Waves of Life

נכתב על ידי melted_chocolate

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Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... עוד

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Five- The Scheming life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty four - the art life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life

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נכתב על ידי melted_chocolate

The found life

Well yes we were found in the end. I'm sure things would've been quite a bomber if I'd been stuck in the airport all day with my arch nemesis. But then remember my life is usually filled with the unluckiest misfortunes. Remember??? I'm Eva Richards.

"What are you doing here?" I poked my tongue at ...........

At who you wonder? Well you really wanna find out? Then read ahead my friend and explore the galaxies of my life.

Eva xox


"Yes. We-are-lost." Said Matt, pausing between each word to make things more clarified.

"I get it Matt, you don't need to talk in retard language, I get it. We're lost."

"So what do we do?" Asks Matt.

"Umm maybe just sit here and wait for them to search this massive airport for us."

"Thank you for gracing us with your sarcasm Beaver."

"Your welcome. Now shut up Matt I'm starting to regret ever coming here."

"I'm starting to regret ever bringing you- but we're stuck together now lets get our selfs one of those blueberry muffins over there and we'll go on a family hunt."

"Blueberry muffins?"

"Yup! Can't you smell them from here they taste the best" he said enthusiastically running of to a near by airport Starbucks.

Running after him, I banged into something solid... Awch.

"Sorry, oh cr** I'm so sorry Eva," said an o-so familiar voice as he got up, helped pull me up and ran a hand through this black fluffy hair.

"What are you doing here?" I poked my tongue at Kat.

"Can't a man be invited to go with his friend to the Gold Coast?" He grinned. "Yes, Matt invited me."

Oh great! I'm stuck in a hotel for a week with an annoying as hell childhood nemesis and an annoying silly flirt.

God help me.

"Come over to Starbucks," I pulled Kat by his wrist. "That silly kid is dying over not eating one of those Starbucks muffins.


After about ten minutes of Matt panicking and complaining because the last of the blueberry muffins he had an eye on were sold out to the customer before him, I had finally managed to convince him that raspberry and white chocolate muffins were just as good, we then we finally sat down with a frappé and muffin each at a booth in the airport Starbucks.

"You're dating Amelia?" Chocked out Matt while he was drinking his frappé. It spat out onto Kat's face and trickled down to the v-neck of his t-shirt. "Amelia? I thought you liked ehmm hemm?" Matt coughed.

"Okay look fine maybe I'm not really dating Amelia." He looks uncomfortable.

"What do you mean by maybe?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh well okay fine I'm not."

"Why make the lie then?"


"He wanted to see if the girl he likes got jealous when he told her." Says Matt whilst chewing his muffin.

Kat quickly nudges Matt and they give each other weird glares.

Hmm Interesting.

"Eww close your mouth Matt while you're eating it looks gross."

"Soooo I was thinking lets just give my parents a ring and then maybe they can find us."

"You have your mobile with you and you never thought to call your parents before? Matt I'm quite disappointed in you."

Kat chuckled, "ahahahaha Matt."

"Don't you have a mobile yourself? You could've thought of it too." He points his finger accusingly at me.

"Yes, duh but mum made me keep it home so I could get in touch with nature of the 'outside world' instead of me spending hours on it."

"You make the call," said Matt shoving me his Samsung Galaxy. "Make sure you make it sound dramatic and that we find Kat too so that was a bonus."

"Yes peasant!"

"Don't most people say yes boss?"

"Yeah well I'm not most people."

"Can't you just make the damn call already?"

"Maybe if you had an iPhone it'd be a whole lot easier."

"You're just jealous you don't have a samsung galaxy s4."

"Ahahahaha I have the iPhone 5. Five is later than four ahaaaa"

"Wy don't you two just shut up!" Yells Kat. "Honestly guys! Fighting over mobiles."

Well yeah he does have a point but remember Matt's my arch nemesis.

"Shut up Kat."

"Shut up Eva."

"Shut up Matt."

"Shut up Eva."

"Shut up Kat."

"Can't you just shut up?"

"Can't you bloody just shut up?"

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."

"Shut your mouth up."

This was really turning into the 'shut up' game.

And right in the middle of it, my dear brother Mitch gave me a slap on my shoulder and Matt's parents gave us a lecture about responsibility.

Ah this really sucks.


"The titanic." I groan.

"No, world war z." Argues Matt.

"Yeah world war z sounds better than the titanic."Agrees Kat.

"Two against one Beaver. So we're watching World War Z!" Matt throws a pillow in my face.

"No it's enough you get the bed all to your self, so there's no way in hell we're watching the Titanic." Whines Matt.

"We'll pick the theme park tommorow," reasons Kat, "the titanic isn't that bad. It's a classic after all."

"It's a classic after all." Matt mimics Kat. "I really don't like sweet Kat."

"We're watching World War Z and that's final!" Matt lifts up his arms in the air to do a victory dance but typically bangs me in the process.

Maybe I could see what Livy and Mitch are up to. Surely it'd be better than world war Z.

But then again, no.

They're probleby sucking at each others faces by now.

Eww, no thanks.


"Really Mrs West? Matt wet his pants at the age of nine because monsters ink scared him?"

"Yes, dear and I've even got a picture of it somewhere. You should come over one day when Matt isn't around and we'll have a look through the albums."

"You wouldn't mind "

"Off course I wouldn't, I mean I've never had a daughter to sit and have a laugh with and even though Livy lived with us for a while she was never really fond of me."

"Aww Mrs West that's so sweet. Do you think Matt's gotten over his fear for Monsters ink?"

"Oh no Eva, he hasn't watched it since," she chuckled. It scares the day light out of him. You should've seen the poor love's face when the sequel came out."

"Ahhaaa I bet that was funny."

"Poor boy had his girlfriend over and they were watching television together and the trailer came on. He ran out of the room and straight to the bathroom, I had to tell the poor girl that he has fits or something. I'll tell you I felt realy guilty for lying afterwards."

"Girlfriend. Matt had a girlfriend?"

"Yes, her name was Lydia I think. She was quite a sweet girl but sadly they broke up. It was something to do with a boy. I think it was Charlie or something."

"Lydia. Charlie? They only came to our school this year though."

"Oh well Matt has a lot of friends from the Town School, he knew them both from about five or so years ago."

Wow. And he never said.

"I think they even might be considering getting together again. It took Matt a while but he forgave Lydia for what ever she did."

I took the cookies we made out of the oven, thanked Mrs West and sneaked out of the holiday cabin to the movie hire shop next door.

When I found what I was looking for which evilly was Monster Ink, I quietly sneaked back into the cabin and scared the boys out of their wits by shouting out 'SURPRISE.'

"We finished the movie twenty minutes ago and now you come with the cookies," says grumpy Matt.

"I'm not your personal peasant." I throw a cookie at him and Kat's face and head to the DVD player.

"Now my turn to choose the movie."

"Ugh great now we have to sit through a whole three hours of sappy romance." Moans Matt.

"No you don't cause I chose something else."

"What?" Asks Kat.

"Guess what peasants? We're watching Monsters Ink!" I smirk, holding up the disk.

Matt shuffled to the door within seconds and found it locked. Muhahahha.

Dun dun dun dun.

Disney pictures presents MONSTERS INK.


After the movie had ended, I unlocked the door for Matt who looked nauseous and was most definetly about to flee to the bathroom.

"I hate you. I bloody hate you beaver." He glared at me.

"Think of the bright side. At least your over your fear." I call out to the figure who had already made his way to the bathroom.

I then kicked both him and Kat out of the bedroom and onto the lounges for sleeping and woke up in the morning...


We were now at the gold coat beach literally painting our skin with sun screen while Matt sulked at home and got over the fear of last night back in the cabin.

"Is that Eva? Evangeline Richards. Bloody hell. Is the world ending?" I heard a sort of familiar voice say.

"Sargent can I please go over there for a minute."

"You must be quick, junior." Replied a stiff voice as I turned around and located the owner of the familiar voice.


"Oh my word."

"Babe!" Called out a happy boy in khaki who literally came running to me. "This has to be the best day of my life since I've been here," I heard him whisper as he embraced me in a hug.

Oh goodness gracious me.








Ed 🌟

המשך קריאה

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