The Flash Imagines

By xXmissingyouXx

217K 3.7K 593

Requests for imagines are welcome. I do not do dirty imagines. Hope you enjoy. More

Barry x Reader
Cisco x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Hartley Rathaway x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Cisco x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Hartley Rathaway x Reader
Cisco x Reader
Barry x Reader
Hartley x Reader x Barry
Authers note
Barry x reader part 1
Barry Part 2

Barry x Reader

11.6K 210 41
By xXmissingyouXx


Summary: You and Barry are married you find out you are pregnant and you are about to tell Barry you are pregnant when you get into a huge fight. There my be a few spoilers if for those who are not caught up.

You were sitting waiting at home for Barry to get back home. You had found out you were pregnant over a week ago you felt awful for not telling Barry sooner but with everything going on you never felt it was the right time you had simply said you need some time away from being around all the meta human stuff. Barry had so much with trying to find a way to the other earth and then zoom coming and stealing Wally and then Barry giving his speed to save Wally and Zoom taking Caitlin none of which you were there for which made it worse.

Barry unlocked the door and came in you got up and met him at the door and gave him a quick kiss. He had a strange look on his face. "Barry, what is it?" you ask him.

"Well, Wells got kidnapped by a meta human and I had to save him without my speed, don't be too worried we are all fine but its just been a really long day. I have something to say as well that I don't think you are going to like," he says.

You cross your arms, "You already did, Barry what were you thinking, you could have gotten killed. I thought without powers you would at least back off the fighting part of team flash. Are you ever truly going to slow down and have a normal life. You didn't even tell me about this till after the fact."

"No I don't think I am and you married me knowing that and you said you wanted to get away for a little while and that's what I was letting you do try to at least let you  have a little normal."

"Please Barry, just take a break from all this stuff before you get yourself killed. Focus on something else because you are overexerting yourself. Its not healthy, lets go on a vacation. Have a normal life and marriage with me."

"I love you, Y/N, but I cant. I have to get Caitlin back no matter the cost."

"So that's it you will always pick your powers and saving other people then living a happy life with me." You say.

"Why does there have to be a choice I love you and I love being the flash and you. Wells says he is going to get me my powers back. We are going to reconstruct the explosion that gave me my powers. I can get them back and save Caitlin. I'm going to save her."

"It sound like you made up your mind, You aren't asking me you are telling me. Barry we are husband and wife we are supposed to talk and then decide on the big things. I was by your side when you were in a coma for nine months, there is a good chance this time it will kill you. You are risking a lot. I cant go through that again Barry. The first time was hell, and you have made the choice put me through it again without second thought.  I'm starting to think I'm the only one in this marriage."

"What you are saying if when I get my powers back you are done you are leaving me? Just like that."

"You have already made that choice for me, Barry. This is going to kill you, so it is you who will be leaving me and you have giving me no say Barry, Please don't leave me," you were crying now. you took both his hands and placed them on our stomach, "Please don't leave us, our baby is going to need you are you really going to miss raising your kid. I love Caitlin and the people in this city but I need you more then they do."

Barry's face was full of shock and then he looks down at your stomach and then at his feet, " You don't understand, I have to do this even more now."

"Your right I don't Barry," You took his hands off your stomach and then strode to the door. Opened the door and left, slamming the door behind you. The tears would not stop. You got in the car and started to drive. You had no idea where you were going you couldn't go the West house. You honestly didn't know if they knew and if they did what they thought of this insane idea to get Barry back his speed.

Your parents had moved a few years ago after you had finished collage. Their was a red light you stopped wiping your eyes. So where could you go? the light turned green. You decided to go straight. This road wasn't busy this time of night. 

There was nothing after, everything was black after that.

Barry's POV

Y/N, she was gone. He had no idea if she would ever be back. Without his speed by the time he went after her it was to late she was gone. He wanted to make her understand. He felt so responsible for what happened to Caitlin that if anything happened to her he would be able to forgive himself. Caitlin deserves to have the best and she never gets it. Maybe if everything worked out like he hoped maybe Caitlin and Iris could share being godmother to Y/N and mine unborn child.

Without my powers how could he ensure both Y/N and the babies safety. Zoom could chose to come back at any time and take her and even just kill me anyway. It wasn't truly about his speed. It was protecting his family ( Team Flash included. ) Even if  it was the death of him he needed them all safe.

He wanted to raise his child with all his heart but he didn't want to live in fear of Zoom coming and taking everything. Even if he died stopping Zoom it would be worth it because Y/N along with everyone else would make sure our baby was well loved and cared for and that's all that mattered. Our child would be my reason to keep going and keep fighting so Zoom could never harm his child.

He sat down on the sofa and put his face in his hands and then ran his fingers through his hair. I just wanted you in his arms and you telling him it was going to be okay. Tears fell down his face. What could he do? He didn't have a car even if he did he had no idea where she was going. Then his cellphone rand he didn't look at the caller ID just answered hope it would be Y/N.


"Is there a Mr. Barry Allen I could speak to?" the voice on the other end asked.

"This is him."

"I'm calling from the central city hospital. I'm sorry to inform you there as been a car accident involving you wife, we advise you to get here as soon as possible as we can't disclose information on the patient on the phone."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

He calls Joe and a few minutes later he can hear the sirens and then he saw flashing blue lights. he gets in the car and Joe speeds off towards the hospital. As soon as Joe parks Barry Sprints as fast as he can he was truly miss his speed right now. He would have been there in less then 5 minutes.

He final reached to desk. It was like everything was in slow motion. He gave his name and said his wife was in an accident. She said if he waited in the waiting area a doctor would be him as soon as possible to give him an update. Barry couldn't stay still. Joe joined him and so did Iris. Who just hugged him.

"Family of Y/N Allen,"

Barry walked up to him. "I'm her husband."

"Well, she should be out and brought into recovery very soon. She lost some and she hit her head pretty hard and has a few broken ribs which did some damage to her lung. She will be  sedated for quiet some time just so her body can heal and she doesn't have to feel the extent of her injuries. "

 "And what about the baby?" Barry said. Iris and Joe had a shocked expression on their face this was not how Barry wanted them to find out.

"I'm sorry but we won't know that until she is in her recovery room where we can give your wife a proper exam, we had to fix the damage to her lung and there was no time for an oltrasound. I'll let you know when you can go in." Barry just nodded and sat down. Iris joined him and rubbed his back not knowing what to say to make him feel better.

An hour or so later the doctor came out again and said that it was limited visitors so only Barry could see her. Joe and Iris said to call them if anything changed.

He entered your room. He just sat in the hair next to you. The doctor pointed to one motor and said it was yours and then the other one was for the baby. It was a faint heartbeat but you weren't very far along so that was to be expected.

He spent the night next to you the rest of the night. Placed and kiss on your forehead and fell asleep. He woke up to someone checking all the motors. "Who is she?" he asked.

"She is a fighter that for sure. Its only the first day but hopefully we can slowly wake her up soon but we don't want to push it. You should get something to eat don't worry I watch her she isn't going any where." the nurse said.

"Thanks," he said.  

Barry got something to eat and called Iris. Then went back to the room and just sat next to you. He would read which he now had to do slowly which frustrated him to no end.

The next day the police came in they wanted a statement which wasn't going to happen since you were still very heavily sedated. Barry still wanted to talk to them though but left the room to do so.

"So what caused the accident?" Barry said.

"From the scene of the accident and from doctors the light turned green and you wife went to continued straight and the other driver was drunk and probably not paying attention and kept going and high speed and T-bone your wife. Y/n is lucky most people don't make it out of an accident like this one. There is no chance of save the car."

"What state is the driver in?" Barry asked. He didn't know what he even wanted to hear or if he really wanted to know.

"He is still alive but it doesn't look as if he is going to make it according to the doctors."

Barry just nodded not knowing what to say.

"Barry, I'm sorry this has happened, Miss seeing you at work these past couple of days." one of the officers said and Barry just smile and nodded thanking them both for the information and went back to sit next to you.

A few more days past and they had slowly tried talking you out of sudation. The friendlily nurse came in again as Barry was hold you hand again. He had felt a few gentle squeeze from you which gave him hope that you would recover soon.

"How is she?" The nurse asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking that of you?" the nurse shrugged, and then Barry said, " She has squeezed my hands a few ties that must be an improvement."

"Yes that is, Maybe talking to her would help, if she can squeeze your hand she can more then likely hear you."

"Thanks, for everything" and then she left the room.

"Hey there, sweetheart. I really don't know what to say, I really hope you wake up soon. I've been really worried about you and so has everyone else. Plus I really need to have a real conversation with you about everything going on. I also just need to tell you how much I love you and how everything I do for the rest of my life is to keep you and our baby safe no matter the cost to me. I will not let Zoom hurt you and the only way to do that is to get all my speed back. I need to keep my family safe. Everyone in my family safe and even if I die I die knowing I have a beautiful strong wife and a child that I did everything I could to keep safe. Don't you understand its all for you, it always been for you."

He felt a squeeze again but this time it was different it was a might stronger grip this time.

Normal POV

Everything was kind of foggy but becoming clearer and clearer. I could feel a hand in my hand. Then I heard a voice and it kept getting clearer and clearer. It was Barry he was here he was by my side.    

"Hey there, sweetheart. I really don't know what to say, I really hope you wake up soon. I've been really worried about you and so has everyone else. Plus I really need to have a real conversation with you about everything going on. I also just need to tell you how much I love you and how everything I do for the rest of my life is to keep you and our baby safe no matter the cost to me. I will not let Zoom hurt you and the only way to do that is to get all my speed back. I need to keep my family safe. Everyone in my family safe and even if I die I die knowing I have a beautiful strong wife and a child that I did everything I could to keep safe. My biggest fear is not getting to you fast enough.  Don't you understand its all for you, it always been for you." You had to wake up You had to talk to him hold him and tell him everything would be okay and that you would get through everything together.  You focus on just squeezing his hand and then slowly you  focus your attention to opening up your eyes. 

The first think you see is Barry looking at you will blood shoot and teary eyes. "Y/N, your awake."  he buzzed for the doctors and nurses. They took all tubes out of my throats which was terribly uncomfortable. Then finally Barry and I were left alone.

As soon ad the doctors left Barry took me into his arms and just hugged me and kissed my forehead, "I thought I was going to lose you, I'm so glad you are awake.  Don't ever leave me please."

"I won't I promise, as long as you promises to always comeback to me no matter what and to keep fighting no matter what because our child and I are really going to need you. Do what you need to do but always comeback."

"I'll always comeback."

A/N: not exactly as requested I combined a few of your request but still hope you like this. Its just kind what I was inspired to write so yeah.


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