Rescue (UnderFell!Sans X Read...

By BanthaBug

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It was supposed to be a search and rescue with your two closest friends. With your 'brother' Frisk missing no... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
Art A/N
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Finale Pt. 1~

~Chapter 4~

3.7K 179 352
By BanthaBug

You woke up with pain clawing at all your muscles. You groaned with pain and tried to sit up, only met by gravity yanking your weak body back down. A loud thump accompanied you as you tried to stand again. Pounding feet raced towards the door, and it swung open to reveal Rey and Dash. They looked at you with worry as you again attempted to stand.

Rey sighed and laughed. "Of course you're already trying to stand..." She said in a teasing tone.

Dash shook her head, though a smile ghosted her lips. She walked to and placed one hand on your back, one on your hands. She sat down, pulling you with her. "Maybe you should start with just sitting up." She giggled.

You groaned and rolled your eyes. "But I wanna get up. It's so boring in here and I can't stand staying still."

"(Y/N), you literally fainted on Sans. You've only slept an hour since then so I think you might be able to do with just a few hours hours of sleep." Rey said.

You laughed. "I'm in pain dipshit. That's why I woke up in the first place."

Dash rolled her eyes. "I'll go see if Toriel had anything for that. But you need to lay down."

You huffed. "How about you go and get painkillers and until you get back I can attempt to stand? Deal?"

Rey shook her head. "Sorry girlie. But when Dash is gone, I'm watching over you."

"You're younger than me! We aren't those skeletons, I don't technically have to listen to you."

Rey smiled deviously. "But we both know you will because we're best friends and we listened to each other."

You paused a moment, then sighed in submission. "You're right... But this is so lame! I'm antsy!"

Dash chuckled. "Okay, how about Rey helps you limp around the room until I'm back. It'll be like 2 minutes but that's better than nothing."

You perked up a bit and smiled. "Yes! That would work perfectly."

Rey made a face. "I don't (Y/N), aren't you a bit too fat for me to carry?"

You gasped and threw a pillow at her. "Bitch!" You laughed.

She removed the pillow and winked. "The one and only. You know you love me."

You tried to stop yourself, but Rey's hatred of the song made it too easy.

"I know you care!"
"And I would never!"
"And I'll be there!"

Rey's eyes widened and she held back a scream. "How dare you speak the devil's words?!" She cried.

"And I was like-"

Rey leapt at you and Dash dodged. You flattened yourself on the bed and she sailed right over you, face planting on the headboard. You didn't even try to hold back you laughter. Rey groaned as she pulled back, rubbing her now sore face. Dash shook her head, laughing quietly and left to retrieve the pills.

You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and waited anxiously.

"Rey! Get off your ass and help me walk."

She rubbed her nose and pouted. "I don't want to now. You made me kiss a headboard at fifty miles an hour."

You rolled your eye and withheld a laugh. "That's your own fault. I didn't ask you to pounce at me."

Rey crossed her arms stubbornly and turned her nose up. "I'm not helping you. You're a meanie!" She said in a whiny-high pitched voice.

You groaned and folded your hands in a pleading gesture. "Please Rey! I need to get out of this bed but my legs won't let me!"

"Maybe your legs have a point (Y/N). You literally fainted on someone. You probably shouldn't even be awake."

You winked. "I'm a tough cookie."

Rey snickered and raised a brow towards you in a challenging way. "Okay tough cookie, how about you 'tough' your way into walking?"

You whined and shoved out your bottom lip in a pout, mimicking Rey. "Pwease?"

"Nope! Come on tough cookie, show me your stuff!" Rey giggled.

You furrowed you brows, plotting how you'd recover your fragile dominant reputation. Only one solution.

You placed a hand against a bed post and heaved yourself up on battered limbs. Rey quieted slightly, watching you.

"You're actually doing it?" She asked.

You nodded and then smirked. "Don't challenge my pride, I'll destroy you."

You used your hand to guide yourself against the wall. Once against the opposite wall, you sent a challenge look towards Rey. "Bet you $20 I can stand by myself for a minute in the center of the rug."

Rey looked at the rug then at you. She laughed and nodded. "You're on shorty." She smirked.

"I'm not short! It's only a little bit below average." You muttered.

You placed on leg in front away from the wall. Carefully, you pushed off so you balanced gently on your two feet. Repeating slowly, you made your way to the middle of the room on aching, wobbly legs.

"Okay Rey, get your wallet and set the timer."

She nodded and revealed her already set timer. "It's already started."

You stood silently, waving a lot in your spot. Rey chortled and blew at you playfully.

"Ya aren't looking to good (Y/N)." Rey teased. "Maybe you should forfeit and sit down."

You shook your head with a look of determination edged on to your face. "Never! That $20 bill is mine!"

As soon as you finished speaking, the door blew open, Dash and Sans standing in the doorway. You jumped back and squeaked, loosing balance and starting to topple over. Rey laughed in triumph as you started to bend to gravity's will.

You squeezed your eyes closed and waited for impact. Moments later, you found you hadn't yet hit the ground. You opened your eyes and looked around curiously.

"Gravity off or something?"

A red haze encased your body, making you feel confused. As you examined the red field, your feet left the ground leaving you floating midair. You squealed and tried to step back to the ground.

"What the fuck is going on?!" You yelled.

Sans chuckled and you turned your eyes to him. His red pupil released a plume of red, smoke-like mist. He moved his hand towards the bed and your body followed suit. You fell on top of Rey and groaned as her knee drove into your spine.

"It's just magic Pet." He smirked.

You growled, glaring holes into him. "Asshat." You grumbled. "Why are you here?"

He shrugged. "Toriel asked me to watch you take medicine or something. Can't really remember but that's okay, didn't really care."

Dash rolled her eyes and tossed you a bottle of pills. "They're made for monsters but I'm pretty sure they'll work." She said curtly. "Better than nothing, right?"

You smiled at Dash and flipped the cap off of the bottle. Shaking out two pills, you swallowed them both without water. Rey looked like she was about to gag.

"How do you do that without water?!" She asked.

You stuck your tongue out at her and grinned. "Because I'm badass."

"Or you drool like a dog." Dash suggested.

You threw a pillow at her and huffed. "You're worse than I am dog breath."

She snickered and elbowed you playfully. "Ah come on, I'm kidding."

You raised a brow and looked at her. She cracked a smile and rolled her eyes. "Okay I wasn't kidding."

You were about to respond when something rippled through you. Green light encircled your skin and your (S/C) soul floated within a green cased. It looked cracked and broken, but healed slowly, feeding off the box's steady stream of green light. The cracks began to disappear and your mouth gaped.

"How'd I do that?!" You asked.

"It was the pills dumbass." Sans sneered.

You flipped him the one finger salute, also known as the middle finger.

"Fuck off fuckface. I don't need your smartass-ery right now."

"It's better than being a dumbass." He retorted.

Rey partially covered her mouth and let out an elongated 'Ooohhhhh.' You slapped her upside the head.

"Shut up Rey! You're supposed to be on my side!" You snarled.

"But (Y/N), he just used your line!"

"My line is telling people 'That's unsanitary' when they tell me to fuck off. That line's as old as time. I'm not surprised though, it's only fitting an old man would use it. See, this one's already rotted away."

This time Dash came to your aid with her own "OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!"

You smirked and fist-bumped Dash. Rey laughed and Sans glared at you.

"Watch your words pet."

You laughed obnoxiously. "Takes one to know one. 'Yes Boss!' 'Okay Boss!' 'Whatever you say Boss!'"

The blaze returned to his glowing eye and danger tinted the air. You however didn't care. All that matter was you got under the skeleton's nonexistent skin.

"Aw, is Baby Bones upset?" You teased further. "Oh wait, you're the older one aren't you? You'd never be able to tell by all the whining and 'Yes Sir's."

Your soul was enveloped in red and a
pinprick pain ripped through your body. Still, you kept smiling. Dash and Rey knew better and jumped to action.

"Wow, settle down Sans! She's just teasing!" Rey argued.

"She's annoying." He growled.

"Get over it! You're hurting her!" Dash hissed.

He chuckled. "Not until I wipe that smug smile off her face."

You body propelled from the bed to the ground, hitting the other wall in the process. Though pain ripped your side, you refused to stop smiling. You'd best him. "Bring it FuckBone!" You chanted.

You were thrown again, this time earning a slight cry as you made contact. Rey shoved Sans and he wavered slightly. You stood and sent him a firm middle finger.

"Suck it Bone Boy!"

Dash slapped a hand over your mouth but was too late. Sans snapped his fingers and you both disappeared, meeting in the middle of the room. He held your neck in a tight grip, getting tighter. You laughed weakly, still challenging him. Rey and Dash attempted to intervene but were pushed back by an invisible wave coming off you.

He brought his face close to yours and he hissed in a low tone. "Don't EVER talk about me and my brother that way, ever again."

You spat on his face and smirked. "Bite me." You laughed. "I've got you figured out HotBall. I can get under your skin like that." You snapped for effect.

He growled and tightened his grip on your neck. Your soul reshaped again, taking the form of a long knife. Snapping your arms quickly and snaking them around his hold, you held the blade to his neck.

"Stalemate!" You chirped in a sing-song voice.

Several pairs of footsteps rushed to the door and suddenly monsters filled the doorway. They gazed at you and Sans and silence fell. With a breathy snicker, you removed the blade, letting it melt back into a heart. You twisted your way out of his choking hold and grinned towards the others.

"Don't worry, we were sparring. Everyone's fine." You lied.

Dash and Rey have you a look, clearly asking 'what the hell are you saying?!'

You winked at them and slung an arm around the uncomfortable skeleton, standing on your tippy toes to close the last few inches he had over you. "We're all good, right Sans?"

He looked at you like you were crazy and nodded. "Yeah... Sparring."

Papyrus laughed and charged towards you and Sans. "It makes me so happy to see you two cooperating. And the sparring was quite impressive!"

You tapped your sore neck with a smile. "Real bruises too. You've got one strong brother Papy."

Sans again face you the 'insanity' look and you winked at him. You leaned to his "ear" and whispered. "You're welcome." You whispered, then dropped to flat feet.

"Well, I'm going to get some food! Happy bonding skelebros." You sang, as you pushed your way out of the room.

As you left, Dash spoke to Rey. "She's going to get herself killed."

"She's insane!"

You leaned into the doorway and looked at your two best friends. "Where's the fun in sanity?"

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