A Pirates Life For Me

By Angie_Schreave

44.8K 1K 1.9K

Annabeth Chase is forced to marry a guy she doesn't know, named Luke Castellan. And she's against it in every... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

6.1K 97 269
By Angie_Schreave

Hello, this is Angie. Anyway all I wanted to say is that this story is a fandom based on a book I read and loved.
Disclaimer! I do not own any of these characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

P.S. This is not my regular language so I'm so sorry for any mistakes this story might have. Enjoy!


Annabeth's POV

I tried to contain my grunt as my haid-maid tightened the corset constricting my waist. It was already practically suffocating me, but I didn't complain. I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of merchant Frederick Chase and his genius wife Athena Chase. I was the fiancée of Luke Castellan (Did I spell that right?), the heir to the richest man in the village, and I was brought up to be the perfect lady.

'Sorry sweetie.' The maid, Cara, apologized.

I simply smiled at her in the mirror. Mom had taught me to be polite to everyone, even those beneath. Dad didn't exactly appreciate that, but he could never win an argument with Athena.

I walked back down to the stairs to the waiting carriage. It was your typical rich-man kind, drawn by two beautiful horses. I reached out to pat the one closest to me, but a stern look from my father made me veer away. A guard held his out hand to help me into the carriage, and I took it. Athena and her maid were already in the car, and Frederick came after me.

As soon as the door closed, the horses started pulling us out of the estate.

'Remember, Annabeth, this is your big to really impress Luke.' Dad said.

I nodded. 'Yes Father.'

Athena sneakily flashed a grin, and I returned it.

A deep sense of dread was building inside of me. Luke Castellan was handsome, sure, but I didn't love him. I was only twenty, but by Dad's standards, I should have been promised in marriage by sixteen. And the worst thing was that Luke didn't love me either. He was only in it for my looks. But then again, that makes me a hypocrite because I'm only in it for the money, well Dad is anyway.

I lost track of time, looking at the passing village through the window. After maybe two hours, we entered the woods that separated the sea-profiting villagers from the land-profiting ones.

The woods are beautiful, if you can get over the darkness and strange sounds. I found myself drifting off to sleep when there was a thud on the roof. I froze, and my parents did the same.

The carriage came to stop, and burly man with his face covered my a balaclava opened the door. 'Get out.' He ordered, his rough muffled by the cloth.

He pointed a sword at Mom when no one obeyed him, and that made us move. Dad went, then my brothers and I, then Mom.

More men filed out of the trees, all wearing balaclavas, all armed with swords. 'On your knees.'

I hurriedly did what he told me. Dad was the last one on his knees.

I bowed my, head trying to make him see that I'd surrendered.

The next moment, there was a flaring pain in the back of my head, and a bright light flashed behind my eyes, and the last thing I saw before I blacked out, was the ground, rushing up to met me as I fell forward.


When I woke up, I was in another carriage. It had a canvas roof, and I was tied to the inside of the cart, with a gag in my mouth.

In the back of the cart was piles of weapons and explosives as well as food supplies.

I moaned, dying to rub my aching head. A head perked up on the other side of the cart, a person I hadn't noticed before.

'She's awake.' The man said to the driver.

The driver sighed. 'Knock her out, she can't know where we're going.'

'Can't we just blindfold her? I don't wanna carry her again.'

I could imagine the other man rolling his eyes.


He walked over to me, with another piece of clothe that he wrapped around my eyes, condemning me to the uncertainty of darkness.

For hours, all that I could do was wait, bumping around as we drove over pot holes. My head kept hitting the side the cart, which didn't help the pain what so ever.

The wheels of the cart started making a rumbling sound, and I knew we were on a dock. I was untied from the wall, and dragged mercilessly out of the carriage. I had no choice but to trust him, but there wasn't a part of mind that doubted he was a pirate. This was confirmed when I felt myself angling upwards, as if walking up a ramp. But they didn't remove the blindfold.

The man continued to drag me around, and my arms were pulled behind me, wrapping around something thick (probably the mast), and tied there with rough rope. Ten minutes after, the fabric was torn from my eyes, the gag removed from my mouth.

I looked into the smiling face of the man in front of me. 'Welcome to the Princess Andromeda, Miss Chase.'

Percy's POV

Luke Castellan thinks he'll get married, huh? I don't think so.

"We got her, Captain.' My right-hand, Grover said, burst into my quarters.

"Good," I said. "Bring her in here."

Grover huffed. "Seriously? They just tied her to the mast."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Grover shrugged. I followed him out onto the deck of my ship, the Princess Andromeda. A/N: I know the Princess Andromeda is Luke's ship, but it's Percy's in this story.

A beautiful girl was tied to the mast. She had long curly blonde hair, perfect skin and her eyes were startlingly grey, like there were two miniature storms swirling in her eyes. She was wearing normal clothes for a rich woman, a long gown with a corset around her narrow waist.

No wonder Luke agreed to marry her. I thought, but I kept a straight face.

"Welcome to my ship, Miss Annabeth." I said as I approached.

She glared at me. "How do you know my name?"

"I can't give away my sources, Miss Chase." I smiled.

Annabeth gritted her teeth. Though she tried to sound forceful and confident, I detected the quavering in her voice when she spoke. "I demand you to let me go."

My crew had gathered around and we all laughed.

I leaned forward. " I don't take orders from prisoners."

"What do you want with me?" Her glare was so intense that I almost backed down. No Percy. You are captain on the most feared ship on the seas, man up!

"I want nothing from you, you're simply leverage, I guess you could say," I turned around started walking back to my cabin. Before I opened the door, I called back to Annabeth. "I hope you enjoy the trip, Miss Chase."

Luke's POV

"What?!" I bellowed.

The servant in front of me looked like she was about to burst into tears. "She was kidnapped, sir."

I slammed my fist on the desk. "Send me the Huntress immediately."

The servant nodded and ran off.

Who would dare kidnap my fiancée. A horrible thought started forming in my mind, but it was so ridiculous that I almost laughed. It's not possible. You saw his ship sink. But, no one else would be brave enough...

I was broken from my reverie when the Huntress entered my quarters. Thalia Grace bowed slightly, the quiver of arrows on her back tilting forward.

"What is it, sir?" She asked.

"Annabeth was kidnapped."

Thalia looked more shocked than I'd ever seen her. "By who?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. But it has to be Percy Jackson, no one else would dare do such a thing."

"But sir, that's impossible. We both saw his ship go down."

"It was him, I'm certain. I want you track him down. Take your best hunters with you," I said. "And bring Jackson back alive."

Thalia nodded and left. She was the greatest tracker in the land, and she lead a group of maidens known as the Hunters of Artemis, after the goddess they worshipped. No man could compete against their skill with the bow. Thalia was the perfect person to track down my missing wife-to-be and the meddling asshole you stole her.

Annabeth's POV

Leverage? LEVERAGE!

I felt like slapping that man's face so hard that he'd see stars. Of course I couldn't, because I was tied to the mast.

But, my heart had almost stopped when the captain had walked out of his cabin. He was even more good-looking than Luke, with his wind-blown raven black hair, sea-green eyes and muscles that bulged under his shirt.

He kidnapped you, why are you staring at him like he's a god? A voice in my head scolded.

The crew had started to depart, but one of the crew-mates came over to me, leading me to the cells below deck.

He locked me in and left. "Hey!" I called after him, but he was already gone. Thankfully, the cells weren't what I'd expected. They were actually clean, with a bench sticking out the wall set up like a bed. I sat down and let out a huff.

Maybe this captain guy was doing me a favour. I'd never wanted to marry Luke. Maybe this might be my chance to decide things for myself. But I didn't doubt that everyone would be searching for me.

I don't quite know long I sat there thinking, probably a few hours, when light came streaming in from the ladder to the deck. Someone was coming down.

It was the captain.

"Hello Miss Chase." He said with a smile. He grabbed a three-legged stool from the corner and sat in front of the cell. He held something out to me. It was food.

He must have caught my suspicious gaze, because he smiled. "I didn't do anything to it, if that's what you're worried about. I may be a pirate but I'm not a barbarian."

I was really hungry. Hesitantly, I stood and grabbed the food. It was just bread and soup with a glass of water, not as gourmet as what I was used to, but I sat on my bed and didn't complain.

The captain didn't interrupt me, just waited while I finished.

"Where are we going?" I asked, setting the empty bowl down beside me.

"I can't tell you that."

"Well are you going to take me back?"

He looked up at me, and there was a glint of curiosity in his green eyes. "You don't really want to go back do you? No decent woman could love Luke Castellan."

I narrowed my eyes. "No decent woman could love a pirate either."

"I never asked you to love me." The captain retorted with a smile. "But, alas, I cannot take you back yet. Luke must give me what I want first."

So I'm just this guy's bargaining tool, huh? "And what's that?"

"Nothing that he'll give up for a girl he hardly knows." I thought he was teasing me, but there was a sincerity in his expression, and it told me that Luke had done something terrible to this man.

"How did you become and pirate. You can't be much older than I am."

Captain's face turned dark. "Age isn't a measure of a person's capability." I figured that was all I was going to get, so I got up and gave him the bowl.

"I still don't know your name." I said as he stood to put the stool back.

He didn't reply, and I though he was just going to leave without saying anything else to me, but he stopped when he reached the ladder.

'Sleep well, Miss Chase," He grinned. "And my name in Percy Jackson."

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