Of Bingo And Betrayal

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* music above*

"Alright people! That's a wrap! The next morning when all of this hits the news, Tidbits will go down as the most epic magazine in all of journalism history!"

There were loud whoops and cheers. 

"Good work everyone. I'm giving you guys an early dismissal today......and a day off tomorrow." Richard winked and there were more cheers. 

"Hey Lance so you wanna grab dinner with us?" Harry asked as he took his coat. "Celebration dinner y'all!"

Loki grinned. "No I'm good. I have to get back to Kyra."

"Now that's a sweet boyfriend," Cecilia teased. "Harry was never that good to me when I was sick."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that staying up all night with a damp cloth to tend to your fever two months ago or being patient with all your tantrums during your period wasn't good enough for you - "

Cecilia laughed and pushed him playfully in the shoulder. "I'm just teasing. We're getting married the day after tomorrow anyway - you'll have a lifetime to serve me after that."

Harry pulled a long face and groaned. 

"Lance, you had better come to my wedding and give me some moral support, or I might just walk out on the whole thing."

"You wouldn't dare!"

Loki's grin grew into a laugh. "Day after tomorrow right? I've got it marked down on my calendar. Definitely attending!"

"Alright! See you around Lance! I hope Kyra's cold gets better soon!"

They all marched out of the office together, and parted ways in the front of the building. Loki watched as the van drove off. Now where can I get a public bus - 

"I see you've made some new friends. Aren't they a little below your usual standards?"

Without looking, he already knew who the speaker was. 

"Well they're certainly much better company than the current one," he said pleasantly, as he turned around.

Herrick stood at the corner of the pavement, a briefcase in hand, the other tucked into his trouser pocket. 

"Let's have a talk shall we?"


They sat at a little metal table, outside a small bustling cafe. They hadn't even bothered to order, the moment Loki sat down he asked bluntly, 

"What do you want Herrick?"

"Oh let me see. A cup of black coffee perhaps, and a bagel. You?"

Loki narrowed his eyes. He didn't quite like this new Herrick, especially the expression he was wearing. It was a very familiar sight to him, he had seen it in the mirror when Odin had fallen into Odinsleep - it was a look that spelled now all my plans are coming into fruition.

He waited for Herrick to order, and waited some more for the order to arrive. Nothing betrayed his impatience, saved for the light drumming of his fingers against the table top. 

"Enough games Herrick. What is it you want?"

Herrick took a bite of the bagel and didn't speak until he had swallowed it. He placed his briefcase on the table and opened it, messing around it for awhile. Loki arched an eyebrow when he saw that Herrick too, had a handphone.

"Somebody's trying to get into the Midgard life now huh?"

The palace guard shrugged. "Just a few things Esbern got for me. To better fit in when I pay this call."

Mischief On Earth ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz