Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFi...

By ShoeyDawceffa

5.9M 32K 18.9K

When Joey Graceffa announces that he loves Shane Dawson to his bestfriend Luke, Shane realizes that he might... More

Chapter 1: Joey has a Crush
Chapter 2: The Phone Call That Changed Everything.
Chapter 3: Leading up
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: The Proposal
Chapter 6: Roomies!
Chapter 7: Confessions
Chapter 8: Only 24 Hours
Chapter 9: Thanks Sawyer!
Chapter 10: Joey's New Favourite Restaurant
Chapter 11: Same Bed?
Chapter 12: The Empty Room
Chapter 13: Covered in Paint!
Chapter 14: The Benny Fine Issue
Chapter 15: Naked Joey!
Chapter 16: To The Bedroom
Chapter 17: Flirtatious Joey
Chapter 18: A Whore Called Cat
Chapter 19: A Little Heated
Chapter 20: Punched in The Face
Chapter 21: Emergency Room
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 23: Suspicions
Chapter 24: Fights
Chapter 25: Freaking Hospitals
Chapter 26: Sweet Dreams.
Chapter 27: Stress
Chapter 28: Meeting The Siblings!
Chapter 29: For You
Chapter 30: Hit Me!
Chapter 31: Teach Me
Chapter 32: Scoping for Drama
Chapter 33: Broke The Promise
Chapter 34: Sick of This Place
Chapter 35: Mom, I left her...
Chapter 36: #AskShoey
Chapter 37: Give Me a Break!
Chapter 38: Party Invite!
Chapter 39: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 40: Who Posted These?!!
Chapter 41: She's in Love With Me?
Chapter 42: Break Ups and a Whole Lot of Tears.
Chapter 43: Joey's Coming Out.
Chapter 44: They Saw It!?
Chapter 45: From The Real Person
Chapter 46: Lisa! Don't Do This!
Chapter 47: Smosh Idiot...
Chapter 48: Shipping Ianthony!
Chapter 49: Prank'd
Chapter 50: I Don't Think I Like It Here Anymore...
Chapter 51: Alliance.
Chapter 52: I Promise.
Chapter 53: I Haven't Seen You Since...
Chapter 54: That's Deep!
Chapter 55: #AskShoey 2.0! You Like This One?
Chapter 56: Mine?
Chapter 57: Shane, Stop!
Chapter 58: Joey Leaned In
Chapter 59: Boston!
Chapter 60: Why Do You Need Permission?
Chapter 61: Can I Ask You Something?
Chapter 62: What The F*ck is Wrong With Her!
Chapter 63: Take Your Pants Off!
Chapter 64: Ring Shopping!
Chapter 65: Today Is The Day!
Chapter 66: Second Home
Chapter 67: Shane and Joey's Guest Room
Chapter 68: "Joey4Shane"
Chapter 69: Engaged Life.
Chapter 70: Luke! Be My Best Man!
Chapter 71: But It's Shane!
Chapter 72: The End?
Chapter 73: Congrats-u-f*cking-lations
Chapter 74: Panic.
Chapter 75: Crash and Burn
Chapter 76: Kiss The Person To Your Right!
Chapter 77: Wild Night at Shoey's!
Chapter 78: On The News?!
Chapter 79: Just Keep Swimming.
Chapter 80: Kiss kiss?
Chapter 81: Nope, Don't Believe It.
Chapter 82: Jealous
Chapter 83: Left a Mark...
Chapter 84: Leave Me Alone!
Chapter 85: What
Chapter 86: The Last Chapter.
Chapter 87: Just Wedding Things...
Chapter 88: Cute Sleepy Boy
Chapter 89: Surprise!
Chapter 90: Revenge
Chapter 91: My Hero
Chapter 92: Wedding Planning
Chapter 93: Already Shirtless
Chapter 94: Of All Places!
Chapter 95: Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 97: Heart Skipped A Beat
Chapter 98: Have A Nice Flight!
Chapter 99: Lisa Ships It
Chapter 100: Part One - Excited Little Puppy
Chapter 100: Part Two - Our Little Family
Chapter 101: Used To It
Chapter 102: Next To Me
Chapter 103: Missed Our Flight
Chapter 104: Black Tie
Chapter 105: Bad Memories Come Crashing Back
Chapter 106: It's Over.
Chapter 107: Go After Him
Chapter 108: Lost
Chapter 109: Dark Day
Chapter 110: Make It Special
Chapter 111: Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 112: Boy That You Love
The Last Chapter: The End Of All Things

Chapter 96: Dads

33K 278 372
By ShoeyDawceffa

You guys might be thinking after this chapter "Oh wow, this story is going downhill." And it probably is! Writer's block is the most annoying and hardest thing to deal with! I can't think straight when writing. Anything random that I come up with, I'm writing then posting and I know that that's probably a stupid thing to do but it's getting so hard for me to post L I'll try my best to keep posting as often as possible (Every few days)

P.S Be With Me will be updated soon as well! 


Lisa's mom: Do you guys want to say goodbye to her now, she has to go to sleep for a few hours.

Shane: Sure thing.

*walk back into the room*

Lisa: Hey guys!

Shane: We're going to go now to let you get some sleep.

Lisa: Oh, I'll catch up with you guys soon won't I?

Shane: Yeah of course, just call this number.

Shane wrote on a little piece of paper by Lisa's bed his and Joey's number.

Lisa: Thank you, Shane, Joey.

Joey: No problem...

Shane: You're welcome. Bye!

Lisa: Bye guys!

Shane and Joey walked out of the hospital together. They got into Joey's car and started talking.

Joey: Do you trust her Shane?

Shane: Should I?

Joey: Shane, do you REALLY trust her?

Shane: I guess I do since she doesn't even remember who we are.

Joey: She could be faking it. You've seen the things she's done before, she's capable of faking amnesia.

Shane: You actually think she'd fake amnesia just so she could be friends with us again?

Joey: I'm saying it's a possibility.

Shane: I don't think it is, her mom-

Joey: Could be in with it.

Shane: What?!

Joey: Just kidding, her mom is the only thing that's making me think she actually has amnesia.

Shane: Wouldn't it be pretty hard to fake it?

Joey: I guess...

Shane: We'll see how things go with her, but that'll have to wait until we get back from our vacation.

Joey: It's Saturday today isn't it?

Shane: Yeah?

Joey: That means we leave on Monday!

Shane: We need to pack...

Joey: That's the worst part about it.

Shane: Fuuuck.

Joey: Oh no, what happened?

Shane: I haven't even told my mom we're going on a 17 day vacation!

Joey: We can go now to tell her, it is only 12pm

Shane: Okay...lets go.

Joey then began driving to Shane's mom's house.

[Shane's POV]

Joey's phone started vibrating.

Joey: Could you check that for me?

Shane: Sure.

New Message From: Luke Conard

Shane: It's Luke.

Joey: Open it.

Shane: He said, "did you hear about Lisa being in a car accident?"

Joey: Text him back

Shane: Hey luke, it's Shane, we did hear about it and in fact, we just got out of the hospital...

Luke: You went and saw her?!

Shane: Yep.

Luke: What happened?

Shane: She has amnesia, she doesn't remember me or a joey

Luke: has she forgotten about all the things she has done to the both of you?

Shane: Apparently.

Luke: Wow, what are you guys going to do?

Shane: Give her a shot at being a normal friend.

Luke: She really does have amnesia?

Shane: Like I said, apparently.

Luke: Dude that's crazy! Should I be expecting her to be hanging out with you and Joey?

Shane: Maybe, but not for a while since we'll be on vacation.

*10 minutes later*

Joey parked the car outside my mom's house. He took off his seatbelt grabbed the door handle opening it and was about to get out of the car. I pulled his arm and made him sit back down. He closed the door and turned to talk to me.

Joey: Do you not want to go in or something?

Shane: I do...but I was wondering...should I tell her?

Joey: Tell her...what?

Shane: The secret.

Joey: I think you should.

Shane: You do?

Joey: Yes! She should know, and you know that I said the decision you made was a good idea.

Shane: I'll tell her, I hope she doesn't freak out or be scared by it.

Joey: She might, but we're there to help.

*20 minutes later*

Teresa: I hope you two have a great time on vacation!

Shane: Me too!

Joey: Me three! 

Teresa: So has anything happened that I should know or what you want me to know?

Shane: There's one thing, but it might scare you.

Teresa: Oh Shane, tell me.

Shane: Uhh, mom-

I told my mom what was going in, she did seem frightened.

Joey's phone started going off.

Joey: It's my dad...

Teresa: Go ahead Joey, answer it.

Joey: Thanks, excuse me.

Joey went out to the hall and talked to his dad.

[Joey's POV]

Joey: Hey dad

Joey's dad: Hello Joey! I'm not interrupting anything am I?

Joey: Umm, nope...well kinda but Shane is handling it.

Joey's dad: Oh sorry, I was calling to ask about you and Shane coming to visit Boston for 3 days.

Joey: Yeah what about it?

Joey's dad: Feel free to stay with me in the spare bedroom, just you and Shane.

Joey: You're really okay with that?

Joey's dad: Yeah, why not?

Joey: Aww dad, you're great!

*Next Day*

[Shane's POV] 

 We planned on packing all day since we left tomorrow.

Joey: We don't have any suitcases big enough!

Shane: Shit!

Joey: Ya know what, I'll go ask Whitney. Be right back!

Shane: If you can't find me when you come back in I've probably fallen into your closet full of clothes.

Joey: I'll help you come out of the closet again.

Shane: Aha you're funny.

Joey walked out and over to Whitney's. I continued to gather the things I was bringing with me to Boston and England in our bedroom.

*Knocks on door*

Why the fuck is Joey knocking on the door? Uh?

Shane: Who is it?

No answer.

Shane: Hello?

[Author's POV]

Shane goes and opens the door, their stood, his dad.

Shane: D-dad?

Shane's dad: You're calling me dad? Faggot.

Shane: W-what?

His dad pushed him aside and made his own way into Shane and Joey's apartment.

Shane's dad: Where is he then?!

Shane: Who?

Shane's dad: You're asshole of a "friend"

Shane: Who?!

Shane's dad: Joey?

Shane: He's my boyfriend!

Shane's dad: Wow, you really are a fag!

Shane: Yeah, so? What are you gunna do? Beat me, like when I was kid?

Shane's dad: No

Shane: Then what?

Shane's dad: Beat Joey!

Shane: No you're not! He isn't even home!

Shane's dad: I guess I will beat you. *Punches Shane*

Shane: Ahhh! *Shane falls to the floor and holds his face. Trying to block himself from anymore punches*

Shane's dad: You wimp! I can do more than punch your face!

*kicks Shane in his crotch*

Shane: Owwww!

Shane's dad: Looks like no kids for you! Oh wait, you can't even have generic kids because you're gay!

Shane: No shit dumbass!

*punches Shane*

Shane's dad: Don't you dare call me that!

Shane: Oh well then, dickhead!

Shane's dad: You gay fucker!

Shane: You sure do like to mention that I'm gay! *Gets up onto feet*

Shane's dad: Only because its true!

He punches Shane again, only this time Shane steps back after being hit and falls nearly hitting the coffee table, but manages to twist his way out from going through it.

Shane: How did you find out where I lived?!

Shane's dad: That isn't important, what is important is you being hurt! *Punches Shane again, harder.*

Shane: I can take a few punches from a jerk like you!

Shane's dad: Says the gay guy that dresses up as women on the Internet and fucks his cunt of a boyfriend.

Shane: Don't call him that you bastard!

Shane shoved his dad away from himself, and threw a punch to his cheek.

Shane's dad: You grew some balls punching me!

Joey walked back into the apartment and froze for a second until he realised what's going on.

Joey: Shane!

Shane's dad: So this is your boyfriend then Shane?

Shane Leave him alone!

Shane's dad: Don't you tell me what to do!

Joey backed up into the door as Shane's dad got closer to him,

Shane: You're a sorry excuse for a dad!

Joey: Th-that's your d-dad Shane?

Shane: That was my dad, now he's a PRICK!

Shane's dad: Go fuck yourself Shane, or get your boyfriend here go do it for you.

Shane: Fuck you!

Shane's dad: What is that? *points at Joey's ring*

Joey: Nothing! *puts hand in pocket*

Shane: It's an engagement ring! *struggles to get back on his feet.* that I gave him!

Shane's dad: Engaged?

Shane: Yeah.

Shane's dad: Im about to hurt your fiancé, aww poor Shaney!

Joey started crying and tried covering his face.

Shane: Don't you touch him!

Shane's dad: Or what will you do? Go get your mommy?

Shane grabbed a glass from the counter and threw it at his dads back. It smashed but didn't do any damage to him.

Shane's dad: Did you just throw a glass at me?

Shane: Yes you ugly, fat joke!

His dad went back to him and hit him a few times until Shane became delusional.

Joey: No stop!

Joey jumped in front of Shane, stopping his dad from hitting him.

Shane's dad: You're like a stick man!

He shoved Joey on top of Shane on the floor.

Joey lay in Shane's lap as the both of them looked up and hoped for the best.

Shane's dad: Well boys, I'll see you soon!


Shane's dad: Nice place by the way! *kicks over a cabinet.*

And leaves.

Joey: S-see you boys soon? W-what does he m-mean by that?


Shit got real. Okay well, I bet none of you were expecting that when reading the title of this chapter. Was this a bad thing to be involved in the story? Give me feedback I want to know your opinions! I know there's sure to be grammar errors but I'll fix them up tomorrow!

Follow me on twitter: @joey4shane

Follow me on Instagram: @shoeydawceffa

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Follow me on vine: shoey dawceffa

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