My human mate

By maia_l

152K 3.1K 260

One simple school fight. That's how this all started. Well it wasn't that simple of a school fight, it was ac... More

My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate

My human mate

8.5K 201 20
By maia_l

Dedicated to @baileighbug2001 because we have bee talking and you are amazing and absolutely gorgeous. MY HUMAN MATE



After school cole took me to whats called the "pack house."

It was just where some of the people in the pack lived, and everyone else lived around the neighborhood.

Apparently it was the house that I got carried to that one day when the "separation" started.

I'm still not clear on everything. The only thing I know for sure is that werewolf's ARE real.

And they are fucking awesome.

When we arrived to the pack house cole waltzed right in.

He glided up the steps and around the corner.

I stayed behind him and took in everything I saw, which I had lacked to do the first time I was here.

Everything seemed like a normal house, just triple in size. From the outside you wouldn't be able to notice how large it was inside.

I glided my hand across the walls as I slowly took everything in.

I looked at cute little baby pictures of cole on the wall. I also noticed some other kids, and Ginger of course was up there also.

There were random decorations all over the place and everything was colorful.

"Ahm," someone cleared their throat and I was taken out of my observing.

"You gonna come up stairs cupcake?"

Cole asked from above me.

"Yeah hold on a sec. I'm not done snooping."

I turned the corner into the next room and walked right smack dab into someone.

"Bloody hell." I muttered while rubbing my forehead.

I felt cole zoom up from behind me and place a hang on the small of my back.

"Oh it's just you, thank The Lord it wasn't someone else," cole said in relief.

I looked up at the rather large man standing in front of me.

"Sweet baby Jesus it's like a never ending human tower."

I said while looking up. Seriously this guy was HUGE. I wouldn't doubt he was about 6'11, and let me tell you how frightening that is, comparing that I am only 5 feet tall. It's very frightening.

Suddenly I heard a big booming laugh and I about jumped right out of my skin.

"You're a funny one aren'tcha,"

He said. But not like a question.

"Dad, you were just the person we were looking for!"

"This is your dad?!" I muttered back to cole.

"Yes, I am his father. You can call me Robert." He stuck out his hand to shake.

"Hi Robert. I'm Allison. You can call me Allison."

I shook my hand with his.

"Oh whatever, you are my sons mate, wanna get to know you even if it's for a little bit, after all." He claimed while suddenly pulling me into a huge hug.

"Ha, oh you're a touchy one aren'tcha," I muttered to myself as he released me from my hug.

"Dad we have to talk to you about some stuff. Can we go to your office?"

"Sure! ill be in there a moment. Just gotta grab some things." He then waked passed us as cole led me back up the steps.

"Your dad scares me." I whispered to cole.

"I know. I can feel it. Plus i was even scared of him half of my life."

"What do you mean, "you can feel it?"

"Since I marked you, I can feel what you are feeling, we can talk to each other through our mind, and we can read each others thoughts." Cole explained.

"You say it like it's normal." I mutter as we walk into his dads office.

"Why does your dad have an office anyways?"

I ask while looking at his desk.

"He is the Alpha,"

"Oh shit!" I ran over and sat on the chair properly and lady like. I fixed my hair and then folded my hands on my lap.

"Allison what are you doing?"

"You said we have to be respectful to the Alphas." I whisper to him.

"Yeah, if they aren't my dad." Cole whispered back.

"I need to make a good first impression! You are stuck with me your whole life right!"

"My dad already loves you. He thinks you're funny."

Cole squatted in front of me.

"That doesn't mean anything. If he doesn't like me then he won't let us be together considering I am a human."

Cole gently kissed my lips, "you're so weird." He muttered against them. Before pulling away and sitting on the chair next to mine.

As soon as he sat down Alpha Robert walked in.

"Okay lets get started shall we not?"


Three hours later me, cole, and Alpha Roberts are still cracking things down. And we are currently in an argument.

"How could it have happened if I wasn't even a wolf?!?" I yelled out.

"It was probably passed down!"

"I'm telling you I've looked up everyone in that family and there are no signs of anything other then human beings!"

"WHY DOES IT MATTER?!?" I blurted out before plopping down on the chair. "Why can't we just let it be? why does there have to be something behind it? maybe me and cole were made for each other no matter what, even if he was a human also or I was a werewolf. Either way we are supposed to work out" I rested my hands on my face as I leaned forward.

All of this talking and arguing and family read etch has gotten me worn out.

" I wish it didn't matter also Allison, but the other group Alphas don't agree." Alpha Robert said to me.

"Well why do they have to know?"

I asked again. We had all been over this a billion times. But no one ever came up with a solution.

"Why can't you just fucking change me?!" I screamed out, suddenly bursting up from my chair.

"I've told you! Do you realize how painful that is?! I can not be the reason you go through that!" he screamed back.

Me and cole yell at each other for a little longer again.

Eventually I just gave up and slumped against Coles chest.

His arm snaked around me and he leaned his head on top of mine.

"Stupid werewolf's, making everything so difficult." I said against his shirt.

After a couple minutes I pulled back from cole but he, just as quick, pulled me back again.

"No. Stay like this. Just a little longer."

He whispered to me.

"Cole your dad is in the room." I whispered back.

"He left about 22 minutes ago when we started arguing again." He whispered again.

"Oh." I slowly made my way to a chair and we sat down on it, me on his lap, curled up against his chest. " I don't wanna leave." I grumbled.

"Then don't."

"My dad would kill me. Even if he barely cares about anything. He would surely know if I got home or not."

I tell him.

"Tell me about your mom?" Cole says.

I take a shuddering breath. "Maybe next time." I say. "Just be quite a little bit. Enjoy the moment."

That was the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep.



Sorry for it being short. But I know exactly what is going to happen after this, so be expecting a little something more for the next chapter!

Vote comment feed back is greatly appreciated!


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