Turning Time

By GirlygirlofRomances

9.8K 304 129

Draco manages to send him and Hermione to the past. From then onwards it's chaos. More

The Time Turner and The Plan
Fred and George
The Interrogation and The Suspicions
The Friends and The Secret
The Death of Draco Malfoy and The Accidental Time-Travel
New Names and a Public Relationship
A Breakup and A Kiss
A Meeting and Another Sorting
Failed Flirt Attempts and an I-Love-You
Snily and Jily
Albus Percival Wulfric BrianDumbledore and Love Potions
A Well Made Plan and Another break-up

Make-up and More Flirting

443 11 4
By GirlygirlofRomances

A/N  I just wanna let you guys know that this is going to be a series.  Sorry for not updating, I have a massive writer's block.  And please, Vote, comment and follow!

Hermione walked down into the Gryffindor common room.  She's wearing make up...  was the first thing that Draco thought when he saw her,  Hermione doesn't wear make up, what is going on?

She winked at Remus as she sat down.

Okay..  This is completely out of character for Hermione, Draco thought when he saw her do this, She never winks.  

"So, Emma, when are we leaving, it's nearly 7pm."  James said.  Hermione tore her eyes away from Remus as she remembered what she'd promised.  

"Let's leave now.  Come on, Tom, James, Remus."

"Wait, did Dumbledore say that Moony could come."

"Err... Sure!"  Hermione lied, and Draco knew it.  

"Your lying."  He said, as Hermione glared at him. 

"Fine, I didn't.  But we are taking him, or I'm not going, and I have the time turner."

"Whatever, let's just go."  


They walked down, creeping through the silent halls of hogwarts.  

"It's cold."  Emma said.  Remus immediately noticed that he was the only one with a jacket, so he put around Hermione's shoulders.  She smiled smiled at him, and he felt a weird mush feeling inside.  That feeling was then replaced with discomfort as  he noticed Tom glaring at him.  he stopped looking at Emma and focused on the floor.

"So..."  Prongs said,  trying to get rid of the tension, "How long have you and Tom been together, Emma?"  

Both Tom and Emma frowned. 

"Why does it matter?  We broke up."  

"WHAT?!"  Both James and Remus said at the same time.

"Why?" Prongs continued. 

"Because I like someone else now."  Hermione said, looking at Remus. Both Tom and James saw this and were confused.  Remus was feeling a little happy.  He was certain that Emma liked him, and even though he didn't think that he returned the feeling, it definitely felt nice to be liked. 


"Hello, professor?"

"Hello, Miss.Granger, Mr.Malfoy, Mr. Potter and Mr.Lupin."

"Wha-?" Remus began, but James gave him a look that said 'shut up'.

"Professor, we were wondering if we could bring Ron and Pansy."

"Of course, Miss Granger."

"Flopsy!"  A house elf - fully clothed- appeared.  "Bring Mr Grint and Miss Byrne here, please." 

"Yes, Professor."  Flopsy said, before apparating away.  


"You have been requested to see Professor Dumbledore."

"Why?"  Pansy said.

"I don't know missus.  The professor was with 4 people though."

"Okay.   Rupert needs to come too, right?"

"Yes missus."

"I'll get him."


"We're going to the future?!"  Remus, Pansy and Ron said at once.


"YIPPEE!!!!"  Ron said, and then started dancing.   

Pansy face palmed as Dumbledore asked, "Mr. Weasley, why are you so happy."  

"Wait.  I am really confused."  Remus said. 

"Come here, and I'll explain."

Hermione explained what had been gong on to Remus whilst flirting.  Sadly, Hermione wasn't very good at flirting as she had had a boyfriend for 4 years,  it was as subtle as a flying brick. 

"Mr. Weasley, why are you still dancing?" 

"I left my Redvines in the dorm.  I can get them now!"  He said, before tripping and falling flat on his face."

"Honestly."  Pansy said, exasperated.  

"There's only one thing that I prefer to having food in my hands, and it's having you in my arms."

"Please tell me that you didn't just use a very bad pick up line on me."


"Remus knows everything, let's go." Hermione announced.

"Well, I wouldn't say he knows everything..." James argued

"Shut up, Prongs." Remus said.

"If all of you could put your hand on the time turner." Professor Dumbledore said, "And YOU MUST NOT BE SEEN.  I cannot stress this enough, this is very dangerous."


"Whoa."  James said as soon as they reached their time.  

"Home Sweet- Wait, what happened?" Ron said, as he looked at the crumbling ruins of Hogwarts.  

They knew one thing for certain- They weren't leaving yet.

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