All About Us // Alex Gaskarth

By Profanelex

16.6K 248 27

Alex meets Lex. More

All About Us. (Alex Gaskarth Fan Fic.)
The Other Day.
Won't let you fall down.
Not your fault.
On her side.
What I need.
Know me.
Am I crazy?
Never forget you.
I'm on my way.
Where I will be.
Can I hold you?
I Will Not Change.
Paper Lungs.
Room for two.
Moment in the life of.
See what we got.

For Baltimore.

360 8 6
By Profanelex

After the incident with Jasey, we made sure to bump up the security. It had been a couple months after and something seemed off with Lex. She was pale and sometimes I would catch her throwing up. She really didn’t have the energy to do much anymore. She would complain about her head hurting and would sleep constantly. I decided to have a doctor come our next venue to have check her out. When he arrived, he pulled Lex into the dressing room. I anxiously shook my leg as I sat outside on the couch. After about half an hour, she walked out with puffy eyes. The doctor had his hand on her back and motioned for the ambulance. Quicker than I could ask what had happened, she was put into the truck and they drove off.

“Flyzik! What the hell! I need to see her!”---“Calm down. I’ll go get Colussy.” I was shaking even more. I felt a hand interlocked with mine and saw Jasey. “She’ll be okay dad.” I sighed and felt tears forming. “Alex, we’re coming. We’re canceling every sow until we know what’s up.” I turned around and saw Jack, Rian, Zack, and Cassadee standing there with all their stuff and Jack had the keys in his hands. “I-I really appreciate it guys.” Cassadee and Rian grabbed the twins and we were out the door, into the car and towards the hospital once again.

I ran up to the recptionist. “Lex Gaskarth?” She typed on her computer and handed everyone a pass. “3rd floor. Room 11” We piled into the elevator and I looked at the list of the floors. “Wait, why does it say the 3rd floor is a cancer ward?” I questioned, panicking. At our stop, I ran to Lex’s room and saw nurses surrounding her. Soon enough, she noticed us and slightly smiled. Then, instantly she leaned over into a bucket that was placed near her and threw up almost nothing but blood. I motioned for Cassadee and Rian to take the kids out while Zack, Jack, and Jasey stood with me. 

I waited for the doctor to walk in, “What’s wrong with her?” He pulled me into the hallway and sat me while the rest stood by. “Because of her family history, Lex has bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.” I cocked an eyebrow, “What the hell does that mean?”---“Lex has been diagnosed with lung cancer.” My heart dropped and I couldn’t hold back the tears. Jasey began sobbing and Jack hugged her to his chest and you could see tears in his eyes as he shushed her. Zack ran to Rian and Cassadee. Cassadee covered her mouth and Rian wrapped his arms around the twins. I stood up and walked to her room. “L-Lex?” She looked up and reached out her hand. I gripped it and sat on the side of her bed. “So, I’m guessing he told you guys?” She looked down. I hooked a finger under her chin and pressed my lips to hers. “I love you. So so much Lex. Please don’t leave.” She gripped my hand tighter and I could see tears in her eyes. 

“Alex… I don’t have long. Because I didn’t come in earlier, it got more severe.” I couldn’t believe it. The love of my entire life had cancer and she knew she was about to leave this earth. I laid down beside her and rested my head on her chest. She played with my hair like she had always done. It brought me back to the time when she had comforted me after Lisa. I cried against her and she kissed my head. “Alex, look at me.” I looked up at her. “I know for sure I’m dying. It’s hard to handle, but it’s true.” I kissed her again. “I want you to know Alex… You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. The first time I met you, we acted like best friends. Wh would’ve known I would end up leaving you, coming back, and marrying you and creating a family with you. Alex, you were and will always be my everything. I need you to promise me you won’t let go of the kids. Keep them close. Don’t quit music either. It’s the thing that got you to where you’re at and it’s the thing that had me meet you. Do it for the fans, for the family. Hell, do it for baltimore.”---"Nice move using my own lyrics against me." I gripped harder onto her small body and kissed her again. “I love you so much. You’re my everything. No matter what happens, you always will be.” Who would’ve  known that, that kiss we shared, would be our last.


It’s been a year since that day. Her funeral was full of tears and hugs and the twins, Jasey, and I took it hard. Even the guys took it hard. I spent about a month in bed, crying while the guys and Cassadee took care of the kids and helped me. I thought about what she had said to me. ‘Don’t quit music either. It’s the thing that got you to where you’re at and it’s the thing that had me meet you.’ I remember getting up from my bed, walking downstairs and everyone stared at me. “I’m ready.” And I was. 

Right now, we were touring in Europe. I smiled at the kids playing with Jack as I sat on top of a tall green hill. Jasmine ran up to me, “Daddy! Come play with us!”---“Daddy is lazy.” I laughed. “Aw! Come on dad!” Jasey called out. I stood up and ran down the hill, chasing after Jasmine. Jasey chased them up back the hill and I looked back at them. I looked up to the sky, “This is your family.” I smiled and felt Jack’s hand on my shoulder. “You’ve done good, Alex.”---“I didn’t think I’ll survive handling them alone.” Jack softly laughed. “You aren’t. No matter what, you have Me, Zack, Rian, Cassadee, FLyzik, Colussy and everyone else. It may not be normal but we’re your family and we’r also there’s.” I smiled as Jack ran up to meet the kids. With Lex gone, she remained in my heart. I still wore my wedding ring. Lex had insisted on having her wedding ring on Jasey’s necklace so she could always be near us.

“Come on dad!” Jasey yelled. I walked back up and hugged all three of them. “Time to go play a show.” 

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