defiantly across the breakfast table as he was standing mirroring the Don's posture who was still standing behind Francesco.

The Don spoke "What will you do, if I do not give you permission to marry Anna? What will you do if I arrange for Anna to meet other suitable suitors and choose amongst them?"

Arturo was giving the Don a deadly look "I will not rest until I take Anna. No one else can have Anna's hand in marriage. She is mine. No one else is worthy of her. If you refuse me sir, I would declare war on this family."

Suddenly O'Neil started coughing and putting his head on the table in his hands as he carried on making choking sounds. Francesco was certain O'Neil was laughing. He knew Arturo had messed up. How was he going to dig himself out of threatening the Don? Francesco sighed and looked at the hard stare of his grandfather on Arturo.

The Don put his hands behind his back as he spoke "You are welcome to attack. You have not given me good enough reasons to allow you to have Anna. She could choose another man unless you prove your ties with this family and your loyalty to Rosarios. My decision is final."

Francesco was surprised at how the Don had not kicked Arturo out of the room. The Don must have really liked Arturo. Too bad, Arturo was just too occupied with showing domination to notice he was approved already and had to just show some commitments.

Arturo closed his eyes and opened them as he was trying to keep calm "Sir,... I do not wish to attack this family and be enemies with any Rosarios.... I must marry Anna. I can not have any other woman in my life. My ways and this family's ways are separate. That can not be helped and I am sorry.... But I do love Anna enough to compromise with this family. I do not see myself obliged to prove my loyalty to this family but i do feel obliged to prove my love for what is precious to Anna and that is closeness to this family. I love her enough to want to bond with this family through becoming godfather to Francesco's second born child. That was a dream come true for me because Francesco is the brother Anna never had and I respect him. I wish to be protective of Francesco's family as he was protective of my Anna. No one else in this family was good to Anna because of her father being an outcast. Roberto had to take his leave because he is aware he is never truly welcomed. I would never forget that sir that this family broke my Anna's heart by out casting her father.... I have no ties to this family except through my Anna and the man she calls her brother who never" had to be there for her but he was." He then turned to Francesco "Even if you and I become enemies, I would never forget what you have done for my Anna. Not me or nor any child of mine would ever hurt you or your family."

There was silence around the room.

The Don whispered "Francesco."

Francesco looked up at his grandfather who was still standing behind him. He spoke "Yes."

The Don spoke "Is this true? Do you confirm that you have agreed to make this man who declares his not so well wishes for this family to be godfather to your second born?"

Francesco nodded "Yes. I have."

O'Neil cleared his throat "Actually I was meant to be godfather to all Francesco's children but Arturo gets the second born. I get the first born. Francesco likes to show generosity sometimes and gave away the children that were meant to be under my care to this wonderful man as their godfather. Best of luck to him." He then gave Arturo a smile. His comment was sarcastic but the Don was too deep in thought to pay much attention to O'Neil. His attention was on Arturo.

The Don looked at Arturo with unreadable eyes and seconds were spent in silence until he declared "If Francesco trusts you to be godfather to his child, I trust you..... The testing of trust is over. Now it is time, to decide whether I should grant you the permission to take Anna's hand in marriage. But before I tell you my verdict, I wish for you to answer to every single person here. They are trusted men. Everyone on this table will question you and you will respond. If I am convinced of your answers, then I will have my own final questions and I might grant you to take her away finally...." He then turned to O'Neil "You go first as the guest and the neutral party." He then walked back to his seat and sat down as Arturo was still looking at the Don contemplating about what to make of his words.

O'Neil smirked "With pleasure sir. It is an honour..." He then turned to Arturo "Why don't you take a seat? I wish to be at eye level with anyone I speak to"

Arturo gave O'Neil a hard look and sat down displeased at having to answer to O'Neil. The Don was testing his patience.

O'Neil cleared his throat as he looked at Arturo "How many times a year will you let Anna visit Sicily?"

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