Agents of Shield The A game

By gothforlife

275 0 10

Three months after Lydia kills Prue she starts getting notes from A again Lydia thinks life can't get worst a... More



69 0 0
By gothforlife

It's been three months since I killed Prue. Three months since I killed my own friend. In the last three month everything has changed I still have nightmares. I still wake up crying but at least it's not every night now. I don't have A texts any more. A was my stalker and A was Prue. A's still there though. A's watching me because there is more than one A. I'm still being stalked but I'm not getting messages. When I'm alone sometimes I think there's someone near me watching me I turn around and there's nobody there. But I know is someone is there I know A is there.

Prue was in the paper today. That's nothing out the ordinary. After people found out what Prue did and the fact she stalked my best friends and me she hit the news and now everyone know about A and Prue. I walked into the living room in the bus which is the plane were I live and saw Hunter shove a paper away. Hunter works on the shield team I live with. Shield is this group that keeps the world safe from things that our supernatural and things that our just not normal.

"Let me see" I demanded when I noticed hunter shove the paper away I know it was something to do with Prue or me

Some papers called me a victim. Others said I was a killer

"It's nothing" Hunter insisted but I grabbed it before he could try and stop me. It was written by the same reporter who loved about writing about A and Prue. Everyone know about A now.

It has been three months since killer and stalker Prue died. Prue is believed to have committed five murders. Prue went on a killing spree using a club to pick her victims family's of Gabriella Roux Stephanie Marshal Naomi Summers Jenna Rivers and Courtney Dean's family all say they our still in mourning for the girls and that there glad Prue dead.

Prue the killer and stalker the fifteen year old girl is still loved by her family. Prue's killer

I stopped reading I couldn't read anymore. I still couldn't see Prue as a stalker or a killer even know I know what she did. Prue was my friend. People don't care about how Prue suffered don't like the idea anyone's not guilty except Prue. I could of done something but I didn't

"Our you okay" my older sister Cassie who is also a shield agent asked me

Cassie noticed the newspaper and glared at Hunter

"Not my fault" he protested

"Um I've got school" I muttered

"Sure see you later" said Cassie softly

"Bye" I muttered

Emma and Olivia my best friends who were also stalked by A where already waiting for me outside the bus.

"Hi" Olivia my best friend shrieked when she saw me

Olivia was dressed all in black and her long hair was purple. I thought she would probly die it another colour soon. She was wearing heavy black eyeliner. As normal she looked stunning. The walk to school was when it was just me Emma who is my other best friend and Olivia. It used to be always me Olivia and Emma but now we had new friends who hung out with us at school. It took me at least a month before I felt like I could trust them at all.

It didn't take long to get to get to Shield High which is where we train to be shield agents.

"Hay" Myra yelled when she saw us

Myra was a friend of Emma's. I've hung out with her a few times before. Myra's okay. I don't really know her friend Sarah but she always seems nice enough.

We went to the bench's which is were we usually sit. Emma's boyfriend Riley was there and so was Amanda, Jess, and Abbi and Rhiannon and Laura . Amanda Jess Rhiannon Laura and Abbi didn't used to sit with us.

After it was found that me Olivia and Emma were stalked and I killed Prue and we went back to school everything changed. Abbi was in my fighting class I went back and had nobody to work with. I had always worked with Prue Abbi took pity on me and asked me to work with her. We talked and became friends and she started sitting with me. Her best friend Amanda stood up for me when a couple of Prue's friends started picking on me. I just took it because I suppose I thought I deserved it. Jess was Olivia's friend. She was nice to everyone. Laura was friends with Jess and so was Rhiannon. That's why they started sitting with me Olivia and Emma and the others. They were my friends now. Riley was Emma's boyfriend. He didn't always sit with us but he did sometimes.

"Hi" Abbi yelled when she saw us

I like Abbi a lot. Abbi and me got chatting when she worked with me in class after I went back to school after I killed Prue. She was a friend of Jess's and started sitting with us. Abbi was in my fighting classes. I always though she was an amazing in class. She was amazing at acting to.

"What do you have first" Abbi asked me

"I've got history" I said rolling my eyes as Abbi always asked we had first despite the fact the only lessons we had together were history and fighting classes

"Same" said Abbi brushing a few strands of copper red hair away from her face.

"You know Mia Pepper that group" said Amanda

We all nodded. I used to think that group was okay. Mia was nice and so was Pepper when me Olivia and Emma. went on a mission they wanted to hang out with us. Kiera who was in Mia and Pepper's group didn't seem to like me very much. After I came back to school after being stalked and killed my best friend Pepper and Kiera hated me now. I know they spread rumors about me and they picked on me a few times.

"Well Ellen doesn't hang out with them any more" she told us

"What why" asked Jess

"Seen Ellen" said Jess a little meanly but I wasn't sorry for Ellen I mean she did try and burry me alive

Ellen rushed past me and the others very quickly. Her once glossy shiny dark hair was greasy now and her eyes were red rimmed. She used to always wear designer clothing but more simple versions of designer clothing but now they were crumpled and cheep looking.

"Did they argue or something" Riley asked Jess

Riley should of been one of the first people to know why Ellen was no longer friends with Pepper Mia and Kiera. Riley was on the football team. He was popular from the day one. He made friends with a group of popular guys. Riley was charming witty and clever and lodes of girls had crushes on him. He was the type who you would think would know all the school gossip.

"You don't know" I said in mock surprise "Riley didn't know something"

Riley laughed even know what I said even it wasn't that funny "Well my social circle has gone down recently" he said jokily

Emma's happy smile dropped a little and Riley realized his mistake. I didn't even use to know that Emma and Riley were that good friends but they talked a few times Riley gave Emma his number and they texted a lot and they had been going out for two and a half months now.

"Your not wrong" Jess joked "You used to hang out with the most popular kids in the year and now you only hang out with us" she joked she didn't know she was hurting Emma

He doesn't care I mouthed to Emma. Emma gave me a look. I know what she meant. The bell rung shattering our thoughts. There were mutters of see you later and bye. I walked to form with Emma and Olivia.

"It doesn't matter" I told Emma "You don't make him sit with you"

"Yes but he used to be like really popular and now he sits with me and he's less popular and a loser than if he was dating I don't know Tracy" she wailed

"Oh come on" said Olivia "He's still popular Emma your just being stupid he's just as popular don't be so dramatic and he's still friends with the popular group and who would want to date Tracy" said Olivia calmly

"Who would want to date Tracy she's only popular charming nice" Emma muttered

"Shallow giggly" Olivia chimed in "Yes actually Riley's going to be such a loser when he breaks up with you he already is such a loser thanks you Em how our you going to live with your self" she said dramatically

I glared at Olivia. I resisted the urge to hit her;.

"Very funny Liv, Em Riley's still popular" I pointed out

"Kiera likes him" said Emma softly

"What" I said

"She cornered me started saying how that were not meant to be together and stuff" she muttered

"What the bitch" I hissed

"Come on" Olivia hissed "Let's beat the crap out of her

"No" Emma wailed "Don't"

"What" said Olivia angrily

"Em" I started to protest

"Look don't who side is everyone going be on me or the cheerleader" she pointed out

The disagreement took us all the way to form. In the end me and Olivia finally backed down.I had history first. Jessica Chen and Marley Green sat in front of me in history. Jessica looked over at where I was and looked horrified. She muttered something to Pepper and I heard Marley say yes and killer.

The whispers where less now but I still caught people staring at me and heard the whispers. Jessica always whispered insults about me since they found out I was a killer. She was the one who started the nickname sister death. I used to think Marley was okay once but I was wrong. I never talked to her much but Emma know her a little.

The day just went normal. After school I made up a lie and went to see Prue's grave. I always had to be carful when I went to see Prue's gave. Prue's family and her friends would see it was a slap in the face be angry and I would never be able to visit her grave.

"I'm sorry Prue" I muttered

I wanted to scream. Prue was my friend at school but she had tried to kill me. I was angry though. I was angry at Prue but I missed her. Part of me was angry at Prue. I didn't know the real Prue I liked the person she showed me.

I traced her name on her gravestone.

"I miss you" I muttered "God Prue why" I wailed

I traced my finger along her name. I had a flashback.

Me and Prue were out shopping.

"What do you think" Prue asked me pulling a stupid face as she posed in a pink top.

"Not bad" I teased her

"Is the yellow or pink better" she asked me

"I hate colour" I said "Wait try this on" I demanded handing her a few items of clothing 7

Prue tried on the outfit "You look amazing try that on" I said

Prue tried it on

"Wow" I said

"Is that good" Prue asked me "Or is it wow Prue looks so fucking ugly in that outfit"

"Look's great you should buy it" I said truthfully

Prue saw how she looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Your right" she said

"Oh I meant to give you this" she handing me a chocker.

"That's really nice thank you" I squealed

"Were be friends for ever" said Prue smiling

I couldn't even wear that chocker now. I had it thrown it in the bin the day I found out that she was a stalker that she tried to kill me. I still remember her like that smiling and laughing messing around. I wanted to hate her but I couldn't.

The girl with the red hair jerked with me out of my thoughts. She was Prue's sister Paige. I walked off just in time. Paige wouldn't of know it was me at her sisters grave I had been cleared for killing Prue but she would of blamed me I was the girl who killed her sister . I went away but I watched her for a few minuets. Paige was sobbing muttering something. Paige must hate me. I was the one who killed her sister. I didn't want to though I never even meant to kill her. We were fighting and Prue was about to stab me. I grabbed it and swung it back to save my self. I didn't realize I would stab Prue. I didn't think she would die. I only forced the knife back to save my self. It was a instant reaction I didn't think when I did it.

When I killed Prue. I think that in some way Prue the killer destroyed me. I never had the easiest life growing up. I read in books and saw in movies about how many times people said they were broken. I wouldn't call my self broken. I'm changed though. I can still smile and act okay but I am not okay.

I was going to wonder away from where I could see Prue's grave and Prue's sister Paige who was crying and sobbing. I was just about to leave when my phone bleeped. I didn't even flinch anymore more after the three months with no A.


"No" I muttered

The last three months had been hard but at least there was no A. I wiped a few tears off my face smudging my already smudged eyeliner. A would have loved this. Loved my misery.

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