Being the Girl

By unendingly

265K 2.7K 689

Danni Parks best friends are all guys and she is perfectly fine with being the girl. She can't stand hanging... More

01 -- Spaghetti Hair
02 -- Frozen Bras
03 -- Name, Adress, Social Security, and a Bag of Bacon
04 -- Fake Numbers and Saw
05 -- Whipped or Not
06 -- Ketchup Periods
07 -- Washboard Abs and Sparkly Poop
08 -- Kiss and Yell
09 -- Bacon Withdrawl Syndrom
10 -- Loopy Gas
11 -- Pinky Promises and Lighters
12 -- The Triathlon
13 -- Puke Breath
14 -- Fairy Wings and Dress Up
15 -- Fire Ants, Hospitals, and Barbie Dolls
16 -- Robot Zombies
17 -- Hide and Seek
18 -- Barney Boxers and High Heels
19 -- Badass Five-Year-Olds and Paint Showers
20 -- Goose Bumps and Killers
21 -- Fashion Designers and the Amazing Sibling
22 -- The Prank Master and Ice Cream Faces
23 -- Grape Soda and Broken Arms
24 -- Down and Dirty and Sand Soccer
25 -- Puppy-dog Eyes and an Extra Side of Bacon
26 -- Breaking Points and Explosions
27 -- Underwater Kisses and Vats of Purple Slime
29 -- Sugar Rush and Spilled Gatorade
30 -- Snoring and the Queen of France
31 -- Melted Ice Cream and Kissing in the Rain
32 -- Back Dumpsters and Six Football Players
33 -- Loads of Garbage and Superheros
34 -- The F Bomb and the First Tears
35 -- Middle Names and a Million Years
36 -- Painted Asses and Rookies
37 -- Swings and New Ways of Killing
38 -- Room 358 and Janitor's Closets
39 -- Unbroken Pinky Promises
Epilogue -- Being the Girl

28 -- Flipped Over Air Matresses and Flipped Over Tables

5.3K 46 11
By unendingly

 Nobody kill me! I know it's been a long time and I can't tell you how sorry I am. I just got so busy I didn't have time to update anything. I practically wrote this whole chapter today. Basketball just started and I had a ton of catch up homework since I was sick, not to mention after school crap. So I've just been busy, but this week will hopefully be better and I promise to update soon.

Anyway I wonder what happened when Alex and Danni felt like they were rocking on a boat. Here's the next chapter. Again, I'm sorry it took so long, but I will try and update the next one sooner. Thank you all for being patient. Oh, and please comment, vote, fan. It would mean the world to me! Thanks for reading!


I looked around. We were on an air mattress in the middle of the pool. I rolled my eyes at the guys’ stupid prank. It was so unoriginal. “Alex,” I whispered gently shaking his arms. He rolled to his side and hugged me tighter. “Wake up!” I yelled in his ear. He groaned.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him. That always seemed to get him up. He kissed me back. I pulled away. “I’m up,” he laughed. I pushed him over. He rolled off the mattress and fell into the pool. I cracked up laughing. When he came up hee looked at me confused and then down at himself soaked in the pool. “What the hell?” he muttered.

I laughed harder. “Don’t look at me. The guys did it. I just accidently pushed you off.” He rolled his eyes and flipped the mattress. I screamed and hit the water. I came back up and slapped him hard on his arm. “This is your shirt and the only clean shirt I have left to wear asshole!”

He laughed. I rolled my eyes got out and marched into the kitchen angry at him. Trevor started laughing first and they all followed suit. I knew Trevor was guilty. I walked over and pushed him over. He was still laughing. I slapped him as hard as I could across the face. “Ow!” he yelled at me. I slapped him again. Stupid little prick deserved it. I was soaking wet and I didn’t have any clean clothes.

“You stupid douchebag! Now I have to get another shirt and pants and these were my last ones!” I yelled in his ear. He covered his ears.

He rolled his eyes. “Poor you. You have to walk next door and grab some clothes. The world is going to explode!” I kicked him in the nuts and pouted. He fell over in pain. I turned around ready to tear apart anybody in my way knowing not to mess with me when I was in a mood. They all moved out of the way except Alex who was holding clothes for me to wear.

I smiled. “Thanks Alex.” I grabbed the clothes and started to walk to the bathroom to change.

Alex grabbed my arm. I looked back. He dangled a bra and underwear in my face. “You might need these that I took from you last night.” They all glared at him and bared their fists. He laughed. “Kidding! I’m just kidding! Nothing happened!” I huffed, rolled my eyes, grabbed my underwear and went to get changed. It was like he wanted the guys to break us up sometimes when he teased about that stuff.

It felt nice to be out of those wet clothes. Alex was still dripping wet though and he didn’t have any clothes. “I’m going home to get some clothes. Anybody want to go?” he asked directing the question at me. I nodded and we got ready to go.

We got to his house and Jenna was there. She hugged me. “Hey! I haven’t seen you since you’re mom and dad came. Thanks for inviting me to Fiji. Just kidding! I don’t care. Speaking of Fiji, what happened between you and Alex there? Did you two… get down and dirty?” she said wiggling her eyebrows. I turned bright red.

Alex put his arm around me. “Jenna, she’s still very uncomfortable about it!” They both laughed as I blushed even worse. “Just kidding. Nothing happened, Jenna. I’m going to get changed.”

He left leaving me and Jenna alone. She smiled at me. “Oh! I’m just so excited you two are dating! You’re so cute! I knew it would work out! I’m so glad I got to see it before I had to go back to college!”

I sighed. “Jenna!” I yelled. She stopped talking and looked over at me. I laughed. “He asked me to be his girlfriend last night,” I said quietly. I didn’t have anybody else to tell, so I told Jenna. I think Ryan might have known, but even if he did Ryan wouldn’t tell anyone.

She gasped. That was the first time I had ever seen Jenna speechless. Finally she exploded. “Oh my God! I can’t believe it! You’re going to be my sister-in-law! Ah! This is amazing!” she yelled in my ear as she hugged me bouncing up and down, suffocating me.

Alex walked back in and I heard him laugh. “Jenna why are you trying to kill Danni?” he asked chuckling.

She squealed and ran over and engulfed Alex in the same hug. “Oh my God! Are you guys going to name your kids after me?! Aw they’ll be so adorable! Think of a pretty brunette version of me!” she squealed surely picturing me and Alex’s kids in her head. I pictured them for a moment too, but then I shook the thought out of my head.

Alex raised an eyebrow at me probably curious to why she was behaving this way. “I kind of told her we were boyfriend and girlfriend,” I shrugged. He rolled his eyes.

He pried Jenna off of him. “Jenna, please. Can I have a few minutes with my girlfriend?”

She squealed again. “Ah! Girlfriend!” He shot her a look. “Sorry, I’ll go.” She walked out. Alex sighed.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “She’s just trying to be nice and helpful. She is your sister.” I normally wasn’t that sweet, but Alex should just be lucky he had someone who cared for him. He should know that after what happened yesterday. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I didn't want what happened yesterday to ever come up again. I wanted to just forget about it.

He sighed. “Unfortunately.” I slapped him. “Kidding! So doyou want to go on a date tonight.” I looked at him confused. He laughed at my face. “You know a date, where a boy and girl go and watch a movie and eat dinner?” he said like I was two. I slapped his arm again. “Ow!”

I smirked. “I know what a date is stupid head. It’s just that we went on one last night and I just figured we’d stay and hang out with the guys tonight.” He scoffed like he couldn’t believe me. “What?” I asked raising an eyebrow daring him to challenge me.

He sighed. “That doesn’t really count as a date. The guy were there and we didn’t get to kiss that much and when we finally did you were already half asleep. I want to go on a date where they aren’t hovering over our backs like flies hovering over a chocolate chip cookie. I just want to have a normal date, like normal people.”

I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t believe he was being such a prissy drama queen. Last night was a perfect date even if Ryan was there half the time. “Whatever. It does count as a date. And the guys aren’t that bad-”

“Aren’t that bad?! I try to hold your hand and they pull a freaking Taser on me! I just want to have a nice quiet date with just you and me!”

I rolled my eyes once again. “They aren’t that bad!” I restated. “They’re our friends, Alex! I like to hang out with them! Besides yesterday we got to freaking make out all we wanted! I just want to relax and hang out with our friends!” It was true. I just wanted a day to relax. Yesterday was—to put it quite frankly—terrible. It was nice that I got to spend the evening with Alex and we got to kiss and all but Ijust wanted to hang out today. I didn’t want another major event happening.

He stared at me angrily. “Some friends they are! They won’t even let me kiss my girlfriend!”

“They’re just being protective of me! They’re looking out for me, Alex! They care about me!” I spat back. I knew I would normally agree with him, but it wasn’t just him arguing about their protectiveness, it was about him dissing our best friends just because he wanted to go on some stupid date.

He glared at me. “No they prefer you over me! It’s like they don’t care about me since we started going out! They’re always mad at me and don’t give a shit what I think about anything anymore!”

I clenched my fists. How could he act like that and think like that? The guys thought of him as a brother. Sure they were protective of me, but that didn’t mean they liked him any less. I couldn’t believe how he was acting. I was fed up with him and his bullshit. “Think whatever the hell you want Alex, but that’s not the truth! I’m going home!”

“You mean that stupid empty house of yours?!” My eyes got wide with shock as I registered what he said. I looked away making my face go emotionless. How could he say that at all? Especially after yesterday. His eyes got wide at the realization of what he said and he walked over and put his hand on my face. “Danni, I didn’t mean-”

“Forget it! Forget you, asshole!” I yelled and ran out. I jumped in my car and drove home. I was beyond pissed. Yesterday I was sad, but today I was just completely and utterly pissed off. I walked in and kicked over a coffee table. I hate him! How can he say all that shit about the guys?! He’s there best friend! I can’t believe he’s acting that way! I kicked over another table. And what about me?! How could he say that about my house?! I knew he really meant my parents! After all the shit I’ve went through yesterday he has the nerve to say that to me?!

Somebody walked in. I looked over. Ashton stared at me confused. He opened his arms and I ran into them willingly needing somebody to comfort me. When I got angry all I needed to calm me down was Ashton. “I came over to see why you came to your house and by the turned over tables I can tell it was a smart choice. What’d he do?” he asked rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

I took a deep breath trying to remain calm. I explained it to him. “He doesn’t mean it, what he says about us. You’re the first person he’s ever loved. He doesn’t exactly know how to handle it or what to say, especially since you’ve been his best friend for so long. Plus the guys have never set limits on his girlfriends before so he doesn’t exactly know what to do. He’s just trying to go on a date with you.”

I sighed. “I don’t know, Ash. When he yelled about my house I knew he meant my parents.”

I looked away getting angrier at that bastard again. Ashton sighed. “He was just mad and we both know he does stupid things when he gets mad. Look do you want me to stay here with you?” I nodded. He hugged me. “It’ll be okay, Danni. Everybody have fights every now and then. If they don’t they aren’t human.” The thing was me and Alex had fights all the time. More often than normal people probably. We were both hot tempered and got mad over the slightest things which means when we get mad at each other all hell breaks loose.

That’s why I could so easily lose him which I never wanted to happen since I loved him with my whole heart. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and answered, “Hello?” I asked slightly angry and annoyed.

“Danni what the hell did you do to my brother to get him to throw around all of the furniture in our living room?!” I heard Jenna’s voice yell.

I get angrier again. “Ask him! He was the asshole who told me my parents didn’t love me!” I yelled. He didn’t really tell me that, but he might as well said it.

“I never said that,” I heard a voice from behind me say. I gulped and turned around. Alex was standing there staring at me. He walked over and put his hand on my face. “I didn’t mean it that way. You know I didn’t,” he whispered. I hung up not caring what Jenna would say.

I pushed him away not wanting to forgive him just yet and glared at Ashton who had obviously called him over. “Why did you let him in?!” I screamed. His eyes got big and he ran out the door. I tried to run after him, but Alex grabbed my hand. I shot him a look.

He sighed and tried to pull me into him. I refused to let him. I pushed him away and walked out my back door. “Danni, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of those things I said. I was just mad. I’m not used to having someone that actually has an opinion as a girlfriend.”

I walked to Garrett’s backyard and he grabbed my arm before I could make it inside. “Excuse me for not being your mindless little bitch slave, Alex! Let go of me!” He shook his head. “I will scream,” I threatened.

He let go. I glared at him, running a long string of profanities about him in my head. I was so mad at him right now I could take his head off. He walked over and kissed me. I didn’t kiss back at first and I struggled to get away, but he held tight. Damn it felt so good to have his lips pressed to mine. All I wanted to do was kiss back, but I wanted to be mad at him. The longer he kissed me the more clouded my judgment became and I silently cursed him for making me feel this way. I gave in. How was I supposed to withstand him when he was kissing me like that? Ashton walked out and smirked. “Yeah, you’re welcome.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him.

We walked inside. “I really am sorry, you know. I was so pissed at myself after you left. I practically flipped my living room upside down. I was an idiot. A complete idiot for saying those things to you. I didn’t mean anything. I was just angry at myself and I took it out on you. I’m an idiot.”

I chuckled at him calling himself an idiot. “Did you see the two tables I kicked over?” I asked laughing realizing how alike and hot tempered we are. He laughed with me. I wondered how I can just forgive him so easily. I can normally hold grudges longer than anyone. He was just such a good kisser. Damn. So now I can get him to do anything I want by kissing him and he can make me forgive him by kissing me. I guess we were even.

He smiled. “We can stay at your house tonight if you want to. I know you want to hang out with the guys and we can if you want. I’ll do whatever you want.” I wanted to hang out with the guys. Next week school started and I wanted to spend a bunch of time with them before it started.


I groaned. “I don’t want to go back to school,” I whined like a five-year-old. We were getting ready for the first day. I didn’t want to go back. Summer had been so fun and I didn’t want it to end. It was the best summer ever. I hung out with the guys, Alex became my boyfriend—which all of the guys now knew about—and we got to party in Fiji. I was excited for our senior year, but I didn’t want it to come around this early.

Alex rolled his eyes. “Am I going to have to come and dress you myself?” he asked with a devilish glint in his eyes. The guys shot him glares. They had become even better with us. We still weren’t allowed to make out in front of them, but we could kiss more often which Alex used up every opportunity we got. There had been a lot of kissing going on between us and we haven’t had a fight since that last week. “Go put on something decent, please.”

I groaned and walked upstairs. I took a shower and got dressed. We piled into the cars. Alex grabbed my hand. I looked over and smiled at him. “Get it out of your system now, because at school you can’t,” I reminded him referring to our romance. He groaned. We decided to keep it a secret from everyone else.

I kissed him before we got out of the car. Everyone walked over and talked to the guys. I just stayed quiet. A few of their friends acknowledged me, but not many. Not many of the guys or the girls liked me, so I just stayed back while they got caught up with their friends. I was walking with Noah to class when somebody started talking to him. I sighed. I just kept walking. I felt an arm go around me.

I looked over to see Braden. I sighed. “Braden, go away.” I did not want to put up with him again.

He smiled. “No way. It’s senior year, you don’t have a boyfriend, and you are going to be all mine.” I rolled my eyes. Why wouldn’t he just leave me alone? I just wanted him to get out of my life. He kissed my neck. “Well don’t look so excited about it,” he chuckled at his own joke.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. “Go away, Braden. I don’t like you.”

He smirked stubbornly and I wanted to slap him. “Nope. I’m not leaving until you do and believe me you will.” This year was going to be hell on earth if Braden was never going to leave me alone. I pushed him away again as he tried to kiss me again. I rounded the corner with him on my heels. I look over and see Ashley, Gia, and Heather all over Alex. Gia had her arm around him, Heather was feeling his muscles, and Ashley’s hand was on his leg dangerously close to where I was going to have to kick him later if he didn't stop them.

He looked at me sending me an apologetic look. But I ignored it. Was I the jealous type? Hell yes and Alex knew it. Braden put his arm back around me and I let him as I stomped off angrily. Braden smirked as everybody saw us and whispered. “See we look like a couple already. I’m sure everybody thinks we are.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t give a shit what they think. They already say stuff about me so you think it’s going to get to me when they say we’re going out? No, because we aren’t! Now get your arm off of me and go away!” I yelled in his face.

He made a tsk sound and shook his head. “Oh, Danni. You’ll learn. Don’t worry. Now come on let’s just go into a closet and skip the next period.” I pushed him away revolted. He was so disgusting. The only person I would go into the closet to had sluts draped all over him, so I was even reconsidering taking him into the closet even.


Okay, so the song, well not exactly what I meant by 'turning tables' but, hey, it works, right? Lol.

I know it kind of ended awkwardly, but that was the last part of the first day that I wrote, so sorry about that.

Anyway they had another fight. But Alex made it all better when he kissed her. Haha. And now the guys have warmed up to them. They even let them kiss now, just not make out. And also they're back in school for their senior year. But it looks like so far it's going to be a disaster.

So what did you guys think? Not that great of a chapter, I know. But I have some major action planned on the future. Maybe another few chapters, but it shall come. Mwahahaha. Lol. 

Thank you all so much for reading! This story still seems to be getting more popular by the second! Thank you guys so much for that! It means the world to me! And it would also mean the world if you commented, voted, fanned, stuff like that. It would put a big smile on my face and make me update faster, if I can that is.



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