The Boys Next Door

By lollyyypop112

639K 10.9K 2.6K

Stephenie Gilbert lives next door to four boys. She's grown up with them and they are the best of friends. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
5 - Let the Games Begin
6 - Tomato?
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Pretty Girl
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part 16

Chapter 15

34.9K 1.9K 1.3K
By lollyyypop112

The Boys Next Door

Chapter 15


Stephenie’s POV


Sunday 11th September 2011


“Cole? What are you doing here?” I gaped at him.

“Oh well, hello to you too Steph. Considering everyone was out this evening having fun, I decided to make some plans too. Oh this is Holly by the way,” he gestured to the blonde girl clinging onto his arm.

I smiled at her briefly before turning back to Cole. “And why did you just randomly decide to come here?”

Cole ignored my question and looked past me at Jack still sitting on the bench. He was looking much better now, the colour returning to his somewhat pale face. “You going to introduce me to your friend? Is he alright, he looks kind of sick.”

“Umm, well no. I wasn’t intending to considering he doesn’t really need to know-” I started but was cut off by Jack who had appeared by my side.

“Names Jack,” he held out his hand for Cole to shake, but Cole, just stared at it blankly. Jack quickly withdrew his hand and rested it around my shoulders.  I saw Cole’s eyes narrow slightly before the smirk was back on his face.

“Jack, this is Cole,” I said breaking the awkward silence. After what Jack had said earlier about Cole it was clear that he didn’t like the sound of him and I didn’t want a fight to break out or anything.

“I’ve seen you around the campus man. Are you like some smart ass or something?” Cole asked.

“COLE!” I hissed.

“What!?” he said, his free hand slipping around the girls waist. I tried not to look at it, but it was if my eyes were stuck on his hand. Stupid jealousy, why? I mean I had the arm of a very delicious, charming boy around me. Get a grip Stephenie!

“It’s okay Stephenie,” murmured Jack, “Yeah I’m pretty smart I gue-”

“Oh my GOD. WE should all do like a double date, yeah? This is going to be so much fun!” squealed Holly interrupting Jack.

Damn that bitch to hell.

“Hey, yeah that sounds like a great idea!” Cole continued, an amused glint in his eyes.

“No-” I started once again before being cut off, once again.

“Hey it’ll be fine, plus it might get him to shut up for a while,” Jack whispered with a wink.

“Fine,” I groaned.

“Righty then, who’s up for a burger?” Cole declared.

Sunday 11th September 2011


“BOO yeah!” Cole yelled as he threw the ball into the hoop right at the end. “Who’s amazing at this? ME!” He pointed at himself. I wasn’t actually sure if he was high or something because he seemed to be acting really weird.

“I’ll have the giant squirrel- NO not THAT one. The one in the corner, with the bandanna!” he said to the guy manning the stall. The guy sighed and walked off to grab the stuffed toy, obviously he was used to idiots like Cole.

Cole took the stuffed toy and held it out to me grinning. “A gift for you.”

I glanced at Holly who didn’t really seem to care that her date was just about to give me a gift and not her.

“No, you can keep it. Or give it to Holly?” I suggested grabbing Jack’s hand.

“Yeah give that to Holly, and I’ll win one for Stephenie?” Jack said paying the guy.

“Awww, don’t have to,” I said.

“Yeah, but I want too,” he smiled a dazzling smile.

Cole clapped dramatically, “Well get on with it then smart boy, we haven’t got all day.”

“Cole!” Why was he acting so arrogant and obnoxious!? “Stop being such a jerk!” I hissed at him.

He looked at me, “I’m not doing anything pretty girl.”

“You know what you’re doing. Now stop it.” With that I ignored him and watched Jack throw the balls through the hoops. He was actually pretty skilled, though he didn’t manage to quite get the last hoop, so instead of getting a giant stuffed toy, he got a funky light-up hat instead.

He popped it on my head and laughed, “photo opportunity.”

“Yes! Hey Cole...could you possibly take a picture of Jack and me?” I asked sweetly holding my phone out to him.

Cole looked slightly taken aback by my gentle tone, but recovered swiftly grabbing the phone. I smiled and posed with the hat. Jack came and stood beside me casually slipping his arm around my shoulders.

“Three, two...” SNAP.

“What!? No I wasn’t ready!” I wailed.

“Tough, you snooze you lose,” Cole replied grinning.

“Take it again!” I ordered.

“Alright! Alright! Don’t get your panties in a twist dear,” he joked.

“Just take the picture properly Cole. Can you manage that, or are you too stupid to process that information?” I smirked.

He scowled, “come on then. I haven’t got all day.”

This time a cuddled up to Jack and gave him a peck on the cheek as the phone went off.

Cole huffed as he looked at the picture and gave my phone back mumbling something that I couldn’t quite catch.

“Awww, you should put that as your background picture. You two are just so cute together!” cooed Holly looking at the picture over my shoulder.

 “Now how about we go on that Ferris Wheel? I mean you can’t come to one of these things and not go on one,” Cole said loudly, distracting everyone from the phone.

I looked at the wheel lighting up the fairground, whilst slipping my phone back in my pocket. It looked so pretty, all the different colours. Then I realised how high it actually went.

“We can’t Cole.”

He frowned, “Why not?”

I glanced hesitantly at Jack. I didn’t want to tell everyone that he was scared of heights. That wasn’t for me to tell.

Jack smiled back at me. “It’s fine, you can go on it. I’ll just wait down here. Tell you what, I’ll win you a goldfish,” he winked.

“That’s a great idea. Holly will keep you company. Won’t you Holly?”

“Sure, I’m not a great fan of heights either.”

I shook my head and turned around so that I was facing Jack and no one else. “I’m supposed to be on a date with you, not my next door neighbour.”

“Seriously Stephenie, it’s okay. Like he said what’s the point of coming here if you don’t go on the wheel. Don’t let me ruin your night.”

“Believe me. You’re not the one that will ruin it,” I said, eyeing Cole who STILL had a smirk on his face.

“You seem to get on with him well. No matter of how much a jerk he seems to be. You’ll be fine for ten minutes and I’ll be waiting for you when you get back,” he said kissing my forehead, “with the goldfish of course.”

I felt a tingly inside as Cole and I walked up to the small queue infront of the ferris wheel.

“So, is he your new boyfriend?” Cole asked.

“No, because technically I’m still dating your brother,” I said curtly. I didn’t feel like talking to him much right now. He had been such an asshole the whole evening.

“But this is a date right?”

“Why do you even care!?” I replied as we climbed into one of the passenger carriages.

“Because, I don’t like him!” he replied.

“You don’t even know him.”

“I’ve heard things about him.”

I laughed at this, “oh really? Well that’s funny because he said the exact same thing about you in the car earlier.”

“You were talking about me?” he asked smiling.

The carriage lurched forwards, as we climbed higher.

“Yes- No...Oh god...I just happened to mention that you went to the same college as him and he said all this stuff about you that he’d heard from other people. It made you sound like a right twat. At first I didn’t really believe him, but then you come here acting like that and it makes me think that maybe all those things are true.”

I shook my head and looked out over the crowds of people. I couldn’t actually see Jack or Holly. Maybe he had actually gone to win me a goldfish. I always wanted one. Come to think of it I think Cole and I decided to have one once, but it died within three days. Poor bubbles. Yes, it’s name was bubbles...I was only five and Cole seven.

DAMN thinking about Cole again!

He’s right next to you!

“Look, Steph...some of those things you heard. I don’t know...the truth is stretched. Yes I get into fights, but you know that. Yes, I can be an idiot sometimes-”

“Most of the time,” I interjected.

“Okay, most of the time. But you know the real me. Sometimes I might get overprotective of you, which is why I’ve been acting like a shithead all night.”

I laughed, “Alright I think that’s a bit much. You’re not that much of a shithead,” I teased.

“So you forgive me?” he nudged me in the rib, batting his ridiculously long eyelashes. I mean honestly, why does a guy even need eyelashes like that! I want them!

“I guess, but why did you follow me here? Isn’t that a bit stalkerish?” I smiled. We were now very high, you could see the whole fairground and everything within a five mile radius. All the people just looked like little dots.

He didn’t seem to see the funny side as his face grew serious, “Steph, I have something to tell you.”

I nodded, giving him permission to continue.

“I broke up with Madison because of you.”

 YEAHH! I uploaded finally. I'd forgotten how much fun it was to write this story because I can relate to it so much more that some of my other stories. I promise after the 30th November I will upload this story much more.

Anyway, TEAM COLE OR TEAM JACK...or are we missing Jeremy?

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ARI <3

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