Chasing Destiny

By mangosherbert01

135K 4.7K 2.1K

In the fight of good versus evil, everyone must take a side. When you're thrown in the middle of a war unlike... More

The Faces Beyond The Wall
Trenchcoats, Nobodies, and a Smoking Gun
Life of a SOLDIER
Target Practice
Spartan Training
Reality Check
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
Secrets, Secrets
Fake It
Down Under
We're All Mad Here
Bedtime Stories
Rescue Mission
The More, The Merrier
Saving Sandy Claws
A Pirate's Life For Me
Traversing Through The Town
Cornerstone of Trickery
I Just Can't Wait To Be... Back On Two Legs
A Warning
Poker Face
The Jungle
Magical Hair and Faraway Castles
A Tangled Web
Do You Believe In Magic
The Final Battlefield
The World That Never Was
Fight To The Death
Dying To Meet You
Puppet Master
Chasing Your Destiny
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Zack Fair
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair

La Cite de Cloches

2.2K 84 40
By mangosherbert01

Starting the home-stretch~ this series ends at chapter 42, with individual "endings" for each guy~

This chapter is a little strange - I added the Hunchback of Notre Dame's world from Birth By Sleep because I thought it was super cool and I enjoy the movie. I also can't pronounce "Frollo" properly to save my life, so I included a bit of an inside joke inside ;D

Hope everyone is enjoying so far! - Alexia


"Oh, [Name]!" a sing-song voice gushes.

Your eyes snap open, immediately waking from your nap. You sit up on the couch, rubbing your tired eyes as you glance up at a grinning Zack.

"What?" you ask groggily.

"Sheesh, grumpy," he complains with a laugh. "Wanna go on a mission?"

"YES!" you cry, jumping up to your feet.

It had been a week since traveling to Deep Jungle, and you hadn't been included in any missions whatsoever for reasons unknown to you. You were absolutely dying for some action.

"Good. The ship's waiting outside," Zack tells you, nodding towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" you ask eagerly.

"I am doing paperwork. You are going to a world none of us have ever been to," he replies with a shrug.

You hum quietly under your breath, waving lazily to the First Class SOLDIER as you exit Headquarters, wondering just what type of world you'll be heading to.

>> Fast-Forward >>

"Hm... Paris?" Riku reads off of a sign on a nearby building.

"Explains the French name... La Cite de Cloches," Noctis muses.

"'City of Bells'," you translate quietly.

You glance up, your eyes widening when you realize Sora, Riku, Noctis, and Axel are all shooting you bewildered looks.

"You speak French?" Axel asks with a laugh.

"I took it in high school," you reply, shrugging slightly.

"Well, at least we have a translator!" Sora points out, grinning over at you.

You smile and nod in agreement before glancing around the town. The buildings look old, and all are made of sandy stones. The ground is cobbled, and your boots 'clack' loudly against the stones.

"Why are we at the snooze-fest, anyway?" Axel asks, snapping his fingers. A small flame appears in his palm, until Riku leans over and blows it out. "Hey!" Axel complains.

"We're not supposed to stand out, idiot," Riku snaps.

"Yeah, 'cause we're really gonna fit in with these outfits," Axel counters, rolling his eyes.

"You guys," you speak up, earning their attention. "No fighting."

"Ha, he looks like Vexen!" Sora exclaims, pointing ahead.

You follow his finger, your eyes landing on a man cloaked in black who's walking towards your group. He has a triangular black hat, and has the appearance of a holy man from the 1500s that you've seen in text books.

"You five!" the man calls out, pointing at you with a slender finger. "Just what are you doing in this city?"

"Uh... visiting?" Noctis answers with a nervous smile.

"Are you... gypsies?" the man asks, circling your group as he studies your outfits. "I've never seen such clothes. Especially not on a woman," he adds, poking at your belt.

You shoo his hand away, narrowing your eyes at him. Something about him really sets your nerves on edge.

"What's a gypsy?" Sora asks, tilting his head.

"Whatever they are, we ain't one of them. Got it memorized?" Axel adds, tapping his forehead.

"Hm... Just had to be sure. They are a plague, as I am sure you are already aware," the man muses with a small sneer. "Well... I will welcome you into the city, but please try and find more respectable outfits. You look like a pack of miscreants."

He turns on his heel, marching away with his nose turned upwards.

"Wait, what's your name?" Riku calls out.

The man comes to a stop, glancing over his shoulder at your group.

"I am Judge Frollo."

"Fro-yo?" you enunciate with a tilt of your head.

His eyes narrow.

"No. Frollo," he repeats, shaking his head as he continues to storm off, muttering under his breath.

Everyone glances at you as you sigh sadly.

"Damn, I really wanted some fro-yo..." you mutter, and they all simultaneously facepalm.

"Well this... Frollo is definitely suspicious. Did anyone else notice that he was oozing black smoke?" Noctis asks.

Axel, Sora, and Riku all nod their heads in agreement, before glancing back down at a very sheepish you.

"You didn't notice?!" Sora asks with a laugh.

"Shut up, I haven't been outside of Headquarters for a week! I'm rusty at all this!" you point out, huffing a bit as you sulk off after the Judge.

"She's extra snappy today," Axel complains as the four of them follow you, and you merely roll your eyes in response. It's the only way you feel like acting, with all of the unspoken sexual tension practically suffocating you.

>> Fast-Forward >>

"It's so big!" Sora gushes as the five of you gape up at a gigantic cathedral ahead of you.

After a quick walk through the city, you ended up in the Town Square. Notre Dame is beautiful in all sense of the word, with arching peaks, stone gargoyles, and breathtaking stained glass. Your eyes narrow as an arm wraps around your shoulder, and you glance up at Axel.

"Hey, stop that," Noctis complains as Sora pushes his arm off of you.

"What? Can't hate a guy for trying. It is the city of love," Axel reminds everyone as you all start to walk towards the cathedral.

"Nobodies can't love," Riku mumbles under his breath.

"Ouch," Axel laughs, placing a hand over his chest.

"That was mean, Riku," you add, shaking your head as he glances over at you.

"Sorry. It's the truth," he mutters.

Noctis sighs as he reaches a hand out, opening the front doors to Notre Dame. A rush of cool air hits you like a slap in the face as you walk into the church. It has to be at least 20 degrees colder inside, and you find yourself wishing Axel's warm arm was wrapped around you again. The interior is dark, so dark that it's almost hard to see where you're going. It almost looks abandoned, due to the emptiness.

"Creepy," Sora notes with a small shudder.

"Where do you think Judge Fro-yo went?" you ask, glancing around.

"FROLLO," everyone corrects loudly, and you jump a bit in shock.

"Sheesh, my bad," you apologize, rolling your eyes as you start to walk forward.

"Did someone say Frollo?" a timid voice asks.

You all turn around, and your eyes widen as you spot a man dressed in a green shirt and brown pants walking towards you. He's a hunchback, you note with a pang of sadness, and he has a very nervous expression on his face.

"Yeah, you know him?" Riku asks as the man walks forward.

"He is my Master," the man explains, glancing at all of you. "My name is Quasimodo."

"Noctis", "Sora", "[Name]", "Axel", "Riku," you all greet one at a time.

"Nice to meet you," Quasimodo says with a shy smile.

"Can you tell us where Fro.... llo is?" you ask, carefully pronouncing his name.

"I haven't seen him, I'm sorry," Quasimodo admits, shrugging his normal shoulder.

"Do you live here?" Sora inquires, taking a small step forwards.

Quasimodo nods before pointing up.

"By the bells," he states. "Would you... like to see?"

"Yeah!" you reply, and the guys round on you.

"Do we really have time for show-and-tell?" Axel asks quietly.

"Don't be rude! The judge is his MASTER, I'm sure he'll be stopping by soon," you reason before walking towards Quasimodo. "Lead the way!"

He grins before taking your hand in his, walking away from the entrance. You can hear the guys trudging behind you, no doubt with annoyed expressions on their faces. Quasimodo leads your group through a small door, and up a loooooooooong staircase, at least 20 stories. By the time you get to the top you're slightly winded, most likely from your lack of exercise the past week.

"Here we are," he announces, releasing your hand as you reach a wooden landing strip.

There are large bells scattered everywhere, along with wooden floorboards leading to each one. You're high above the ground, up at a distance that would kill you should you fall.

"You live up here?" Noctis asks with raised eyebrows, glancing around.

"I'm in charge of the bells," Quasimodo explains with a small smile. "... May I ask why you're looking for my Master?"

"Oh, um..." You trail off, glancing at the guys. They all shrug. "... We just wanted to chat with him," you finally lie.

"Is he a... nice person?" Sora asks.

Quasimodo frowns a bit, looking rather unsure of what to say. He never responds, instead walking away from your group. You all follow, cautiously, watching as he rests a hand on the wall. Through a small crack you're able to see an aerial view of the city.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Quasimodo finally asks, turning around so that he's facing your group again.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Riku counters.

"Well... because of this," Quasimodo gestures to his deformed eye, "and this," he finishes, patting his hunchback.

"Why would we care?" you ask with a scrunched nose.

He stares up at you for a few moments before looking back outside. He gasps loudly before running away as fast as he can, brushing past your group.

"Hey – where are you going?!" Noctis calls out after him.

"She's in trouble!" Quasimodo cries as he shoots down the staircase.

"Weird little dude," Axel murmurs as he starts to shake his head.

"C'mon, let's go!" Sora adds, leading the charge down the staircase.

>> Fast-Forward >>

You fly out of the church directly behind Riku, and immediately stifle a gasp. In the middle of the Square is a small stage, with a dark-haired woman dressed in white and purple standing atop it. She's tied to a pole, unconscious, and a fire is lapping at the logs beneath her feet. Judge Frollo is standing nearby, watching with a crazed grin.

"He's burning her alive?!" you cry out in disbelief.

Just as the words leave your mouth, Quasimodo jumps on the stage. He flies through the air, grabbing the woman around her waist and tumbling to the ground, with her safe in his arms.

"Good job, Quasi!" Sora calls, punching the air.

The buildings and sky have turned red from the flames and smoke of the fire, and you can feel it starting to invade your eyes, lungs and throat with an uncomfortable burn. Judge Frollo starts to laugh manically as Quasimodo runs off with the woman towards the cathedral.

"Insolent fools!" Frollo calls out as his body starts to glow darkly. "The man who gave me this power... We will destroy you! All who disobey me shall burn!"

At his words a familiar figure dressed all in black steps out from the flames, towards a laughing Frollo. His helmet is off, revealing bright yellow eyes and a wide grin.

"Vanitas?!" you all cry, summoning your weapons.

He peers around Quasimodo, immediately laughing as he spots the five of you.

"Oh, this is perfect," he chuckles, snapping his fingers.

He disappears in a poof of black smoke, and you suddenly feel warm breath on the back of your neck. You quickly turn around, finding yourself face-to-face with the smirking replica.

"Never thought I'd see your face again. Not many people can survive a sword through the heart," he states, taking a step forward as you take a step back.

You glance around, wondering why the guys aren't objecting, only to do a double-take when you realize they're fending off Frollo. His body is engulfed in dark flames, shooting bolts of lightning and fireballs as he runs around the square.

"This man is simple minded," Vanitas speaks up, earning your attention. "But I was willing to take any mission I could. Even Organization members get cabin fever."

"I don't care," you snap, swinging your sword towards him.

He raises an arm, blocking your hit. His other arm grabs your sword, easily sending it flying behind you. You're still nothing compared to his strength.

"Aren't you curious why I'm so restless?" he presses, taking another step forward.

You try to take one back, but he grabs your arm so that you're forced to stay still. His head lowers to your neck, as if he's listening for something. Your heartbeat, perhaps?

"She's so much like you. Maybe a bit snarkier, but there's a similar... naïveté in her eyes," he continues, slowly moving his head up.

"... Who?" you ask quietly, your heart racing.

The heat from the surrounding fires is starting to turn your skin into a sweaty mess, but you can't seem to look away from the replica cornering you near a pillar. The square hadn't exploded in flames yet, so at least the guys were being productive.

"My new protégé, of course," he explains with a small laugh, standing up straight. "Her hair is different, though. I like yours better."

Your eyes widen. Was he talking about... your Nobody? And, more importantly, did he just compliment you?!

"Are you talking about my Nobody?!" you exclaim. He merely smirks as he snaps his fingers. A portal appears behind him, and he starts to walk backwards into it. "Wait!" you call out, reaching for him.

Your hand falls through the air as the portal, and Vanitas, disappear. You let out an irritated shriek, stomping the ground as you hang your head. You hadn't admitted it to anyone yet, but you were desperate for information about your Nobody. Was she nice, like Roxas? Or awful, like Larxene?

With a sigh you shake your head, jogging towards your discarded sword as you push aside all thoughts of your mysterious Nobody and the equally annoying Vanitas. Once your black sword is safely clenched in your hands you scan the square. You finally spot the group, facing off against a screaming and flaming Frollo. You gasp and run over as fast as you can. By the time you get there Frollo is burned to a crisp, lying on the ground.

"No, [Name]!" Axel cries, grabbing you before you can run even closer. "You don't wanna see it. Trust me."

You glance up at him, nodding a little when you see just how ashamed he looks.

"Y'know, that's the second person you've set on fire in front of me," you realize with a small smile.

Axel rolls his eyes as he releases you, still keeping his arm out a little so you can't walk near the burnt body.

"That's not a good thing," Noctis speaks up, earning a dirty look from the redheaded Nobody.

"Wait so... that's it?!" you ask, groaning quietly when you realize you missed out on the whole battle.

"You didn't miss out on much. He was out of his mind," Riku says with a shrug.

"Looked like you were kinda busy anyway," Sora adds, staring at you with raised eyebrows.

"Huh?... Oh, yeah. Vanitas," you murmur, a small shudder running up your spine at the name.

"What did that freak want?" Noctis asks, placing his hands on his hips.

"To rub in that he killed me and created my Nobody," you reply with a tiny sigh. "... He said I look like her..."

"Two [Name]s?" Axel muses with a laugh, immediately sobering up as you all shoot him glares. "God, it was a joke. Chill, got it memorized?"

"Moron," Riku mutters, shaking his head.

"Listen, just forget what Vanitas said. He likes messing with you, it seems," Noctis says, placing a hand on your back as he starts to lead you back towards the cathedral.

"Yeah... I guess," you murmur, trailing off a bit as you stare forward.

Quasimodo is standing between the woman he saved and a tall, blond male. He's placing their hands together, a smile on his face as he watches them begin to hold hands.

"Oh. My. God!" you gush, clasping your hands together as you giggle a bit at the adorable sight. "Is that not the cutest thing?!"

You glance up at the guys, only to realize they're all watching you with narrowed eyes.

"... What in the hell are you talking about?" Axel finally asks.

"Ignore her, she gets like this sometimes," Riku says with a sigh as they all brush past you and walk towards the happy trio in the distance.

"Wha- I do not!" you cry out as you jog after them.

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