'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

Od ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... Více

Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....
Return To Thee.....

I Miss Her.....

22.7K 180 67
Od ElleMiglioranza

I do not own any rights to TVD characters these belong to L.J Smith T.V show. The only charters who belong to me is Siena Russo, Tony Russo, Chrizina Russo, Blair Richy, Julian Gracia, Tia Dalma, Nico Gracia/Salvatore, Margherita Gracia, Natalia Salvatore Happy reading :D

4th book of the Epic Love Series I hope you all enjoy reading the first chapter. At the side you will see a video link that I have made about the chapter. It to give you a visual of what going on I hope you enjoy watching it :D

Please feel free to leave comment good or bad are welcome :D

Thank you once again for all the support.....Enjoy the first chapter of 'Your Love Consumes Me'

Damon P.O.V

Everything was way too emotional tonight dealing with the fact my wife had walked out on me and the fact my son had been taken by witch's to keep him 'safe'. On the outside I appear to be calm but inside I'm ready to explode. I'm trying to keep it together here I'm trying to be a grown up about all of this and not flip out and go crazy. I've learnt in the past that hadn't helped me at all.

Then I had Elena declaring her love to me with sane mind. I don't know what the hell she was thinking or what she thought she would achieve but my heart will always belong to Siena. I'm not going to give up on Siena and I not matter what I will fight for us till the end. She is my world and so is Nico and I'm not giving up on my family.

The words that Ric had told me before the went kept of repeating in my mind "I know you're going through a difficult time, but I know it will all work out, you need to fight for your family Damon more than your fought for anything in your existence" That what I'm planning on doing I'm going to give Siena time to get her head together and I'm going to look for our son. I need to prove to her that I hadn't give up on us or our family. I've never felt to prove anything to anyone in my whole 171 years but this is Siena she weren't just anyone.

I got up from the couch and walked over and poured myself and large scotch. I got my phone out and looked up Stefan number I just wanted to see that Siena was ok and she got on her flight ok. I pressed the call button and it began to ring after a while it went to answer phone. Maybe his busy deal with Silas stone ass.

I walked over to the couch and sat down; I don't know where to start looking for Nico I mean I'm not really liked in the witch community due to my actions in the past. Maybe I could get Bonnie to help me somehow. I mean she all juiced up now with putting the veil up so finding Nico won't be a problem what so ever for her. I heard the front door open and close moments later Jeremy walked in. He looked at me a little strange his eyes were filled with sorrow.

"Uh uh I've used up all my sentimental schmuck points on Ric we are not doing goodbye" I couldn't handle to say goodbye to anyone else tonight. Jeremy walked further into the parlour.

"You don't have to" What did he mean by that? "Bonnie brought me back; I'm here for good Damon" I got up from the sofa and approached him well the teenage witch has proven to impress me once again. I knew she done this for Elena to help her keep it all together but I needed to make one thing clear to Jeremy.

"We'll let get one thing straight, mi casa es not remotely your casa, this isn't a youth hostel, you got it?" I tapped his face he was really here. He looked at me with mixed emotions "Good" I walked away from him I need time alone to think of what I'm going to do, what my plan of action to bring my family back together not deal with teen issues.

"There something you should know...." I stopped and turned to him. Jeremy face was filled with sorrow "Bonnie dead" I stood there stunned, I never thought hearing that would actually affect me "I'm sorry to be telling you this but Siena was the one who killed her" What the hell did he just say? I rushed over to him and grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the wall.

"What the hell did you say" I growled at him while I squeezed at his throat. How he could say that Siena would never do that, not to Bonnie.

"Expression has consumed her Damon, something not right with her" He couldn't barely talk as I wanted to squeeze the life out of him right now. I wanted send him back to the other side once again.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that" I screamed at him I refuse to believe that Siena would do that. Jeremy eyes began to glaze over.

"Damon I'm telling you the truth, why would I lie to you about something like that. I consider Siena like a sister" Jeremy had tears rolling down his cheeks. I could tell he weren't lying I let go of him and walked away I couldn't deal with this. My Bella couldn't do something like this she just wouldn't "Hearing the witch's had taken Nico, Bonnie felt Siena aura change from light to dark..... She let the darkness take over her" I turned to him what the hell did he mean by that?

"The darkness?" Jeremy looked frighten and nervous at the same time. I can't get my mind around this all.

"Siena is the dimidium sanguinis Damon, none of us knew what that meant. During my time of the other side they spoke a lot about her" Jeremy began to approach me "dimidium sanguinis is drawn to the either light or darkness, they spoke of Siena being drawn to the dark and that if she fully accept it. She will be the biggest fear on the earth making Silas seem like a fluffy bunny compared to her" I couldn't believe what Jeremy had told me I couldn't and I can't imagine Siena turning that dark it all had to be bullshit. I can't justify Siena action for 'killing' Bonnie but I do not and will not believe that the woman I love my Bella, my princess, my Siena would be turning into something that people will fear.

Siena P.O.V

I'm spiralling out of control I'm waking up in unknown places not remembering a thing. I feel like I'm losing it I don't know who I'm anymore I've been like this for months now.....

My first memory of it I woke up and I looked around me and appeared to be in an apartment I sat up and looked around I didn't know where I was. I got up and I felt light headed I grabbed hold of the dresser to gain my composure. I looked up at the mirror and I didn't even recognise myself anymore. What the hell going on with me? 'Dear sweet Siena don't fight it anymore' I heard a voice in my head say darkly to me. 'This is who you are' I looked in the mirror and I could see me but it weren't reflecting me, the person who I was looking at had an evil glint in their eye.

"Don't fight it Siena, you need to accept who your becoming" My reflection spoke back to me. I backed away from the from the mirror and the reflection didn't change.

"I'm losing it" I ran my finger through my hair I've finally have lost it. Then I felt a burning sensation go through me then it felt like something was growing inside of me my vision became blurred then I fell into darkness.

This had happened to me on a few occasion where I would wake up in random places I didn't even know which state I was in half of the time. Every time I could remember who I was whatever was taking over me would take control over me. Each and every time I tried to fight it but it was no use, I didn't know how long I had been like this if it was days, weeks or months but I could feel myself changing slowly where I felt I was dying inside.

I began to try and fight it I wasn't going to let this thing take over me and make me lose myself all I wanted was for Damon to come and get me and to be in his arms. I wanted to forget everything that had happened I just wanted him and feel safe once again. I wanted to fight for my family all I wanted was to find my baby boy and hold him in my arm never let go of him. To get my family the hell out of Mystic Falls.

I woke up and once again not knowing where I was again this had become normal to me. I got out of bed and I looked out of the window and I saw the ocean, once again I didn't know where the hell where I was this person or shall I say the evil part of me would take over my body for hours sometimes even days. I got changed and left the apartment I walked down the stairs and made my way out of the building, looked around and I notice a pay phone I began to make my way to it. I picked up the receiver and dropped a few quarter in, and dialled Damon number. I wanted to speak to him I wanted him to take me home so we could bring Nico back and be a family. I could feel my heart accelerating as the phone rang I was going to hear his voice after all of this time.

"Hello" When I heard his voice I felt so overwhelmed. I wanted him here with me right now. I was about to speak and I felt like I was choking "Hello" I could heard him say down the phone once again. I felt like someone was blocking my airway "Siena is that you?" I couldn't breathe 'You silly little girl you think you can defy me' that voice said in my head I wanted to scream but I couldn't I felt my eyes roll back and I backed out.

I opened my eyes slowly and I felt myself lying on concrete floor. I looked around I appeared to be in some kind of warehouse. There was someone lying near me I sat up, and then notice there were 6 bodies on the ground with blood everywhere. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood. I got up from the floor and I notice each of them had hole in there chest from where their hearts ripped out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing who would have done something like this. I stepped back what the hell happened here? 'You did Siena' that dark voice in my head told me. I began to shake my head I couldn't kill no one 'You've killed before don't you remember the 12 witches, and Bonnie'

"The witches were a mistake, I wouldn't kill Bonnie. I wouldn't do that" I screamed out into the room 'Dear Siena' It taunted me in my mind 'This was all you, with a little help from me of course' "Why won't you leave me the f**k alone" I screamed I felt like I'm going crazy 'That not going to happened Siena I'm part of you, you can't get rid of me that easy' "Why are you doing this to me?" I felt tears streaming down my cheeks 'You're not ready to know yet, but you try another stunt like that again by getting Damon to come and recue you. There will be more blood spilled' I looked back down at my bloody hand they were shaking I killed 6 innocent people as a lesson to be taught. How I'm meant to get away from this? With this thing that taking control of me.

Damon P.O.V

After what Jeremy had told me about Siena killing Bonnie after brought Jeremy back from the dead, I couldn't wrap it all in my mind. Even when he spoke about some darkness taking over Siena. I tried to think of Siena behaviour after that night Siena was distort over the fact the witches had taken Nico from us. I still remember her crying in my arms and how useless I felt because I chose to be a dick. When I didn't think about her when I was dying from that werewolf venom. I didn't put her or my son wellbeing first and now I'm paying the price with my son being god knows where and god knows who. Then there Siena who hadn't arrived on her flight to New York. I had to lie a little to Chrizina and tell her that she had gone for a little break with Elena before she came.

Weeks began to go by and I was searching everywhere for the both of them. I went from witch to witch and none of them could help me in find Nico. They had told me that there was a strong barrier protecting him so he couldn't be found. I refuse to believe that there had to be a way to know where he is. With Siena I didn't have much luck either I searched from state to state I would get a lead but nothing it always lead to a dead end.

I had one positive lead in Miami where apparently Siena had been seen there she was spotted on Collins Avenue. I made my way that as quick as possible on my way there my phone began to ring and I answered it

"Hello" No one spoke maybe I had bad reception "Hello" I could hear like someone was grasping for air "Siena is that you?" Suddenly the line went dead, that had to be her. I had to have some hope that she still out there.

I finally got to Miami to where Siena had been located It was an apartment block. I drove there and got out of the car and made my way into the building. I went over to where the reception was and there was a large guy sitting behind with his feet up, reading the newspaper.

"Excuse me" He peeked over the newspaper frowning "I wonder if you can help me, have you see this lady" I showed him a picture of Siena I watched as he began to frown "I was told she might be staying here" He raised his paper.

"Sorry buddy. No can do. Complex policy can't....." I rushed behind the desk and grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. I didn't give a damn about freaking policy. I began to compel him.

"Have you seen her" He began to nod calmly.

"She moved in a few weeks ago. She paid up two months up front" So she was here I could finally grab her and bring her home.

"Which number" I demanded.

"Apartment 1160, she won't be there she left a while ago and she hasn't come back yet" Well she had to come back at some point.

"You will forget this conversation" I let go of him and used my speed to get to apartment 1160. I broke the lock to the front door.

I walked in I could smell her scent in here it definitely was the right place. I walked further into the apartment and it looked pretty empty not really like a home. I walked into the bedroom and the bed was untidy I saw a few items of clothing hanging up. I sat on the bed I grabbed the pillow and smelt it I could smell Siena perfume I hugged it tightly and inhaled. I don't understand why she was here I mean she was meant to go to New York be with her parents, not taking a long vacation by the beach. Maybe I shouldn't be harsh about it Siena had taken to the whole Nico being taken from us pretty bad, maybe she need time for reflection. But when she comes back I'm taking her with me I don't care if she kicking and screaming, I'm taking her where she meant to be and that with me.

I had waited for Siena for hours and she didn't come back part of me wanted to go searching but then I thought if I did that she might come back and I'll miss her. I had waiting in that apartment from three days and no sign of Siena, my hunger for blood was at all time high right now. I came to realise that she wasn't coming back.

I went back to Mystic Falls and I didn't want to see anyone I didn't want to talk to anyone either. Elena had tried to speak to me about the whole Siena situation, I didn't want to speak about it was her fault that Siena left. With her telling me that she was in love with me. I had to hold myself so many times from flipping out at her, because I knew once I opened my mouth I would let it spill everything that I held back including the fact that Bonnie was dead. Jeremy had told me that Bonnie didn't want them to know yet she had passed, and personally I didn't want to tell anyone because it was my own wife who had killed her.

Chrizina had called me a few times to find out what was going on with Siena at the beginning I lied through my teeth making excuse for why Siena hadn't turned up. Chrizina wasn't buying it no more. I had told part of the truth the part about Elena having feeling for me and Siena hearing her declares it all. Chrizina used a very large amount of choice swears words in Italian. I don't know if that was the right thing for me to do but they needed answers right now, and I could always compel them to forget.

I was like whatever I did to try and bring back my family something was always stopping me; I have no idea where either of them are. Then there was my brother who had disappeared off the face of the earth, the one time I needed him more than ever he weren't here. What did he tell me before he dropped Siena "I'm not happy about Elena... but I know that not your fault. I'll speak to Siena for you, I know your both going through hard time and I want you to know I'm here for you Damon. I just want you to know that" Well I take it he didn't mean a word he said to me.

I went up to my room I did that a lot lately I had Jeremy and Elena living here but I hardly saw them. I mean Jeremy knew my reason but Elena kept on trying to cheer me up. It weren't like my puppy got run over that I needed to be cheered up. My son had been taken from us and my wife had gone off the radar and god knows what her mental state was like.

My phone began to ring and I looked at the screen and it was Chrizina calling. I really hope she weren't calling me to have another go at me.

"Hello Chrizina" I tried to keep my tone calm, I was ready for her to flip at me about Elena actions once again. Did I lead her on ect.... the same heated debate like always.

"Damon I know I should of told you this sooner, but Siena been home for last few day. I'm worried about her she doesn't seem herself" I couldn't believe what I had heard that Siena had finally gone back to her home in New York.

"Chrizina I'm on my way" I hung up on her I don't know what I'm going to walk into but I'm going to be bring my wife back home where she needs to be with me.

Siena P.O.V

After what happen in the warehouse I had to clean myself up. There was so much bloody as I washed my hands it left me totally screwed up no matter what I did that voice that was in my head was far too powerful. When I ran out of the warehouse I knew where I was it was all familiar to me I was back home in New York. I looked back at the building thinking of them poor innocent people that I just killed in there. I began to run I couldn't look back. I finally found a taxi and I gave them the address I wanted to go to. I don't know if this is going to be a good idea but I had nowhere else to go.

The taxi pulled up and I paid for it I got out and look up at the building part of me was frighten to walk in, because I was that I may have another episode. I opened the door and made my way to the lift the door opened and I pressed the floor number. I reached the floor and the door opened I walked out and approached the door. I had so many emotions going through me right now I didn't know who I was anymore, but I needed this right now. I knocked on the door after a few moments the door opened and there stood my dad with a stunned expression. I rushed into his arms and he held me tightly.

"Tony who...." I heard my mom voice. I pulled away from my dad and looked at my mom "Siena sweetheart" She came at me with open arms and hugged me I couldn't help but cry.

My mom had brought me into my old room she didn't speak much she just held me in her arms while she rocked me in soothing motion. She had told me to have a shower and get changed while she made me my favourite dish. I just smiled at her she didn't question me why I was upset. That the thing with my mom she didn't push me to talk she knew when I was ready I would talk.

I had a shower and got changed for once when I looked in the mirror I looked like Siena again. Right now I didn't know if it was safe for me to be with my parents I didn't know when that dark part of me was going to come out to play. We had a family dinner which was pretty nice until my dad brought up Damon; I had to change the subject with him.

After dinner we went into the living room and my mom wanted us to have a family night together watch a movie or something. We were waiting on my dad he had a business call to deal with. So my mom and I watched TV the news came on they spoke about finding 6 dead bodies near the south port with their hearts removed. I sat there with all of that guilt once again over coming me.

"What the world coming to. You have to be pretty sick to do something like that" I heard my mom say breaking me out of my thoughts. I saw my dad walk in "Tony have you seen this?" My dad turned to the TV and began to listen to the report.

"Well clearly whoever did that has mental issue. I'm sure the police will find out who it is" I felt like I wanted to be sick "Carina are you ok" I looked up at my dad "You look really pale" I got up from the couch I couldn't be around them.

"I'm really tired. Can I give movie night a miss?" my dad gave me a small smile, I kissed my mom on the cheek and then I went over to my dad and kiss his cheek.

I went into my bedroom and ran to the bathroom to be sick. I felt sick of the thought of what I did to them poor people. I had to do something to stop all of this it was getting all out of control. I cleaned myself up and climb into bed. I tried to fall asleep but it won't working, I kept looking at the phone I wanted to dial Damon number and tell him to come and get me. Look at what happened when I did that 6 innocent people were killed.

I finally fell asleep I didn't leave my room for a few days I couldn't face anyone not after it had been made public what I had did to them people. I mean I killed someone son or daughter, or mom or dad I couldn't deal with it. My mom checked up on me and I didn't acknowledge her, I didn't want to interact with my parents of that darker side coming out to play.

I woke up in the morning and I knew of one person who may be able to help me. I got out of bed and got changed I didn't look at whatever I was putting on. I walked out of my room of my room and creeped down the hallway I didn't know if my mom and dad were still home. I left the apartment and went down in the lift. I walked out the lift and I saw Royce he looked at me a little stunned.

"Miss Siena your home" I gave him a weak smile "Has Mr Salvatore accompanied you" I felt a burning sensation in the back of my head I needed to get out of here.

"No his at home, sorry Royce I have to get to an appointment" smiled at me.

"Well I would be more than happy to drive you there" I didn't want him to take me I need to throb him off.

"It's ok I'll walk it not that far, plus the New York traffic" he began to frown "Living in Mystic Falls has made me appreciate my legs more" He began to chuckled I gave him another smile and walked out.

I began to make my way to the address that was in my mind for months after meeting Tia Dalma. She told me that I could go to her if I ever needed help. I approached the building and walked up the steps to the store. I walked in and it was filled with all different crystals and books I approached the desk and no one appeared to be there I rang bell on the counter. After a few moments Tia Dalma came from the back she looked at me with worry.

"You poor chid" I began to fight back my tears.

"Please help me" Then the tears began to roll down my cheeks; she began to approach me with caution.

"Siena...." She wrapped her arm around me and guild me to the back of the shop. I could feel a burning pain in my head and I held on to my head "It's ok I won't allow her to take control over you" Then the pain began to fade away.

Tia Dalma had sat down with me and explained what was going on with me; she had told me that Qetsiyah my ancestor had been taking control of my body. She out to make Silas life a living hell now that he has woken. She began to tell me about how Qetsiyah was pure of heart all them years ago but with Silas betraying her it had turned her evil and bitter.

Tia Dalma tried to speak to the spirit on the other side to get help, but all they kept on saying is that I've allowed the darkness to take over me and it may be too late for me. Tia Dalma refused to believe that she believe anyone can be saved even dimidium sanguinis who fate is filled with doom and gloom. She did some kind of cleansing spell on me to keep Qetsiyah from taking over me for now. It took her awhile but when she was done I felt better I genuinely felt like myself.

"Tia Dalma, thank you so much but I don't have any money....." She raised her hand to me to stop me talking.

"If Klaus was to find out I took payment from you he would rip my heart out" I forgot about Nic after everything I had been through. I wonder how he dealing with everything with Marcel and the fact the going to be a dad soon "I like to keep my heart where it is" I chuckled lightly I wanted to ask her if she could help me find Nico but that would be asking too much from her "You have something on your mind Siena" I looked up at her and gave a weak smile.

"My son was taken from me by Silas. He wanted me to drop the veil to the other side" I was having little flash back from that night "But I was told that the witch's on the other side had taken him, that I was putting his life in danger" It killed me to talk about Nico, she touch my arm and I looked up at her.

"Let me see what I can do for you" I nodded, he began to perform some kind of spell thing began to move around the room and all the candles flared up. I could feel that she was using some of my powers to help her I didn't care all I wanted is to know where my son is. Everything in the room died down and Tia Dalma kept her eyes closed, then suddenly she opened them "They have hidden him very well, but the spell they have laid on him is breaking down. If you give me time Siena I'll be able to find your son location. It won't be today but a spell this powerful need time to break it down" I nodded my head it was a start and I trusted her to help me as much as she could.

I had left Tia Dalma shop and began to make my way home I didn't catch a taxi I wanted to walk. Now that she had stopped Qetsiyah taking over me maybe I could go home. But how could I go home after everything I had done, how could I look at people in the eye knowing that I'm a murder. The one person who I wouldn't be able to face is Damon right now. I love him so much and I'm trying to move on from all of that but I'm not that Siena anymore that he fell in love with I'm different now. I need to stop thinking and trying and move on from all of this for a few days. I need to switch off and be Siena Russo once again. I walked up my street and I saw a light blue Camaro pull up no it couldn't be. The car door opened and Damon got out of the car my heart skipped a beat as soon as saw him. I hid behind a fence I watched him walking into my mom and dad building. What is Damon doing here? I can't face him, not after everything I've done.

Damon P.O.V

As soon as Chrizina told me that Siena was in New York I let the house straight away. I drove here in less than 4 hours all I wanted was to see my princess once again. Part of me was frighten of what I was going to walk into with Chrizina tell me she don't seem herself. That really concerned me even more I'm just hoping somehow I can get through to her.

I arrived at her parents' home and they were really happy to see me, apparently Siena had been out all day and hadn't come home. They began to explain to me Siena behaviour over the last few days that Chrizina and Tony are going out of their minds. They have told me that Siena withdrawn she won't speak to anyone it's like she another person. This concerned me that she had been like this with her parents, her mom and dad were her world and for her to behave like this had me thinking even more about that Jeremy had told me.

I had to leave the apartment Chrizina wanted me to come back for dinner as Siena would be back and I might be able to talk to her. I needed to get something to feed on all of this was getting too much for me. So I picked up so poor girl and drank from her I thought it would numb everything that was going through my mind but it didn't. I stopped drinking from her and compelled her to forget this had happened; I couldn't get Siena out of my mind I need to find her.... I need to convince her to come home.

I went back to the apartment and Tony had told me that Siena had come back home not long ago I wanted to go and see her but Chrizina said she was in the shower. Waiting for Siena to come out felt like the minutes were hours. I just wanted to go into her room I'm her freaking husband. Tony notice that I was on edge a little and he tried to talk to me, then someone caught my eye I looked up and there stood Siena she looked different in some way. She was dressed in all black leather fitted skirt that showed off all her curves with a fitter blazer.

"Damon" She didn't look to surprise to see me, I stood up and walked over to her.

"Siena are you ok...." she cut me off turned to her dad.

"Is dinner nearly ready daddy?" I felt my jaw drop there was me standing here as the concerned husband and she totally ignored me.

"Yes Carina. I'll just go and check for you" He got up and left the room, Siena looked directly at me

"What are you doing here Damon?" I was taken back at the way she reacted.

"I don't know the fact you've been missing for two and half months with no one knowing where the hell you were" she turned away from me and began to walked off I caught her arm "Siena please I know everything about what happened with Bonnie" she looked at me and began to frown "Please let me help you" her face was filled with so many emotions.

"I don't need help Damon.... I don't want to come back.....I don't want to live that life" I knew when Siena was lying she didn't mean any of that she just frighten to come back.

"You don't mean that Siena....I'm not giving up on you" We looked at each other for a few moment then Chrizina walked in.

"Dinner ready" Siena looked away from me and smiled at her mom then walked away. No way in hell I'm walking away from here without Siena coming home.

We all sat round the dinner table and it was a really awkward atmosphere hardly anyone spoke. I notice Tony shifting uncomfortable in his seat.

"So Damon how's Mystic Falls? I bet the crime rate nothing like here" I looked over at him and Siena caught my eye she looked really on edge.

"Yeah it quite town, nothing hardly ever happens" Total lie everything freaking evil thing was drawn to that stupid town.

"Good place to raise a family then?" I could hear the tapping of Siena shoe from under te table "Did you hear about that gruesome attack the other day four men and two women had their heart torn out clean out of there chest. What's the world coming to?" Sounded like vampire to me, suddenly Siena scraped her chair and stood up.

"Can I be excuse please" she sounded a little upset.

"Don't you want desert" Chrizina asked, Siena shook her head and walked away. The both of them looked at me I didn't know what they wanted me to do.

They both began to plead to me to try and find out what going on with their daughter, they were concerned about her so much. I told them I felt the same way. After a while I excuse myself from them and made my way to Siena bedroom, I tapped on the door lightly and I opened the door and walked in. Siena was laying on the bed with a see through white nightie. All I wanted to do right now is go over there and kiss her and show her how much I missed her by making love to her. She turned to me and gave me her beautiful smile.

"Like what you see Salvatore" God I just wanted to rip that nightie off her and make love to her. She sat up and looked at me "You still look at me Damon as that sweet innocent girl you met two years go....Do you remember the first we saw each other we couldn't keep our hands off each other..... Funny how things change" I began to approach her. What did she mean by that? I will always crave for Siena touch, granted she left town on bad terms but I could never get enough of ther "I'm not that girl anymore Damon I've changed everything has changed because of me we lost our son" No I'm not letting her think that it's her fault that Nico had gone "I'm no good for you Damon. I'm evil and rotten to the core...." No she none of those things. Siena. My Siena is pure not evil why is she talking like this.

"I don't believe that Siena, you will always be that girl to me....." I sat next to her and looked into her eyes "Things haven't changed... you haven't change....It was never your fault that Nico got taken from us....If you come with me right now we will look for our son together....." She turned away from me "I love you Siena. Can't you see that we both need each other....." I mean that I don't think I can carry on like this knowing that we can't find our son is killing me. I needed Siena as much as she needed me. Siena got up from the bed and walked over to her wardrobe, she began to get changed in jeans and fitted t-shirt she hadn't said a word. She put her jacket and shoes on and looked at me.

"I don't know if that enough.... anymore....." I sat there stunned by what she had told me, by the time I looked back up she was gone. I walked out of the room searched the whole apartment for her she weren't here. She really not making this easy for me but I don't care how many times she rejects me I'm not giving up. Our love far too strong to just walk away from.

Siena P.O.V

I thought I could handle seeing Damon I know he was here but when I saw him I felt weak at the knees. All I wanted to do was run into his arms and kiss his beautiful soft lips. The whole time I was around him felt like torture I was frighten of the face that Qetsiyah may make appearance. I know Tia Dalma had done whatever she had done, but Qetsiyah is a powerful witch she could break whatever she had done. If I was to hurt Damon under the influence of her I would never forgive myself.

When my dad spoke of the murders of them 6 people I couldn't stay there anymore I had to walk away. I didn't want to hear about it because I know it weren't me who did it but my hand when through the cavity of their chest and tore out there hearts.

Damon came into my room when I looked at him I couldn't help but smile at him. I really couldn't believe how lucky I was to have him as my husband. I dropped my guard down for a moment when I teased him about liking what he saw, but then reality set in. I had to tell him he needed to let go of me I weren't the girl who he fell in love with anymore. I told him that I was pure evil that I weren't good enough for him. Of course Damon told me everything I wanted to hear that he loved me no matter what and we would look for Nico together.

I couldn't believe I let the words pass my lips "I don't know if that enough.... anymore....." I watched as Damon face went into sorrow I couldn't watch. I walked out and left the apartment I couldn't be around him or my parents right now. I have literally walked out on my marriage the man who I know who I can't be without.

I walked the streets with tears flowing down my cheeks I couldn't handle all of this pain I was feeling. The two people who meant the world to me have gone out of my life. I waked down the street and approached the iron gates of the cemetery. I walked through and began to walk towards Blair grave. I stopped and looked at her tomb stone still till this day I couldn't believe that she was dead. The tears flowed more down my cheeks. I felt my legs give way I knelt in front of Blair grave.

"God I miss you Blair you were taken too soon....It's my fault your here Blair.....I'm the reason why you were killed.....I can't believe your gone and right now I need you more than ever....I'm scared Blair.... I'm scared of what I'm turning into..... I've lost everything Blair" I placed my hands over my face and cried into them. I felt lost I needed my best friend right now to tell me that everything going to be ok.

"Princess" I moved my hands and he was crouching beside me he looked at me with concern in his eyes "Come here" He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest, it felt like I had found out that Blair had died all over again "Siena it weren't you fault that Blair died" I pulled away from him and stood up how could he say that Elena killed the one person who meant the world to me to stop us looking for the cure.

"How can you tell me that Damon, it my fault, that Elena killed Blair" He got up and cupped my face I could see his eyes glazing over.

"No it wasn't your fault Siena" The tears kept flowing down my cheeks, even though I knew deep down it was my fault he didn't want me to feel the guilt of it. I love this man so much.

"I don't know what I want any more Damon" I was so scared to give myself over to him all I wanted was to be with him. Even when I walked away from him and told him that none of what he told me meant nothing anymore he didn't give up on me.

"You want a Love that consumes you" he wiped away my tears "That what you want Siena. That's how I feel with you. when I'm around you consume me with your touch, your voice, your presence there no one else I want to be with but you" He cupped my face in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. I never thought I could love him anymore than I did already.

"That what I feel when I'm with you Damon" A smile appeared on this face "I don't know what going on with me, but what I do know is that I want to come home" He had a stunned expression like he didn't expect me to tell him that. After the way I had behaved I didn't blame him.

"There is a god up there...... Thank you!" He said while looking up to the sky, then he pulled me towards him and kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck do our kiss depend. He wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer to him so there were no space between us. After very long moment we pulled away from each other and he couldn't help but smile at me. I can't push Damon away we do need each other more than ever. It was time for me to face my demons.....I'm coming home......

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