
By meastories

1.6M 35.9K 11.4K

"I don't know how you did it" He said with pain and frustration in his eyes "But you need to stop" I look at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 3

48.4K 1K 411
By meastories

I woke up hearing the door bell ringing non stop. I look at the clock

6:45 a.m

I groan and I force myself to stand up. I was still wrapped with blankets while walking downstairs slowly. "I'm coming" I said while yawning. I open the door and I look at Andrea who was standing in front of my house, still in her pajamas. "Good morning! Let's go and get ready! You have a job interview today remember?" She said cheerfully. "How could you be so happy at 6 in the morning?" She laughs and just walks back to her house while yelling "Just go get ready, Lauren!"

I close the door while groaning. I took a quick hot shower and wore skinny jeans and a plain gray shirt. I grab my phone and I left.

Andrea was already waiting for me outside. "Finally" she said while smirking "Took you long enough" I roll my eyes "How did you finish so fast?" She ignores my question and hooks her arm with mine.


"Okay when do you wan't to start working?" The manager said. My eyes widened, she literally just asked me my name, age and why I wanted to work here. "That's it?" I asked with disbelief. "Yes, so what time do you wan't to work? You choose 8 a.m to 1 p.m or 1 p.m to 6 p.m" I look at Andrea who was signaling that I should choose the morning shift. I sigh "I guess i'm going for the morning shift" The manager nods and smiles "I'll see you here on monday" She said. We both stand up and I thanked her politely.

"Congrats!" She hugs me tightly and I just pat her back. "She didn't even ask me a real questions" Andrea shrugs "I guess it just doesn't matter" She smiles. "You wanna come over and hang out?" I nod "Okay then , let's roll"


Me and Andrea were laughing our heads off while telling stories. We've been hanging out for hours now. When we reached her house, I automatically went for her bed and fell asleep. I woke up at 2 p.m then after that we shared stories about each other and watched tv. I look at the time

6:15 p.m

It was raining hard outside. "I need to go with my mom to the groceries, Lauren. You can stay and wait for me if you like" I shook my head "No, it's okay. I'll go ahead it's getting late anyway" She nods and gives me a tight hug. "Bye! See you on monday okay?" I nod and return her hug. I walk outside her house while covering my head. Andrea and her mom walks inside their car and leaves to buy food. I run to my front door and reached for my pocket to get the keys but my pocket was empty.

"Oh please no...." I tried to search for my key. My hair and clothes were dripping wet. I can't believe this is happening. I groan in frustration and I close my eyes. "So stupid, ely..." I whispered to myself while burying my face inside my hands.

A hand grabs my arm and started pulling me. I open my eyes to see Alexander pulling me to his house. He closes the door and goes upstairs. I look around his house while hugging myself because I was very very cold. My whole body was shaking.

Alexander returns with a huge towel. He wraps it around me and pulls me upstairs. We enter a room that looked like his bedroom. "You can take a hot shower over there, i'll get some clothes for you" I was about to talk but he was already gone.


After taking a long hot bath. Alexander gave me clothes, his clothes. I was wearing his gray sweatpants and his shirt. He went downstairs but he didn't tell me what he was going to do. I sit down on his bed and I burry my face inside my hands.

I can't believe i'm inside a guy's house. A guy that I don't even know. All I know about this guy is his name is Alexander Woods, girls are crazy for him, he smokes, he drinks and that he has tattoos. I look around his bedroom. It was nothing like I expected. His bedroom was plain and clean. I look at the side of his bed and see that he has a small fridge on the side of his bed. He also has a black coach beside his small fridge. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard his bedroom door open. I look at him and see that he was holding a tray with a mug and two slices of pizza.

He sets the tray down on his bed and looks at me. "What happened?" He asked. "I forgot my key inside my house....I know very stupid" He just looks at me and shrugs. "You just made a mistake. It was a dumb one but still....everybody makes mistakes" I started sneezing. He stands up and grabs a tissue box then hands it over to me. "Thanks" I said while grabbing two tissues. "Thank you....for letting me inside your house and letting me wear your clothes" He sits down on the coach and looks at me. "You almost got hit with a vase because of me, it's the least thing I can do" I was about to say something but then his phone vibrates. He looks at his phone and left without saying anything.

I patiently waited for him. Then I heard voices

"I'm thirsty....I need a beer" I heard a man's voice say. Then I heard footsteps. The door opens and a man who was two inches smaller than Alexander comes in. His hair was long and he was also good looking. He had a huge dragon tattoo on his left arm. "Why Xander, Since when did you have a thing for brunettes?" The guy said while smirking at him.

Xander....I guess he prefers calling him Xander instead of Alexander.

"She's just my neighbor, she needed help" Xander said. The guy looks at me and gives me a smile. "My name is David but you can call me anytime" He winks "Seriously though, call me" He grabs three bottles from the small fridge and closes it using his foot. He throws one to Xander. "I don't drink..." I said. He looks at me then chuckles "This ain't for you, love" He sits on the coach and started drinking. "So what happened to you?" He asked. "I forgot my keys inside my house" He shooks his head while chuckling. "What a dumb mistake" I roll my eyes "I just forgot okay"

Xander lights one cigarette and sits down besides David holding a bottle too. "So will you be sleeping here?"

"No" Xander answers quickly but calmly. His face showing no expression at all. "Oh come on, Woods. The brunette is locked out" He nudges Xander's arm. "Its Lauren, and it's okay I can handle myself. I'm just waiting for the rain to stop"

"Well Lauren how will you get inside your house without your keys? Its not like you can break your door" He chuckles and drinks again. I look at him trying to think of a way but I couldn't. "I can climb the tree and enter your window then i'll open the front door" Xander said. Me and David looks at him. "Really?" I said.

He just nods and went back to smoking. David smirks "That's so sweet of you, Woods" Xander just ignores him.


I look at the clock

8:15 p.m

The rain finally stopped. "It's time for you to climb the tree, Woods" David said while smirking. Xander stands up and opens his window. He looks at the tree and my window examining it for a second and then he climbs out of his window. Me and David went outside to wait for him at the front door. After two minutes he opens my door.

"Thank you, Xander" I said. He looks at me and nods. "Well good night, Lauren. I'll see you again someday" He winks "I'm sure I will" I chuckle. David seems like a very nice guy. "Let's see" I said. He waves goodbye while Xander just walks back to his house.

I close the door and I realize that I was still wearing his clothes. I smell his shirt and his cologne made me smile. I walk upstairs to my bedroom. Instead of changing clothes, I decided to sleep wearing his clothes. My window was closed and locked.

I guess he did it for me. I wrap myself with my comfortable blankets and I sigh.

Alexander Woods, what are you doing to me?

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