
By orbajomadness

9.2K 387 159

Curiosity kills. More

Girl Next Door
Learn to Have Fun
Take Me to Your Room
Isn't Blackmail Fun?
So Whatcha Doing Today?
Mirror, Mirror
That's Funny
I Really Wanna Know
That's A Shame

Live a Little

650 35 16
By orbajomadness

Author's Note:  Two updates in one night! Don't get too used to that, just had a good writing streak tonight ;)


She dashed towards it. This was the opportunity to finally get some answers! Mitchie had finally slipped up!

She discovered it was an old flip phone. No lock screen like most smart phones had these days. What luck. But also kinda weird. How didn't she have a newer phone?

Oh well, no time to debate all that. She flipped it open and frantically tried to navigate the archaic menus to find what the number was. She almost cried out in excitement when she found it. She quickly pulled out her phone and took a picture of the screen so she could put it in later.

Hah! No more unknown texts! She felt so victorious.

She tried to set the phone down the way it was when Mitchie left, and then sat back down on the couch.

A few minutes passed and Mitchie hadn't returned. She eyed the phone again. Well, she'd hear the toilet flush or at least the door open when Mitchie was coming back right? She had time to do some snooping.

She grabbed the phone and flipped it open once more, and found the messages section. It was blank. Mitchie had most likely deleted the texts. Of course. She didn't know what she expected to find.

She closed it again and set it back down where Mitchie was sitting.

Another several minutes went by. Well okay, I guess she really had to go like she said, Alex justified.

Alex started to focus on the movie that was on the TV while she waited.

After she realized another twenty minutes had gone by, she started to get suspicious.

"Mitchie! Are you doing okay in there?" She called out, turning down the volume on the TV.

No response.

If you fucking tell me she's not in the bathroom... Alex groaned to herself, getting up to go check.

"Mitchie!" She called out again as she rounded the corner of the living room to the downstairs hall where the bathroom was.

The door to the bathroom was closed and the light was on.

"Mitchie." Alex said, in a more normal volume since she was right by the door. "Are you okay?"


"For fuck's sake..." Alex grumbled. She placed her hand on the knob and slowly turned it, and then discovered it was open. Should she open it? What if Mitchie was really in there?

"Mitchie, I'm coming in. So if you can hear me, this is your warning."

Alex shielded her eyes partially as she opened the door slowly. "Mitchie?"

Mitchie wasn't in the bathroom.

"Goddamnit!" Alex shouted.

What was in the bathroom however, was a message written in what appeared to be toothpaste on the mirror:

Hide and seek? ;)

Alex shook her head violently and gritted her teeth. That was it! There was no trusting literally anything Mitchie said or where she said she needed to go.

"This isn't funny Mitchie!" Alex called out. "I don't want to play hide and seek! Just come back to the living room!"

She walked back around to the living room and found the TV was turned off. Also, Mitchie's phone was no longer on the couch.

"This isn't fun! This is stupid! Just come back!" Alex shouted. She didn't really think it would do anything, but it was worth a shot.

Mitchie had a way of making simple things like this seem terrifying.

She heard a door close, upstairs.

"I swear to god, Mitchie! If you are in my room-" She cut herself off. She'd do what? She was powerless, as Mitchie had so often reminded her. Even in her own fucking house, apparently.

She rushed up the stairs and discovered that the door that had closed was indeed her room. She inhaled deeply, trying her best not to curse Mitchie out. But she did in her mind.

She opened the door to her room and looked around. Naturally, Mitchie was nowhere to be seen.

She felt so stupid as she went around her room, opening her closet, looking under her bed, and pulling the shower curtains back in her bathroom.

Her phone vibrated, which caused her heart to skip a beat, in a bad way.

Can't find me, can't find meee

Fucking adorable, Alex shook her head.

She left her room and made sure to close the door behind her.

"I don't wanna play, Mitchie! This is childish!" Alex shouted into the seemingly empty house.

As she walked by the stairs she noticed a pair of underwear hanging on the bannister. It was her underwear, Alex recognized.

This girl had no sense of respect or privacy, did she?

Alex almost laughed out loud at that thought. Of course she didn't! She literally put a camera in her bathroom to watch her.

Alex checked the upstairs hallway bathroom, then closed the door to it as well, before continuing to her parents' room.

After searching it and finding nothing, she closed the door, and then went back to the stairs. She stood at the top. This was a good place to wait. Mitchie wasn't upstairs, she knew, so now she could see the whole house.

After standing there for a few minutes, her phone buzzed again.


Yeah well whatever, Alex thought. She didn't care if she was cheating when she didn't even wanna play the damn game in the first place.

She didn't care until suddenly the electricity shut off and the whole house went dark.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! TURN IT BACK ON RIGHT NOW!" Alex yelled at the top of her voice.

This shit was getting old, really fast. How did Mitchie even know where the breaker was? Alex chuckled. So many of these 'how did she know' questions. They were pointless at this stage. Nothing surprised her anymore. Well, the power going out surprised her, but the fact that Mitchie turned it off honestly didn't.

There was nothing this girl wouldn't do. And that was more than a little scary.

Alex groaned as she traversed the stairs and prepared to go in the basement. What kinda cliché shit was this? Going into the basement in the dark...

Still, for some reason she was scared. Mitchie was not a very sunny person, after all. She sounded like the type of person to physically cut you with a knife and then say it was a joke...

"This is really annoying, Mitchie!" Alex called out as she opened the door to the basement. She turned the flashlight on her phone on to see.

Ugh, fuck this... she thought. She was on high alert as she walked to the breaker box, shining the light around everywhere in case Mitchie was gonna try to jump out and scare her or something. She flipped the breaker back and the lights came on. The basement was of course empty.

She rolled her eyes, done with this entire night. Could her parents maybe come back right now so Mitchie would get properly kicked out? She'd get punished for allowing Mitchie in the house again but right now it seemed worth it. Mitchie had effectively ruined the semi normal day they'd had so far with all these shenanigans.

When she got back up the ground floor again, she noticed the clothes Mitchie had been wearing were forming a trail down the hall. What the hell was she doing now? Running around naked? Really wouldn't surprise me, Alex thought.

She realized the trail led to the sliding glass door that went out to the backyard and the pool. The door was open. She walked out and simultaneously gasped and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Mitchie in the pool. But she was completely naked. Alex couldn't see anything, but she could definitely tell under the water all she saw was bare skin.

"Heyy, you finally found me." Mitchie laughed and splashed some water.

"Why are you... not wearing any clothes...?" Alex asked.

"Oh come on it's like 11pm, I don't see any of your neighbors out. It's fine. Live a little."

"Live a little? I just chased you around my fucking house and you made me go in the basement to turn the power back on!"

Mitchie shrugged. "It was just a game."

"Your games are awful. Someone needs to teach you how to play hide and seek. You don't constantly run around everywhere; you're supposed to stay in one place..." Alex trailed off.

"Whatever, I put my own twist on it. Are you coming in or not? The water feels good." Mitchie said.

Alex folded her arms. "No. I don't really feel like swimming right now."

Mitchie raised her eyebrows at her. "You're making this really hard to make this seem normal. I'm not asking, Alex."

Well, should have seen that one coming... Alex thought, miserably. Silly me.

Alex hung her head. "Fine. I'll just go get my swimsuit..."

Mitchie cocked her head and eyed Alex curiously. "Do you see me wearing a swimsuit?"

"I'm not skinny-" Alex started to say fairly loudly, then cut herself off. "I am not skinny dipping!" She said in a harsh whisper.

"I won't make it too awkward for you. I'll turn around while you get undressed." Mitchie said. "I promise."

Alex frequently thought back to the first time she'd spied on Mitchie, especially in situations like now. If she'd never done it, she wouldn't be here right now. None of this would have happened. She wouldn't have had to chase a psychotic girl around her house, she wouldn't have a camera in her own bathroom, and she wouldn't have been being forced to skinny dip like right now.

This was actually pretty ironic. She was nervous to get undressed in front of Mitchie right now, despite knowing Mitchie had most likely already seen her naked in her bathroom.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Alex shook her head.

Mitchie turned around, like she said she would. "Okay, go ahead."

Alex took a deep breath, and took off her shorts and shirt, then quickly pulled her underwear down and stepped out of it. She hadn't planned on having company today so she hadn't bothered with a bra.

She sat down on the edge of the pool dipping her feet in. Mitchie was right, the water was fine. This was definitely the first time she'd ever done this though. You had to have had friends to say you'd done something like this before, after all, she thought.

She slid off the edge and into the water, but not enough to go underwater completely. She didn't feel like getting her hair wet. She stayed treading water right by the edge of the pool.

Mitchie turned around and smiled. "See? Not so bad is it?"

"No... Still feels weird though." Alex answered.

Mitchie swam towards her. "That's because you have to move around. Try it. Swim over to me." She then stopped in place.

Alex obeyed, and she had to admit, it did feel good. Almost natural. She stopped a few feet from Mitchie though, although she assumed Mitchie was gonna make her come closer anyway.

Mitchie sunk underwater, and resurfaced a few seconds later. "Looks even better in person."

Alex hadn't even thought anything of her going underwater until she said that.

"What was the point of you turning around before then, if you're gonna look anyway?" Alex rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fair enough. Then you go under too."

"It's okay. I'm good."

Mitchie smirked. "You know, for a spy you're awfully shy in person aren't you?"

Alex averted her eyes, feeling guilty.

"There's no need to be shy. I want you to look. After all, you've only ever seen my back, and not even all of it. You deserve some reward for your efforts." Mitchie winked.

Alex really didn't want to look. She was obviously curious, but she felt like this would be held over her head in the future for some reason. She didn't know how exactly, but it seemed to be how Mitchie operated thus far.

"I know this is probably a dumb question but... do I have a choice?" She braved.

"Aww, see? Our relationship is growing stronger, you are starting to know me so well..." Mitchie smiled.

"So... I don't, right?"

Mitchie shook her head.

Alex sighed, and started to submerge herself. So much for keeping her hair kinda dry...

"Ah! And no closing your eyes either." Mitchie said, pointedly.

"Right right... I won't." Alex said, reluctantly.

She did close her eyes as she went under the water, but opened them once she was underwater.

There was no denying Mitchie's body was nice. Alex had never thought it wasn't. Mitchie swiveled around so she spun around completely, so Alex could see everything.

It was just... the whole psycho side of her, the spy camera, and the malicious texts that were kind of a turn off.

Alex resurfaced and brushed her now soaked hair out of her face.

"So?" Mitchie asked. Her voice was full of anticipation. "Does it meet your expectations?"

Alex nodded. "Yes."

Mitchie frowned. "You're just saying that to please me. I actually want you to be honest this time. Not gonna force you to say anything."

Oh, how nice of you, Alex thought, sarcastically.

"I'm not just saying it. I mean it, I promise. I err... I mean, I wouldn't have spied on you if I didn't think so..." Alex really didn't want to say that to encourage Mitchie, but it was the only way to convince her she was being truthful.

"Aww... you really do mean it." Mitchie brightened. "Thanks babe. I mean it too."

"Thank you..." Alex said, unenthusiastic.

In truth, she was kind of flattered that someone liked her. But she just always wished maybe that person would be sane.

Mitchie just stayed treading water for a few moments, looking at Alex with a grin on her face.

To break the awkward silence, Alex asked, "So, if you were just gonna skinny dip, why did you even bring a bathing suit?"

Mitchie chuckled. "Well, I had to at least pack one so it looked believable you know?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "Okay... yeah. I guess that makes sense."

"Wait... do you hear that?"

Alex furrowed her eyebrows. "Um, no? What am I supposed to-"

"Shh!" Mitchie placed a finger over Alex's lips.

Then she whispered, "Someone is in their backyard. Listen."

Alex tried to steady her swimming to listen. Yep, there were definitely voices.

"I hear it." Alex whispered back.

"I SURE HOPE NO ONE SEES US TEENAGE GIRLS SKINNY DIPPING IN THE POOL!" Mitchie shouted, then swam to the side and started to get out.

"What the fuck, Mitchie!" Alex panicked and followed suit.

Mitchie grabbed Alex's clothes on her way to the sliding glass door.

Alex half expected Mitchie to lock her out, but thankfully she didn't. She pulled the door shut and immediately drew the blinds over the door.

Mitchie was giggling like an idiot.

"That wasn't funny!" Alex scolded her. "Can I have my clothes back, please?"

Mitchie pointed to the trail of her clothes. "You can wear mine. I'll wear yours."

"What? No! I don't want to wear yours..."

Mitchie started to put Alex's clothes on. "Well I guess you can walk around naked then."

"You are so...ugh!" Alex grunted.

Alex then realized in the heat of the moment of running inside there weren't any towels. They were both dripping water all over the hardwood.

"We need to go in the living room, we're getting water everywhere." She instructed.

To Alex's surprise, Mitchie actually obeyed and began walking to the living room.

Alex picked up Mitchie's trail of clothes, then went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel to wrap around herself instead, as well as around her hair. There was no way she was wearing Mitchie's clothes. She brought another one for Mitchie, who – surprise, surprise – was now sitting on the couch in wet clothes.

It didn't even surprise Alex anymore.


Later, despite Alex's protests, they both were in her bed in her room.

Alex was facing towards her bathroom, while Mitchie was facing her. They weren't really close together, thankfully Mitchie hadn't demanded that.

Alex felt like she'd built some kind of rapport with Mitchie today, although she hadn't had a choice in anything they did.

She felt comfortable enough to ask, "Is there really a camera in there or are you just fucking with me?"

Mitchie smiled as if Alex had just said something sweet. "How else would I have seen you naked before tonight?"

Was that supposed to be cute? Alex wondered. Mitchie probably actually thought that it was. Like it was a completely normal thing to say.

"Now it's my turn." Mitchie said. "Did you find what you were looking for in my phone?"

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