'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

By ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... More

I Miss Her.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....
Return To Thee.....

Addicted To.....

6.3K 172 70
By ElleMiglioranza

WARNING this chapter contains R rated scenes.

Damon P.O.V

I didn't know where to start looking for Siena I mean New York is a freaking big city. I tried to think like Siena and where she would go. I thought of one place that she maybe so I made my way there. When I found Siena in the cemetery I killed me watching her cry over Blair grave like that. I don't think she will ever get over the death of her dearest friend. I notice from that very day when she found out about Elena killing Blair something changed in Siena, like a apart of her died along with Blair. I wanted to waked over there but I feared another rejection from her. I know I'm not going to give up on her but it didn't mean her words didn't cut me like a knife.

"God I miss you Blair you were taken too soon" she began to sob looking at the head stone "It's my fault your here Blair.....I'm the reason why you were killed" How could she even think that it weren't her fault at all "I can't believe your gone and right now I need you more than ever" I began to approach her I watched Siena touched the head stone "I'm scared Blair.... I'm scared of what I'm turning into..... I've lost everything Blair" She placed hands over my face and cried into them. All I wanted to do is comfort her I crouched down next to her.

"Princess" She moved her hands from her face and I could see the sorrow in her eyes, it really concern me seeing her like this "Come here" I pulled her into a hug she cried into my chest. I hadn't seen her in this state since the night Elena told her she killed Blair I needed to let her know it weren't her fault "Siena it wasn't your fault that Blair died" Siena suddenly pulled away from me and stood up so many emotion filled her face from sorrow to anger.

"How can you tell me that Damon, its my fault, that Elena killed Blair" I can't let her keep on blaming herself for this, if she carry on like this it will drive her insane. I got up and cupped her face looked at her like this. I could feel a lump building up in throat while I looked at the woman I love more than anything looking broken in front of me.

"No it wasn't your fault Siena" The tears kept flowing down her cheeks I can't have her being like this anymore I needed to somehow bring back Siena from all of this. To be the girl she used to be, it not like I can compel her so I need to do this the only way I can and that being a supportive husband.

"I don't know what I want any more Damon" She stepped away from me. I knew what she wanted she just needs to realise it once again.

"You want a love that consumes you" I wiped away her tears "That's what you want Siena. That's how I feel with you when I'm around you consume me with your touch, your voice, your presence there no one else I want to be with but you" I cupped her face in my hands and looked deep into her eyes. That how I felt about Siena there was nothing and no one who could make me feel the way she did. I never thought it could be possible to love someone this much, but with her being my wife and my soul mate she made me feel grateful to be alive. Before she came into my life it was all about finding Katherine everything was about Katherine I thought that was love. But boy I was wrong. What Siena made me feel was alive that I had a purpose to actually be here she gave things that I thought a selfish vampire like myself that I was could never have.

"That what I feel when I'm with you Damon" Siena broke me out of my thoughts I couldn't help but smile. I made her feel the same way as she made me feel "I don't know what going on with me, but what I do know is that I want to come home" I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth she wanted to come back home.

"There is a god up there...... Thank you!" I said while looking up to the sky. I pulled her towards me and kissed her, it felt like fireworks were exploding inside me having her lips touching mine. Siena wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen our kiss. I snaked my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me so there were no space between us. I had my Bella back in my arms and it was the greatest feeling ever. I didn't wanted it to ever end after very long moment we pulled away from each other and I couldn't help but smile at her. "Why don't we go back to your parents" she gave me a small smile and nodded she turned back around to Blair grave.

"Bye Blair, miss you" She turned back round to me and I wrapped my arm around her we left the cemetery.

I brought Siena back to her parent's home and she apologised to them for her behaviour there was a real touching moment between Siena and her father. He had told her that no matter that she a married woman and has me. She would always be his little girl and she can always count on him not matter what. Of course father and daughter both cried I'm not used to seeing stuff like that considering the way I was brought up. Stefan and I have never had that kind of connection either of our parents. Well we did with our mother but our father it was a different story. I'm hoping when we do find Nico that I have that kind of relationship with him as he gets older. You know a real bond between father and son. Now I've got Siena back our focus should be finding our son and that what we are going to first thing when we wake up.

Siena had told her parent's that she will be coming home with me, and they appeared to be happy about it all. I think they were happy with the fact that Siena appeared to be semi normal now. Siena and I were about to go to bed and Chrizina had asked to speak to me for a few moments. I gave Siena a kiss on the cheek and told her I'll be with her in a few moments she kept looking between me and her mom sceptically then she walked away.

"Let's speak somewhere more private" I nodded my head and followed Chrizina, she brought me out to the balcony in the living room. She closed the door behind me and turned to me "So Siena ok now?" Of course she would be worried it was her little girl.

"Chrizina you have nothing to worry about, Siena fine and I'll take care of her" I meant every word I'm not letting anymore teen drama get in between my marriage or my family. Once we are all back together I've learnt from the cost of losing them.

"I'm not over I'm convince Damon" I looked at her what did she mean by that "You see Damon what I can't understand is the fact of how Elena could fall for you like she did. I mean she don't seem like that type of person" excuse me did I just hear that rightly?

"So what are you insinuating? That I seduced her with my charm" I tried to keep my temper under control Chrizina didn't know anything about mine and Siena relationship. I would never trade Siena for Elena not in a million years and I've proven that many times.

"Well....." I had to cut her off I didn't want to hear anymore

"Chrizina I love your daughter more than life itself. She mean more than anything in this world and NO I would not do whatever your thinking. And to be honest with you I'm getting sick of explain myself to you. You seem to think I'm the bad guy here when I'm not. The only person who important here is Siena and her happiness, and she is happy to be coming home with me" Chrizina stood there still not convinced by my speech, I didn't know what else to do to convince her that I didn't want to hurt her daughter.

"She my daughter Damon. Ok. I may not of given birth to her but she my daughter still. All I'm doing is try and protect her" Her eyes began to glaze over of course that what she was trying to do Siena was her baby no matter how old she gets "Maybe one day when you have children of your own Damon you understand. That you will do anything to not see them hurt" I looked away from her I was already a father and of course I understood "Look Damon I'm just concerned with you both going back to Mystic Falls and the whole Siena and Elena situation that all" I turned to her and her expression soften "I know you love my daughter, I ju-just don't want to see her hurt that all Damon. I hope you can understand that" I nodded my head "Siena waiting for you" I started to walked away and she caught my arm "Please Damon look after her, I can't deal with her going back to how she was the last few days" Chrizina looked a little freaked out. I didn't know if had affected her so much.

"I promise I'll take care of her" She smiled and I walked away from her. I made my way to Siena room and I opened the door and she was on top of the bed in a nightie curled up in a ball.

I walked over to the chair and stripped off to my boxers I walked over to the bed I notice she was sleeping. I gently picked her up and placed her under the covers I climb into bed and cuddle up to her. She turned over and nuzzled her face into my neck and wrapping her arms around me. I knew she was a sleep I wrapped my arms tightly around her. I couldn't believe after everything I had her back in my arms my Bella. I kissed her lightly on the forehead and tiny little moan escaped from her mouth. Now we had to both needed to find a way to get Nico back I'm going to bring my family back together.

Siena P.O.V

Damon had brought me back to my parent's house as soon as saw them both guilt over came me. The look on both of my parent's faces were filled with concern I had given them hell over the last couple of days. I apologised to the both of them for my behaviour of course they both forgave me for it all. Then there was my dad who gave me the big heart to heart. Telling me not matter that I'm this married woman now I would always be his little girl that I could always count him. I couldn't help but cry as I hugged him tightly.

Damon and I were about to go to bed this was the moment I had been craving for months to have Damon lay next to me. With him being the last thing I see at night and the first I see in the morning. My mom had asked to speak to Damon I notice that there was a little tension in the air as I looked between them both. Damon gave me a kiss and told me he would be with me shortly.

I walked away and went into my room I got undressed and changed into my silk nightie. I lay on the bed I began to reflect over thing that had happened. Not the terrible stuff I had done while Qetsiyah took over my body, but everything that had happen in the last two years. I had made the decision to go home to be with the man I love, I couldn't be apart from him anymore. I felt I desire towards Damon the desire I use to once felt when I was with him. Before the whole Elena issue came along. I will not allow her or anyone come in between us anymore. She may have feeling for him but one thing that he proved to me today was I'm the only person who he wanted no one but me.

Flash back

"Damon Salvatore, will you take Siena Russo to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honour her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" He looked into my eyes I could see so much love in his.

"I will...." he told me while he placed the wedding band on my finger. Ahuge smile crept on my face now knowing that Damon wanted me and only for the rest of our lives.

"Siena Russo, will you take Damon Salvatore to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honour him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" I couldn't help but smile of course I wanted all of that and more with him.

"I will...." I placed the wedding band on my finger then I held his hand tight and smiled.

I couldn't stop and smile the memory of that day one happiest days of my life where Damon and I had finally connected and became one as husband and wife. The other memory is meeting my beautiful Nico I remember how it felt to hold him in my arms. Right now I don't know if I'll ever will hold him like that again. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek my life didn't feel complete without him here. I know Tia Dalma doing her best to break down the spell but I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I won't have him in my arms again. Every time of thought of Nico it broke my heart. I wanted Damon here right now to comfort me but it looks like my mom still got him hostage for some reason. I felt my eyes getting heavy I kept fighting to keep them open to wait up for Damon, but I couldn't any longer I fell into a dream state.

I slowly opened my eyes and I felt I that I wasn't sleeping on a soft pillow. I opened my eyes fully and I saw Damon he was still fast asleep I stretch up and kissed his neck gently. He let slip a little moan I weren't sure if he was awake I kissed him long his jaw line making my way to his lips. I felt him smile then he began to respond back instantly he pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him.

"I've been dreaming for months to wake up like that again " I couldn't help but smile back, I felt the same way I hated waking up and not having him beside me. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me, with his tongue swept it against my lips to grant entrance which I granted. My fingers wrapping around his wrists and squeezing I felt my heart was thudding being so close to him like this again it felt like our first time all over again. I knew that he could hear it or feel it but he didn't say anything about it. Damon was lost in the moment as much as I was.

There was nothing but sweet kisses then they began to deep, sensual kisses that made butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach before they became a bit more intense. I moved back so I could admire him, he slowly took off my silk nightie and tossed it to the floor. He was in nothing but black boxer-briefs god he is so beautiful. I couldn't stop myself from reaching out and touching his hip bones, soothing my fingers over the V shaped dips. I look up at him and he smiled and suddenly he pinned me down to the bed swiftly. He looked deeply into my eye while I looked into his crystal blues that I instantly fell in love with the moment I met him. He slowly began to kiss down the side of her neck, sucking at my pulse point. With his hands caressed my breasts, squeezing and twisting the nipples until they were hard, I pressed against him. Ran my fingers through his hair and tugged when he bit part hard at my collarbone his lips trekked lower and his breath tickled across my nipples his mouth was cool around them, the suction felt perfect .

"You're stunning." he looked up into my eyes I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Thank you," I whispered there was nothing in his gaze but desire and love and lust he wanted this just as much as I did maybe even more.

He began to kiss me again as the fingers on his right hand trailed low, fell between my legs and rubbed. I closed my eyes and kissed back, I held onto him when one finger, then two slipped inside me and stroked in a gentle fluid motion. My hips twitched when his thumb pressed against my clit I couldn't help but moaned loudly. While I pressed my head back to the fluffy pillow.

I could feel Damon was hard in his underwear I fumbled at the black band, sticking my hand inside and squeezing. He groaned into the hollow of my neck , I wanted him to enjoy this as much as I was so I did it again swiped my thumb along the wet crown I liked touching him. I wanted to show him how much I've missed him.

"Damn" he moved back took his briefs off quickly, till this day I was still amazed by his abs and pale skin to the erection that stood out proudly.

"Damon..." I said seductively wanted him right here right now. The veins around his eyes to wrinkle but he pushed them away, he had never done that before and to be honest it didn't scare me. I accepted him for who he was the vampire that I'm hopelessly in love with.

"You're so freaking hot." He was inches away from my face now "God, do you have any idea..." I leant in so our lips were centimetre apart.

"Damon Please" A tiny smirk appeared on his face.

"Say it. I wanna hear you say it." I licked his bottom lip with my tongue.

"I-I want you inside of me" He grabbed me by my hips and slowly started to push his way inside. To have him this close to me again felt euphoric, I close my eyes "No. Look. Watch" His voice was rougher than I've ever heard it I opened my eye slowly, he slipped inside of me.

It felt like my body was on fire like I could explode at any moment, I continued to kiss Damon until my lungs were screaming for air. He slowly began to move his hips lurch towards him, more he thrust the better it felt all that went through my mind was Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop.

The only thing I could concentrate on was Damon, the pleasure was powerful he was saying my name repeatedly as his hands were all over me. He lifted me to take more of him if it was even possible grinding down onto my clitoris and jerking until I cried out. It seemed like an eternity before I finally came with pleasure with a tingling sensation running through me. I dug my nails his skin and while shouting his name, right now I didn't care if my parents heard me I had to be loud I couldn't hold in the pleasure I was feeling .

Damon's thrusts grew more rapid he pressed me down into the mattress and moaned. When it was over I felt in a dazed but in the best way possible. Damon collapsed on top of me and I couldn't help but grin.

"You okay?" He looked up. I was more than ok I flip him over so I was on top of him which took him by surprise.

"Mm," I kissed him gently then pulled away "Incredible, you?" He began to chuckle and cupped my face pulled me towards him and kissed me more passionately. After a few moments he pulled away.

"I'm Pft I don't even know to explain how I'm feeling right now, but if I said amazing it would be understatement" He licked his lips "If you want to go again I'd bury my head between your legs until I have to come up for air." I couldn't help but chuckle at him. I kissed the tip of his nose.

"You never have to come up for air." He flipped me over so my back was on the soft mattress.

"That's the point." As much as I would love to continue with this all day long, we had to start thinking about how we are getting Nico back.

"I want to try and find Nico" I could feel a lump building up, all the amusement left Damon face. As I think he realise that we both just got lost in the moment too much "I know a witch here that can help" Damon eyes widen.

"All the witches I have been too told me they can't find him" I know he missed Nico as much as I did. Damon would always be there feeding him changing his diaper he loves our little boy more than anything.

"Well Tia Dalma told me there a powerful spell on Nico so no one can track him. So the witches weren't lying to you" Damon moved away and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well we are never going to find him then" I moved over to him and turned his face so he was looking at me.

"Damon she trying to break the spell down. Tia Dalma powerful witch I know she can do it" He began to frown I really did kill a perfect moment but I really can't go on any more days without Nico.

"How do you even know her" I don't know if he going to like hearing this.

"Do you remember that witch that Nic got after I nearly set our bed on fire" He reflected for a moment and remembered the memory and nodded

"One of Klaus witches" He practically half shouted. I know Damon didn't trust Nic, but I did and he had help me a lot our relationship was still strong considering everything that had happened.

"Listen why don't we have something to eat first and I'll bring you to her and you can judge for yourself" He suddenly had me on his lap so I was facing him. Damon face was filled with many emotions.

"Ok I'll meet her then" He placed his hand at the back of my neck to draw me closer to him "Talking about having something to eat are you on the menu" He asked as we were nose to nose I smiled at him we in for a kiss. As much as I wanted to continue this I wanted to see Tia Dalma and see if she had any news.

"I maybe on the menu later" He began to chuckle, I climb off him walked over to get my dressing gown I put it on and turned to him "I really want you to meet her, so you know she the real deal Damon she helped me a lot already" He got up and approached me with curiosity

"Well look like we're going then" He kissed me on my forehead. I'm just hoping that Tia Dalma don't tell him about Qetsiyah taking over me the last few months. I'm not ready to have that conversation with him yet. Because once Damon finds out about the things I have done, he won't look at me the same way. That what I feared more than anything. So for now I will just have to keep from him until I find the right moment.

Damon P.O.V

What a way to wake up in the morning to have my gorgeous wife wake me up with her kisses. Opening my eyes seeing her in front of me felt like I was dreaming. Over the weeks that she had been a way that all I had dreams of her being in my arms. While kissing her all over to pleasure her and make sweet love to her. Then I would away open my eyes and come to reality would sink in. But this morning it was really. I had my princess in my arms and I wanted to show her how much I had missed her craved for her. In that moment it was all about me and her and nothing else. Siena and I entwined together the connection felt mind blowing I even nearly vamped out which I had never done in front of her. My emotions where at all time high and with every little touch Siena gave me it felt like ever nerve was being touched within me.

Then reality kicked in when Siena spoke of wanting to find Nico. I actually felt like a b***ard how could I forget about my own son like this, pure guilt over came me. Then Siena spoke of a witch that could help well I had been to A LOT of witches and I heard the same thing 'Your son can't be found' but Siena seemed confident about this witch. I wanted to know how she knew her I mean Siena don't really mix in that kind of circle. Then she informed that it was the witch Klaus had introduced her to. That guy may of left town but still he was a thorn in my side. I agree that I would like to meet her which pleased Siena. We both had a shower got changed as much I wanted to throw her back into her bed and make love to her all day long, finding Nico too priority over my needs.

We had breakfast with her parents the atmosphere was a lot better this morning Chrizina didn't seem as tense. I think after the conversation we had I think she knew I would do everything in my power to protect Siena. We both left the apartment I walked towards my car but Siena insisted to walk which I didn't mind. She held my hand tightly as we walked together I don't think we have actually ever done this before walking down the street like a normal couple it felt nice. I didn't think my kind of thing but I wasn't one who held anyone hand, but I was holding the hand of the woman who I know I can't live without.

We arrived a small shop Siena walked in and I followed I began to look round and it was definitely a witch shop. Then a lady appeared from the back with long dark hair light caramel complexion in some ways she reminded me of Bonnie.

"Siena what do I owe the pleasure?" Siena approached her I stood a few steps behind I didn't trust witches too much.

"Tia Dalma this is...." Siena began to say but Tia Dalma cut her off.

"Damon Salvatore" She smiled at me. How? well of course she a witch they all know everything "So how can I help you both today?" She actually seem ok I didn't feel any bad vibes from her.

"Siena told me that you can help us find our son" She smiled and looked between the both of us.

"Yes I'm doing that as we speak. The spell is crumbling slowly. I can feel his essence a little stronger now" So this witch was doing it she was breaking down the spell I felt slight joy overwhelm me.

"So how long will it take" Again she began to look between Siena and I.

"It may take a few days it's a strong spell, it not been done by one witch alone possibly a coven of witches or coven's" I was about to speak "But it can be broken Damon" Everything was actually falling into place right now "I'm a little concerned about you two though" Siena and I looked at each other. What the hell did she mean by that? "You see you two are kindred spirit many things have come in between you. I sense darkness has tried to come between you both" Siena began to shift uncomfortably.

"Tia Dalma, Damon and I are fine now we resolved everything" Siena was right we were back on track we were better than ever.

"I do not disagree with you" She turned to me "You and Siena need to re-connected Damon. You both put others before yourself" Either I'm stupid or dumb but I really didn't know what she was getting at.

"Re-connect how?" She walked away and went round the back I turned to Siena "Really?!!" She shrugged her shoulders. I think Siena was just as lost as I was, after a few moments she came back.

"The spell on finding Nico will take days or longer, all I'm suggesting is that you both enjoy this time together rebuild that strong bond you both have. Because the darkness will come once again and try and destroy you both" What she on about a darkness? I mean she right Siena and I needed to reconnect and have alone time. I don't think Siena will be happy about us doing that with Nico being out there with god knows who.

"Tia..." Siena began to say but she held up her hand to stop her from talking.

"Siena this will do you good" Siena expression changed slightly "It will do you both some good. You both need this" Talk about pushy. Siena turned to me looking unsure.

"So your saying we show take beat while you look for our son" A smile crept on Tia Dalma face.

"I can see why you married him Siena, brains and beauty" I didn't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.

We left the witches store I reflected over what she had just told us both one word kept on repeating in my mind and that was 'darkness' coming between us. I didn't have a clue what she was on about, I know Jeremy told me the same about expression had consumed Siena and about the darkness taking over her. Siena appeared to be normal to me.

"So I've been thinking about what the witch said" Siena turned to looked at me "Maybe she right that we need to reconnected" I snaked my arms around her waist so she was facing me. A tiny smirk appeared on her face "What about we have that honeymoon we never had?" Siena looked a little stunned "Only for a few day while the witch finds Nico, and she right a drama free environment might help us" I began to kiss her neck softly "To reconnect" I worked my way up kissing along her jaw line Siena let out a tiny moan.

"It's a very tempting offer Mr Salvatore" She whispered into my ear seductively. I felt a slight chill go down my spine.

"So where would you like me to whisk you always to?" She put her arms around my neck and looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"I don't mind where you take me as long as with you" she kissed me I pulled her closer to me. That witch was right Siena and I needed this time before we got Nico back. We needed to build up that bond we had, it was strong enough already but crack always appeared in the past. I want our bond to be unbreakable. I knew just the place to take her where we could have fun and be lost in each other.

Siena P.O.V

I brought Damon to see Tia Dalma I wanted to assure him that we will get Nico back. After her helping me block out Qetsiyah I felt confident with her finding our son. Well I didn't expect her to turn to Damon and tell him about the darkness coming between us. She had me worried that she was going to tell him about it all but she didn't. She recommended that we needed to reconnect that we need our bond to be stronger than it already is to battle the 'darkness' meaning Qetsiyah from coming back. I knew whatever Tia Dalma had done to me didn't remove her completely from me but I felt fear of knowing that she may come back and do god knows what. I couldn't show my fear to Damon I knew I had to somehow talk to him about all of this. I didn't want to spoil how things were right now.

Damon had told me he wanted to whisk me away I didn't care where I went as long as I was with him. That all that mattered to me spending time with the man I love. We had gone back to my parent's and they were both at work Damon was on the phone I'm assuming arranging where he taking me. While I packed myself a small case. Damon wouldn't tell me where he was taking me he wanted to keep it a surprise which was kind of sweet I was really wanted to know I felt like a kid at Christmas. No matter how much persuading I tried it didn't' work he kept his lips sealed.

My parents had come home and we told them that we were leaving tonight they seem a little disappointed but Damon had told them that he taking me away before going back to Mystic Falls. My mom was pleased with it all I said my goodbyes to them both and we both left the apartment. We got in his car and I asked once again where we were going and Damon kept quite all he told me it was going to be a long drive. I turned to my side to get comfortable I just kept on admiring Damon while he drove eventually fell into a deep asleep.

I began to open my eyes and I saw Damon lying next to with his eyes opened. I notice we were on a bed I sat up and looked around the room it was all white and luxurious the light were glowing blue, the same kind of blue of Damon eyes. I turned to him and he had an amused look on his face. I lay back down so that we were nose to nose.

"Do you like the room?" He pulled me on top on him in a fast movement.

"I'm impressed Salvatore" He leant in and kissed me; he gently pulled away from me and moved my hair from my face.

"Well I was thinking we could go and spend some time relaxing by the pool, but I think I've changed my mind" Again he drove in for another soft sweet kiss. I felt my heart skip a beat and a chill run up my spine as his hands gently stroke up and down my back.

"Why don't we continue with this later" Damon began to pout slightly I couldn't resisted to laugh "I think we can both do with some sun" he arched his brow.

"I don't think the sun going to do anything to my beautiful skin" Damon spoke in a teasing tone I shook my as I began to sit up but still holding on to me tightly pulled me back down. "But seeing you in a bikini" He began to kiss along my collarbone "Mmm, that I wouldn't mind seeing" I think Damon preferred to keep me locked up in here all day.

I finally got out of Damon grasp with a lot of effort I didn't like to use my strength on him. Damon always like to be in control and I kind of liked it like that sometimes. We both got changed I had my bikini on under my white shirt and a pair of jean shorts while Damon was in a pair a black trunks of course and shirtless. We walked out of our room and made out way to the elevator, Damon began to pull me close to him while we waited kiss me along my neck and shoulders. The ping noise broke us apart and we walked in there was another couple in the lift they were older also a little stuck up. The woman turn to look at me arching her brow then turned back I don't know what her problem ways but I just rolled my eyes.

We finally got on the ground floor and Damon held my hand and guided me through the reception area. I notice a few of the female works acknowledge Damon with 'Morning Mr Salvatore' flirtatiously. Damon bought me outside to where the pool was and I notice that we had our own private beach.

"What do you think?" It was perfect what else could I ask for. I looked up at him.

"Perfect baby" I stretch up kissed him he placed his hands on my hips and drew me closer to him.

We both were having an amazing time together I laid in the sun while Damon was in the pool, I don't know why we hadn't done this before. Yes I do because either my life was in danger or Elena life was. If it wasn't that it was about the ripper and my ex hybrid boyfriend and not forgetting witch's too. The life we lived with all the complications but part of me wouldn't change any of it. There was one part I would be of the fact that my sister in love with Damon if I could change one thing it would be that. Because deep down missed her I know what she had done to hurt me, but I keep remember the girl I bumped into on my first day. The girl who I grew a strong bond with. Now know it broken and not able to be fixed no more it kind of hurts. I got broken out of my thoughts by a soft kiss I looked up and Damon was hovering over me.

"You looked deep in thought" He stroked my cheek gently.

"I'm ok just enjoying the sunshine" I told him with a smile while trying to sit up.

"Well I came over here to see if you wanted sex on the beach" I felt a smile creep up on my face. Damon shook his head "I thought I was the one with the filthy mind. The cocktail bella" I began to chuckle and nodded. He got up and walked away from me I couldn't help but admire him.

I got up and walked over to the pool and dipped my legs in swaying them side to side I looked up and saw Damon by the bar ordering our drinks. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself about the sex on the beach comment. God I really did have a filthy mind at the moment. I then I saw a pretty blond approach him in her tinny tiny black bikini she stood next to him and began a conversation with him. Damon engaged in a conversation back with her. I couldn't stop chuckling as I watched her trailing her fingers along Damon bicep. God what I would give to have vampire hearing right now, he stepped back from her and I watched as her face went from a smile to stunned. Damon showed her his wedding ring I couldn't stop laughing to myself he I notice they both looked over at me. I waved at the girl as her face looked like thunder as I smiled at her. She walked away from Damon and I shook my head and looked back down into the water. None of what just happened made me jealous .I mean apart from that time with Rose Damon hadn't been unfaithful to me. I just never felt that he would actually stray away. Elena practically threw herself at him and he didn't react at all. Elena attractive young girl and with him being 'in love' with her once you would of thought he might of gave in to the temptation but he didn't. Because for Damon I was enough for him he didn't need anyone else apart from me. Who really would have thought Damon Salvatore the bad ass vampire is well and truly whipped by me.

"Your smiling" I looked up and Damon handed me my drink as he sat next to me "It's nice to see you like that" I guess we hadn't had a lot to smile about over the last few months really.

"Well it nice to smile again, even if it is for a day or two" I took a sip of my drink. Right now Damon and I were lost in this amazing hotel but when it all over we both have to come to reality with the fact of hopefully finding Nico. Followed by the dreaded return to Mystic Falls. Even think about it I felt sick to the stomach because I knew everyone will find out what I did to Bonnie and I can't deal with that yet. I don't know if I'll be able to ever deal with the fact I killed her.

"Come on I want to show you something" Damon held out his hand helped me up, he pulled me towards him and placed a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away and held my hand and guided the way. We walked along the beach and for the first time in a long time we have conversations that didn't involve my sister or his brother or anyone from Mystic Falls. We spoke of the future of what we wanted Damon wanted us to still move to Montel Carlo. I didn't care where we were in the world as long as we were together. We sat on the beach he embraced me in his arms while I sat in front of him while we watched the sunset.

"Stunning isn't it?" He held me tightly while kissing my neck gently going up to my ear.

"Not as stunning as you" He whispered in my ear, sending a cold chill through me "We better go back get ready for tonight" He got up from the ground and then helped me.

"Where we going tonight?" He tilted his held while a smirk appeared on his face.

"We are in Las Vegas baby, we can do pretty much whatever we want" I haven't even realised where the hell we were and do be honest I didn't care "So I was thinking" He snaked his arms around me so there weren't any space between us "Of taking my stunning wife out for dinner, followed by a trip to casino you know win some money" He winked that meant he was planning on cheating then.

"Where does desert fit in with all of this" A huge grin appeared on his face

"Mrs Salvatore what I'm going to do with you?" Suddenly I was swept off my feet and over Damon shoulder I felt a breeze of cold wind then it came to a holt.

He placed me down gently on to the floor I looked around and I notice we were back in our room. He was standing in front of me, and in one quick movement his fingers he undone the buttons to my shirt he tosses it to one side and gazes intently down at me, eyes dark, dilated. I already felt lost and he had barely touched me, he raises his hand to my face, and his fingers move down my chin, my throat, searing me with his touch.

"I want you," He spoke seductively as he plants a soft kiss on my parted lips. "Strip for me," He whispers. I'm only too happy to that for him, not taking my eyes off his, I could see his desire - it's evident on his face... and elsewhere. I reach for the button on my jeans shorts I ease the zipper down and hook my thumbs in the waistband then slide the denim down my legs. A soft smile plays on his lips, but his eyes remain dark. I didn't feel embarrassed at all I want to be sexy for Damon, he deserves sexy - he makes me feel sexy. I step out of my jeans shorts and stood there for him in just my bikini. Reaching behind I unhook my top and drop it on top of my blouse. Slowly, I slip my bottom off, letting them fall to my ankles, and step out of them. I'm surprised that I'm doing this with such grace.

I stood in front of him naked and unashamed; he says nothing, just gazes at me all I see is his desire, his adoration even, and something else, the depth of his need - the depth of his love for me. He reaches down, to pull down his trunks.

"Let me." I whisper his lips purse briefly into an ooh shape, and he smiles.

"Be my guest." I step toward him, slip my fingers inside the waistband of his trunks, and tug so he's forced to take a step closer to me. He gasps involuntarily at my unexpected action then smiles down at me. I let my fingers wander, tracing his erection through the soft fabric. He flexes his hips into my palm and closes his eyes briefly, relishing my touch, and he clasps my face with both hands, bending to kiss me deeply. I put my hands on his hips - half on his cool skin and half on the low-slung waistband of his trunks as my thumbs rub slow circles on his skin.

"Getting there." I said looking up into his eyes they were filled with excitement and wonderment, I move my hands to the front of his trunks my intrepid fingers at his erection, and I grasp him tightly. He made a low sound in his throat, his sweet breath washing over me, and he kissed me again, lovingly. As my hand moves over him, around him, stroking him, squeezing him tightly, he puts his arms around me. With his right hand flat against the middle of my back and his fingers spread while his left hand is in my hair, holding me to his mouth.

"Oh, I want you so much, Bella" He steps back suddenly to remove his trunks in one swift move, even after all of this time we had been together I really couldn't believe how lucky I really was to have him.

"What's wrong, Bella?" He murmurs and gently strokes my cheek with his knuckles. Nothing was wrong right now everything was perfect.

"Nothing. Love me, now." He pulls me into his arms, kissing me, twisting his hands into my hair. Our tongues entwined, he walked me backward to the bed and gently lowers me onto it, following me down so that he's lying by my side he runs his nose along my jawline. As my hands move to his hair.

"Do you have any idea how exquisite your scent is, Bella? It's irresistible." His words do what they always did to me - flaming my blood, quicken my pulse - and he trails his nose down my throat, across my breasts, kissing me reverentially as he does. "You are so beautiful," He murmurs, as he takes one of my nipples in his mouth and softly suckles. I moan as my body bows off the bed. "Let me hear you, baby." His hand trails down to my waist, and I loved the feel of his touch, skin to skin - his hungry mouth at my breasts and his skilled fingers caressing and stroking me, cherishing me. Moving over my hips, over my behind, and down my leg to my knee. All this time he's kissing and sucking my breasts.

Grasping my knee, he suddenly hitches my leg up, curling it over his hips, making me gasp. I feel rather than see his responding grin against my skin, he holds out his hands for me. I take one and with my other hand, position myself over him, then slowly claim him as mine. He groans low in his throat, closing his eyes, the feeling of him in me... stretching... filling me - I moan softly - it's divine. He places his hands on my hips and moves me up, down, and pushes into me. Oh... it's so good.

"Oh, baby," He whispers, and suddenly he sits up so we're nose to nose. The sensation felt out of this world, I gasp, grabbing his upper arms as he clasps my head in his hands and gazes into my eyes - his intense blues, burning with desire.

"Oh, Siena what you make me feel," He murmurs and kisses me passionately, I kiss him back, dizzy with the delicious feeling of him buried deep inside me.

"Oh, I love you," I murmured, he groans as if pained to hear my whispered words. He rolls over, taking me with him without breaking our contact, so that I'm lying beneath him. I wrap my legs around his waist "I want you to drink from me" He stares down at me with adoring wonder. I've never asked him to drink from me and neither did he ever ask if he could.

"Siena I-I don't..." I place my finger on his lip.

"Drink from me" He looked at me bewilderedly "Damon I want you to" Slowly the veins began to appear beneath his eyes, his eye fill with the lust for blood. I slowly turned my head exposing the right side of my neck. I closed my eyes I didn't know how it was going to feel then I felt a sharp pain where Damon fangs went into my skin. I don't know how to describe the sensation but only word I could sum it up with eutrophic. Damon lets a soft moan escape his lip as he drank from me. He pulled away gently I turned to look at him; his eyes had changed back to the beautiful blue he had my blood tricking at the corner of his mouth. I claps my hands to his face and drew him towards me and with my tongue I licked the blood. He puts his arm over my head, his hand on my hair, and he caresses my face with the other as he bends to kiss me.

I'm cocooned by him, as he loves me, slowly moving in and out, I touch him - his arms, his hair, his lower back, his beautiful behind - and my breathing accelerates as his steady rhythm pushes me higher and higher. He's kissing my mouth, my chin, my jaw, then nibbling my ear. My body starts to quiver. Oh... This feeling that I know so well... I am close...Oh...

"That's right, baby... give it up for me... Please... Siena," he murmurs and his words are my undoing.

"Damon" I call out, and he groans as we both come together. Damon began to kiss me softly then he looked into my eyes.

"That was an unforgettable experience" I began to smirk at him "You let m drink from you." I think he was still stunned by the fact I asked him to do that, but why wouldn't I let him drink from me.

"I want to enjoy every pleasurable moment with you, and that includes drinking from me" Letting Damon drink from me made me realise one thing that I never thought about before. Is the fact that he is immortal and I'm... well I don't know what I'm....but I know what I want to be. I'm not sure how Damon will take to it.

Damon P.O.V

From the moment that Siena had woken up she had been continually smiling which made me feel happy too. I hadn't seen her act like this for a very long time maybe that witch was right about spending time to reconnect. Because right now I felt closer to Siena than I've ever been emotionally and physically. She was mine and will always be mine I could see that in her eyes, her eyes always said words without her speaking a word.

I had brought her to Las Vegas for a couple of days we both loved the busy night life so I thought it was perfect. The hotel I acquired was nearly the beach and a lot of honeymooner came here so I thought it was perfect for us. Siena and I spent a lot time by the pool she laid on the sunbed soaking up the sun while I admired my stunning wife from the water. Honestly I never would have thought I would end up with someone like her. She not just beautiful on the outside but inside too there had been that attraction to her from the moment I laid eyes on her. It was like she was my other half and I knew that from the first night we made love.

There was a moment when I had a pretty blond trying to seduce me with her asset and her charm, but I wasn't interested what so ever. I had to inform her that I was a married man which didn't seem to bother her. When I indicated to the blond of where Siena was her jaw clench while Siena waved at her with a smile. She left pretty quick after that I found it all amusing.

I brought Siena down the beach we walked along it for miles just talking about our dreams after we got Nico back, we had both decided to leave Mystic Falls we couldn't continue our lives there. That was proven right now with us being away from all that drama we were like any normal couple, and nothing got in the way between us and that how we both intended to keep it. I had the evening all planned out I was going to take Siena to the finest restaurant, then we go on the casino floor gamble a little then I had something special for her.

Well I brought Siena back to our hotel room after a cheeky comment I teased her about stripping for me and then she literally blew me away. I mean we made love so many times but yesterday and what happen right now had left me literally speechless. It was like a connection I didn't have with her before every little touch and kiss felt heightens, being close to her feeling her soft skin against mine gave tiny electrical currents through me. I hadn't felt pleasure like this in all of my 171 years, the one moment where she totally stunned me was when she asked me to drink from her. I felt speechless I really didn't know how to react.

When she pleaded for me to drink for her more I couldn't control my urges I felt myself turn which I have never done in during making love to her. She didn't appear to be frighten she moved her head to allow mw access to her tender neck. When I bit into her flesh a tiny moan slip out of her lips which turned me on even more, but having Siena blood trickling down my throat felt different from any other type of blood I had before. It was like an explosion of flavours it gave me a strange sensation which I thoroughly enjoyed. Part of me wanted to drink more from her I couldn't get enough of her sweet blood but I had to pull away from her. I thought that I couldn't be more drawn towards Siena but when she licked the blood away from my lip that turned me on even more.

After the crazy love making we both laid there in silence embracing each other I didn't want to let her go. I had asked her why she wanted me to drink from her and her responds was that she wanted to enjoy every pleasurable moment with me. I think Siena enjoyed the fact that drank from her; I had never done it before because I didn't want to make her feel like a blood bag like all the other girls I had done to. I had no respect for any of them and Siena I held high on a pedal stood I didn't want to pierce her skin with my fangs, but drinking from her gave a rush that I never had before.

"So what time are we going out" Siena broke me out of my thoughts. I tilted her chin and kissed her tiny electrical sparks went across my lips.

"Why don't we have a shower and get ready our table booked for 8" A small smile appeared on her face.

"Well I'll see you in the shower" She climb out of the bed and walked across the room while I admired her naked body.

Well after enjoy able moment in the shower both Siena and I started to get ready, of course I was finished way before her. But I sat back and admire her while she got ready. She looked pretty stunning tonight in her black lace dress which gave the illusion of her exposing flesh, the one thing I notice about her tonight her eye appeared bright green like they were fill with so much life.

Once she was ready we left the room and made our way into the elevator, Siena was constantly smiled which made this moment with her even more special being around her. In the space of two days she had become a different person from the girl I found broken over Blair grave. Siena a lot stronger than I give her credit for sometimes.

We left the hotel and got a car to drive us to the restaurant I had 'booked' us a table for two at the Plaza in the diamond. I felt it would be the perfect place to take Siena and I heard the food was exquisite. Tonight was about treating her the way that she should have always been treated, like the princess she has always been to me. We arrived at the restaurant and shown to our table, Siena eyes looked around the restaurant with wonderment I couldn't help but smile at her. We both sat down and ordered out food and drinks the waitress walked away. Siena leant in with a little smirk upon her face.

"So who did you compel to get us a table" I put my hand over my heart.

"I'm hurt... How could you think I would do something like that?" I told her in a voice filled with hurt, she began to shake her head chuckling.

"Your Damon Salvatore, you always do things that seize to amaze me" I tried to stop myself from smiling but it was hopeless. Siena knew me too well.

"Ok I may have compelled us a table" I entwined my finger with hers "Only the best for my princess" Siena blushed slight shade of red. I loved looking at her when she did that it reminded me that even though she this dimidium sanguinis she still had beautiful human traits.

We had an amazing dinner we spoke again about everything and anything not relating to Mystic Falls or the supernatural world tonight was just as perfect as today was. We left the restaurant and made our way to hotel casino, Siena wanted to play 21 I did ask her had she played it before and she admitted she hadn't. I gave her $2500 in chips.

"Damon are you sure?" I didn't care about money all I cared about is keeping that smile on her face tonight.

"Money no problem" I guild her to the table and sat her down "Lady in" I pushed all the chips over to the dealer and Siena looked at me like I was crazy.

"Damon..." I cut her off with a kiss.

"Have fun, let loose" She smiled and turned to the deal, she began to play the game.

Well for someone who hadn't played the game Siena had won the last 4 games and had nearly $40.000, there were a lot of spectators around the table watching Siena and some guy from Texas having an intense game. After Siena winning nearly $300.000 dollar I moved her away from the table before her luck ran out. Her eyes were filled with excitement she looked like a kid on Christmas day. We stayed for a little longer we both walked the casino floor, and played a few more games. Siena kept kissing me while her hands kept on wondering which indicated to me that she wanted this night to continue back at the hotel.

We got into the car and I began to drive us back to the hotel. The whole car journey Siena kept on kissing my neck and with her hand rubbing up and down my trouser leg. I pressed my foot on the accelerator I couldn't handle the temptation he was giving me. I wanted to take her into our room and make love to her while kissing her head to toe, make her feel more pleasure than she had earlier. We arrived and I got out of the car and Siena was getting out and I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her. She giggle I used my super speed to bring us to our room. I laid her on the bed she put her arms over her head and looked at me with those eyes that hypnotized me. I climb onto the bed and hovered over her she gave me her adorable smile

"I will never get enough of you. Don't leave me again" I whispered in her ear. I meant it I couldn't handle her leaving me again I would literally break.

"I'm not going anywhere, Damon" I kissed her along her neck working up to her lips "Damon" I kissed her softly on her lips and pulled away.

"Yes princess" She began to bite her bottom lip. What did she have to be nervous about?

"I've been thinking..." She paused and looked into my eyes "I want you to turn me"

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