Unimaginable(Suzuya Juuzou x...

By Juuzouxmoongirl

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How can I feel this way? He killed her. He killed her in front of me. And yet... More

That Fateful Night.
Firsts (Lemon)
Loose Ends
Asahara Sakiko
A/N: Apology!
After the Owl
Knives (Lemon)
Guilt by association
A/N: Editing
Phone call
The Accident
Code Blue
Either or


1.6K 51 2
By Juuzouxmoongirl

"Y/N-chan...Y/N-chan, please wake up" I heard a familiar voice cutting through the fog in my head. I tried to open my eyes but they were so, so heavy.

All I could feel was pain. All over my body. And a warmth around my hand..it was comforting.

I heard a knocking sound. "Police, open up"

The warmth on my hand vanished, and the sounds around me faded out.


Where am I...

I stared up at a tiled ceiling. The air in this room smelled like antiseptic.

I struggled to sit up, but a pain shot through the back of my skull. I lay my head back down, closing my eyes against the dizziness and nausea overwhelming me.

"Where am I?" I said aloud, my voice hoarse.

There was no answer, and my eyes started closing again, I was unable to fight the call of sleep and its sweet release from pain.


I was startled awake by someone touching my forehead. My eyes shot open.

"I'm sorry Y/N-chan. Good to see you're awake, though. I was taking your temperature for your vitals."

I'm in the hospital..? What happened to me...

"What..what happened to me?" I said aloud.

"I can send the doctor in to speak with you in just a moment." She exited the room after taking my blood pressure.

I forced myself to sit up so I wouldn't fall asleep again. I looked around the room, my eyes straining against the bright whiteness of the fluorescent lights.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw who was sitting by my bedside.

Curled up in the uncomfortable hospital chair was Juuzou, sleeping soundly, mouth hanging open a little, hair falling into his eyes.

A smile curled the corners of my lips, but that very slight facial movement made my head throb.

I didn't want to wake Juuzou up when he looked so peaceful, so I flipped the T.V. on and muted it quickly, watching the soundless images dance across the screen.

I'd only been awake for about twenty minutes and I was already bored out of my mind...

I don't know how Juuzou endured this for two weeks...It takes about 30 seconds of inactivity for him to become bored...

I really want to know how I got here...I wish the doctor would come to see me already..

Juuzou stirred sightly. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He stretched his arms above his head, shirt lifting and revealing his white tummy, squeaking a little as he did so.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I said, my voice echoing in my ears.

He looked at me, surprise written all over his face, eyes wide.

"You're awake!!" He scooted the chair closer to thebed and leaned his elbows on the railing, putting his face on his hands. He looked comical, his cheeks squished up by his hands.

"How do you feel?"

"Everything hurts...but I'm okay I guess." I reached out and put my hand on his arm, squeezing it slightly.

"What happened to me?"

His smile faded. "You don't remember?"

"The last thing I remember...is watching some weird cartoon movie with you."

"I left the apartment to go get us a late dinner...I never should have left. If I had been there..."

There was a knock on the door, followed by the doctor entering.

"Nice to see you awake! I'm doctor Hiraki. Do you remember what happened? The police are trying to piece together some info from the crime scene, but it would help if they could take your statement."

"I don't remember what happened..the last thing I remember is watching a movie with my...with Juuzou."

"We're hoping your memory will come back. You have a pretty bad concussion, which most likely caused the memory loss. You were also in shock when you were brought in, which can also cause memory loss."

"S-shock? Are my injuries that b-bad?" The nausea and dizziness began to creep up on me again.

"The shock is most likely caused by the emotional trauma of what happened to you. As far as your injuries, besides the concussion you have two broken ribs on your right side, many bruises and lacerations, and a hole punctured through your lower abdomen, which destroyed your right ovary. We had to remove it, we couldn't save any of the tissue, and it was posing a threat to your whole system as it was decaying. We believe that the hole was created by a ghoul's kagune."

I stayed silent.

"A ghoul did this to her?" Juuzou blurted out angrily.

"It's safe to say that, yes."

A beeping sound emanated from the doctor's pocket. He pulled out his pager and looked at it. " I have to go now, Y/N-chan, Suzuya-kun. There's an emergency. I'll be back later to check in on you."

Tears streamed silently down my face.

"Are you in pain, Y/N-chan? Do you want me to call the nurse?"

"N-no. I just c-can't believe this happened. I.. I should've been able to defend myself."

"You can't blame yourself. It's my fault. I should've have been training you all this time...or I should have been there..."

I reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"It's definitely not your fault. Let's both of us stop blaming ourselves. Maybe this was just a random act of violence...It could've happened to anyone."


"Based on the evidence we've managed to collect, it seems you were targeted. Security camera footage from the apartment building shows this man approaching the apartments frequently over the past few weeks. On the night you were attacked three days ago, he approached at 8:50 p.m. and stood around near one of the apartments closer to the alley. In the video here, you can see Suzuya-kun leaving at 8:59 p.m., the ghoul sees him leave, then waits til he sees him go around the corner before walking over to your door. You open it, he forces his way in, and ten minutes later, he leaves."

I watched the video on the policeman's laptop intently, hoping it would trigger something in my brain and I'd remember what happened, but no such luck.

"We dusted the crime scene for fingerprints, and we're waiting for the lab to give us the results. We'll give you a call or come to see you when we have them. Since you're getting discharged from the hospital today we recommend finding a safe place to stay, with a friend or family member."

The policeman handed his card to Juuzou, and left the room.

I looked at Juuzou, surprised to see rare anger all over his face.

"Juuzou..what's wrong?"

"He wants you to stay somewhere. He doesn't think I can keep you safe. Maybe he's right."

I placed my hand over Juuzou's, which were clenched into fists.

"I don't think that's what he meant. It's probably safer for me to not stay in the place where I was attacked, in case the ghoul comes back. But the only friend I have is Yoriko, and I am not going to put her in danger."

Suddenly Juuzou's fists relaxed and he placed his hand under my chin, tipping it up so I was looking at him.

"I just had the best idea. You can stay with me~"

"Juuzou...you haven't been to your apartment for months."

"Yeah, but it's paid for by the CCG. You'll be safe there!!"

"Well...okay...but only until I'm better, okay?"

Juuzou grinned and nodded, his eyes closed with the intensity of his smile.

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