Can Destiny Be Changed? | A V...

Galing kay PrincessSerenity16

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"It all started with a dream...." Lily Adachi, a 17 year old noble vampire hunter was cursed on the day that... Higit pa

About the OC
Chapter 1: Dreams
Chapter 2: Voices of the Past
Chapter 3: The Night Class
Chapter 4: It Will All Eventually Return
Chapter 5: Shards of Memories
Chapter 6: The Inconditional Love We Once Shared
Chapter 7: Confessions of Love
Chapter 8: He Returns
Chapter 10: The Stormy Night that Changed Everything
Chapter 11: The Class Trip
Chapter 12: The Island of Our Memories
Chapter 13: Our Passionate Evening in the Moonlight
Chapter 14: Yuuki's Envy
Chapter 15: The Past Returns
Chapter 16: Hidden Feelings
Chapter 17: My Feelings Conveyed Through a Song
*Watch Out Guys!*
Chapter 18: The Secret to the Curse
Chapter 19: Hideki's Resolve
Chapter 20: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 21: Going Back in Time
Chapter 22: A Date To Remember
Chapter 23: Blessings
Chapter 24: Shattered Hearts
Chapter 25: Tears of Regret
Chapter 26: A Sticky Situation
Chapter 27: The Mission Begins
Chapter 28: Revelation
Chapter 29: The Blood Moon
Chapter 30: Two Months Later
Chapter 31: The Race for the Scroll
Chapter 32: Yami's Plan
Chapter 33: This is Our Destiny
Chapter 34: Moving Forward
Chapter 35: Together Forever
Epilogue: Here's to Our Future
Thank you!
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Chapter 9: Seeking Forgiveness

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Galing kay PrincessSerenity16

*Daisuke's PoV*

Why did he come back?! I sat there, just staring at the man who I once considered once to be like a brother to me; my once future brother in law.

"I regret my mistake completely. I didn't know that things were going to turn out this way... All I want is a fresh start with her." He said. I don't believe this bastard at all! 

He crushed Lily's heart after he did that! She didn't sleep or even eat! She didn't even take her missions seriously, she spent night after night crying her eyes out because of him!

" if. She will never forgive you. Who would? You slept with another woman a week before your wedding, damnit!" I said.

Anger seethed through me and I just had to leave the classroom to calm myself down. I got up from my seat and made my way to the door.

"Adachi! Where do you think you're going?" The teacher spoke out, calling out to me.

"Outside. I need some time to get my thoughts together." I said as I opened the door.

"Thoughts? What thoughts?" The teacher asked. However, I ignored him and continued making my way out of the classroom.

Get Lily back? Please. In his dreams. After what he did, there's no way that she will ever forgive him. I decided to storm my way to the Headmaster's office and tell him the reason why he did this.

Without knocking the door, I opened the door nice and wide.

"Daisuke! What brings you here on this beautiful day?" He said with his usual happy smile.

"Why?" I said with my head down.

"Eh?" He said, lost for words.

"Why did you accept Itsuki Inoue into this school?" I asked him in a bit of an angry tone.

When I said that, he stayed silent.

"You do know that because of him, Lily lived in depression and sadness for months. She barely slept, and I would always hear her cry in her room and I didn't know what to do! Why did you let him enroll in this school?!" I said in a loud, angry tone.

"I had no choice... Someone with a high position in the Hunter's Association requested this, and no it was not the Association President. It was someone from your family."

Who? Who is the bastard that did that? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Mother or Father, but who...

"I cannot give anymore details, Daisuke. Plus, the past is the past and Lily is happy now, isn't she? I'm sure she'll know what to do when she ends up coming face to face with him." He said in a serious tone.

Possibly... Lily has Kaname now, and they've just started dating. They also won't see each other a lot, the only times would be would be during the lunch period and the school grounds. Unless... No..

"Headmaster... Do you plan on letting Itsuki join the Disciplinary Committee....?" I asked, hoping that the answer is no.

He looked away. "He is a student of this school as well and knows as well that the Night Class is a group of vampires. I cannot treat him differently only because he is Lily's ex-fiancé. So, yes. He will be joining you all as a member. If Lily truly got over him, then that shouldn't even bother her at all." He stated.

Maybe he's right. If anything, Lily will probably act cold towards him. She's become stronger.

"All right. I apologize for my actions. I just don't want Lily to get hurt again..." I said.

"No, it's fine... You care for your sister a lot, and want to protect her, but. You have to know that Lily must face obstacles in her life. Life isn't always about smiles and happiness. But I'm sure... She will find happiness with Kaname." He said as he looked out the window.

Kaname might just be like the others... I heard that he is a man filled with secrets. Even I cannot trust him yet... I just hope that for this remaining time, she finds her true happiness with him.

"...How do you know that? What if Kaname is like Itsuki? Making her happy, treating her like someone that is very special to him, only to then turn his back on her?" I said.

"I can say from experience that Kaname is someone that has many secrets within him. But...he wouldn't be someone that would turn his back on someone he loves."

"All right then. Then I will remember your words. Well, then I guess I will make my way back to class. Thank you for the advice, Headmaster." I said.

"No problem, Daisuke. And please, don't try to get into a fight with him." He said.

"I'll try not to...can't make promises." I said as I left his office.

*Lily's PoV*

I continued writing notes as Mr. Aihara continued writing on the board. I wonder, who is this new student that all the girls are going crazy over...? Anyways, I shouldn't even be paying attention to that! I don't want to have to retake Physics for the next year! As much as I hate this subject so much, I have to focus! I took a peek at Yuuki, who hasn't been talking to me ever since she recently found out my relationship with Kaname.

"Yuuki, are you really mad at me because I'm dating Kaname?" I whispered.

She stayed silent and just ignored me.

" I can't believe that you don't want to even be friends anymore simply because I'm dating someone that you weren't even dating.." I said.

What does she think? That he is only reserved for her? Gimme a break.

The classes passed. For most of them, Yuuki did not speak to me. She was stuck in her own little world, not even paying attention to the teacher's lessons. What a baby... Honestly...

*after school*
The sun was setting, and I decided to stay after for like five minutes to make sure I got the lyrics right. However since we have duties, we had to leave quickly.

I got my books together after the last bell rang, and Hiroki and I ran out of the classroom, on our way to the Moon Gate.

"Seriously, Lily? You just had to stay an extra five minutes for singing class?" Hiroki said as the both of us ran through the hallways of the school outside.

"Yes! I want to get this right! You know I love to sing." I said.

Singing actually is one of the things that helped me overcome my sadness. It's become a hobby for me. I haven't sung ever since then because I haven't had the time,but now in singing class I have lots of time to sing to my heart's content.

"Yeah, yeah...I know you do." He said.

As we were halfway to the Moon Gate, I end up bumping into someone, who was coming from the left, the both of us falling to the ground.

"Ow..." I said, putting my hand on my head.

"Are you ok?"  He said, holding out his hand.

That voice... It's a voice that I never wanted to hear again... A voice that I've come to hate ever since that night...

When I got up and looked at who helped me up, I couldn't believe who was in front of me.

Itsuki Inoue, my ex-fiancé...

His eyes widened when he met mine.

"Lily... It's you..." He said with his usual kind smile, still holding my hand. I slapped it away.

Hiroki's face took a 360 into an angry face and pulled me away from him.

"What are you doing here...?" Hiroki said.

I looked at him with such disgust, seeing how he would react.

"I came here to see you again, Lily. I wish for you to forgive me for the pain I caused you. I didn't mean..."

"Save it." I spat. "I don't want to forgive someone like you, one who plays with others' feelings." I said in an emotionless tone.

I then started walking away with Hiroki, and he started walking behind us.

"And may I ask why you are following us?" I said, turning around giving him a despicable facial expression.

Then I saw him take out a Disciplinary Committee badge from his pocket.

"I'm in the Disciplinary Committee now as well. That's why I'm on my way to the Moon Gate." He said.

"Tch... If you think that this is a way to forgive you, then you are mistaken... I'll never forgive you, Itsuki. Never." Those were my final words, and then I started walking in front of him with Hiroki.

It hurt a bit saying that to someone that I once loved, but...he did wrong. I don't love him like I once did.

"Lily... Why is he here? What purpose does he have here?" Hiroki whispered.

"I don't know. So he must be the new student that the girls are going crazy with. Tch. If they only knew the kind of jerk he is..." I said, looking back at him.

He looked hurt at my declaration. I don't care if he considered it to be a 'mistake'. Either way, he slept with another woman a week before our wedding, that is a fact.

When we made it to the gates that were still closed, Seira, Daisuke, Zero, and Yuuki were already there, making sure the Day Class girls wouldn't go any further. Yuuki glared at me then looked away. Brat.

When some of the Day Class saw Itsuki behind us, I was surprised when I saw that all of them were going crazy when they saw him behind Hiroki and I.

"It's him! The new student! I can't believe he's in the Disciplinary Committee! He looks sooo hot..." One of them said.

Some girls then began running their way over to Itsuki. Pfft... If they only knew the type of man that he is...

"We've been dying to know your name ever since you got here! What's your name?" One of the Day Class girls said.

"Oh. I'm Itsuki Inoue, third year. I'll be in the Disciplinary Committee from now on, so you all need to stay where you need to be and don't cause trouble for us, ok?" He said with his usual smile.

The girl blushed. "O-of course!"  She then went back to the gates with her friends, and I saw how all the girls went into formation.

The gates then opened and the girls began to scream at the sight of the Night Class students.

"Idol! Over here!" One of them said raising her hand.

"Hello there ladies! Did anyone dream about me last night?~" He said.

"I did!" A day class girl said.

"I did, too!" Another said.

Then I saw that Aido had made his way to Seira.

"I'm sure I'll be in your dreams after this trip, partner~" He said.

Seira sighed. "Shut up if you know what's good for you Aido." She said with an annoyed look.

The girls glared at Seira after her declaration.

Aido's eyes widened a bit in fear and then left walking into the direction to the academy, speed walking away.

"These girls sure are rowdy with these Night Class guys." Itsuki said, who was standing near me.

"Yeah, they are..." I said, looking away.

Then Kaname was the next one to come up to me. Yuuki was looking at me with envy as Kaname passed right by her and Ruka was glaring at me as she passed by the crowd with the others.

"Thanks for your hard work, Lily." Kaname said as he took my hand.

The rhythm of my heart sped up at the touch of his hand over mine.

"No problem. Happy to help..." I said looking away, blushing.

"You know, Lily.. You shouldn't keep looking away from me like that." He said as he turned my head making me face him. "Now that we are lovers, you don't have to be so tense when you're around me."

"Kyaaaa!!! Did you guys hear that? It's official! Kaname and Lily are lovers!" One Day Class girl said.

"Tch... Just get to class already Kaname." I said, blushing.

"See you later, then?" He said.

"Yes." I said.

He smiled at me then looked at Itsuki, who was glaring at him.

"Itsuki Inoue, huh... The one who broke Lily's heart. Well, what a surprise to see that you are here at Cross Academy. I just want to take this quick time to say that I despise you for hurting Lily, but I should also be grateful to you, because now I have the opportunity now to make her truly happy."

Itsuki stayed silent, just glaring at him in anger.

"Well... If you came here to get her back, you are wasting your time. She's mine now, Itsuki. And I'm never letting her go."

I let a small smile creep out and I grabbed the hand that Kaname was holding onto a bit tighter.

"And you must be Kaname Kuran... I've heard a lot about you. A lot..." He said, smirking.

"Heh... Then I'm sure you'll get to know more of me if you get on my bad side." Kaname said, smirking as well.

With that, Kaname walked to class along with the other Night Class students.

After the Night Class students made their way to the academy, already out of sight, Zero scared the Day Class girls away back to their dorms.

When Seira saw Itsuki, her face became angry as well.

"Why the hell is he here?" She said.

Itsuki just stood there, frozen, after finding out that Kaname and I are lovers.

*Itsuki's PoV*

"Heh... Then I'm sure you'll get to know more of me if you get on my bad side." Kaname said, as he then walked to the academy.

Lily is dating him now? Of all people, it has to be a vampire, and a Pureblood? Well, I guess I have no choice. I have to report to him. That's what was part of the bargain to come here to Cross Academy. Honestly, it really hurts. It hurts to see the woman I love with another man. Is this the pain that Lily felt when I was with Emi that night...?

I regret it. I shouldn't have fallen into Emi's trap. If I didn't fall for it, then none of this would have ever happened. I would have been Lily's husband by now...  However I will win her heart back. She loved me deeply once upon a time, and I will get her to love me again... I'm not scared of him.

"Hey, you! Are you coming or what?"  A guy with white hair and lavender eyes said. That's Kiryu. I've seen him around the Hunters' Association when he went to go do missions.

"Oh, yes I am. Sorry." I said, running up to him and the brunette girl that was next to him.

I saw that Lily and her siblings were walking in front of us.

"So...why do those Adachis seem to hate you? It seems that they don't want to even look you in the eye." Zero asked me.

"Lily and I were engaged to be married about four months ago... It was on the front page  in the newspaper. You would hear people talk about our engagement everywhere. Whether it was the Association or in town. However... I ended up having an affair with another woman, and on that night Lily found me with her and there she ended our engagement." I said sadly.

"And now you want to go back to her, after doing that? Are you crazy, Inoue? She won't go back to you after what you have done...It seems that she won't even look at you anymore. Plus... You heard Kuran. Unfortunately, he has won over her heart. I don't think she will fall in love with you again." He said.

"I guess I can understand you, um... what's your name again?" The brunette girl said.

"I'm Itsuki. And you...?"

"I'm Yuuki. Um.... Like I said, I can understand you. Lily is with the man that I have feelings for. And, honestly it bothers me... Because, before Lily came here Kaname had feelings for me...and.."

"Look, Yuuki. Things changed and they won't always stay the same or the way you want it to be. You have to accept reality... That goes for you too, Inoue. You can't take back what have you done. You too have to accept reality." Zero said.

I looked away. I will not accept this. What if he turns her into a vampire? What if he hurts her even worse than than I did?

When I looked over at Yuuki, she was quiet and she looked sad. She must really love Kaname a lot. Don't understand what he has that others don't, but with the upcoming class trip, I've heard from the people in my class saying that Lily is going with Kaname. He must have asked for the Headmaster's approval...

I got the paper showing who I'm going with, but I haven't opened it yet to see who I'm going with...

"Anyways, changing the subject here, who is your partner, Yuuki?" I said with a smile.

"I ended up with Yori in the end. But it's fine! She's my best friend and she and I are going to have a great time there, and you, Itsuki?"

I then got the paper out of my pocket and looked at it. I looked at at the paper and I see the name "Daisuke Adachi" on the paper.

"Damn..." I said.

"Who did you get?" Yuuki said.


"Oh, damn... Well, good luck with that.." Zero said.

No.. This is an opportunity to reconcile with the Adachi family. If they see how much they regret my actions, then they just might forgive me.

I smiled. "I think I'll be fine."

*Lily's PoV*
If he thought he can just come back, and ask for my forgiveness then he is wrong... I'm with someone else now.

"How dare he try to speak to us again after he did that! I swear, I'm going to cut his head apart one of these days..." Seira said angrily.

"Heh... Don't go too far, Seira. Even though I would love to do that." Daisuke said.

I looked back and Yuuki and Zero seem to be talking to him normally.

I sighed. "Whatever. Honestly, he isn't my problem anymore. He can do whatever he wishes." I said.

"So.. You meeting Kaname tonight, I hear?" Hiroki said.

"Yeah... Basically it's going to be the first night we are going to spend time together. I'm kind of nervous." I said, blushing.

"Be careful, Lily. Just make sure he doesn't do the same thing Itsuki did." Daisuke said.

"Don't worry. I will." I said with a smile.

"Plus, we leave tomorrow for the trip! I'm so excited! Even if I'm going with Hanabusa Aido." Seira said.

"He'll probably be too scared that he won't even try to disobey you, Seira." Daisuke said.

"Hehe, maybe." She said, with a smile.

"And since Kaname and Lily are sharing a room, who knows what is going to go on in their room..." Hiroki said, smirking.

I blushed when he said that. Kaname wouldn't do that on the first night...  Or would he.. Oh my goodness, I don't even want to think about it....

"Shut up, Hiroki..." I said, blushing.

"Just make sure he doesn't have that desire to bite you, Lily. Especially since our blood is different than that of a normal human, it attracts vampires more." Daisuke said.

"Don't worry... I'll be careful.." I said.

About an hour later, we split up and I went to patrol with Seira. "Everything seems to be clear." I said, as I looked around the grounds.

"Yep! Wait a sec, not clear. I see two Day Class girls over there." Seira said.

I sighed. "Hey you two over there! You're supposed to get back to your dorms!" I said out loud as I approached them.

"Oh no... It's the Disciplinary Committee... Come, hurry let's get back!" One of them said.

They both then ran off back to the Sun Dorms.

"Seriously, do these girls know the meaning of 'curfew'?" I said, annoyed.

"Seems like they don't know the meaning at all..." Seira said.

"Anyways I'm going to go patrol this way. You can do the other way, Lily. This way, we can get this done faster, and start packing for tomorrow's class trip!" Seira said.

"Actually, I couldn't sleep last night so I finished packing while you were sleeping. I was kind of overexcited, so I couldn't help but start." I said.

"Oh! So then your all set! You don't have to worry about a thing! And do you have your outfit all set and ready to go?"

"Yep! Got a nice summer dress ready to go!" I said.

"It's crazy huh... The Ishigaki Islands being a sacred place where the weather is always nice and warm..." Seira said.

"Well, it is the holy waters of Takamagahara. Of course it would be." I said.

"Sounds cool! I can't wait! Well, I should get to finishing my patrols! I'll see you later, Lily!"

"Okay, see ya." I said.

I continued patrolling near the fountain and I decided to sit down there and take a break. I closed my eyes, and just listened to the fountain water as it splashed into the water.

What a day, first Yuuki, and Itsuki's return... How much stress can I even take?

"Lily." A deep, but velvety voice called out to me. I opened my eyes and stood up.

"Kaname." I said with a happy smile. Seems like Night Classes ended already..

He approached me and didn't say anything but embrace me. 

"You're so warm in this cold weather, Lily." He said as he embraced me.

I felt so comfortable and safe within his arms. I then embraced him back, gently laying my head on his chest. 

"You are warm too, Kaname." I said in a soft, quiet voice.

I want to remember the past he and I share. I love him genuinely as who I am right now, but I want to know how our relationship as lovers was 9,000 years ago...

"The memories are there, Lily." He said.

He went into my thoughts again. Might as well get used to this..

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"At the Ishigaki Islands. The higher-ups didn't want to just throw part of your memories away when you were reincarnated so they sealed them away in a crystal. There lies part of your memories, Lily. Your past as Kira Adachi. That's the reason why it's hard for you to remember specific things. The crystal will react when you are near it and the closer you get to it, the more memories will flow into you." He explained to me.

"Kaname, just know that before I get these memories back, I want you to know that I love you even without my memories from the past." I said.

He embraced me once again. "I know. I know you do, Lily. And I as well felt something for you when I first met you. Even before I got my memories back. When you appeared in my dream calling out for me, my heart wouldn't stop yearning for your touch, your embrace..." He said.

"Kaname.... I feel the same way..." I said.

He and I then walked around the academy grounds, holding hands on the cloudless, full moon evening.

We made our way to a bush fills with red roses, and Kaname picked one and put it on my hair.

"You look even more beautiful, Lily..." He said in a passionate voice.

His crimson red eyes looked deeply into kind and he caressed my cheek. Before I knew it, his face was closing in to mine.

And with a whisper he said, "I love you, Lily. I will never let you go again. I will save you this time..." And right at the moment, I felt his soft lips touch mine.

This feels so nostalgic... It's like I've kissed him before.

I love you, Kira. I will never let you go....

Kaname's voice echoed in my head. 

I deepened the kiss by putting my arms around his neck.

We broke from the kiss and smiled at each other. "Now look what you have done, Lily. Now I don't want to let you go. Do you want to stay with me tonight at the Moon Dormitory?"

My eyes widened. "Are you sure? Is that ok?"

"It's fine.." He said.

I blushed. "Ok..."

Holding hands, we made our way to the Moon Dorms...

*Itsuki's PoV*

I stood against a tree, looking at my phone. I looked around to see if there was anyone around but there wasn't. I dialed his number and put the phone on my ear.


"Itsuki. On your first night, you already have a report for me? I'm actually surprised..."

"Yes. It's very important. It's about Lily..." I said nervously.

"Oh? Well tell me then. I would love to know the details."  He said in a curious tone.

"Listen. Lily does have a man that she loves now, but... It's even worse than what you expected. She is currently seeing Kaname Kuran, the pureblood prince of the Kuran family."

There was silence on the other end, and my hands trembled in fear.

"Good to know... well I'm not going to allow this. Even if it's an old legend, our family will follow it. We are not allowed to fall in love with vampires, for it is a sin. That is why the curse was imposed on us for over 9,000 years. It's a surprise to me, because the Adachi family's ancestor fell in love with a Kuran vampire during the time of the ancestors. It's because of the both of them that our family was banished from Takamagahara. If that man is really her eternal soulmate..."

"No. Don't say that. It's not possible that a vampire is her eternal soulmate..." I said.

"And the sad truth is... There's more to the curse. If their bond continues to strengthen, then..." He then stopped.

There was silence once again.

"I have to go Itsuki. Some work came up. I'll call you back another day."

He hung up the phone and I sighed in relief. There is more to the Adachi family's curse? Then what can it be? I thought her life would be saved if she finds her eternal soulmate... I wonder, what's the other part to the curse....?

                                               ~I'll show you a sweet dream next night~

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