My Infamous Bride Is A Mermaid

By Tetrazora

27.6K 453 136

Title is a little bit misleading but naming this kind of stuff is hard. Anyway I'M BACK AT IT AGAIN with anot... More

Episode 2: An acception to the rule?
Episode 3: My wife is still a mermaid
Episode 4: Secrets in all sizes
Episode 5: Monkey Business
Episode 6: Prime Suspects
Episode 7: The Sun and Moon Collide
Episode 8: The Red Star
Episode 9: Sun and Moon
Episode 10: A Rival Arrives
Episode 11: Battle of the gods
Episode 12: Study Partners for life!
Episode 13: More than a Soldier
Episode 14: Cat Attack
Episode 15: A trip to Kyoto
Episode 16: True Desires
Episode 17: Popularity Contest
Episode 18: Forgotten Bonds
Episode 19: An Unexpected Wedding Day
Episode 20: Truly Infamous
Episode 20: True Hero

Episode 1: Price of a life

3.8K 53 8
By Tetrazora

Takashi Michichio, a fifteen year old boy in highschool was on summer vacation with his mom and dad to visit his grandmother's house over by the beach. Upon arrival they said hello, unpacked, caught up on old times but the main attraction was of course the beach. It was there that tragedy struck, or at least where it should have struck. The reason because Takashi was enjoying swimming in the water until his body cramped up. He started struggling as he was in the deep water and he began to sink, the water filling his lungs allowed no breathing. He could feel the life being drained from his body and consciousness was beginning to disappear but before he blacked out he felt his hand grabbing. His vision was still blurring but he was able to take a quick glimpse at the woman who took hold of his hand, a brown haired woman who looked no older than him but something wasn't right. It didn't matter because Takashi had passed out at that point. He then woke up as the sun was setting on the beach shore, not really sure how she was alive or who that girl was. Also why did she have a fish tail? That was the strangest thing about the whole event but Takashi disregarded it as a dream and returned to his grandma's house. He ate dinner with his family, took a nice bath, but couldn't stop thinking about the girl that saved her. The idea of it being a dream was all he could go on but even thought that's what he said it was to himself he just wasn't sure. He needed a moment of fresh air so he sat outside watching the night sky. It was peaceful until someone walked up to him, a girl in a dress but when Takashi looked at her face it was the same as the girl who saved him.
Takashi: Y-your the girl, the girl from the sea!
Girl: Yeah, I was. It's good to see you've recovered.
Takashi: Oh so you came to check up on me? Thanks.
Girl: Well actually that's not the only reason I'm here.
Takashi: Ok what's the other reason?
Takashi: Re-responsibility?
Mom and Dad: RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!
Takashi's parents appeared behind him like magic and with faces full of rage.
Takashi: This isn't what it looks like, actually I don't know what this is.
Dad: How could you do this to us?! We raised you better!
Mom: My little baby is gonna be a dad! He isn't ready dear God!
Girl: Wait, I'm not pregnant.
Takashi and everyone sighed with relief. That was something that nobody was ready to accept.
Girl: But regarding why I came here....
Man: I think it would be better if you just came with us.
The girl was suddenly flanked by 3 men who looked like gang members. The leader of the group was a skinny man, dark skin, afro and sunglasses and for some reason Takashi's mom couldn't stop staring at him.
Mom: Oh I'll go with you anywhere Mr.
Man: The name is Masa and there is a price you and your son has to pay so you'll be coming with us.
The men grabbed Takashi and his family and dragged them back to the beach.
Takashi: Where are you taking us?
Masa: Just know you might want to hold your breath.
Takashi: Wait what?!
The group dragged Takashi and his family into the water and they lost consciousness from going too deep too fast.
Once again he woke up but this time on a wooden floor in what looked like an large but old fashioned home. As he sat up and looked around he saw Masa and his gang along with his parents still out cold.
Takashi: Where the hell are we?
Masa: I'm afraid that's not gonna matter in a few minutes.
Takashi: Because?
????: Because your blood is about to splattered you little shit!
Masa: Mr. Gozaburo, you can't just kill the boy!
Masa was trying to hold back a man twice his size wearing nothing but a robe with enough hair to cover the scars on his face.
Gozaburo: You're crazy if you think I'm gonna let this pig marry my daughter.
Takashi and his parents: MARRIAGE?!
Takashi: Weren't you two knocked out?
Mom: Please Mr. Gozaburo, whatever our son has done we beg for your forgiveness.
Dad: He is but a young and reckless boy who knows no better.
Takashi: I DIDN'T DO SHIT!!!
The girl that Takashi met earlier barged into the room looking furious
Gozaburo: Go back to your room Sun. Daddy will be done in a minute.
Sun: No! I saved him knowing the consequences and I'm not going to let you slaughter him.
Gozaburo: But Sun that means the only other way is to marry this asshole!
Sun: Then that's what I'll do!
Takashi: No you will not.
The entire room fell silent and everyone was looking at Takashi.
Gozaburo: What did you say?
Takashi: I'm not marrying her. If I'm figuring this out right, the reason this is happening is because I saw her fish tail which means that you all are mermaids and mermen.
Sun: Exactly which is why we have to marry in order for you to stay alive.
Takashi: Because marriage would give me the right to know such a thing but the arranged marriage life sucks.
Gozaburo: You saying you're too good for my daughter you piece of shit?!
Takashi: I know you need to stop screaming.
Takashi pointed his open palm towards Gozaburo and a purple light emitted from his body that gathered in his hand and then fired a beam into Gozaburo's chest, sending him flying through the wall and leaving a burn mark in his chest.
Takashi: You know, I could've just done that before.

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