(OLD) Forever Desires

By WastedDaylight

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The updated & edited version of this story is now on Wattpad!: https://www.wattpad.com/story/43967583-forever... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
How it Began - Preface (NEW)

Chapter Twenty-One

156 5 4
By WastedDaylight


Feeling a shiver run up my spine, I was woken up to the sounds of whispers. Cover was knocked out, still leaning against a tree with a steady heaving chest. Bringing my hands to my eyes, I could hear the sound of a fire crackle as I began to wake myself up more and more. Removing my hands from my eyes, I saw the frozen figures of Sail and Kemint. Their backs hunched over and their faces absorbing the warmth of the fire — I was beginning to wonder what they had been speaking of. Raising an eyebrow, I slowly brought myself to my knees and silently made my way over to the dimly lit fire. Either both Kemint and Sail were suffering from insomnia or they were practically owls.

Letting my knees crack, I brought the attention to my loud figure. Crawling forward with painful knees, I collapsed against Sail's leg, exhausted with sharp pain. Shifting a little, I could feel it sharpen my senses, sending the pain straight through the marrow of my bone. Clutching the grass tightly and gripping Sail's thin fabric of his pants, I kept my drenched forehead pressed against the ground. Trying to inhale deeply, I tried to calm my insanity. Trying to dull the pain. But that was utter bullshit.

Feeling a palm gently press against my back, I could feel the soft and slow motion of the hand soothe me. Being caressed by two hands suddenly, I looked over at Kemint who had that awkward color sensation feeling in his cheeks. Looking away, I watched as Sail let a faint smile fix on his face as I started to squirm in discomfort. Not being the only one in discomfort, Cover was suddenly gasping for air as I jumped to my knees terrified and startled. Watching as Cover neared me with a straight face, I could feel the fear rise from the pit of my stomach, nearly shrieking, I leaned backwards to avoid his touch. The instability shook my mind as Cover lunged forward, ready to tear me apart. Quickly pulling a knife from my belt, my palm shook as I tried my best to plunge it forward...but a certain force was restraining my limbs to do so.

Frozen. Incapable. Helpless.

I was practically formed into a shrieking, bubbly girl who wasted time on shoes and knowledge on dress sizes and colors. Wasting their food to keep their weight unhealthily skinny and their mornings prepping their hair in loose curls with crazy assortments of hair accessories. I was becoming less and less capable of surviving on my own.

Trying to move, I could smell smoke. The fire singeing my hair quickly, I jerked back, slamming my head against Cover's chest. Feeling Sail's hands gently calm my heart, I let relief escape my lips. Cover's shirt was warming my face as he sat on his calves, tearing pieces of unknown meat from a thick, long stick. Wanting to eat myself, I pulled myself from Cover, letting Sail's hand jerk from my back and handed me a piece of god-knows-what on a stick. Examining the stick with a look of disgust, I could hear the sputter of laughter attempting to suppress their giggle. Shoot a glare at Kemint, I watched as Sail shook his head in disgrace.

"What? You feed on fancier birds?" Kemint joked and took another bite of a bird's wing. Not having a strand of patience, I curled my fingers into fists and sent them shoot straight towards Kemint's arm. Letting the impact shatter his bones. Spitting a piece of meat from his mouth, I pulled a knife from my belt and wedged the blade deeply into his rib cage.

"That was a slip up!" I growled and yanked the blade from his cage of bones. Imagining his bones beginning to cave in on his organs, I watched as the blood dripped from the blade and splash deafeningly against the grass. My shoulder being yanked backwards, I felt Sail's hands pull the handle from my fingers. Feeling anger rise within me, I spun around, letting my leg fly up in the air. Watching a tight grasp wrap around my calf, I could feel the long, beautifully, professionally painted red nails dig into my flesh. Feeling no pain, I raised my leg higher and shook the long nails from my calf. The glimpse of blonde hair coming into view, Nitera landed roughly against another looming figure. Hearing the high pitched squeaks peel the flesh from my ears and trigger blood to run from within, I knew without a doubt that I would not be able to restrain myself any longer from killing these girls. "Shut your pretty little faces before I mess them up! Because I am not going to be holding back any strength when I stab you and feed your organs to the fire." 

Kemint coughs of shock and wipes the blood from his chin. Sail and Cover, the worse menders known to man, were dragging supplies over to Kemint, determined to help this guy out. I was going to lose my patience with this guy as well. Everyone just would not leave me alone. All I wanted currently was to be left alone — not in a cage or in a closed off space — with no sounds, no hesitations, no signs of aggravating nuisances and no blood. I wouldn't mind packing Sail with me. He knows when I need space, and he knows when I need help, plus he can calm me down. 

"Rid the game of weak and focus on the strong."

I had to admit, those voices were really beginning to kick into gear when I needed them the most. The only thing that could ruin my perfect plan to destroy Vow, was if my schizophrenia kicked in and made my few drops of sanity totally vaporize. But that wouldn't be the first time if that had happened.

I wasn't going to take anymore chances. I wanted Vow dead, and I will make her dead.

Hearing bandages tear, I watched as the dark silhouettes of Vow and Nitera head towards me. Pulling the gun from my belt and aimed it on Nitera's shoulder blade. Holding nothing back, I watched as multiple bullets fly through the air. Not caring where they hit, I continued to shoot until no more bullets were left. Throwing the gun aside, I drew my knife.

Hearing a thump and a groan echo, the sound became louder as the shells of bullets dropped delicately on to the grass, as one raced past my ear. Whipping my head towards Vow, she kept the gun shakily in her hand. Bullets, untouched, fell from her hands as she poorly aimed her gun towards my head. Raising an eyebrow, I searched my belt for a pair of two small guns. Getting a hold of them, I slid a finger through on and the other. Raising them towards Vow, I slowly pulled the button back and sent the bullets flying.

Not expecting to receive a taste of my own medicine, I quickly dodged the bullets headed for me. My hands tightening against the gun's handles, I continued to shoot each bullet in perfect sync with the other gun. Feeling a bullet graze my arm, I looked over at Nitera, who hand a ling black glove covering her left arm. Long chains laced around the fabric, held small plastic containers of bullets. Pulling her elbow backwards, a click was sounded, causing her palm to open. Watching a bullet, marked with gold roses and silver vines, heading towards me, I quickly shielded myself by sending two bullets straight for Nitera's big eyes of girly innocence. The beautifully designed bullet fell to the grass and turned to metallic ash. It made me wonder what type of impact that sort of bullet would have burdened on me.

Feeling blasts of air rush past my bones, I glared at Vow who was already panting and dripping in terrified sweat. Smiling at this fact, I let my footsteps crunch the ash of the bullets Nitera kept missing, nearing Vow, I dropped my guns — parallel to each other — and pulled out a long, pristine knife. The perfect weight and beautiful, slightly tainted blade made my love of knives shoot up to the sky. A slightly used blade reflected security and success. There weren't many blades like mine that were so fine and thin, yet sharp to a deadly point. 

Watching Vow gulp hesitantly, I took slower steps, breaking the silence. My heavy feet landed prints in the grass as I continued to walk along the long green grass. My feet were nearly sopping in morning dew as the rising sun brought digital streams of navy blues, purples with a dash of gold. Keeping the handle clutched in my hands, my fingers nearly bled from the intensity of my strength. Stopping, I could hear Nitera's curses being muttered from her breath as she fumbled around for more gorgeous bullets, but most of all, I could hear Vow's terrified gasps. Her shoulders rising and falling. Her mouth not being able to calm the quiver. And her eyes shut tight, blocking the sight of me from her pupils. 

Racing forward, I let the blade thrust forward and passed Vow's ear and drew another. Sending the blade straight through Vow's arm, I let the one next to her ear drop and skim the flesh from the bones of her arm. The sound of blood gushing and dripping, I let a sadistic smirk wash over my face. Any emotion of sympathy or concern was never given — never even crossing my mind or flashing in my eyes — it only rested in my core, locked up and stored away until one of my own team mates was injured. 

Yanking the knife from her arm, I could feel the blood soaking my hand. The warmth of her blood heated my palm as I dropped the knife against her foot. More blood departing, I slid my knife into my belt then the other that lay untouched against Vow's foot. Kneeling down, ready to stand again, I noticed a small silver device catching the breaking dawn glare. My fingers, curious and free, quickly snatched the device from the opened foot and wiped the blood off with the fabric of my pants. 

I felt the device throb in my palm as small black speakers shook once I breathed. The dull blue metal had undecipherable letters engraved in, that had clots of blood and poison dangling in between each crack. Taking my fingernail, I slowly dug the pieces of disgusting shit out and examined the words then wrote them in a list on a patch of dirt with my fingernail. 


I dragged my fingernail across the dirt and horribly finished writing my 'S', before starting on the rest of my word. 


Feeling the uncertainty opening within me, I reluctantly drew the word in the dirt. Not even caring if Vow was freaking out and begging someone to help aid her. I mean, after all she taught me how to mend one's wounds, I'm sure she can do it herself. 


Dropping the device from my palm. I felt the color wash from my face. The blood froze in my veins. My breath repulsed from my lips reluctantly. My stomach's pit opened up; sucking in my heart and soul. I was traumatized. Even if I hadn't enjoyed Vow's presence for quite some time, I still felt the mist of sympathy enter my brain — but not letting it take over. Reluctant to etch the word into the dirt, I could hear the ominous hiss spray from the device. Taking a quick inhale, I immediately knew that we had to escape as quick as hell. 

Rising to my feet, I yanked on Vow's wrist. Her eyes, scared and insecure, reluctantly caught my gaze. "Get the fuck out of here. I don't care if you live or not, just take Nitera and go, because that small piece of shit is going to explode in less than five minutes if we don't book it." Letting my words jumble, it must've been hard for Vow to even understand my sudden order. But following it anyway, she grabbed her bags and yanked on Nitera's hand, which was busing itself with rummaging through the bag. Noticing a faint glow emerging from the thick pink fabric, I could tell right away that there was no chance, Sail, Cover and I would escape this arena peacefully. "Give me The Game, you useless blonde fluff ball." 

Nitera's eyes widened as she faced me with face filled with hurt and tears. Pulling The Game from her bag, she let a ball of bright, blinding light float in the air before slowly shattering into pieces like glass. Watching a blade, thin, transparent and light, appear in the sky, I raced towards it. Vow and Nitera barely moving, watched as I laced my fingers around the blade and crushed it. 

My bones aching from excruciating pain, I attentively watched the dust run through my fingers and settled on the floor. The Game was gone. Broken. The surprised shock was left lingering in the air as Vow and Nitera fled. Cover and Sail quickly packed up our stuff as Kemint leaned against a tree with his shoulders hunched over and his eyes fixed on his feet. The fire had been blown out and now lay nothing more than burnt wood covered in ash. Hearing more gas escape from the device, I quickly got my team up on their feet and running towards the sword infested area.

"Cat fights are much more enjoyable then actual fights, you know." Cover told me as he quickly fled with the rest of us. Rolling my eyes, I sent a hateful jab in his gut and continued forth with my hateful, quick steps. Letting my foot land against a branch, I took a quick glance down and saw that no swords surrounded us anymore. They cleaned up quick. "Cool it Ever, I was joking!"

Wanting to tear his throat out and suffocate him, along with cutting off his blood's circulation, I surprisingly managed to restrain myself and reply calm yet pissed off. "Yeah, you seem to be taking a liking to this 'joking'." I growled and pulled him forward, making sure he isn't left behind and torn to shreds. Having Cover stumble behind me as the seconds were knocked down, I looked behind me and saw Kemint lagging behind. It had to be his messed up leg. "Hurry up!" Looking over at Sail who was well ahead of us, I let go of Cover and raced backwards. I wasn't going to let some stupid explosion kill of some guy who wanted to be accepted by someone for once. Plus if he was going to die, I was going to be the first one in line.

My footing was shaky and off, but my pace was quick and smooth as I reached Kemint. My heart was pounding as I could just imagine the seconds rush by in my head. Only twnety seconds remaining, I quickly picked up Kemint and sluggishly carried him back to Cover and Sail. My pace was slower, but my balance was by far way better. Quickly passing the fountain, I reached ten seconds in my head. 


I felt my toe catch left over debris of a tree and let my chin bash against the ground. The roof of my mouth throbbed as my tongue was sent flying upwards and bitten by my teeth. 


Staggering to my knees, I glanced over my shoulder and made sure Kemint was in no way harmed. I can only harm him so much in the morning. Even sadists need a break. 


Stumbling, I caught up with Cover who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow, bewildered by my kind actions. Brushing off his look, I pulled him forward with my free hand and raced towards Sail in a sprint. 


The smell of gas flourished throughout The Gardens as trees shook. The explosion was about to set off and we still weren't in a safe distance yet. 


I saw the blonde hair of Nitera and the caramel sugar hair of Vow race passed the trunks of the trees. Letting a sigh escape my lips, I headed over to them and gave them a look of reassurance. They followed me without any hesitation and joined my long chain of people. 


Sail stood in front of a row of trees bewildered and defeated. Wanting to slap him in the face, I rammed forward, which only made me depart from the trees. 


Utterly pissed off, I gathered every bag that fell and brought myself to my knees. Kemint was far from awake and Nitera and Vow were glued close to Cover as Sail and I tried to figure out what the hell was going on. 


Finally realizing there was no hope in store for us and that we were surrounded by a force field. The gas filled the air and a clicked was sounded. 


The sound of the bomb ticked. A blast sent us against the force field and a shriek was echoed. 

The sound of chainsaws humming and low giggling, sent a shiver crawling up my spine. My heart hammering in my chest, I found myself face to face with my sister and now my mortal enemy. 

The blade rushing towards me, I could see the black sockets bleed with long streaking tears of blood. Then, I watched my own blood streak her clothing. 


There was a certain piece of metal that was being repeatedly jabbed in my numb body. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. The blade was agonizingly thin and sharp, sharpened to a point where you could no longer feel the pain but be numbed with pain. Not knowing what had happened to my vision, I slowly blinked, wanting to reveal faint daylight, but still having the lingering darkness haunting my eyes, I could hear the disappointment of my heart drop. Opening my mouth to cough up blood, I could feel the tip of the blade race against my jawline, cornering my eyes with tears. It was times such as these where I wish I was immune to pain. Feeling blood bust from every vein I owned, I could feel it rush down my face as well. Wonderful. It wasn't like I wasn't used to this — because, as you can see, I am — but my sense of direction and the numbness of my whole body was staring to tip my cup of sanity.

I was starting to wonder what had happened to Sail; knowing him, he would have already gotten my fucked up mutated sister, Art, off of my chest and already handing me a knife to tear the piece of shit apart.

I was also wondering where the hell all my damn strength went.... Groaning, I could feel the tenacy in my muscle start to burn my muscles. Letting a moaning of pain escape my lips, I raised my leg weakly, feeling the bony legs of my sister shift as she was suddenly startled by my sudden gestures. Bringing all my strength to my leg, I flung my leg in the air and watched as Art toppled like that child I accidentally knocked over back in Forever Desires. Quickly jumping to my feet, I stumbled backwards and saw the stillness of the lingering silhouettes of my team and enemies, hiding deeply within the leaves.

Damn them, leaving me alone.

Realizing the hands clutching clothes against their arms, I could see the unholy red crimson staining every object within a ten foot radius of Art. Blood was pouring like waterfalls from their vessels and soft tears escaped my enemies' eyes. Nitera's blonde hair was streaked in red and her hands were soaked in tears and clotting blood. Kemint sat behind her on a branch, pressing on his own wounds without flinching. It looked as if were...dead. Almost. Scanning the perimeter, I saw Vow and Cover gently perched on a branch getting far too cozy with each other. Smiling weakly, Vow rubbed her fingers against the wounds Cover was continuing to suffer. I swear I feel her bad mouthing reach my ears...but not quite. Cover was sitting in silence, nodding whenever she spoke but smiling when a joke was softly whispered. Disgusting.

Staring at Art I could hear the revving of her nails begin to shake and her teeth formed into fangs. Inhaling sharply, I took another quick scan before feeling a loud thump crash against the pit of my stomach.

Sail wasn't there.

God dammit, what  the hell he was he doing? And where the fuck was he! Why in damn hell would he hide from me at such a desperate time for a need of help? Pulling out my knife, I kept my movements still as Art crawled to her feet. Toes were missing or highly twisted, scratched and bruised. Her legs showed bones covered in blood and poison. The nearly grey rag she wore as a dress was also covered in poison and blood, but not only liquids, resting happily everywhere were wires and tears. Those damn scientists.... Abusing my sister in such despicable ways.... I'll make them pay.

Ignoring Art's slowly, hesitant (almost reluctant) movements, I sprinted backwards to the force field. Not giving a shit about electrocution, I rammed my knives into the static and watched as tears were returning to their original, blue form. Hate and anger rising in me, my violent, spiteful stabs made the force field die out. Stumbling backwards, I watched my knives shoot across the arena. Damn. Spinning on my heel, I saw Art leaned over Sail.

Beaten up and bloody, I couldn't help but look away. Pressing my fingers to my temples, I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed for everything to only be some sort of messed up dream. But it wasn't. Facing the horror, I tried to contemplate my plan to get Art away from this area. Hearing blood gushing and soft moans of pain escape Sail's lips, I reached my limit far too quickly. Grabbing my gun, I pulled the trigger multiple times, making sure each one dug under the disgustingly frail flesh of Art. Her odd poison blood dispersed from her body, as her grasp loosened on Sail. Acting fast, I quickly grabbed Sail and lay him off to the side.

"Move and die." I seethed at Sail and glared at his eyes, which were about to close. His head nodded slowly as he tried to regain his strength. Heading back to Art, I saw her flesh dangling and shaking, holding on to the bullets. Her palms covered in holes from the bullets, I could feel a shiver rush up my spine. Her whole appearance could make anyone want to puke out their own organs. It was nasty. "Might want to change your clothes before you die," I pointed out to Art casually, wondering if she understood a word that I said. Letting a silence linger around, I could hear her unhappy hisses become louder. The sound of monstrous spite. Not reacting quick enough, I felt the burst of wind pass my body and headed straight towards Sail. Jumping into action, I sent a kick straight for her gut. Thank god, I smiled as I drew my last knife and sent it flying through her back. A cry of mercy and pain was pierced through the atmosphere. Her body dropping, I stumbled over to Sail quickly. If he died, I'd surely be a messed up ass for the rest of my life.

The feel of claws nearly pulling my flesh from the bones, I was slammed against the earth of the arena. Moaning of terrible pain, I bit my lip and returned to my feet. Sprinting towards Sail, I watched Art pass me quicker than glass falling from a window. Dammit. Failing to catch up with her, I watched as she lunged for defenseless Sail. Yanking my gun from my belt, I threw my knife at Art's leg and began to shoot vigorously at her hip. The hate releasing from each bullet and the protective pain impacting against her flesh, I jumped in the air and tackled her easily.

"You mess with that guy, you mess with this fucked up girl!" I hissed at Art and picked up my fallen knife. Her body was as weak as a girl, maybe even weaker. Because of that result her collapse not only made her shatter her bones, but also send an uncomfortable shiver up the marrow of my bones. Feeling her stagger up, I watched as her nails reached Sail's foot. Slamming my foot into her stomach, poisonous blood repulsed from her lips. "Do you not listen! If you mess with the only guy who I can fully trust and love with all my heart, than I will hold back no mercy in tearing you to shreds! Lay another blade on this silent, defenseless asshole and die!" Wedging the blade deeply near her spine, I rammed the end of my gun in her stomach. Readying myself to release the trigger, I felt her hands freeze my arm. Holding back my unwanted grunts, I felt the unpleasant feel of chainsaws press against my flesh. Sail crawled forward quickly and pulled my back, causing his arms to be sliced. Biting his cheek, he tightened his jaw and exposed his left side to Art. The vulnerability showing in both of our sides, Art quickly raced towards us. Kicking Art, Sail let my go. I jumped on her thighs and pressed the gun against her stomach. Releasing the trigger, Art's last breath exhaled blood. Thankful, I quickly kicked her body away and approached Sail gingerly. Looking at the smile on his face, I narrowed my eyes at him. "Wipe that damn look off your face." My own lips curving in a smile, I rested my forehead against his shoulder.

Resting his head on mine, he wrapped a weak arm around my waist and kept me close. Both of us were horribly torn up. Our flesh was probably about to fall off of our bones along with an unnatural amount of blood fleeing from the vessels. Weren't we just photogenic?

"Do that again and neither of us will see daylight." Sail whispered in my ear and stroked my hair in a sloppy motion. Even though it didn't feel as gentle and warm as it usually has felt, I still received my satisfying dose of comfort. I nodded in reply to his threat, because I knew if I died, he'd probably die as well. We were connected in some sort of way. Or maybe it was just our will to save ourselves...or each other. "You got beaten up badly." Sail noticed as he felt my back. I couldn't help but wince as he continued to trace my wounds, and cover his fingers in my disgusting blood.

"Right, and you didn't? Highly doubtful." I shot at Sail and could smell his own blood lingering in my nose. It was absolutely disgusting. Suddenly pushing Sail away, I stared at his body with wide eyes. His shirt was nearly ripped off and covered in blood. His pants showed no sign of massive damage, but his legs underneath were suffering from severe blood lost. Yanking Sail to his feet, I had the need to drag him all the way over to where Cover and Vow. Kemint and Nitera jumped from their branches and kept their weapons pointed to Art as they passed on by. Joining us quickly, I laid Sail down on a soft pile of leaves. "Get your ass down here Vow or I swear I will tear you to shreds!" I growled at her and pulled on her leg. Her yelp was echoed and the body of Art twitched. Everyone fell silent.

Watching Art's body twitched every time any sort of pained voice escaped the lips, made us keep our fears held back. Instructing Vow to cleanse the wounds of Sail as I checked on Cover to bandage him, I was hoping she wasn't going to pull anything, but just as her fingers touched his leg, he bucked at her touch and slammed his foot against her cheek. "Fuck. You." He growled and kept himself elevated on his elbows. Glaring at Vow, she quickly let her hands jump back, retreating from Sail's body. Looking at Sail and Vow in an awkward silence, I noticed the hate that was being shot from Sail's eyes to Vow's entire body. He never used that glare unless it was something serious.

"It worked?" Vow smirked satisfyingly and tapped her lip with her finger. Piercing my nails into the ground, I dragged them backwards and stopped once they were clotted with dirt and wires. "It's so easy to piss you off.... But it's also so easy to hurt what is most important to you in life." Her long eyelashes batted at me innocently, sending a wave of hate flowing around me. Reaching into Sail's belt, I yanked a knife and pointed it at Vow. "Honey, you live in an arena, not a magical land. Love doesn't exist on the battlefield."

"Yeah? Wanna make a bet?" I seethed at her, tightening my grip on the handle of the knife. "Stop making it sound like Sail is some sort of damn object! He's a person like you and has emotions. He isn't some dude who just hangs in the background, he is always contemplating a plan to save my ass and from there I lead. If I hear you ever saying that I can't love on the 'battlefield', then I swear I will leave no traces of your body behind. No bones will be left behind, I'll feed them to that cannibal.

Yes, I do like Sail more than these other guys in the world. But he's the only one who can make me feel secure. Other than that he has the usual flaws that we all possess. Smart-ass mouth, bottles up his emotions, distant, quieter than silence, never expresses himself...always making me look bad and embarrassed. But that's exactly why Sail is so important! So why don't you fuck off and poison some other bastard with your lips, because we seriously don't need you around here!" My long speech of embarrassment stood still in the air as Vow looked at me with a shocked expression. Her body was frozen like a statue and the pain that flourished throughout her body made her stiffer than ever.

"Is that a declaration of war?" Vow asked me curiously, a flash of mischief sparkling in her eyes, momentarily. Raising an eyebrow and gave her look bewilderment. I had no idea what the hell she was implying. Before I could even asked her, she brought herself to her feet and walked into the darkness. Leaving us behind in a deafening silence.

Sitting silently, I could feel the stares haunting my body. Sighing exhausted, I turned to Nitera, instructing her to unload anything necessary for mending. Knowing Nitera, and how she hung out with Vow, I was expecting for her to have some sort of medical experience. I should have known that her blinding blonde hair was one sign that this girl would not touch anything without a fear of breaking a nail.

"I can help." Kemint piped up and helped Nitera remove the equipment from the bag. WatchingKemint's hands pull out bandages, bottles or water and thousands of orange shirts. My dumbfounded expression was glued to my face as I slouched in my seat. Him out of all people was knowledgeable about this mending shit. And Nitera wasn't? Now that not only shocked me, but I was beyond thankful that one guy could actually properly cleanse a wound. Or at least decently. "Why are all the shirtsorange?"

"Because she's mental...." Cover mutters sourly as examined his knee thoroughly. Shooting a glare at him, I slapped his cheek and painfully slammed my fist against his chest. "You see that!" Covered gestured towards me and faced Kemint with wide eyes.

"How can you — especially Sail — deal with all her abuse?" Kemint asked Cover, shot a look of rage towards me. Pounding my fist against the earth below me, I raised my fist to slam against his cheek, but he catches it in the nick of time. Sending a glare straight towards me, I let an angry groan escape my lips. Crossing my arms over my chest, I sat back down. "You deserve better than this Cover!" Kemintleaned in closer, closing off the air between him and Cover. Nitera jumped to her feet, nearly tacklingKemint's back. Ignoring Nitera, I waited for Kemon to continue. "I mean, this girl is an animal! She has no qualities that you could admire!" 

He was just begging for me to be pissed off. 

"Actually she does," Sail piped up and moaned painfully as he brought himself to his elbows. Tightening his jawline, he successfully brought himself up. "Part of liking someone is accepting their flaws." Cover, completely dumfounded, had his jaw hanging down to the ground. Kemint's shoulders of pride sagged and Nitera practically jumped off of Kemint. "Her 'abuse' is how she shows her worry for someone. How she wants to protect someone. That is, if it's either Cover or I." 

Feeling my face deepen in red, I could feel the heat melt my core...only momentarily. Because once I looked up. That's when my heart stopped. Completely. 


A/N: Song: I Owe You One by LIGHTS 

One of her earlier songs so her voices isn't as epic as it is now. But I still LOVE this song. And this is just...so much like Saver. So much. Minus the agression. 


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