Summer Love {AUSTIN MAHONE FA...

By xoxboys

4.6K 148 11

In this, Austin is not the famous boy you all know. He actually moved to a city in Southern California to be... More

Crazy day
Just another summer day
First day
Everythings going to be alright
Happy Birthday Vanessa (Cody)
The cousins
Poor Alex
New things
Giving it to ya!
March 1st
Breaking it off
Cotillion de veronica
Sunday Morning
The diner
Just a dream
Uncle Austin


104 4 0
By xoxboys

Vanessa's pov

Today is my wedding day, cody and I have been engaged since I was 20 and we finally decided to make it official.

"Is Justin coming?" I asked Veronica while my make up was getting done.

Ronnie was getting her dress zipped.

"He said he might come if thy don't keep him in the studio for that long," Ronnie replied.

She wasn't seeing Justin or anything but he was like our older brother or like close friend. They do, do flirtatious things with eachother but they've never kissed or acted like a real loving couple.

"So do you two, date?"

"No, he's just a brother."

Ronnie looked down rather than back at me. She raised her eyebrows and suddenly got back into reality.

"I'm going out to get air ness," Ronnie told me and walked out in her dress.

I continued to get myself prepared and pampered for the evening.

*Veronica's POV*

Today was overwhelming because I've got to see my baby sister grow up before me. It was the craziest thing ever.

I went out to get air I was dolled and I saw everyone walk in. Auntie Rochelle, uncle Julius, kendall& Jessa, Rachel, Jennifer etc.

"HI até Ronnie!" Alexis, my closest cousin, came up next to me, she was going one of the bridesmaids.

"Hi lex, where's your parents?"

"They're somewhere."

"Well, can't you believe Vanessa Is getting married today, to cody Simpson?" I smirked.

"I really can't believe it! They've been together for 10 years or something now, right?!"

"Yeah, well I'm going back in."

I was going back in the place to get my hair done.

"Hey Alex!" Alexis excitedly said. I turned around to look back at her, it was the Alex who came to my mind. Alex. Alex Constancio!

"Hey ladies! Lexi, Veronica!" He smiled. He didn't have his old haircut like before , it was combed upward.

"Hey Alex," I lightly grinned. I hugged him and rushed back in.

At this point I was freaking because what if Nessa invited Alex plus the other guys? Um. It's been 9 years but those feelings are still here for Austin, to be honest . When I saw him in the office the other day I've been thinking of him; I haven't had a boyfriend ever since we broke up, none. I've thought about the day on the peak, the day we met, the day when.......I could go on.

Anxiety was killing me, the hair dresser wasn't even close to finishing. I started to shake and my temperature rised.

"GET MOM!" Vanessa watched me go through it.

Mom rushed into the room and that's all I remember.













I woke up on the sofa in the middle room of the place where we were getting ready.

"How long was I out?"

"Half a hour, the wedding starts in 20 minutes we got to get moving!" Justin said.

Where did he come from?

"Justin?!" I groaned, I was wondering what he was doing here.

He was dressed up and it seemed like he was going to be on Cody's side.

"I was suppose to be a surprise but then ness called me to wake you up."

"Oh, wow. Umm. Well I think I still need to get ready," I sat up and hugged Justin then went back to the hairdresser.

Okay. Was Justin suppose to ask me out or?


Vanessa's POV

*the music started*

Everyone stood up and for the last time, it was me being Vanessa Marx. I was armed with my dad as we walked out. Everyone was standing looking back at me. I smiled and watched cody, he covered his mouth and looked like he was about to cry. I finally reached the alter and the priest started.









".......and you may kiss the bride!" I hugged cody and I was the happiest I've ever been since my 15th birthday.

"I love you Vanessa," cody smiled when we separated and he kissed me again.

Cody's POV

She was walking down the aisle with her father. She looked stunning with her white dress on. Her eyes fell perfect with her hair and her smile was the best. It completed her look, as it did for every girl.--One day that'll be me in her dads place with my own daughter.








I kissed my bride and went to walk down the aisle with her.

"You're mine now," I put my forehead on her and smiled, stopping in front of the door.

We walked into the limo to take us to the reception.

-Veronica's POV-

I was walking out to the limo with Alexis and someone familiar was in front of us. Of course, its a wedding and it brings people together from a long separation.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Alexis.

"I don't know," Alexis shrugged and looked back at me.

"Where's Alex?"

"Right there," she pointed to the guy on the far left, it seemed like he was with the guy in front of us.

I walked a little faster and got in front of the guy next to Alex and turned for a brief second.

"Shit!" I yelled and ran to the limo as fast as I could, leaving Alexis behind.

I got in with cody and Nessa.

"Why did you invite Austin?" I asked Vanessa.

"He is still my friend, ok. So if you can't handle that then I'm sorry."

"Vanessa Jade Marx Simpson, I was trying to keep him away."

"Okay, well his seat isn't close to yours at the place, he's on the east and you're closer to the middle so don't sweat it."

I sat in the limo thinking, again.

Austin's POV

I've been keeping close to Vanessa and Alexis. When I saw Vanessa at the photo-shoot like a few years ago after me and Ronnie broke up, I had to talk with her.

*flash back*

"Look here, Austy!" The camera man put a finger up. I looked at his finger and saw three girls walk past.

"Almost done?" I asked the photographer.

"One more!"

He took it and I chased the girls.

"Hey! Wait up ladies!" I hollered at them.

"Austin!?" One of them recognized me.


We greeted each other and caught up. I took her out for lunch and we talked about Veronica.

"Is she seeing anyone?" I asked Nessa.

"No, she's been single ever since you two broke up. Have you been seeing anyone?"

"There is no girl who isn't as perfect as your sister for me."

I went to the peak alone at midnight and watched the city. I stayed there and waited to see the sunrise the next morning.-- I passed Veronica's house, Vanessa gave me her address. It sounds a little stalkerish but I watched her to to work and that's all. I left San Diego and got a house in LA near the old house.---

*flash back ended*

I've seen Ronnie a lot but I was In Disguise, it's weird to say but it's the truth. I'm intimidated by her sometimes, she could be very harsh!--

I got into Roberts car with alex, Zach, Zeiden, and Chelsea (Roberts wife).

When we got to the place I got out the car and saw the limo already there. When I went inside I saw everyone.

"JUSTIN!" Veronica pushed Justin at the table. She was smiling and it looked like she was going out with him.

"Come on bud," Alex pulled me to the table.

"Can we go," I sighed.

"We just got here, by the way...... Justin doesn't go out with her," Alex nudged me.

"Bro, I don't think I could do this."

"We rehearsed a million times."




The dance floor was open and I was sick of seeing Justin and Ronnie play with each other. I got up and found Ronnie's cousins, they remembered me.

"Ayye, you aren't you the guy who was with Ronnie a long time ago?" One of the girls said.

"Um." I nodded, yes. I looked down in shame and Alexis came over.

"HEEY AUSTIN! COME ON!" Alexis grabbed my hand and led me into a dance. She made me to close to Veronica, one of the last things I wanted to do.

I mean i wanted to be with her, I wanted to feel what it was like to be with her but right now, idk.

"AUSTIN! HEY MAN! " Justin shook my hand, it was weird to watch Justin say hi to me first.

"HEY BRO? Whaddup!" I half smiled. I looked at Veronica and she didn't look excited at all!


"HEY VERONICA, NICE TO SEE YOU HERE!" I smirked over the loud music playing.

"Austin, you too," she quietly murmured barely loud enough for me to hear.

We all stood there in silence with the music playing as a background.

"Well um, Justin, Veronica, see you guys later." I walked away back to the table where Zeiden was sitting alone, also.

"So why aren't you dancing?" I asked Zeiden

"There's no one to dance with."

"That makes the two of us," I sighed put my face into my hands.

Alex was dancing with Alexis, rob and Chelsea, then Zach and Jessa.... There me alone again.

"Hey lets dance!" A girl asked Zeiden.

He popped out of his chair and ran away with her... Okay that's sad.....--- I sat alone for half a hour and watched everyone's stuff.

"Austin! WHY AREN'T YOU HAVING FUN!?" Vanessa sat with me at the table.

"She's not interested anymore."

"She is, I'm telling you! She's just with Justin that's why she doesn't want to talk to you."

"What am I going to do wrong?" I asked her.

"She doesn't want you guys to fight, obviously if you two see each other you both are going to cry then if Justin sees her crying he'll go after you! It's how older brothers are." Vanessa explained to me.


"Come on now! Austin, you're going to dance with me then." Vanessa grabbed my arm and took me to the floor. She was actually a good advice giver.


I found myself having a lot of fun dancing with everyone and whoever came close to me. I think I was drunk, I don't know.-- Zach took me upstairs and I KO'ed in the room. I was so dizzy and woozy, i woke back up again at 5 in the morning to throw up in the bathroom.

"Aye! What room is Ronnie in?" I asked Chelsea while she was on her laptop this early.

"I think 510," she turned around and watched me leave.

"Okay, thanks!"

I went to the 5th floor and I went to her room. I know I'm insane for waking her up this early but I needed to tell her how I feel, it's been to long!- I knocked on the door and Justin answered, he was in his boxers. He was half naked in the same room as Veronica.


I stood there frozen and I ran to the stairs, not the elevator.

"Austin! Wait!" Was all I heard before running up to the highest point. I don't know what to think. Those 9, 10;I don't even know how long we've been apart; I still had feelings for Veronica. When I went on my world tour I wanted to see her before I left but I didn't know where she was. When I went around town, I couldn't find her to apologize or just to bump into her, she went off the grid for the longest time. Now, seeing her with justin in a hotel together, I don't know what to think.

--Veronica's POV--

"Are you serious j?" I snapped at Justin, he was still half asleep I don't blame him.

"What?" He didn't seem to be mad that I yelled.

"What if that was my dad and he saw you half naked?!"

"Well he let the youngest daughter get married yesterday," Justin did make a point.

"True but was Austin! I'm going to be back." I told him while putting my slippers on and running out the door to the stairs where I was Austin run.

I walked up and realized the sun wasn't even up, it was like 5:16.

Text to Alexis:

Come out to the stairs in on floor 7.

I walked up and waited at the 7.

"WHAT?!" Alexis yelled when she got to the door.

"I'm running off of 3 hours of sleep don't yell at me!"

"Okay, what is it até Ronnie? Happy."

"No I'm not happy. Austin came to my room and Justin answered it but thing is... Justin was half naked and I was coming out of the bathroom with my bra and spanks on! Then Austin ran," I explained to Alexis. We walked all the way up to the roof.

I knew Austin would go to the highest place, to get air.-- Alexis waited at the door for me.

"AUSTIN! I know you're up here," I spoke in thin air. It was cold up here, even in the middle of June.

I heard someone's music playing really soft but loud like earphones in. Austin was probably blasting his ears.

"Austin!?" I walked and looked behind a wall.

He looked over at me with swollen eyes and bleeding fists. He sat criss cross, he was almost on the edge of the building and I was scared of heights so he was pretty special for me to be doing this.

"Come here, please!" I begged.

"Why don't you come here?" Austin replied. His face was still adorable.

"Austin carter mahone!"

I walked away and was about to leave him because he refused.

I opened the door to the stairs and I saw him standing in the wall about to jump off, when I turned around. I closed the door back up and looked at him.

"Austin, if you do this Your friends, your mom, especially your mahomies will not be proud of it. I won't be happy either. I know I can't do anything because you won't listen to me anymore but if you are listening then you better get off and hear me out."

Austin turned his head and glanced at me.

"I've been trying to find your heart for 9 years, when I left to Miami I thought of you. When I went around the world, I wanted to see you again. when I saw you in magazines with Justin, I felt like he was the luckiest guy in the world. So much things has changed and I can't take it. So Veronica, I'm going to go!" Austin turned back to the ledge and I just wanted him to stop.

"AUSTIN! I STILL LOVE YOU!" I yelled and ran to the wall he was standing. I was to late and Austin already jumped.. I looked down and I saw him on a balcony. Phew!

"Austin!" I screamed and ran down to the room balcony he was on.

A woman answered.

"Excuse, my friend jumped off the roof onto your balcony," I explained I her really fast, she let me see him.

Alexis and I both helped him out to Alexis' room.

"What were you thinking Austin! You're lucky you didn't get hurt!" Alexis yelled. She was the worst when she was mad.

"I'm sorry lex," he moaned in pain. He probably bruised himself.

"Where does it hurt Austin?" I asked him poking at every possible place.

"My back."

I helped him take his shirt off, I did know how to massage it because when i was in wrestling, I had massage my coaches back before every tournament.--Austin's eyes met with mine and I just blushed.

"Right here?" I touched the right side of his back.

"At the top," he groaned.

I massaged his shoulders and Alexis lectured him a whole bunch, if he died and actually committed suicide. On the other hand I was rubbing his back and not even talking to him.

"Well I'm going to go see alex, I'll leave you two alone. Austin if you jump out the window, I will go madea on you so don't even think about it!" Alexis yelled when she walked through the door.

The room stayed silent for a few minutes as the awkward vibes lingered.

"So how are you Veronica?"


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