My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

By amira039303

795K 28.1K 1.5K


My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

Chapter 42

12.5K 454 50
By amira039303

A Quick Warning: There is a slightly mature part in this update. It's in bold for anyone who wants to skip it.

Arnav kissed, sucked, and licked every inch of Khushi's neck and shoulders, leaving not even a millimetre untouched. As he moved lower and lower towards her chest, Khushi's moans grew louder and louder as she dug her nails into Arnav's back, while his need grew larger and larger.

Arnav was fully ravishing her when his lips brushed against her nipple accidentally while kissing her, bringing them both crashing back to Earth.

Both of them froze.

'Sh*t!' was the first thought that hit Arnav when he realised how far they'd gone.


Looking at her torn top, he felt completely ashamed of himself for letting things progress this far. How could he have been so irresponsible? He hadn't thought of Khushi even once! He should have stopped himself earlier on!

He didn't regret anything that had happened between them – in fact he would always cherish these moments forever, because they were all his firsts – their firsts.

But he was worried that Khushi may not feel the same way. He didn't want Khushi to regret any moments with him, thinking they were improper.

He'd always been so careful to not cross boundaries, but today... he'd failed...

"I'm sorry, Khushi," he apologised. "I... I shouldn't have..." he said, regret clear in his voice.

Khushi who had been frozen all this time felt like she had been slapped awake from a dream.

Suddenly, she was aware of the cold air hitting her bare skin, and that's when she realised how exposed she was, with her top torn apart. And to top it off she heard Arnav apologise to her for touching her...

She didn't know what upset her most. The fact that they had got this far in their passion? The fact that she had acted so wantonly with Arnav, with no sign of shame or shyness whatsoever? Or the fact that she was being rejected now by her lover, who seemed to regret what they had just shared?

Probably a mix of all three to be honest, but mostly the last one, she decided.

As Arnav took himself off her guiltily, Khushi brought her hand up and held the two sides of her ripped kurta together trying to hide her body, while she shuffled to the edge of the bed on her side, away from Arnav. She turned onto her side facing away from Arnav before she finally let the silent tears run free.

Arnav felt like punching himself when he felt her move away from him, probably regretting what'd just happened.

"Khushi I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have–"

"It's okay Arnavji," Khushi said, trying to speak in a normal voice even as tears still cascaded down her cheeks. "It's my fault I got carried away – I'll... make sure it doesn't happen again... That I don't bother you again..."

"No Khushi it's my f–" Arnav paused as it suddenly sank into him, what she'd actually said. "Wait what?" Suddenly, Arnav felt lost, not knowing what was going on any more. He thought she regretted getting this far and that's why she moved away, but it seemed the problem was something else altogether!

Worried, Arnav crawled towards Khushi calling, "Khushi?" He placed a hand on her shoulder but she cringed at his touch, almost curling herself into a ball.

But he didn't let it go like that – he had a feeling that if he left her like this today, he would regret it all his life.

Determined, he held Khushi's shoulder firmly and turned her towards him so he could talk to her, but what he saw there shocked him.

"Khushi you're crying?!" Arnav was appalled, seeing what he'd caused. Khushi looked towards the other side of the room, not looking at his face, though the tears still ran down her cheeks silently. "Sh*t! I'm sorry Khushi – this is all my fault! I'm so sorry, I got carried a–" But then he paused.

The words she'd said before came back to him: "I'll make sure I don't bother you again"

That's when he realised what the actual problem was.

"Wait! You think I don't want you?" he asked, sounding appalled.

Khushi didn't answer but the tears that suddenly ran down at a faster pace answered his question for her.

"You silly, crazy woman!" he exclaimed, as he took her into his arms. She struggled and tried to push him away, but he held on tight, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Let me go!" she said, her voice breaking on the last word as she tried to push him away again.

"Never," he whispered in her ear with finality.

"How could you ever think I don't want you?!" he said, as if that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard in his life – which it was anyways.

He made her sit up properly in front of him, before he cupped her face softly. "Khushi, I always want you. Every. Single. Second." He said it looking straight into her eyes, so she understood that he was being dead serious. "In fact, if it were up to me, then I'd claim you as mine today. Right now. This moment. Over and over again until we are both too tired to even breathe."

Khushi lowered her eyes at those words, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach they seemed to evoke.

"But I know that if we take this step today, then you'll regret it... Khushi when we become one, it will be one of the most special moments of our lives. And I don't ever want such a beautiful thing to happen, only for you to regret it the next day because you've realised you haven't followed the morals you've always respected. Khushi I'm keeping away from this for you. Not because I don't want you, okay? I always want you," he said, trying to reassure her with his thoughts.

Khushi understood what he was saying and felt her respect for this man spike up even higher than before. She understood his point of view, but still the sting of rejection didn't let her accept it fully, so she mumbled, "You're just saying that..."

"That's it!" he said, looking almost angry. He'd tried telling her in words, he'd tried comforting her through his eyes, he'd tried to make her understand in every way possible. Well... All except one.

"I'm done with this!" he exclaimed, giving up. He was about lean forward when he stopped.

"I tried Khushi," was all he said, before he pushed her back onto the bed without a warning, and took her lips into a searing kiss before she could protest.

She tried to push him away, feeling that he was just doing all this to make her feel better. She pounded her fists on his chest, trying to get him off her, but he just tightened his grip on her, deepening the kiss further...

When she didn't stop struggling, he grabbed her hands with his, not breaking the kiss, before he placed them above her head, on the pillow. He held both her hands captive in his one hand, while he fondled her with the other hand as he kissed her with all the love he had for her.

It didn't take long for Khushi to succumb to the whirl of desire that she was feeling with his touch.

Soon enough, Khushi started kissing him back, hesitantly at first, but later on she became more confident and demanding.

When Arnav finally felt Khushi participate too, in her usual manner, he freed her hands, only to groan as her fingers explored the contours of his toned abs, while he devoured her neck and shoulders.

This time, Arnav let himself go free, unlike all the other times. He didn't want to stop, and he wasn't going to.

And Khushi... Well, she'd never really ever been able to think coherently when they were both loving each other anyways, so she wasn't going to stop either.

They kissed and loved each other with no inhibitions, letting themselves revel in the sensual web they'd weaved together.

There wasn't a single inch of Khushi that wasn't was kissed, sucked, and licked by Arnav; and Khushi was no less – she made sure to touch and kiss every part of Arnav she could reach, leaving the room with moans and groans of intense pleasure.

One by one, each of their clothes came off, leaving them both in their inner wears.

Both of them loved each other to their hearts' content, learning each and every curve and contour of each other's body.

"A-Arnavji please," Khushi moaned, when she couldn't take it anymore.

Arnav, deciding to relieve her, spread her legs apart slightly and then rubbed himself onto her, with them still wearing their inner wears.

Khushi moaned at the first contact there. And Arnav himself was no less – he grunted at the pleasure that shot through him at once.

Arnav took her lips into his as he continued to rub himself on her, increasing the pace slightly, while Khushi moaned into his mouth, arching into him as she put her arms around his back, holding on for dear life.

As Arnav went faster and faster, striving for their release, he buried his face in the crook of her neck, squeezing her bra-encased breasts in his hands, making her whimper as she sank her nails into his back with the pleasure building up.

As they neared their release, unable to take it anymore, Khushi who had been moaning uncontrollably, bit into Arnav's shoulder.

"Khushi!!!" Arnav groaned into her neck as they both touched the peak of pleasure, while Khushi cried out, "Arnavji!!!"

And with that Arnav collapsed onto Khushi, who hugged him back as they both fought to catch their breath.

"She's mine..."

"He's mine..."

Both Arnav and Khushi thought almost in wonder...

They both knew they loved each other and that they would be each other's life partners – there was no question about that.

But coming so close physically, somehow made them feel closer... And... it made them feel like they owned each other...

Arnav purposely didn't take her virginity, because he wanted that to be special for her.

No matter how much they wanted each other, he knew that Khushi was a girl with many dreams about her man and her first time with him, and he wanted to try and fulfil each one...

They were both overtaken by lust and desire now, but tomorrow, when Khushi would think with a clear mind, he was sure that she would have at least 1% regret for taking things forward before making it official in front of the world.

And Arnav didn't want her to have even that 1% regret about something so special to them. And so he'd loved her, and taken her love in return without completing the last act – that would be saved for a special occasion. An occasion where there would be no L75 or Sheetal to worry about. An occasion when they wouldn't have to keep looking behind them to check if they're safe. An occasion when the whole world would know they belong to each other...

He'd known what he was doing today, and he had expected the pleasure despite his lack of experience in the past, but nothing had prepared him for this sweet feeling of immense happiness that he felt afterwards.

The feeling that this beautiful creature in his arms had chosen him. That she was completely his. In every way possible.

Nothing could beat that feeling...

And Khushi was revelling in the same feeling...

It felt like all her insecurities had been thrown out of the window. She didn't have even the slightest doubt about him wanting her now – not just because he'd taken things this far, but also because she felt his need for her as he touched her. She felt his desperation to feel and own her. She felt his unbridled passion for her.

Even Sheetal's matter seemed pointless now. She knew that Arnav wanted and needed her in a way that he didn't any other woman. And she knew that Arnav was hers. In every way.

To touch... To kiss... To pleasure...

He. Was. Hers.


And that was all that mattered.

And it would always remain that way from now on...

Khushi was still lost in her thoughts, when Arnav's voice interrupted.

"I have no idea how I'm going to keep my hands to myself after this..." he murmured against her shoulder.

Arnav lifted his head up to watch the beautiful image of a blush making its way up to Khushi's already flushed cheeks as she looked away from his gaze shyly. "But I promise you this: As soon as this L75 is out of our lives, I will steal you away with your Buaji's permission and have you all for myself..." Arnav paused, a wicked glint in his eyes. "And then no one can save you from me... Or from the many sleepless nights to come after that..."

"Arnavji!" Khushi chided, even as her face turned even brighter and she hid herself into his chest.

Chuckling, Arnav got himself off her so that he was now lying beside her, before he pulled her in to lay her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her.

Complying, Khushi moved closer to Arnav, wrapping an arm around his torso as she made herself comfortable on his chest.

They lay like that for God knows how long... And then out of the blue Arnav asked huskily, "Are you convinced that I want you now? Or shall I prove it to you again...?"

Feeling the blood rush up to her cheeks again, and having no idea how to reply to that question, Khushi just stuttered, "I-I'm s-slee-py," and then turned herself around so she was laying on her side with her back towards him.

Chuckling, knowing exactly why she did that, Arnav followed suit and then wrapped his arm around her possessively, just below her breasts, as he pulled her closer to him.

And Khushi made no move to stop him – in fact she welcomed the contact by placing her own arm on top of his, revelling in this simple yet intimate touch.

He lay a gentle kiss on her shoulder before he whispered, "I love you, Khushi..."

"I love you too Arnavji," she whispered back, tightening her hand on his arm.

And with that they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

"What the f***?!" Arnav groaned as he patted the space behind him on the pillow, searching for his phone.

When he finally found it, he looked at the time and saw that it was still only 3.20 a.m.

And then he noticed the caller ID and realised it was Akash.

Alarmed all of a sudden, Arnav picked up the call before firing his questions at Akash. "Akash? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Relax Arnav," Akash tried to calm him down.

"Relax?! You call me at 3 AM and expect me to RELAX?!"

It was then that Arnav noticed Khushi, who was snuggled up to his chest, fidgeting in her sleep due to the sudden noise.

"What's wrong Akash?" he asked again, this time in a quieter voice, so as not to disturb Khushi.

"Arnav voh... It's about L75..."

As soon as he heard that, Arnav's mind went into work mode instantly, despite having just been in half sleep mode. Unconsciously he pulled Khushi closer to him.

"Yes Akash?"

"Voh... I found the person who was/is helping him." Akash said.

"Who is it?" Arnav asked, in a steely tone. He wouldn't let that person live in peace after they tried to ruin Khushi's life.

"Sheetal," Akash replied.

There was a moment of silence.

And then another.

And another.

For a good 30 seconds, Arnav didn't – or I should say couldn't – say a word.

Arnav sighed. "What the hell Akash? Why would Sheetal do anything like that? Tell me, are you doing this for Khushi? If this is about her, then let me tell you I've already promised her that I won't let Sheetal be a part of our lives from now on. So you can end this drama of yours now Akash," Arnav said, ready to hang up.

"No Arnav, I have proof."

Now that caught Arnav's attention. "Proof?"

"Yes, proof," Akash replied. "It's not solid evidence, but I think it's a definitely something..."

"Akash, stop talking in riddles and tell me what you found. And wait – why did you do a check up on Sheetal in the first place?" Arnav asked.

"I was speaking to Khushi this evening, and umm... I kind of made her confess to me why her face turned dull with the sound of Sheetal's name... And she told me everything that happened with you guys and Sheetal. She told me that she had a bad feeling about her, but you wouldn't hear a word of it... So I offered to do a check up on Sheetal just for everyone's happiness." Before Arnav could fit a word in, he rushed to say, "Khushi didn't ask for it. But at the time it was the only thing that I could think of to make her happy. And now I'm so glad that I'd thought of that."

For a moment Arnav felt slightly hurt that Khushi had confided in Akash about Sheetal and not him. But then it hit him that she had confided in him – not once, but numerous times. But he had just brushed it off as mere possessiveness for him...

And now, he really regretted doing that...

Because he knew Akash. And if Akash had found some kind of proof against Sheetal, then it meant that there definitely was something off about her... And he'd ignored it...

"What did you find Akash?"

"You know a few days ago when Khushi got kidnapped by Shyam Manohar Jha?"


"That day you guys ran into Sheetal at the temple right?" Akash asked.

"Yh we did – what about it?" Arnav questioned.

"Knowing you, I'm sure you would have noticed that Sheetal reached her house later than both of you did, despite leaving at the same time..."

Arnav remembered back to the day and knew what Akash was talking about. That day, Arnav had stopped the car halfway through their journey to share a moment with Khushi after her insecurity over Sheetal. And yet, Sheetal had still managed to get home later than both of them. She had said that there had been some traffic or something...

"Well, that day on her way back to her house, her car had been stopped halfway through her route by a white van."

Now things started clicking in for Arnav automatically, and he gritted his teeth.

"That. BITCH," Arnav cussed, his whole body shaking from anger.

Akash knew that Arnav had already figured it out, but still continued just to be thorough.

"Three men had come out of the van, and spoken to her. At first they'd tried to threaten her with her that they'll kill her if she didn't help them in handing over Khushi. But before they could even finish their threat, she volunteered to hand Khushi over to them. But that's not all..." Akash paused, feeling repulsed by that woman so much. "Sheetal added that she would only help them get Khushi if they promised her that they will kill her."

Arnav felt like breaking something in that moment. All this time, he had been standing up for that vile woman in front of his Khushi.

He felt so disgusted with himself in that moment, when Khushi snuggled up to him even closer, placing a kiss on his chest even in her sleep.

That lightened his heart a little bit.

'This wasn't the time for self-hatred,' he thought. 'This was the time to show that bitch what you get when you mess with The ASR's girl,' he thought, determined.

Akash continued, "That day she had purposely made sure that Aman went out. She had received a call from them, about two minutes before Khushi got kidnapped. And I believe that it was after that, you got called into the kitchen, and Khushi got kidnapped."

There was no words to explain how much Arnav's blood boiled hearing all this. And he felt ashamed that he'd fallen into the trap that Sheetal had set.

"But to their misfortune, instead of L75's men, it was Shyam's men who actually got to Khushi first. And the rest, you know already..." Akash said.

"But it hasn't finished there has it?" Arnav asked. He could tell from Akash's tone that there was still something else that Akash wanted to say to him.

"No it hasn't. In fact, what I'm about to say, is probably more important than everything I've told you so far..."

"Go on, Akash," Arnav encouraged, his eyes narrowed as he waited.

"Two days ago, after you and Khushi rushed home, with Khushi upset and angry with you, Sheetal had received a call. And it's the same number that had called Sheetal on the day Shyam had kidnapped Khushi."

Arnav's arms tightened around Khushi.

"Sheetal had received a call from that number last night as well."

"Sheetal called us over tomorrow," Arnav realised. "That L75 must be planning to attack again," he deduced.

"Exactly," Akash agreed. "I tried to find the location from which the phone call was made. And it seems like L75 is heading towards Delhi. And if I'm right, then he should be here by tomorrow."

There was a moment of silence.

"They played us veery well," Arnav said, in a chilling voice.

"But now... it's time for US to play THEM."

Both Arnav and Akash smirked wickedly as they formulated a plan between them.

Thank you so so much to all those who wished me luck on my exams. I'm half way through them – I have another 2 weeks or so left. Your support really does mean a lot to me so thank you.

Anyways how was the update? Please let me know with your likes/comments...

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