Mischief On Earth ✔

By drizzlestarstone

14.7K 1.7K 578

Who's that? Uh. That would be, ahem, Tom Hiddleston. And he plays - me? Well - yes. I suppose so. |*| Meet Lo... More

Author's Note
Of Disendowments And Dwarves
Of Calls And Crushes
Of Lies And Landings
Of Warmth And Wishes
Of Costumes And Commands
Of Actors And Agreements
Of Trolleys and Toothbrushes
Of Courting And Camelot
Of Jokes and Jalapenos
Of Flames And Fears
Of Dresses And Dungeons
Of Masks And Malice
Of Prison And Promises
Of Legends And Love
Of Kings And Kisses
Of Ships And Stories
Of Admiration And Attacks
Of Coffee And Caramel
Of Bruises And Bitterness
Of Gifts And Glasses
Of Glory And Gold
Of Marriage And Mistakes
Of Loneliness And Love
Of Doubt And Death
Of Bingo And Betrayal
Of Trust And Truth
Of Faith And Friendship
Of Running And Realization
Of Confessions And Control
Of Judge And Jury
Of Hope And Happiness
Of Epilogue And Ending

Of Trials And Tribulations

368 56 24
By drizzlestarstone

* korean song above *

Kyra yawned. I think I could get used to this.

It was her second morning in Asgard, and upon waking up she found that breakfast had been laid out for her on the bedside table, and a new dress - simpler than last night's but not less elegant - was hung at the foot of her bed. It was a wonderful feeling to not have to do anything save for showering and eating.

Frigga had left her the vial of potion for her vision, and she dripped a drop each into her eyes. Ah, much better. She had just put on her dress when a knock on the door signaled the entrance of a maid, who was here to clear the breakfast tray.

Kyra frowned at her reflection in the mirror. My jeans and shirt are with Frigga aren't they? I seriously need to pack them up or I'll forget to bring them back to Earth with me.

Turning to the maid she asked, "Do you happen to know where the Queen is?"

The maid looked up. "Why, she's at the trial of course. In the grand hall."

"Trial? What trial?"

The maid looked surprised. "Haven't you heard? The trial of the criminal, Loki Laufeyson."

A block of ice formed in the pit of her stomach. "But - he's in exile now right? He's supposed to complete his exile, and prove that he's changed, and King Odin will let him go! Why a sudden trial?"

"I'm not quite sure myself, miss. But from the rumors I've heard, it's something about him hurting a mortal. One of the terms of his exile was that he wouldn't hurt a mortal, and now that he's done it, he's failed hasn't he? 

"And failure equates death."

The ice exploded, splintering into a thousand jagged shards.

Without knowing it, she was already running. She left the maid and her exclamations behind, her bare feet tearing up the carpeted corridors as she ran and ran. The grand hall was where the ball had been last night wasn't it? She knew how to get there. She had to get there. 

She ran, skirts bunched up in both her fists, her russet hair streaming out behind her. She dashed past startled ladies and frightened another maid, who was exiting a nearby corridor with an armful of washed cutlery. The maid shrieked, and the plates crashed to the floor.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she yelled, looking back as she kept running. "I would help, but I have to go save a really hot nerd!"

A turn left, then right, and she spied the entrance ahead, along with the two guards standing there.

"Ah crap!" she hissed, skidding to a stop. There was no way she could get past those two. And she doubt this time they would believe that she was the Crown Princess of Midgard.

She ducked behind a wall, catching her breath even as the cogs in her head whirled in a frenzy. Come on Kyra, think!

She closed her eyes and tried to visualize the hall in her mind. Damn, if only I had been paying attention yesterday......it's amazing how he distracts me......

What she did managed to remember though, was that at one side of the grand hall was a large balcony, that overlooked an empty square space beneath, where the people gathered to hear the King speak from above. Sort of like the Pope speaking out to the crowd from his apartment window. And if I remember correctly......

She dashed back into the maze of corridors, retracing her steps. Slamming open the door of her bedroom, she was relieved to see that the maid had gone. It's probably going to be hard to explain what I'm doing next. Heading to her balcony, she opened the glass sliding doors and looked down, over the railings......

Ahahaha! Yes! I'm right over the grand hall's balcony!

So now she had an entrance. But how to get there?

She looked around the room, her eyes falling on her four-poster bed. 

Man, I hope those books got it right.

In ten minutes she'd tied together all her bed sheets into one long rope, with one end knotted as tightly as she could around the foot of her bed, while the other was twisted around her right wrist. Hesitatingly she looked down. 

Christ, that must be ten feet at least.

She took a deep breath. I can do this. Gingerly she climbed up and over the railings, before slowly letting herself down.  


Loki sighed, bored. Bored bored bored bored bored! As usual, Herrick was whispering nasty comments in the King and Queen's ears, trying to get them to swiftly execute him on the spot. He was back to being ignored, as he stood, hands cuffed, before them on the hall floor. What else was new?

His eyes roamed the hall. Majestic columns, sparkling throne, strong supporting beams, vast ceiling, spacious balcony, a pair of kicking legs - 

He blinked. 

Now that, is new.

He stared. Only the feet of the legs could be seen, along with the hem of a violet dress. They were hanging outside, from above the balcony, and as he watched they slowly descended. 

What in Bor's name - 

"Criminal! Are you not listening?" That was Herrick.

Loki's eyes went back to the throne, though he kept his face slightly pointed to the direction of the balcony. 

"......Ah yes. Pardon?" he answered, not really listening.

Herrick went into all his list of crimes, and finished up by asking if he confessed. 

"I - " Loki's eyes darted back and forth between the throne and the mysterious legs. Who in heavens name was reckless enough for such a daredevil act? 

If the wind picks up he's going to be swung out over the balcony....and then it'll be a hundred foot drop to the hard ground below. 

Distracted, he only said, "Yes."

Herrick frowned. "Yes? ......You confess?"

Loki rolled his eyes, finally focusing his attention on his interrogator. 

"Yes you dumb mutt, I confess." Now leave me alone so I can figure out what kind of mischief this is.

As Herrick spluttered in outrage, Loki watched as the waist of the dress came into view, before the descent came to an abrupt stop. The legs hung there for a moment, the dress rippling in the morning breeze.

Somebody's run out of rope, Loki thought, amused. What are you going to do now?


Crap. I've run out of rope.

Kyra hung in midair, swaying a little in the wind. Her plan had been going smoothly so far - the rope was twisted round and round her arm, and she would unwind it bit by bit as she let herself down......she had a vision of herself landing gracefully and magically on the balcony, whereupon she would burst into the grand hall, laying out her arguments with conviction and passion, and Loki would be blown away by her elocution......

The books never said anything about the bed sheets not being long enough!

She looked down. There was still at least five feet to go. A fall like this couldn't possibly hurt me right? 

As if on cue, she heard Herrick raised his voice.

"Loki Laufeyson! The judgement is as thus - "

And she cringed, closed her eyes and let go.

A rush of air, whistling in her ears, a loud thump - 

Jesus Christ it HURTS!

She laid there for a moment, groaning. There was a sharp stabbing pain in her ankle and her hands went to clutch at it.

"Kyra!" Loki's voice. She opened her eyes and saw him, as well as the shocked and alarmed expression on his face. He began dragging his bound feet towards her, chains and all, and one of the guards yanked back at the chrome links. He whipped his head around and snapped, "Can't you see she's hurt?" Frigga motioned with her wrist, as if turning an invisible key in the air. When Odin did not object, the guard produced a key and freed him. The chains hadn't even landed on the ground before Loki was off and running.

Kyra heard the footsteps pounding near and looked up just in time to see him reach her.

"Hey. Hey. Take it easy." His voice was gentle, just like his hands, as he cradled her head off of the floor and onto his lap. "Are you alright? ......What are you doing here?"

Wincing, Kyra made to get up. Loki was about to stop her, but the determination etched on her face stopped him. Instead he carefully helped her up, and when Kyra stepped away and almost fell again, he was there in an instant. 

"Easy. There is a reason I am here."

"Thanks." She smiled, her eyebrows still knitted in pain. With an arm around Loki's shoulder she turned to the throne. Herrick was gaping like some bulbous fish.

"Your Majesty. Queen Frigga and King Odin. I'm sorry for the intrusion. But I have to say this." She swallowed. "When Loki was - hurting me, he wasn't himself! He was taken over by the memories! He didn't mean to do it! And he apologized!"

"Kyra - " Loki began by her ear.

She waved him away. "I'm not letting you get executed by something that's not really your fault!" she hissed, before facing back to the throne.

"You can't punish him because of this! .......Since this incident happened at Earth, shouldn't we follow Earth's rules? At Earth, people who did something wrong because they were mentally affected don't get executed! They get sent to hospitals to get better!"

Next to her, Loki was speaking up again, in a warning tone. "Kyra - "

She ignored him and barreled right on. 

"As the victim, I hold the right to decide whether or not I want to press charges. And the answer to that is no. Absolutely not! I am not pressing charges against Loki for something he didn't have control over, and didn't intend to do!"

She hadn't even realized that she'd raised her voice. Pausing, she took in the grave faces before her, and some part of her realized that she had just been yelling at royalty, as well as the parents of the guy she was supposed to be protecting. Whoops. Not the best impression you want to make to your future in-laws.

And the next second - In-laws? Where had that come from?

Focus Kyra, focus. 

Swallowing, some of her courage shrinking a little, she added meekly, "No offense meant of course, Your Majesty." She supposed she should curtsy now, but doubted her ankle would allow it.

Odin's gaze never wavered, but when he spoke there was light amusement in his voice.

"I thank you for your concerns Lady Kyra, but today's trial is not about that. The Queen and I have both agreed long ago that Loki's actions were done unconsciously and without intention, and hence spared from punishment. What we have gathered here to discuss however, is the matter of him breaking out of jail yesterday night and attending a royal function to which he is not invited." The ghost of a smile touched Odin's lips. "Do harbor no worries Lady Kyra. This infringement of the rules is not severe enough to guarantee him the death penalty. The most we can impose on him is a fine, and a month's jail time when he returns from exile."

Kyra's mouth fell ajar.

"I did try to warn you," came the whisper. She could feel him shaking with laughter behind her. 

"And please dear," Frigga remarked, "do use the front door next time. A knock would have been enough to grant you an entrance."

Kyra bit down on her lip, hard, her face flushing a bright scarlet as Odin let out a low chuckle. Frigga was smiling, and behind she could hear Loki's muffled laughter as clear as day. 

Oh god the embarrassment!

After the trial, Loki was given the all clear to return back to Midgard to continue his exile, of which there were twenty-four days left. As they stood waiting for Heimdall at the Bifrost, Kyra glanced over at Loki, who had changed back into his Earth clothes. 

I can't believe it's only been six days since I met this guy. And already I - She shook her head. Focus Kyra, focus.

Loki kept his eyes on the portal and spoke.

"Somebody was so anxious for my well-being that she was willing to risk her life dangling off the balcony this morning." His voice was smooth, sly. 

Kyra flushed. Must he remind me of that? Outside, she only laughed out loud.

"Worried? For your well-being?" She scoffed. "Oh please. I was only worried that - that if you get executed, I won't get my three wishes! After I've gotten what I want, well, Herrick can let you rot in the dungeons for all I care."

Loki inhaled through his teeth and shot her a look. "Now that's a harsh thing to say to your boyfriend."

Boyfriend. She felt her pulse picked up. Was he saying boyfriend, or was he saying "boyfriend"? Were they still pretending? After last night, she didn't know what to think. Sure, she had started out the kiss as a show, but did it continue as one? And what about the moment they had shared in the ship? The way he had held her, that spine-tingling silence, as they had held an entire conversation without speaking? Or was it all on her part? 

She knew what she felt, but what about him?

"Mortal. Earth to Kyra? Hello!"

She snapped out of her thoughts. "Huh? What?"

Loki frowned - and then that fox smile came back on his lips. 

"You were thinking about me, weren't you? Worrying so much until you aren't even paying attention to your surroundings?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Sure." A pause. "Why? Were you asking me something?"

He directed his eyes back to the front, his tone suddenly suspiciously casual. "Did he do anything last night?"


"Herrick." It was a reluctant grunt. "Did he do anything to you last night?"

She frowned, thinking back. "Well, he walked me back like he promised, and made sure I didn't trip over anything. And then when we reached my bedroom door, we said goodbye and he kissed - "

"He what?" It was a thunderous yell, and Loki's face blackened instantly as he stared at her. He looked downright murderous. "That mangy cur, that son of a - "

" - my hand," Kyra finished. The beginnings of a smug smile showed on her face. "Loki. Herrick kissed my hand. You know, like how all the princely noblemen do? Like the gentlemen in Downton Abbey? Oh wait. You don't watch that show. Never mind."

Loki blinked, the wind completely taken out of his sails. "......Oh. I see. Right." He cleared his throat, and resumed looking to the front.

Something about his reaction set off cartwheels of fireworks in her. She couldn't help smiling.

"Somebody was so anxious for my well-being that he completely over-reacted before I even finished my sentence," she mimicked right back at him. 

She could have sworn she saw a faint trail of blush up Loki's cheeks. 

Ignoring her he gestured with his chin up front. "Heimdall's here. Let's go."

She wasn't dropping the subject so easily however. As they headed over to the dark, bulky Bridgekeeper Kyra nudged Loki playfully against his shoulder. Loki shook her off, his face staring resolutely to the front. She giggled, and nudged him again.

"Mortal! Stop that!"

"Somebody was worrying about me......"

"You have a very annoying voice, did anyone tell you that?"

"SOMEBODY was worrying about meeeee.........."

And on and on. 

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