My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson C...

By Awesomeness_09

48K 278 81

Keith Anderson had two best friends who are always there for her. She is known in school for her denseness. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - New Beginning = SEASON 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - FINALE

Chapter 8

1.2K 8 5
By Awesomeness_09

Greyson's P.O.V

I woke up...Eat my breakfast...Took a shower..and make myself look good...This is the day that Keith and I will go on a d-date...Yeah...I wore my lucky bullet and head outside....I went to Keith's house...when I rang the doorbell something just fell on me...I was covered with flour...I saw Kevin and Tom laughing in the bushes...Damn that kid...

Kevin: Look Tom...A ghost (laughing)

Tom: (laughing) Y-Yeah...Bye-Bye ghosty (waves at me)

The door opened and Keith saw me like this...UGGH~...She was all ready for today...And I have to admit she looks beautiful...While I look like...Dammit Kevin!!

Keith: Wow...You white as snow...(giggles)..Snow White is that you?

Me: (sarcastic) Very Funny...

Keith: (chuckles) Just kidding...(steps aside) Come on let's get you clean up in my room...

Me: Cool..(smiles)

Keith lead me upstairs then inside her room...She slowly closes the door....

Keith: Wow..We really need clean you up...

Me: I really need to thank you're brother for that...(rolls eyes)

Keith: (laughs) Even you're clothes are covered with flour...(grabs a wet towel) You might wanna take your shirt off...

Me: (blushing) W-What?

Keith: Do you want me to do it for you?...(crosses arm)..

Me: (blushes) I-I can do it myself...B-But It's-

Keith: (sighs) Now I get're shy because I'm a girl..Fine,I'll just turn around (turns around)

Me: (laughs) I'm just afraid you might drool if you see my body...

Keith: (throws towel on my face) Not gonna happen (laughs)

I took my shirt off and sat on Keith's bed...I brushed the flour off my head...Keith was busy sponging my back....I coud feel her hands on my back...I could feel heat rose on my cheeks...Sometimes I wish she could hug me from behind so that I can feel her bod-....Dammit Greyson!! Stop thinking like gross me out!!

Keith: (sighs) Done!!...(looks at me) You look sparkly clean...(smiles) I didn't know you got abs...

Me: Must be soccer...(smirks) So you love my body now (winks) (laughs)

Keith: (scoffs) As if..(laughs) Just wear your shirt so we can get going...

Me: (smirks) But you said you want me take my shirt off right? (walks closer)

Keith: (laughs) Really Greyson? (rolls eyes)

My body just acted on it's own....I pinned Keith on her bed making me on top of her....Keith was laughing as she gently pushed me away but I just stayed where I am...I kinda like this moment right now...Maybe this is the right time...

Me: Keith..I really wanna tell you this for a long time...I-

When suddenly the door opens...Ohmygosh It's Keith's Dad..I quickly stood up and grab my shirt...I immediately wore it....Totally embarrassing... [-_-']

Keith: Hi Dad (smiles)

Me: (blushing) H-Hi M-Mr. Anderson..

Dad: Oh please call me Bert...(smiles) Umm...Aren't you a bit too young to do that?

I was blushing real hard now...Did he thought that Keith and I are gonna do...that? Ohmy...Gawd...I looked away while Keith just gave her Dad a confused look...

Keith: (chuckles) Do what Dad?

Bert: (looks away then back at us) N-Nothing...Just tell me if you just need anything...(closes door)

I was blushing really hard..I quickly face the mirror and fix my hair....My hands are shaking..Nice Greyson..Just nice... [ 0_0 ]

Me: S-So...Are you in good terms with you're Dad now?

Keith: Yup...(smiles)..What did he mean by-

Me: (grabbing her arm) Let's go...Time is ticking...

I dragged Keith outside her room..We were gonna head outside when someone stopped us...Great...Just Great...

Me: (surprised) M-Mr. Ander- I mean Bert...H-Hi..

Bert: Where are you two going?

Keith: We're going on a date..(smiles)

Bert: I'll drive you....Where to? (glares at me)

Me: Umm-uh....(gulps)

??: You really need to leave them alone Bert....Hi Greyson..(smiles)

Me: (smiles) Hi Sarah...

Well as you can see...I'm really not that close to Keith's father...Just her mother...It's really weird cause It felt like I'm gonna die if He's not gonna stop with the glaring thing...

Bert: I'm not doing anything Sarah..

Sarah: Leave the kids alone Bert....Or do you want to do the groceries for me? (crosses arm)

Bert: Of course not...(looks at me) Well...take care of my daughter...(smiles) (mouths) I'm watching you...(walks away)

Keith: What's up with Dad?

Sarah: I really don't know...(kisses Keith's forehead) Go have fun dear...(winks at me)

Me: You too Sarah...(smiles)

We went outside...No sign of Kevin around..good...Well First I thought what place could be so romantic?...I want it to be special but I'm not that fancy....

Keith: (chuckles) McDonald's? You're bringing a girl to McDonald's on a date?

Me: Is that wrong?

Keith: Simple (smiles) (holds my hand) I like it...(laughs)

We went inside and order some food...We ate a burger and fries...What? It's Lunch right?..By the way Keith's reaction, she's having fun...I really love the way she smiles...Even though I was covered with flour earlier, It was worth it....

Keith: Is there something on my face?

Me: (gets back to reality) Uh-What?

Keith: I said..Is there something on my face?

Me: (chuckles) No...Why? (drinks soda)

Keith:Good..(smiles) Oh..You got Ketchup on your face..(points) Right there...

Me: (licks it) Did I get it?

Keith: (chuckles) Lemme do that for you (grabs a napkin and wipe it on my face) There...all good..

Then there's a random couple who passed by....I felt heat rise to my cheeks when I heard their conversation...

Lady: Aww..Look They're so sweet..(smiles)

Man: (chuckles) It's just like us when we were young...(laughs) Brings back memories huh?

Lady: (giggles) Yeah...Good times..

The Lady smiled at us and we smiled back....It really felt good...No Cody...Just Me and Keith...Hanging out together...

Me: Hey..I'm gonna take you somewhere special...

Keith: What is it?

Me: (smirks) S-E-C-R-E-T

Keith: Aww...(pouts)

Me: Come on (smiles)

We started to walk to the place where everything started...You can guess but I really can't tell you....I hold Keith's hand and she smiled at me...It's like we're actually dating..But no..we aren't dating...too bad for me...Well we're here...I'll give you a cookie if you guessed right...

Keith: (chuckles) We're at the park...(smiles)

Me: Brings back good memories right?

Keith: We use to play here when we were young...I like the swings..(chuckles)

Me: I like the sandbox better...(smiles)

Keith: Me too....(smiles) (runs away) You're it!!

Me: (laughs) Oh It's on

I grab Keith from the waist and hug her from behind...I began to run away...She slowly caught up and jumped on my back...We kinda played tag for 2 hours...Then after that we rested on the tree where we use to eat picnic together...We we're looking at the bunch of kids who playing on the playground...My head was resting on Keith's lap...I wish this day won't end too soon...

Keith: You really know how to make a girl happy Grey...(smiles)

Me: (blushes) R-Really?...I have never even ask you this but....What type of guy do you like?

Keith: Hmmm...Let me see..(thinks) He's Fun to be with..When I'm around him, I can be myself...and...He's suppose to be huggable (chuckles)

Me: (sits ups) That guy has to be a bear...(laughs)

Keith: (laughs) Well I don't know if I can fall in love wih a bear...I'm still committed to my waffles...(giggles)

Me: We should head home before it gets dark....(stands up then offers my hand) Shall we?

Keith: (takes the hand) Hmm...You're getting charming today Greyson...

Me: I know (winks)

We started to walk home...We talk about school..about friends..and about other fun stuffs...Well this is where the day ends...I let out a big sigh...Good thing Keith didn't notice...

Keith: I can't believe it's dark already....(smiles)'s my stop...I had fun,thanks Greyson...It's one of the best dates I had...(giggles)

Me: Yeah..(smiles) Me too...

Keith: Before you go..Can I ask you something?

Me: What is it?

Keith: How can you end a date,actually?

I began to blush...I know every date ends with a kiss...Well I see it all the time..You know at movies and cheesy romance novels..

Me: A k-k-kiss....

Keith: (blushes) Oh....Well then...I want you to close your eyes....

I gently closed my eyes....I was shaking...Is she gonna kiss me? I wonder what her lips might taste like...Then suddenly I felt something soft on my lips....I kissed back....Ohmygod..Ohmygod...I felt sparks...She slowly pulled away as I gently open my eyes....

Me: (blushing really hard) Umm...T-Thanks..

Keith: (smiles) Goodnight Greyson...(went inside)

I walk to my house (which is next door) wide-eyed...I went inside the house not caring on where am I going...I was like a happy fool who's stuck on rainbow monkey island...I went inside my room and found Alexa reading some book...I slowly closed the door...

Alexa: So how's the date? (raise one eyebrow)


Alexa: So Is she you're girlfriend now?

Me: (stops) (slaps forehead) Crap...I totally forgot about that...


Keith's P.O.V

When I kissed Greyson I felt something...But I just can't point it out...Hmm...Wait. why am I thinking like this...I have to plan an outfit for tomorrow...I'm gonna be Cody's date for some celebration....But I have to admit Greyson's stop...

Dad: Is he your boyfriend?

Me: No...He's just a friend...

Dad: Really? A friend who you just kissed on the lips a couple of minutes ago...

Me: Really Dad? Spying on me wasn't cool...(walks away)

Mom: Okay Bert..that's'll do grocery tomorrow...

Dad: (sighs) Aww Come on...It wasn't a big deal...

Me: Oh Mom...Help me pick a dress for tomorrow...

Dad: Another date I suppose? (rolls eyes)

Me: Actually yes...

Mom: Sure honey....You're gonna be Cody's date for some celebration right?

Me: H-How?

Mom: I saw your calendar ,dear..(winks)

Me: Oh....Imma go to my room now.....and nice hair Kevin...(smiles) (walk upstairs)

Kevin: Do I look like Edward now dad? (poses like a vampire)

Dad: Take the shirt off ,cause you look alot more like Jacob...

Mom: Wait...Lemme get some pictures...

I laughed at the moment and continued to my room...It's gonna be a busy day tomorrow....

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