Every Assassin Has Their Secr...

By hey895

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[Book 1 in the Secret series] My life before this was . . . was normal if you would believe me. I... More

Chapter 1: When One Thing Dies Something New Comes In
Chapter 2: No-One Deserves Me . . . Not Even Me
Chapter 3: Something Feels A Bit Like Home
Chapter 4: The Start Of Everything New
Chapter 5: So Many Questions That Cannot Be Answered
Chapter 6: Scouting Around And Finding Out Secrets
Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out At Last
Chapter 8: My Dead End
Chapter 9: First Of Several Trips
Chapter 10: Family Moments
Chapter 11: I am Coming, No Matter What
Chapter 12: Returning The Favor
Chapter 13: Adding Someone Else To The Family
Chapter 14: First Day And First Discovery, If Only I Was Old Enough
Chapter 15 (part one): Defeating One Battle At A Time
Chapter 15 (part two): Something Reveled That Was Meant To Stay Quiet
Chapter 15 (part three): The Ceremony
Chapter 16: A New Day, A New Discovery
Chapter 17: We Need Our Hero Once Again
Chapter 18: A Death Of One Can Lead To The Death Of Many
Chapter 19: Telling The Truth About A Husband's Death
Chapter 20: Let us Take You As An Example
Chapter 21: The Welcome Party
Chapter 22: Taker
Chapter 23: Continued Torture
Chapter 24: A Small Victory Will Not Do Us Much Now
Chapter 25: Requiescat In Pace
Chapter 26 (part one): Observations
Chapter 26 (part two): Good-bye Once Again
Chapter 27: Some Need To Know The Truth, Others Need To Forget It
Chapter 28: A Secret Cave
Chapter 29: A Letter Came For You
Chapter 30: Mentors Return
Chapter 31: Saved
Chapter 32: Leaving
Chapter 33: Subject 17
Author's Note: Q&A

Chapter 00: The Start

4.3K 86 6
By hey895

Chapter 00: The Start

They call me Subject 16.5. My real name is Vega Zane. I come from California and now, I'm here with a group of Assassin's. I didn't even know what Assassin's where until they told me. I didn't believe them at first but now I do. They have shown me the ways of the Creed. How we live and how we stop this group of people called The Templars. I'm still trying to get use to this myself as they have taken me away just a few days ago. They said keeping a journal would help me get out my thoughts. What a bunch of bullshit.

Yet, I am writing in this stupid journal they gave me. They want me to write what I feel, what I see, what I hear and other things. There is only the four of us for now. Lucy, Shaun, Rebecca and I. There are more of us all over the world. We are everywhere. You never know if we are in crowds, on benches or even right beside you. We could be anywhere, but you would never know. We could be a friend, family member or even your neighbour. You will never know and we won't ever tell.

I'm here today because they found me and took me away. We got on an airplane and left. I don't know where and I don't know how they did it, but they did. I'm here now and writing in this stupid journal. It makes no sense what they are telling me! I didn't know I was an Assassin until yesterday! I had no clue The Templar exist until yesterday! Apparently, I have something that The Templar -or I should say Abstrgo- want. They want the Apple, or that's what they are telling me anyways. I'm not so sure about this. The thing is, I want answers but no one will give them to me.

I guess I will have to find them on my own. I guess my journey has just begun.

I closed the journal and set it down on the table that's in front of me. I set the pen right beside the journal and then look up. Rebecca in one corner of the room with a machine that looks as if it is for laying down. It's orange but has glowing white lines all over it going in different directions. I turn my head to look over to Shaun, he has pictures of famous places and a computer in front of him. I notice there is a cable hooked up to both Rebecca's and Shaun's computer. They must share something or that cable is for power. I get up from my make shift bed, it's a comforter with a few blankets and two pillows. At least I know that they are big spenders!

I walk over to Rebecca. I already hate Shaun, he has a bad attitude and not my type of person. He snapped at me within the first hour of meeting. After that, I hadn't liked him so much. I look over to Shaun for a brief second as I walk up to Rebecca. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns in her chair, looks up to me with a smile on her face. Now, she's my type fo person.

"What can I help you with?"

"Why am I here?" I blurt out

I look down to my feet. I'm only a girl who lived in California to get away from my parents. They pushed me too hard and I couldn't take it. I would train all day and all night. Never getting a break and never stopping. I put my hand to my neck and start rubbing my neck.Rebecca looks at me with concern. I look back to her and expect an answer.

"Long story short, you're an Assassin."

"Yes, but what does that mean? I know you went through everything with me but I still don't get it."

I could hear Shaun's chair squeak a bit as he turned in his chair to face us. I look over and cross my arms. How did I go from being lost to being angry in a matter of a second?

"What that means is, you're an Assassin. You fight Templars and kill them. I guess you could say that us Assassin's are the line between good and bad. We are the middle. We are that line that separates good from the bad. Does that make any sense to you?"

I uncrossed my arms. Even if he was a pain in the ass, he is still very smart and could probably answer any questions I have. I nodded my head and then repeated what I just heard.

"I'm an Assassin, I am a line between good and bad. I am what keeps everything level, is that what you're trying to say?"

"Yes, Assassin's fight for freedom and peace but we kill to do it. Ironic isn't it, we want peace and freedom but yet we kill and go against the law to do it. But, like I said, we are the line between it all."

I nodded my head again taking in the information. I looked around and then looked back to Rebecca and Shaun. I had more questions and they knew it. I sighed and then continued with my questions.

"Where are we?"

"For the moment, we are somewhere in Rome. Honestly, I don't know either." Rebecca spoke up

I looked over to Shaun and he nodded his head in agreement. I took in a deep breath and then asked my next question.

"What do you want from me? There has to be a reason why you came to me and took me away."

"Well, one, you're an Assassin but I believe that we already went over that." Shaun said with a little hint of sarcasm

"No shit." I replied back

Shaun rolled his eyes and then continued, "Your ancestor's had found an artifact called The Apple Of Eden or The Piece Of Eden,"

"What does it have two names?" I interrupted him

He sighed, "The Apple of Eden is what it is call but it is apart of the many Pieces Of Eden."

"How many is there?"

"That's the thing, we don't know. There might be several or just the few that we know of. That is why we need you."

"Where do I fit into this?"

"Your ancestors might have a connection with The Apple Of Eden. That is where you fit in. You'll go in that machine beside Rebecca and find out where the location of The Apple is for us."

"Why can't you go in there and find it yourself. It's sounds like you have it all under control." I moved my arms out to the side to show the room

"I don't have your DNA. Your DNA is strong with your ancestor's DNA."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means you have strong DNA levels with your ancestors." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I thought you where smarter than this."

I took one step forward ready to go and knock one out on him but Rebecca got my arm before I could go into a sprint. I looked towards her and she had a sorry look in her eyes. She looked over at Shaun.

"Hey, give her some slack, she's had it rough these past couple fo days."

"Had it rough?! How do you think I feel?!"

Right before he was about to get his long rant out, the door opened and then closed. Lucy walked in and sat down at her desk near Rebecca's. We all look over to Lucy as she sits down. She looks up to us.

"What?! I believe we have work to do."

Shaun and Rebecca turned in their seats and went back to working. I just stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before I walked over to Lucy.


"Hey, I'm sorry about all of this. We haven't found a place to settle down yet and this was the best we could do."

"No, it's fine."

I looked around the room. It was the one gray colour all around the room. Even the floors where gray. I looked back to Lucy.

"I'm just shocked, I guess. I would never in my life would've thought that I was an Assassin."

"Neither could I but I'm here now."

I gave her a faint smile and then looked around the room again, not knowing why.

"I just, don't really know what's going on. Rebecca and Shaun were helping me out a bit, but I still don't really get it."

"Even after all that explaining?!" Shaun interrupted

I turned around and glared at him. He put his hands up in surrender and went back to his computer. I looked back to Lucy. She sighed.

"What questions do you have?"

"Why do you want The Apple Of Eden?"

"It's going to show us where the rest of the Pieces Of Eden are. Once you go back, you'll see what I mean. The Apple is a powerful artifact. If it gets into Templar hands. . ."

Her voice trailed off. I knew what this meant, if the Templar got it, we would all be in their control. I nodded my head saying I knew what she meant. Pieces were starting to come together and now I was starting to see the picture they were trying to paint. I think I understood now, what was going on, what I need to do. I looked down to the floor as if it was going to give me answers to the questions I still have. I looked back up to Lucy and gave her a smile.

"What do I need to do?"

Lucy smiled back to me. She looked down to her computer for a second and then frowned. She leaned back in her seat.


"What is it?" Rebecca asked

"Vidic wants me."

"What is it this time?" asked Shaun

"They found Subject 17."

"Fuck! I guess we didn't make it quick enough." Rebecca spoke

Lucy shook her head and leaned forward on the table with her elbows on the table and her hands on her head. She lifted up her head and set her hands down. She set her hands on the table and got up. She walked around her desk and stopped in front of me. She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. I smiled back as she walked off. When she was in the door way, she turned around and looked at both Shaun and Rebecca.

"We need to start things at the same time as Subject 17. I will send you an e-mail when we are ready."

They both nodded their heads as Lucy left. I looked at them both but they didn't seem to know I was here. I walked up to my makeshift bed and laid down. I put on hand on my stomach and the other on my forehead trying to figure out what was going on. I took in a deep breath and let it out. I heard somebody getting closer. I opened my eyes to find Rebecca standing beside my makeshift bed.

I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She sigh and sat down on the floor beside my makeshift bed. I pulled myself to a sitting position and looked over to her.

"I know how you feel."

"How so?"

"Let's just say it wasn't my choice to become part of the Assassins but I'm here now and I don't regret anything."

I smiled at her. She smiled back and we just sat there in silence for a few minutes before there was a beeping noise. We both turned our heads to the noise. Rebecca got up and walked to her computer. She clicked a few things as I got myself up. I walked over to her as she slammed her desk.

"Hey, no need to break more equipment!"

"Shut up Shaun!" She leaned back in her chair and put both her hands to her head, "Their putting Subject 17 into the Animus already. I don't know if Baby is ready,"

"Baby?" I asked

"It's the Animus. One of her pet names." Shaun replied

"Hey, Baby has feelings too."

"I'm sure it does."

"Can someone please explain to me what is going on?!" I practically scream

"Sorry, the Animus is what you will lay down on and go back and relive your ancestors memories." Shaun replied


"Whatever, we need to get her in there soon or we won't be in sync with Des- I mean, Subject 17."

Rebecca got up from her chair and starting to put in some plugs and started to do things on her computer. She walked over to the Animus and clicked something and the white lines started to glow. She walked over to me and pulled to the Animus. I was in front of it just standing there not knowing what I should do. I looked over to Rebecca.

"Lay down." she said

I walked over to the Animus and laid down.

"Put your arm though here." she pointed to an armrest with a screen on it. I set my arm on the arm rest and rested my head on the back of the chair.

"I need to take some blood for the Animus to work."

She grabbed a needle and walked to me. I nodded my head and I felt a small prick. I didn't complain, it didn't hurt much. She walked towards her computer and started to tap things into the computer. A screen showed up in my vision and then I went inside the Animus. All I could see was a white screen.

"This may take a minute." Rebecca said

I didn't respond. I just laid there as the Animus did its thing. Eventually there was a screen that popped up. I looked at the screen and there was a few options.

"Alright, you want to click on the DNA memory sequence."

I have no clue how I did but I somehow clicked the DNA option and then went to memory one and clicked that and click sequence one. There was a loading screen before I was in Acre.

"You'll be able to control your Ancestor through the controls. You have to do everything the same to get full sync."

Then, I entered the body of my Ancestor; Harees Bint-La'Ahad. Master Assassin in Acre.

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