•ωнєи ι ѕєє уσυ αgαιи• killug...

By CrazyFanfictionTeen

51.9K 1.1K 4.3K


Years ✖️ Memories
The ✖ First ✖️ Night
Hot ✖️ Mess
Blinded ✖️By✖️ Darkness
Drunk gon?! ✖️ And ✖️ Drowning nightmares
Unexpected visitors ✖️ Determination
Tempting ✖ Request
Im Back! ✖️ A Sincere Heart
Emotions ✖️ Secrets
Da ✖️ Squad
We ✖️ Meet ✖️ Again
Back ✖️ To ✖️ Normal?
Jeallous fit ✖️ give me a break
Retrieve✖️Escape✖️Pt 2

Blood ✖️ Stained ✖️ Hands

1.4K 39 77
By CrazyFanfictionTeen

Supadoddles people! I FINALY UPDATED YAZA!! I've also  realised that I've made A LOT of mistakes in my previous chapters... Gomen'nasai for that guys! Buuut This is the chapter I've been waiting for! I'm super duper duper duper duper duper duperrrr sorry about how late of an update this is, I've just been having a lot of rough days latey that's all >~< gomen! Buuuuut Y'all just sit there and read it cuz you can XD Anyways that's enough outter me, I don't wanna spoil it!


Killua: I know what's gonna haaaappennnn~ ;3

Me: YOU! If you so much as tell them... you're dead meat and you know it! ÒmÓ

Killua: tell them what exactly?? ;P ohhh you mean that in the story I'm gonna-"

Me: THATS ENOUGH OUTTA YOU! *pulls him by the ear*

Killua: wah- HEY! WH- WHAT ARE YOU DO - ING?! *shitty cramped noises*

Me: oh that? I'm just um... Filling up my cellar with unwanted goods...ò—ó... Yeahhhh that's exactly what I'm doing so- just- get- in- the- .... Cell- ar! You stupid idiot! *faluses his head down in to the cellar and stamps on the door to shut it* *locks it with 20 different padlocks*


Me: oh yeah? Try me bitch. Come on out and try-


Me: ...me...

Me: shit...

And that was the day that I died...

R.I.P me...

I will be deeply missed...

XD Anyways lets get on with da story folks! :P


Killuas' P.O.V

As me and Alluka leave the hospital, i decide to take her somewhere safe. Somewhere that makes her feel safe too, a place where Illumi-da-fucktard can't find her.


As the taxi stops at our destination, he turns to me, "That would be 25 Jenny please, sir"

I nod quickly, drop the money in his hand and tell him to keep the change. Gently, I princess carry sleeping alluka out of the taxi and walk up to the front door. With whatever free hand I had left, I lightly knock.

I waited a couple of seconds until a young looking woman with blonde frizzy hair, opens the door.

"Hello, Mrs Sakimora I'm guessing? Is yomi there? I'm allukas onii-chan, Killua." I smile lightly, peering inside a little.

"O- oh hello there, nice to meet you Killua. And yes! Yomi is just upstairs, lemme go get her!" She smiles at me politely.

Yosh. Let's just hope she can stay at yomis for the time being while I take care of some unfinished "business"

"Yomi! Alluka and her older brother are here to see you! Come down stairs please!"

"But I've got homework to do mama!"

"Just leave it for now and come down stairs! They are waiting for you right now, yomi!"


Mrs Sakimora turns to me with a troubled expression, "sorry about this" she smiles slightly at me.

"It's cool" I say calmly shrugging it off.

Actually it's not cool at all! I'm in a hurry! Gons life is on the line here!

I saw a pair of feet appear at the top of the stairs, they started running down them until it revealed yomis face.

"Alluka-chan!" She grins. "And...?" She then looks to me confused.

"Killua, allukas older brother. Nice to meet you" I nod at her with a smile.

"Ohhh so this is the famous big brother that alluka-chan has been talking to me about! Well, nice to meet you too, I'm yomi but you've probably heard that from alluka-chan, right?" She says with a wide grin. I nod and give her a fake laugh since I don't have time for this.

Alluka started to stir. she opens her drowsy eyes and blinks a couple of times, "onii-chan? Where are we?" She yawns rubbing her eyes.

I put her down on her feet and let her lean against my chest as I hold her by the shoulders.

"Alluka-chan!!" Yomi screeches and brings my sister in to a tight hug.

"Huh? Yomi-chan? Um onii-chan? Why am I at yomi-chans place?" Alluka asks in bewilder as her eye brows fray upwards.

"Listen alluka" I turn her around and place my hands apon her shoulders.
"your onii-chan has to go take care of a few things so you need to say here with yomi for the time being, okay?" My eyes soften when I look at her.

She instantly frowns at me as sadness clouds her eyes, "but what about Gon-chan? He's in hospital right! I wanna see Gon-chan!" She crosses her arms and huffs.

"Listen alluka, Gon will be okay. Your onii-chan is gonna help him so just be good and stay here. Can you promise me that?"

She looks at me with anxious yet trusting eyes and nods slowly,
"okay... I promise" she finally says. I swiftly pull her into me as I embrace her closely to my chest.

I will protect both alluka and Gon without a doubt!

Just wait Gon, I'll save you once again.

No matter what it takes!

I'll do it!

"Okay well, what ever you gotta do please try your best!" Yomi smiles at me with a short nod of the head.

I pull away from alluka and give a slight nod back at yomi.

I check my phone and realise that I need to get to casino park in 20 mins to get that bastard of a brother.

"I've gotta go now. Take care of alluka" I nod again, towards yomi pacifically and eye her with gratitude.

She smiles a pleasant smile and takes a hold of allukas hand,

"come on cutie! I have so many new films for us to watch and I can't wait to watch them with you!" She grins at my sister, as they both run off upstairs, giggling.

Mrs Sakimora appears once again to say goodbye. She looks at me worryingly, "um, I'm sure this is none of my business but will you be okay? Where ever your going, it doesn't seem like a good place by the troubled look of your face"

Yeah, she's right. It isn't good at all. Since he's going to be present at the same location I'm headed to. But, To be honest she should just keep her nose out.

I glare at the floor and sigh, "yeah I'll be fine. Thanks." I nod slowly and check my phone once more.

Shit. I gotta go. Now!

"Well, if you need anything at all then-"

"Sorry, gotta go. Thanks for taking care of alluka for me"

And with that, I left. Now, I'm on my way to get revenge on him for hurting Gon and threatening allukas life.

You better watch your back, Illumi!

I Godspeed it down roads, past cars and shops till I finally reach an alleyway near to casino park (it's the biggest and most local park in Tokyo).

Using zetsu, I sneek round the alleyway to the back wall I wait there for a moment or two to see if anyone was around.

Taking my chances I climb up one of the nearest trees in the park. I sit amongst all of the branches and leaves, taking thinks slow and with caution. One wrong move and I'll be exposed to my enemy.

Yosh, it's 23:00 on the dot. I'm right on time. All I got to do now is wait.

I scan my eyes over the dusky park. There was one dim street light that sat in the middle of the park to light up what was surrounding it, which wasn't much. I then caught a glimpse of not one shadowed figure, but two. Wait... Who's the other guy?

They walk in to the park and sit on the swings nearest to the tree that I sat in. Wow. How convenient. I squint my eyes and glance a little closer, I notice that the other figure looked a lot like...


What the hell is he doing here?! With my brother especially!

Great. Just great.

Now what do I do?

Should I wait? Or should I go?


I'll wait for the right opportunity.

I keep my eyes planted on the figures below me, watching their every movement. Illumi must have noticed that I was up here by now, I can tell by his aura. He knows I'm here but doesn't know where I am exactly.

Hisoka on the other hand, hasn't recognised that I'm here at all which is surprising... Either he is really good at hiding that he knows or my zetsu is way too perfect. I can't tell...

My eyes dart as soon as one of the figures started to rise from their swing. It's hisoka... He's leaving. At least I think he is...

Hisoka nods at Illumi and vanishes from sight, leaving Illumi who was sitting on the other swing looking exateremly bored.

Now's my cha-


His voice sounded snaky, I could almost taste the venom that leaked out of his mouth. And again, it sent shivers down my spine.

He will find me if I don't make a move now. He will find me and take me back home. Or he will kill me, then go after alluka and Gon.

Sorry Illumi...

But I can't let that happen.

I silently drop down from the tree and instantly reveal my self to him. I carefully plan out my strategies in how to do this since I do plan on killing him tonight.

Although I'm not sure it will work since I couldn't kill him before but it's different now, I'm older and stronger. A lot stronger.

"I see you haven't given Gon that substance yet"

"No I haven't. You should've known that I wouldn't be able to do that."

"Ah... That's such a shame you know... Since you won't be able to go back to him now. He was in so much pain with them wounds to his chest. I'm pretty sure he's not going to live for that much longer. I mean, he took my needles head on and he never blocked it with nen, not even once. What's more fun and intriguing is that it's all your fault"  he smiles, as he leans his slender body forward like he's looming over me, belittling me.

He's lying.
Gon won't die. I won't let that happen. The one who will die tonight though...
Is you.

Without him noticing, I vanish from mid-air and attack him from the back. I rise my foot and swing it to kick him round the back the head but he easily dodged it and grabs hold of my head with only one hand alone.

Huh? What is this?
Have I already been defeated?
But what about Gon? I can't die now.

I hold my breathe. Advancing slowly and turn my switch on, slipping a pocket knife into my hand trembling slightly. I slash him up the jaw and instantly backed up into a tree, trying to create distance between myself and so-called brother. Illumi smiled, like he knew that there was nothing I could do to change his outcome of tonight's fight.

What is he doing?
I can't predict his next move.
What is he going to do?

I need to be calm since I don't have time for mistakes.
He will most likely go for me head on with out a plan because even though he doesn't look like it... he's pissed. He will fail because the one thing that our father taught me was,

"Listen kil, if you don't plan your attacks and you only have the act of killing them set in your mind then you will be unable to predict there next move. You will get killed instantly. Always remember that us Zoldycks kill without hesitation." That's what my old man said but Illumi is one of us too so he's not to be taken lightly.

Although, I have a different idea in mind—

He lunged forward, aiming for my shoulder. I side step to the left of him, and jump on his back, instantly latching myself to his body like a snake who's found its pray. sharpening my nails, I slash the back of his neck and pour the liquid I had into his freshly torn cut.

I jump back twice keeping as much distance as I possibly can Because he will defiantly be fuming and will let the blood lust get the best of him first, as soon at that happens... I will strike. I will finally end him.

He slowly stands like the cut to his neck was nothing, laughing a little as he throws his neck back and looks at me with wide eyes and a creepy smile. It was like... something out of a horror movie. His head was wobbly and looked as if it could snap off any minuet since I deeply cut both sides. But why doesn't he care? Is he not afraid of death? Of course he isn't.

His back cracks as he leans his body back a little more. He looks so distorted that he almost looks like... A puppet...

Wait a minuet-

I tilt my head, look round and notice a needle in the back of his head.

But how?!
When did he switch himself with a puppet?

Wait... Was this is all a trap to begin with?!

As soon as I came to the realisation that it was all a trap to back me into a corner, needle people were slowly closing in on me, hypnotised from him. They stroll towards me like a bunch of zombies. They came from all directions until the only way out was up.

I instantly jump up and land on a tree branch to get away from them. I feel an aura behind me but before I could turn around, my shoulder got slashed, making me fall to the ground.

As I land on my back with a dull thud, I wince in slight pain.

Wh- what the hell was that?!

"Illumi! Stop being stuch a coward and face me yourself!" I shout while holding my wound on my shoulder to stop the bleeding. I try to stand on my own two feet.

As my legs couldn't handle the strength, I fall to the ground. He lunged at me again, this time I move out of the way and force myself to stand. I then moan in agony to the pain in my foot.

Huh? Is my foot broken?

I became fully convicted that my foot was broken, I ignore the pain and carry on walking on it, knowing the worst was yet to come.

He rises slowly and stood over me, watching as my tears met the blood on my cheek, creating small red designs on my face and neck. The reason behind my tears was not because I was weak compared to him, it was because I'm so desperate to protect gon and alluka that I don't know what I would do if I suddenly lost them.

That's when... I got an idea...

The next time his lunges, I've got to rely on my god-speed and nen.

He lunges again and I vanish from plain sight, slashing all the needle people and the puppet version of him in one swing and reappearing behind the real illumi. With no time to waste, I pierce his pale skin and reach deap in his body. I grab hold of his heart making him cough up blood.

"Any final words?" I spoke coldly with a glare so furious, even satan himself would shake and quiver.

He didn't shout, beg or cry. He didn't really show any kind of emotion, even though death itself was staring him straight in the eye. Instead he just looks at me and said...

"See you in hell, little brother"

They were the last words that came out of his mouth before I yank my hand out from his chest with his pulsing heart in the palm of it. I watch the beat of it get slower and slower until it beats one final time. Blood came gushing out from the hole in his chest and I let his lifeless corpse flop to the ground with a dull thud.

It's finally...


A/N: sup guys! Sorry about the updates but hopefully I should be updating a lot quicker now because I've completed the rest of the chapters so I hope you're all still here with me! See you in the next one!

~Stay Hunterlicious!!~

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