Chasing Destiny

By mangosherbert01

136K 4.7K 2.1K

In the fight of good versus evil, everyone must take a side. When you're thrown in the middle of a war unlike... More

The Faces Beyond The Wall
Trenchcoats, Nobodies, and a Smoking Gun
Life of a SOLDIER
Target Practice
Spartan Training
Reality Check
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
Secrets, Secrets
Fake It
Down Under
We're All Mad Here
Bedtime Stories
Rescue Mission
The More, The Merrier
Saving Sandy Claws
A Pirate's Life For Me
Traversing Through The Town
Cornerstone of Trickery
I Just Can't Wait To Be... Back On Two Legs
A Warning
Poker Face
La Cite de Cloches
Magical Hair and Faraway Castles
A Tangled Web
Do You Believe In Magic
The Final Battlefield
The World That Never Was
Fight To The Death
Dying To Meet You
Puppet Master
Chasing Your Destiny
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Zack Fair
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair

The Jungle

2.2K 81 56
By mangosherbert01

The sound of chirping crickets is all you can hear as your eyes flutter open. Your head is pounding, and you shakily raise a hand to your temple. Pulling your fingers back, you grimace; they're stained with ruby-red blood. Groan a little, your head lolls to the side. It was too much effort to hold your head up, and your vision was still blurred.

Where are you, anyway?

Frowning, you rack your brain as you search for clues.

With your head still lying limp, you glance around your surroundings. It looks like you're inside of a small, wooden boat, floating in the middle of the sky. You shake your head a little and blink rapidly, willing yourself to snap out of it and wake up. Finally, once your vision is almost normal and the pounding in your head has lessened to a faint thud, you push yourself off of the wooden boards of the boat and onto your feet.


You trail off as you peer over the edge of the handmade boat. Thick ropes are securely holding the boat in the sky, hanging from a gigantic tree. A few feet away is a house, resting in a clearing of trees.

A Treehouse.

On one side of you is a large body of water, and on the other is a vast and expansive jungle. Your eyes widen, memories suddenly flowing back. You, Reno, Cloud, Noctis, and Zack had taken off for some world called "Deep Jungle", after receiving a report of Heartless and Nobodies joining forces to cause problems. Reno and Zack had been bickering over a plan of action, and Reno ending up losing control of the Gummi Ship. It's the last thing you remember, and you deduce that you must have crashed and separated.

"Stupid boys," you mutter, resting your hands on the side of the boat.

It's a long jump from the boat to the Treehouse, and you're not quite sure if you can make it. You glance back down, gulping loudly. If you were to fall, it's a sure death. What else could you do though, sit in the boat and pray for help? For all you know the other four are still together, marching on their merry way.

"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this..." you whisper to yourself, hopping up and down a bit.

You back up, bouncing on your heels as you warm yourself up. You aren't the best jumper, but you should be able to push yourself far enough that you're able to just barely land on a wooden walkway of the house. With a deep breath, you take off in a sprint, jumping into the air and pushing yourself towards the waiting house. You give out a little squeak as you land, the momentum pushing you forward. Stumbling a bit, you grab onto the huge trunk, panting slightly as your heart beats out of your chest. You did it, though! With a smile you stand up straight, glancing around your new surroundings. The Treehouse is surprisingly sturdy in the air, and you cautiously start to walk away from the boat and towards the actual house.

You take out your phone as you walk down the wooden path, hopelessly pressing the buttons. It's dead, you realize with a frown.

"Knew I should've charged it..."

Damn it, once again Riku had been right. He was always harping about how you never charged your phone. You'd never tell him about this, though; the smugness would be almost unbearable.

"Huh," you hum, peering inside of a window as you walk past.

The house is abandoned, and looks like it has been for decades. Clothes and items are strewn about, and it looks like a struggle has taken place. Brown specs litter the ground inside, looking suspiciously like very old blood. You walk inside of the entrance of the house, nervously.

"Hello? Anyone here?" you call out.

You're greeted by deafening silence. Sighing, you start to rub your temples. Where were those idiots, anyway?! A growl suddenly starts to rumble behind you, and you turn around so fast you swear you get whiplash. Standing in the doorway, barring its bright white teeth, is a spotted leopard. It's crouched towards the ground, growling as it moves towards you. With a shallow intake of breath you draw your black sword, standing your ground. The large cat howls as it leaps towards you, its claws reaching for your body. You swing your sword, managing to slice the leopard's arm. It roars, falling to the ground as blood seeps from the wound.

"Get back, I don't wanna hurt you!" you yell, swinging your sword in the air in a lame attempt to scare the animal.

It crawls to its feet, glaring at you before it jumps forward again. It sinks his teeth into your exposed forearm, and you cry out as you kick the leopard right in the ribcage. Before it can attack again you charge forward, slashing the leopard's other arm. It cries out in pain before it whips around and takes off, running away from you and towards the jungle.

"Shit," you mumble, glancing down at your arm. It's bleeding pretty badly, with two huge holes from the leopard's fangs.

You put your sword back in its sheath before placing a hand over your bleeding arm. A dusty white bandana rests at your feet, and you quickly pluck it up and wrap it around your arm as a makeshift (and unsanitary) tourniquet.

Well, if anyone had been around, they would have come already after the noisy fight. You're, without a doubt, alone, and quickly becoming rather afraid.

No, you immediately tell yourself, shaking your head as you exit the house. You can't allow yourself to freak out. Staying calm is key, so you can be as focused as possible as you search the world for your fellow SOLDIERs. Once you're back outside you look around, scanning the Treehouse. Mesh rope lies below, most likely to save people from falling over the edge and down into the abyss. You do a double-take as you spot a makeshift path leading down, from the house and into the jungle. Not seeing many other options, you take off in a sprint towards the path.

>> Fast-Forward >>

It was a very quick walk down the path, but slightly unnerving; you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following you. But, as many times as you looked back, you never saw anyone, so you figured it was just paranoia. The path ends in a small cave, and the walls are covered in moss. Sitting in the middle of the cave is the truck of a tree, which has been hollowed out. You peer in, greeted with nothing but darkness.

"Creepy," you mutter, a small shiver running up your spine.

"Safe," a deep voice replies.

You scream, grabbing your sword as you jump around. Pointing your weapon in front of you, your eyes land on a man. He has long, brown hair, and lean limbs. All he's wearing is a brown cloth over his pelvis, you note with a tilt of your head.

"W-Who are you?" you stammer.

He points at his chest, and you nod.

"Tarzan," he murmurs.

"N-Nice to meet you. I'm ~~~~~. Um... have you by any chance seen my friends?"

"[Name]?" he repeats.

Was this guy even listening to you?

"Yeah, that's my name."

"[Name], [Name]. Tarzan, [Name]."

"Uh," you narrow your eyes, "yeah?"


"Have you seen them?" you press.

The man moves towards you, using his knuckles like a monkey would. Your eyes widen at the sight. The speech, the movements, the clothes... He's wild. Literally.

"Come," he says, gesturing for you to join him as he walks towards the hollowed trunk.

You warily follow, not taking your eyes from the man. He points into the trunk, and you laugh and shake your head.

"Oh no, I'm not going in there."

He smiles a little before reaching a hand out and patting your back. Without any warning he gives you a rough push, and with a scream you tumble into the darkness. You fall for a few seconds, somehow managing to land on your feet. You start sliding, down a thick, mossy tree branch. It feels almost like you're surfing, only 500 times scarier. You're extremely high in the air, and constantly moving your feet to stay sturdy as the branch twists and winds. You glance back to see Tarzan right behind you, a huge grin on his face. With a nervous sigh you focus your attention ahead, the wind whipping through your hair as you glide down the trunk and towards the ground. Finally, after much too long, the trunk ends and you fly through the air. You stumble as you land on your feet, bending over as you pant and catch your breath.


You glance over your shoulder, and see that Tarzan is pointing ahead. It looks like you're in the middle of a campground, but that's not what's garnered your attention. Standing near a tent, arguing quietly, are two familiar figures, one with blond hair and one with black. Cloud looks up, eyes widening when he spots you gaping over at them.

"[Name]!" he exclaims, brushing Zack aside as he walks towards you.

"Wha..." Zack trails off, following Cloud's gaze as he, too, spots you. "You found us!"

"Y-Yeah, finally," you laugh, still holding onto your injured arm as you walk towards them.

"You met Tarzan, I see," Cloud notes, nodding over at the man.

"Found her," Tarzan says as he walks past the three of you, and into the tent.

"Where's Noctis and Reno?" you ask, looking between the two men.

"Dunno," Zack shrugs.

"We hoped they were with you," Cloud adds with a sigh.

"What happened?" Zack asks, pointing to your arm.

You glance down, frowning a bit. The previously white bandana was now red, stained with blood.

"Got in a tussle with a really angry cat."

"Yeah that damn thing almost took off Zack's leg," Cloud tells you with a smirk.

You look down, noticing that one leg of Zack's pants is ripped, with huge gashes running down his calf and shin.

"Yeah, well I had to fight it off 'cause this one ran away crying," Zack argues, smiling as the blond starts to scowl.

"I wasn't crying," Cloud argues quietly as the three of you head towards the orange tent.

"So, not that I don't love listening to you guys bicker, but what's the plan?" you ask, changing the subject.

"First, find Noctis and Reno. Then, search for any foul play. Jane told us that there's a ton more Nobodies than usual," Cloud tells you.

"Jane?" you repeat as Zack holds open the cloth entrance to the tent.

You step in, eyes landing on a pretty woman wearing a dress. Her hair is in a messy bun, and Tarzan is standing beside her.

"Oh. Hello, you must be [Name]," she greets in a posh accent.

"Uh huh. Jane?" you ask.

She grins and nods slowly.

"They told me a lot about you," Jane says, glancing over at Zack and Cloud. "But don't feel the need to stay here with us. You need to find your friends, right?"

"Yeah," Zack agrees, rubbing the back of his neck.

The air is swelteringly humid and hot, and your clothes are starting to stick to your skin. Judging by the sweat on Cloud and Zack's faces and arms, they're feeling the heat, too.

"Stay here, though. Don't go wandering," Cloud orders them before grabbing your uninjured arm and dragging you out.

"Nice meeting you!" you call as you're hauled out of the tent. "They seem... nice."

"Odd couple," Zack states, glancing over at Cloud. "Well, only place we haven't searched is the Treehouse and the Vines."

"I was just at the Treehouse," you speak up, and they both gaze down at you.

"Told you we should've looked there first," Cloud chastises as the three of you walk away from the camp.

"No one likes a know-it-all, Strife," Zack retorts with a scoff, and you can't help but laugh at the annoyed expression on Cloud's face.

>> Fast-Forward >>

"... on a hippo?" you repeat.

"For the hundredth time, YES!" Zack exclaims, his patience all but gone.

"It's the only way to get across," Cloud adds, his tone a bit softer than his older friend's.

You sigh, looking down at the water. It's filled with huge hippos, whose backs are protruding from the swampy water.

"Can't I just swim?" you ask.

"Where's the fun in that?" Zack counters with a grin before he leaps off of the ground, landing safely on the back of a hippo. He barely falters before he hops to another one.

Cloud immediately follows, though he's a bit less sturdy on his feet. With a deep breath, you leap forward... just as the hippo plunges beneath the water. You shriek before you fall into the green water, floundering around like a dog.

"You're supposed to LOOK before you jump!" Zack teases as you pop your head out of the water gasping for air, and you promise to strangle him once you're back on solid ground.

>> Fast-Forward >>

After a relatively awkward climb up a thick vine (Cloud and Zack had insisted you go ahead of them, so you practically flew up the vine before they could get a good look at that... angle), you pull yourself up on top of the mossy ground of your destination. Zack quickly follows, with Cloud bringing up the rear. You immediately smile, taking off towards two people standing nearby, peering over the edge of the ground.

"Hey!" you greet, flinging your arms around the shoulders of Reno and Noctis.

They stagger a little, but smile as they stare over at you.

"There you are," Noctis says.

"Where the hell have you guys been?!" Reno adds as you slide your arms back down to your sides.

"Looking for you!" you reply as Zack and Cloud walk over to you three.

"So you've been hiding out in the trees?" Zack asks.

"SOMEONE'S afraid of heights," Reno responds, nodding back at a frowning Noctis.

"Am not," Noctis argues, though you can tell he's far from the edge of the ground.

"Well, whatever. Let's get outta here," Cloud suggests, reaching out and grabbing onto a swinging vine.

He tugs at the plant, to make sure it's sturdy. Without even blinking he leaps off, swinging through the air. He jumps from the vine, grabbing onto another hanging vine. As he flies forward he lets go of the second vine, landing safely on his feet at the base of a tall tree. He turns back to you guys, waving slightly. Zack smiles widely as he follows his friend, and you can't help but be surprised that the vines can carry their weight. Zack's not exactly small, and even the shorter Cloud is built like a soldier.

"C'mon," Reno coos, resting a hand on the small of your back as he nudges you forward. "If it can carry them, it can carry you."

He hands you the same vine Cloud and Zack had used, and you nod a little.

"If I fall, I'm blaming you," you tell a laughing Reno before you run and jump, soaring through the sky.

You would never tell them but it was actually rather fun, flying free as you jump from vine to vine. Once you're near Cloud and Zack you let go, landing on the mossy ground. You stumble slightly from the momentum, right into a surprised Zack's arms. Your cheeks heat up a bit as you glance up at his piercing blue eyes. This trip was actually your first time even speaking to him since he had kissed you in Hollow Bastion, and yes, it was awkward. You shuffle away as he drops his arms and clears his throat, obviously uncomfortable.

Cloud, on the other hand, is watching with narrowed eyes. Usually Zack would've made some smart-ass comment in a situation like that instead of acting like a nervous teen, he realizes with a frown.

>> Fast-Forward >>

It took some coaxing to get Noctis to jump, but he finally had. Once he safely landed on the ground by you, your group started to climb up another vine that's connected to a thick tree trunk. After a short climb you haul yourself up and onto the ground, finding yourself in the middle of what can only be described as a gigantic cave. There's a mossy tree trunk in the middle of the circular area, and it's surprisingly cool inside, a nice contrast from the overwhelming heat and humidity.

"So, the world's safe! This is the only place we haven't searched," Noctis speaks up.

"Seems like it. Maybe Jane and Tarzan just overreacted," Cloud suggests.

"Don't be too sure about that."

You all jump, grabbing your weapons as you spin around, searching for the source of those words. The cave is empty besides the five of you, however.

"Come on out, ya coward!" Reno calls out.

"Coward?" the voice repeats with a loud laugh. "Look up."

You all glance up, eyes widening when you spot an Organization member floating up there. His body is horizontal to the ground, and he has an odd looking gun in his hands with long, pink bullets.

"Xigbar," Zack greets with a frown, pointing his Buster sword at the smiling man. "Get down from there!"

"Now why would I do that?" he asks, laughing again. He has peppered hair, black with gray streaks, that's pulled back in a ponytail. He also has an eyepatch, and a gravely voice. "This is five versus one, far from a 'fair fight.'"

You can see him smirk as his eye darts to you.

"Actually, I might not even have to lift a finger. If I say the right thing, you'll all be at each other's throats faster than I can say '[Name]'."

"Huh?" you ask as they all glance over at you.

"What are you talking about?" Noctis asks with an exasperated sigh.

"I saw something very interesting a few days ago!" Xigbar continues before he disappears in a puff of smoke. He appears right behind you, his gun still clenched in his hand as his free hand clasps your shoulder. "Now, show of hands: how many of you like this pretty girl?"

None of them raise their hands, but they're watching the smiling Nobody with wary expressions.

"Fine, that's a little too... broad, I guess. Let me narrow it down: How many of you have kissed this pretty girl?" he clarifies.

Your eyes widen, as once again none of them raise their hands. Zack's looking particularly sheepish, however, and you want nothing more than to be able to hide under a rock.

"As if!" Xigbar laughs, rolling his eye before he releases your shoulder and points a finger to Zack. "Liars don't make good heroes, Fair."

"WHAT?!" Reno, Noctis, and Cloud cry, rounding on the raven-haired male as Xigbar sets his gaze on you.

"I love when the do-gooders go bad," he tells you before snapping his fingers, a portal appearing behind him. "OH," he continues, earning the attention of the four guys, "I'd have a little chat with your little blond Nobody friend. And the one that dabbled in darkness. They're just as guilty as Mr. Righteous over here."

Xigbar backs up into the portal, laughing as he disappears into black vapor.

"You guys! He got away," you complain, turning towards your friends.

None of them seem to have heard you. Zack's laughing awkwardly as he scratches the back of his head, avoiding the glares of his friends.

"C'mon, he was lying," Zack lies, rather convincingly. "Right [Name]?"

He raises his eyebrow a bit as they all glance over at you.

"Well? Was he?" Reno presses.

You open your mouth like a gaping fish as your cheeks turn light pink. As much as you wanted to lie, to say that nothing had happened, you just couldn't. Besides, it was bound to come out eventually, and maybe their wraths would be soothed now, instead of carrying on the lie for who knows how long.

"N-No... He told the truth," you admit, and Zack hangs his head in defeat as he releases a groan.

"Oh, you're dead," Noctis decides, shaking his head.

"So much for being best friends!" Cloud adds, shoving Zack's chest.

Zack barely budges, but he glances up to shoot his friend a hurt expression.

"It's not his fault," you speak up, walking towards them so that you're separating Zack from the other three guys.

"Then whose fault was it?" Reno challenges.

"No one's!" Zack replies. "You can't hate me for going after what I want."

You blush a bit, your gaze darting to the ground as the other three roll their eyes.

"Oh please, like we're all terrified of making a move?" Noctis asks.

"I'm not!" Reno adds, reaching out for you.

He grabs your wrist and pulls you forward, crashing his lips onto yours. His hand is just starting to run through your hair as Cloud pulls you back and Zack shoves Reno aside.

"Well he didn't force himself on me!" you exclaim, wiping your lips with the back of your hand. "What the hell, Reno?!"

"Yeah," Zack agrees, holding onto Reno's shirt. "And I didn't do it in front of you guys!"

Cloud's hand is still wrapped around your uninjured arm, but you don't even care. You're completely in shock at the sudden turn of events. What was going on with these guys?! Each day was getting crazier than the last.

"Can we just get out of here?" you finally ask quietly, and they stop glaring at each other to look down at you. "I'm sick of being fought over."

It looks like they all want to argue with you but they don't, instead nodding as they start to walk out of the cave. You've never felt more angry, violated, and upset in your whole life. And it was only going to get worse once you're back at Headquarters, you realize with a loud sigh.

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