My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson C...

By Awesomeness_09

48K 278 81

Keith Anderson had two best friends who are always there for her. She is known in school for her denseness. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - New Beginning = SEASON 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - FINALE

Chapter 6

1.3K 11 0
By Awesomeness_09

I woke up feeling dizzy...What the hell happened last night? I look to my side and saw Kevin sleeping soundly...OH yeah, We had a pillow fight last night...That explains the headaches...UGGHH~ I slowly walk towards the bathroom and clean myself up....I was startled to the sudden opening of the door...

Mom: Keith, Cody's here..(closes door)

What's he doing here so early anyway....Oh yeah...It's beach day...He's coming with Alli and me to buy a swimsuit...Greyson's on food duty anyway...I quickly took a quick shower and clean myself up...I huriedly head downstairs and saw Cody waiting in the living room....

Cody: Morning Keith..(smiles)

Me: (rubs eyes) Morning

Cody: Ready to go?

Me: Ready when you are...

Cody: Great let's go...Alli's already ahead of us..She said she'll be waiting in Starbucks..

Me: Cool...(smiles)

We started walking towards Starbucks....Wow the weather's perfect for swimming!!

Cody: This is the first time we had our walk alone..

Me: Really how come?

Cody: Usually, Greyson's always here...behind us...

Me: (chuckles) Oh yeah...(smiles)

We had random conversations but suddenly It became real quiet...Another Awkward moment..

Cody: It's really awkward...But...(long pause) Can I hold your hand?

I smiled and quickly grab Cody's hand...I was was incredibly soft and warm like I thought it would be.I never even hold Cody's hand long enough because were running ..Then suddenly there's this jumpy feeling...Weird..

Cody:(blushing) I-I never thought your hand could be this.....Soft..

Me:(chuckles) too...(smiles)

The walk towards Starbucks was silent...It really felt awkward...we went inside Starbucks, Still holding hands whenAlli spotted us..She came running...

Alli: So...What did I miss?

Cody quickly took his hands and looks down....I just stare at him looking puzzled....

Me: So Alli...Ready to go?

Alli: (holds my hand) Let's go...(smiles then looks at Cody)

Cody was still looking down not moving an inch on his spot....his face was the same color as a beet..again....I really don't get why....

Alli: (holds Cody's hand) UGGHH~ Cody!! Let's go!!


Greyson's P.O.V

I was putting all the foods on the picninc basket when my phone rang...unknown caller? Who is it anyway?

*phone convo*

Me: Uhmm..Hello?

??: Greyson?

Me: Yes...Who is this?

??: It's me Amber..

UGGH~ Amber...I think I'm getting sick 0_o

Me: How did you get my number?

Amber: I have my ways..

Me: Really Amber?

Amber: So when will you ask me out GreyBoo...I know you like me..

Now I'm sick...0_0...The only one who can call me nicknames is KEITH!! Not some slutty flirt...I know I'm kinda rude but..I'm just being honest XD

Me: I already told you I like someone else!!

Amber: Don't be shy...Just admit it..

Me: Why don't you understand?! I LIKE KEITH!! (quickly covers mouth)

Amber: (gasp) Listen Greyson...You're mine...You hear me?! (ends call)

*end phone convo*

Did I just said that to Amber? I slapped my forehead and quickly get back to my business....When suddenly I heard someone's coming...

Keith: Hey Greyson!! (hugs me)

Me: (blushes) (hugs back) Hey...Where's Alli and Cody?

Keith: They went ahead of us to the I decided that we should go there together...

Me: Cool...(smiles)

Keith: So about this girl....When are you gonna plan to make a move on her?

Keith's really dense...She doesn't even know that she's the girl I like....I think It's a good opportunity...

Me: (moves closer) I really don't know...But I really wanna snatch a kiss from her...(leans forward)

Keith: Really? (whispers) Good for you..

Me: (whispers) That's what I'm gonna do...

My face was really close to Keith's...I really-REALLY wanna do last attempt failed when Cody interrupted...Here goes nothing....

Alexa: Hey Greyson where's-- Oh....

I quickly pulled away...I think my face is heating up..AGAIN!!! Thanks a lot Alexa (sarcastic) -_-

Alexa: Am I interrupting something?..I'm really sorry...

Keith: (laughs) No...we were about to leave...

Me: (blushing) N-Nothing....

Alexa: Okay then (smiles) Bye!!

Keith and I took a bus to the beach...Right now I just can't face her...UGGH~~I was this close!! Alexa has to ruin everything!! We arrived at the beach and quickly found where they are...


Alli's P.O.V

I signaled Greyson and Keith to come over our spot...Greyson put the picninc basket on the ground...Cody help him with stuffs....All I know is it's change time..XD I quickly grab Keith...

Me: (smiles) It's change time

Keith: Hmm..Okay...(looks at Cody and Greyson) I'll see you later (waves)

Cody and Greyson: (smiles) Bye (waves)

*After 10 minutes*

We were both in our bathi--wow....Keith really looks hot on the bathing suit I picked...Cody wasn't kidding....

Keith: Umm...Is something wrong?

Me: Yes....You look sexy!! Trust me their jaws are gonna drop...

Keith: (laughs) Like that's gonna happen...

We talked random conversations while walking to where Cody and Greyson where....I was surprise they were both changed as well.....

Cody and Greyson: (jaws dropped)(smiles)

Me: (nudging in the elbow) I told you (laughs)

Keith: (playfully punches shoulder) Really? (laughs)

Cody: I-I-I....ahemm...Wanna go and swim?

Keith: (giggles) Yeah sure...

I watch them as they ran towards the water....You could just see Cody look like a little girl!! (laughs) Ahemm....Now to pop up some major questions to Greyson...

Me: So Grey...How are you?

Greyson: Errr-Fine? I suppose...(opens basket) Wants some sand-

Me: (closes basket) Let's cut to the chase...I know you like Keith (grins)

Greyson: (eyes widen) Ummm...(whispers) H-How did you know?

Me: (smirks) It's obvious....You and my brother really got some serious competition...(smiles) Trust me I'm in nobody else's side....

Greyson: Well That's glad to know (opens basket then takes sandwich)

Me: Look...(points at Keith and Cody) Things are getting hotter out there..(smiles)

Greyson: (quickly stands up) That's my cue (smiles)


Cody's P.O.V

Ohmy-freaking-Gosh....Keith's so...WOW...I just imagined she'd be so beautiful on that bathing suit when we bought it but....WOW...she's actually wearing it...and she's so...HOT!!..I took her to swim in the water and it ends with a great big splash...

Keith: Really Cody? (wiping her face)

Me: You know, I'm a great swimmer...

Keith: (crosses arms) Prove it...

I dive in the water...Wow you can see...sands? Lot's of them...Anyway...pulled Keith down..I caught her by surprise :D....I wrap my arms to her waist and she quickly pulled me into a hug...We quickly went up, grasping for air...I'm surprised I'm still not letting go of her...What do you expect me to do?

Greyson: Having fun without me? (smiles)

Me: (pulls away) Kinda...

Keith: (chuckles) Come on GreyBear...(Jumps on his back)..Charge!!

Greyson:(laughs)'re heavy and wet...

Keith: (laughs) Who cares anyway?

Me: Wait...ALLI!! Come here!! Why don't you-

Alli: (jumps on my back) Already ahead of you brother...

Keith: Okay then....FIGHT!! (laughs)


Keith's P.O.V

We went swimming for a couple of hours...We games and had random conversations...And finally it was time to go home..Mom picked us up...everyone went to their respective houses especially me of course...We had our goodnights and went inside...Dad was there to greet me but I ignore him,greeting Kevin instead...I quickly went to my room...

I heard window tapping noise again...You all know who could that be...(A/N Here comes the pad conversation XD)

Greyson: (writing on sketchpad) Had fun?

Me: Yup...

Greyson: Excited for tomorrow? :(

Me: Nope.. But I am excited to the day after that...

Greyson: Me too... XD (looks behind him then scribbled something fast) I need to go...Mom needs me...

Me: Sure...GoodNight XD

Greyson: Goodnight (closes curtain)

I closed my curtain and let myself fall to the bed....What's this feeling in the pit of my stomach? Is this the one you call butterflies? I always felt it whenever I'm with Greyson and Cody...Hmm...Too much..ARGGHH~I hate thinking!! Maybe I'm--No that can't be....Well enough about that...tomorrow's fishing day.....Well It's gotta be fun...Minus the Dad part...

Don't wanna leave you hanging but BYE XD See you on the next chapter...

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