Trail of Destruction

By lindajohnson618

5K 519 42

Brad Newcomb believes he is destined to be President of the United States - and he has the ego to back it up... More

Part One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part Two: The Countdown to the Election
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 28

58 6 1
By lindajohnson618

Chapter 28

When they returned to the hotel, Emily said good night to Amy. "I'm going to stop at the front desk. I need to get some more shampoo from housekeeping."

"All right," Amy said. "I had a lot of fun tonight. I'll see you in the morning."

Emily waited until Amy was gone and then walked to the registration desk. "Hi. I'm Emily Newcomb."

The man looked up from his computer and smiled. "Yes, Miss Newcomb. I recognize you. I'm a big fan of your dad's."

"That's great." Emily hesitated.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

Emily leaned her elbow onto the desk and started twirling a strand of hair. "Yeah, actually, there is. I was wondering if I could change rooms. I wanted to be closer to my dad."

"Sure. Let me check on that for you." The man entered some information onto his computer. Looking up, he nodded. "The room right across from your dad's is available. Would that be alright?"

"Perfect," Emily said.

"Do you need help moving your bags?"

"No, I'll be fine."

"Let me give you your new pass card and then after you move, just give us a call so we can send housekeeping up to clean your old room."

"Okay." Emily took a few steps away from the desk before turning back. "Do you know if my dad's here? He had a dinner out earlier this evening."

"I saw him leave, but I haven't seen him return yet. Did you want me to give him a message?"

"No, thank you. That's not necessary."

Twenty minutes later, Emily was settled into her new room. Peering through her peephole, she had a perfect view of her dad's door. She walked over to her bed and took out a book. Normally when she read, she listened to her iPod, but this evening, she didn't want any noise to muffle the sounds from the hallway.

She was about a half hour into her book when she heard the sounds she was waiting for. Leaping from her bed, she ran to the peephole and looked out. She watched as one of the Secret Service agents opened the door and went into her dad's room while her dad and the other agent waited in the hallway. When the first agent came out of the room with the all-clear, her dad said good night and stepped into his room. The agents waited to hear the locks click into place and then moved toward their own rooms on either side of the candidate's.

Emily stood watching for a few more minutes before she went back to sit on her bed. She picked up her book, but found she was too distracted to read. She sat staring off into space, her fingers nervously working her hair. About fifteen minutes later, she heard a light knock. She ran to the peephole just in time to see Amy step into her dad's room. He had his arms open wide and she heard his voice clearly. "Hi, baby. I missed you."

She watched as they started to kiss before the door slammed shut.

For a minute, everything went black. She had always looked up to her dad - he was a hero to her. So how could he be cheating on her mom? Emily's knees buckled, and she slid to the floor. She curled up into a fetal position and lay there, tears streaming down her face. She stayed that way for hours before stumbling to the bed and collapsing. She slept fitfully all night. Each time she woke, her hands would clench the sheets, and she would begin to sob until she cried herself to sleep again.

She woke with a start to her room phone ringing. She lifted her head and looked at the clock. Eight fifteen. She was supposed to have been down in the lobby fifteen minutes ago. She lay back, letting the phone ring a couple more times before she hoisted herself into a sitting position and lifted the receiver.

"Hello," she croaked, her voice raw from crying.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Ryan said. "Did I wake you?"

"Yeah. I don't feel very good. I think I have the flu or something."

When Ryan spoke again, she could hear the concern in his voice. "Can I get you anything? Do you want me to come up there?"

"No. I'll be okay. I'm just going to go back to sleep."

"Are you sure? I don't have to go with your dad today. I can stay here with you."

"No, really, Uncle Ryan. I've got some Advil. I'll take that and I'll be fine."

"Okay. If you're sure. I'll let everyone know. We'll call you later to check in on you."

"Thanks," Emily said, hanging up the phone. She lay back down and closed her eyes, her mind replaying the scene she had watched last night. She waited for the tears, but nothing came. She just felt empty.

She spent the day holed up in her room. She ordered room service and picked at the food. She turned on the TV and flipped from station to station, trying to find something to watch to distract her from her thoughts. Mostly she just slept, her mind and body exhausted.

When the phone rang later in the afternoon, she picked it up reluctantly. When she heard her father's voice on the line, her eyes teared up.

"Are you feeling better, honey?"

"Yeah, a little."

"I'll come up to see you when I get back to the hotel."

"No, Dad. Please. I just want to be left alone."

"Are you sure? I hate the idea of you in that hotel room by yourself."

"Really, Dad. I'll see you guys in the morning. I'm sure I'll feel better by then."

Emily hung up the phone and closed her eyes. Hearing her dad's voice had brought all her emotions to the surface again. She slid down into the sheets and began to sob.

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