The Butterflies Will Live For...

By Xxmusic247xX

38.5K 1.2K 283

Hi! My name is Jasmine and I'm 13 years old. I live in an orphanage, where I have no friends. I attend to Nor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
5SOS Project

Chapter 26

715 23 6
By Xxmusic247xX

-Jasmines POV-

"Well... What I'm going to tell you might come as a shock, okay?" He worriedly ran his hands through his hair.

"It's okay Calum." I put a had on his arm to try and sloth him.

He sighed and looked down. "My biggest secret will mean finding out another secret, okay?"

I nodded.

"I hope you won't hate me..." He mumbled.

"Calum, I couldn't hate you if I tried. It's okay, I promise. Whatever your secret is, you obviously want to get it off your chest. I promise I won't tell anyone unless you want me to."

"I'm just gonna drop it all on you before I can change my mind. I'm gay and I like Luke. I mean, I like like him." He said really fast. He was obviously scared of what I was going to say.

That's when I realized: he did like Luke. Luke was going to kiss him. Cake will be real!

"Please say something!" He pleaded.

I didn't actually know what to say, so I hugged him.

He hugged me back and sighed happily. I'm pretty sure he was scared of what I thought of him.

"Does this change anyway you think of me?" He nervously asked.

"The only thing this changes is the possibility of you bringing girls home." I joked.

He chuckled and sighed. "I'm really glad you don't hate me or something. I know someone I tell won't like me for it."

"If that one person comes along, tell me. I'm not afraid stab a bitch." I said seriously.

"Language!" He laughed.

"When are you going to tell the others?" I suddenly asked.

"I-I don't know if I can. What if they hate me? What if they kick me out of the band? What will the fans think?" He rambled.

"Calum! Chill. They won't hate you and they defiantly won't kick you it of the band. And screw what the fans think! I'll stab 1,000 bitches!" I smiled.

He laughed again. "You always know how to make me smile." He said.

I smiled and blushed. "Do, uh, do you want to talk more or...?"

"I can send in Luke?" He smiled.

I nodded and hugged him one last time.

He left and Luke came in with pink cheeks. Was he blushing because Calum spoke to him?

"So, what's your biggest secret?" I asked as he sat down.

He put his head in his hands and sighed. "I-I think I like someone, but I don't want to ruin our friendship." He sighed.

"Who is it?" I asked.

He looked up at me and sighed again. His eyes started watering and he looked back down.

"Luke?" I asked worriedly. I sat down beside him and rubbed his back.

He moved his head to my shoulder and cried into it.

"Luke, I'm sure everything will be okay. I can help, if you want. Just tell me who it is."

"Mahmam." His voice was muffled by my shirt.

"Who?" I asked.

He lifted his head from my shirt and looked everywhere, but my eyes. "Calum..." He finally whispered.

I pulled him in for a hug before he could see my smiling like an idiot. He hugged back and we both pulled away after a moment. I wiped his tears and he smiled.

"What do I do?" He asked.

"Talk to him. I will give you a chance! I will pull Michael and Ashton away and you guys can talk!" I suggested.

"He won't like me back." He sighed.

"Luke, you never know..." I hinted.

"He's not even gay!"

"Has he ever said he wasn't?"

"Well, no... But he's been with girls before!" He explained.

"When was the last time you've seen him with a girl?" I asked.

"Umm... Almost a month before we got you." He said.

I raised an eyebrow and he smiled like he finally understood where I was getting at. People change. "It was obvious you were going to kiss him earlier, and he didn't try to stop you." I smiled.

He smiled even bigger and hugged me.

"You'll take the other guys away for a while?" He asked.

"Yep! We can go out for a walk or whatever and then you can text me when it's all good." I said.

"You're the best!" He cheered.

"Are you ready to go out there?" I asked as I gently released myself from the hug.

"Yeah, I guess." He sighed.

I grabbed his hand and unlocked the door, pulling him behind me as we entered the living room.

"So..." I finally said once we were all sat down. No one was saying everything and I was just processing everything I was told.

"Um... Did everyone tell you something serious or like a silly secret?" Dad asked.

"1 person said something a little less serious, but the other 3 told me something really huge." I explained.

Dads secret wasn't that bad, but the others gave me some juicy stuff.

"Hey guys, can maybe me, Dad, and Michael go for a walk, maybe get some ice cream?" I asked innocently.

Luke and Calums eyes went wide and they both blushed.

"Uh... I guess..." Dad said.

I nodded, grabbed my phone and walked out the door to wait for the others.

"So, why are we leaving exactly?" Michael asked as he entered the hallway.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell and don't to freak out." I said as we walked down the hallway.

I pressed the button for the elevator as the guys sent nervous glances towards each other.

"Okay... I promise."

"Me too."

We got in the elevator and clicked the button for the bottom floor. It was empty besides us, so I continued talking. "Umm.... Okay I'm just going to spit it out. They're both gay and they like each other." I said really quickly. "Well, Luke might not be, but he's into guys."

They're eyes widened and their jaws dropped. I just stared at them waiting for the second half of the reaction.


"YAAAAASSSS FINALLY!!! They're perfect for each other!" They started jumping up and down like 12 year old fan girls.

The elevator dinged and the door opened and we walked out with straight faces, like nothing happened.

"So... Ice cream?" I asked when we exited.

"I don't see why not." Dad said while glancing at the security guards that are following us.

We walked to the closest ice cream place, which was called Frosty's.

"Hello, what can I get you?" The guy at the counter asked.

"I'd like a chocolate cone, please." I smiled.

He wrote something down and looked back up. "And you two?"

"I'll take a vanilla cone."

"Chocolate cone."

I zoned out after that, thinking about what Calum and Luke were doing. Maybe nothing, maybe everything.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Dad handing me my ice cream. "Thank you." I smiled.

He nodded and we all sat down together. As soon as I sat down my phone started ringing.

"Let me go out side and take this." I said.

"Be careful. Stay right outside the building." Dad said.

I nodded and went outside. I answered the call before looking to see who it was, hoping they wouldn't hang up first.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Jasmine?" That was a voice I never wanted to hear.

"What do you want Hannah?" I spat.

"Just wondering how the famous life is going... You probably wouldn't want the whole world to know some certain things about you..."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would. I ho-"

"I don't want to hear what you have to say." I said and hung up. I looked up from putting my phone in my pocket and realized I wasn't right outside the ice cream place. I aimlessly walk when I'm on the phone sometimes. That must be what I did. Where am I?

I took in my surroundings and immediately figured it out. I'm in a dark ally, like from a cliché horror movie. I just walk back to the Dad and nothing gonna happen, right?


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