The Maid *C.R.*

By -wheelrmike

214K 6.7K 5.4K

"Chandler" I breathed out as he pressed his body against mine. "Mmm?" He mumbled, starting to nibble on my ne... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
100 reads!!!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21(hehe 21)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Tagged once again....
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Going away+Possible sequel release date
Sneak Peak
Life Update

Chapter 13

5K 161 51
By -wheelrmike

Leah's P.O.V.


"Hey Grayson!" I yell, peeking my head out of my bedroom door.

"What" he asks and walks towards me.

"Does this look ok?" I ask, walking out of my room to show him my outfit.


"Yeah, it looks fine. Why?" He asks.

"Oh, I'm going out on a date with Troy" I say and Chandler backs out of his room.

"What'd you say?" He asks.

"I said I'm going on a date with Troy"

"Um, no you aren't" He walks towards me and Grayson.

"Um, yes I am" I mimic him.

"Leah, I'm telling you, Troys no good. You aren't going on the date with him"

"Who said you had a say in this. I'm going" I step forwards.

"Leah" Chandler growls.

"I'm going" I mumble and start to walk away.

Right before I reach the door, Chandler grabs my arm.

"I'm not letting you go" Chandler says.

"Try and stop me" I smirk and yank my arm away.

"Bye Gina, bye Will, thanks again!" I say before I walk out and slam the door shut.

Gina and Will had agreed to let me go on the date as long as I go get groceries after. Of course, I had agreed. Just my luck, when I walk onto the driveway Troys car pulls in. I give him a smile and wave, getting into the car.

"Hey" he says to me.

"Hi" I smile.

"How are you?" He asks.

I let out a big sigh.

"Good, I guess. Chandlers been trying to stop me from going on this date with you"

Troy starts to laugh.

"That freak" he mumbles.

"What happened between you two? Chandler refuses to tell me" I ask.

"Oh, nothing you have to worry about" he holds my hand.

I jump at his actions. I haven't had someone hold my hand in forever. I send him a smile and he stops at a red light.

"You look pretty today" he turns to me.

"Thanks" I blush.

"Annnd were here!" He says and parks the car.

I look outside the window to find a small ice cream place.

"This is so cute!" I screech and we get out of the car.

We walk in and the cool air rushes past me. I've always loved ice cream places. We get in line and soon enough it's our time to order.

"What do you want?" Troy asks me.

"Umm" I mumble and scan over the ice cream flavours. 

"I'll have chocolate chip cookie dough" I say and the cashier nods.

"I'll have some chocolate" Troy says.

"Bowl or cone?" The cashier asks.

"Bowl" we both reply.

I let out a laugh and the lady scoops up our ice cream.

"That will be 8.55" the cashier says and Troy hands her the money.

"Hey, I could've payed for mine!" I whisper.

"Don't worry, it's on me" he winks and hands me my ice cream.

We sit down in one of the booths and start to dig in.

"Thanks for taking me here" I say and scoop some ice cream into my mouth.

"My pleasure"

I hear the door to the store open and I look up. My eyes widen once I see who had entered.

"Get in the car" Chandler growls and grabs my arm, pulling me up.

Troy stands up from his seat and pushes Chandler away from us.

"Woah man, I wasn't gonna do anything. Calm down" Troy says, trying to calm Chandler down.

"Leah. In. The. Car." Chandler says and pushes me towards the door.

"Chandler stop" I say but he keeps on moving me to the door.

"I thought I told you not to go on the date! Why'd you go?" Chandler whispers to me.

"Um, I don't know, maybe because you have no control over my life" I say. 

"Just get in the car" he sighs and I walk out, giving him a glare.

Once I get in the car, I see Chandler and Troy talking. Troy leans over and whispers something in Chandlers ear, and starts to smirk. Chandlers face goes hard as stone, and he storms out of the ice cream store, and practically jumps into the car.

"You do know, I still have to go shopping" I mumble and fiddle with my hands.

"I already went shopping" Chandler says and holds up the grocery list I had IN MY ROOM.

"How'd you get that?"I ask.

"Don't ask" Chandler sighs.

"You went into my room didn't you? I can't believe you! First you try to control my life, and then you go barging into my room? What the hell is wrong with you?" I scream.

"God dammit I don't want you seeing Troy again! I-I just don't" he yells at me.

My mouth opens in shock and I put my hand on the door handle.

"Stop the car"

"What?" Chandler asks me.

"I said stop the car" Chandler pulls over on the side of the road and I get out, slamming the door behind me.

"Leah, wa-" But that's all I can hear before I start to walk away, alone, eating my ice cream.

I walk and walk and walk, trying to figure out a route for me to get back to the Riggs, but it felt as if I was going in circles. The sun was starting to set, and I had probably been out for two hours.

I pull my phone out and start to call Grayson. I had gotten his and Chandlers phone numbers a while ago. He picks up a few seconds later.


"Grayson, thank god. I'm lost" I say and take in a shaky breath.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"I don't know, I'm lost!" I raise my voice.

"No, no, I meant what's around you, what street are you on?"

"Umm...there's a gas station here, and I'm on Berry street" I tell him.

"That's not too far from our house, I'll be on my way" he says.

"You're gonna walk?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's like, a ten minute walk from our place" he replies and hangs up.

I let out a sigh and start to kick the ground. A few minutes later, Grayson appears and we start walking home.

"So, you wanna tell me what happened?" Grayson asks.

I tell him the whole story, from Chandler trying to stop me from going to trying to walk home. When I'm finished talking, I notice were right in front of the Riggs house.

"Well you had a day" Grayson says and I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, and now I just want it to end"

We walk into the house to find Gina, Will and Chandler all sitting down on the couch. Gina gets up and hugs me.

"Oh thank god you're ok" she whispers and hugs me tighter.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" I clench my teeth and send a glare towards Chandler.

"But I just want to go to bed. I'm feeling really tired" I lie.

"Ok, sweetie. We'll see you in the morning" Gina says and I start to walk upstairs.

"Goodnight everyone" I say, and hear faint goodbyes from downstairs.

Once I get into my room I fall onto my bed and let out a breath. After I had some time to collect myself I got ready and went to bed.

Hey yo
So I actually got time to update today!!woooooo!
This might be the last update for a few days, just an FYI
Soooooooo kinda short chapter but it had to be done coz things are gonna take a turn from now on....
Word count for this chapter: 1222
Any predictions for next chapter!?
What do you guys think Troy said to Chandler in the ice cream shop?
Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, follow(I follow back ASAP!) and all that stuff that I put in every other chapter XD
Bye fellow humans!

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