Everybody Wants Lucy

By supernaturalmom

57.9K 1.1K 441

Lucy is a quiet girl with an abusive step mother. Who's just trying to make it thru the day. Her life changes... More

Everybody Wants Lucy {Intro}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.2}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.3}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.4}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.5}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.6}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.7}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.8}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.9}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.10}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.11}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.12}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.13}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.14}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.15}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.16}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.17}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.18}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.19}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.20}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.21}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.22}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.23}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.24}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.25}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.26}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.27}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.28}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.29}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.30}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.31}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.32}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.33}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.34}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.35}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.36}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.37}
Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.38}
Everybody Wants Lucy (Ch. 39)

Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.1}

2.6K 66 22
By supernaturalmom

This chapter is dedicated to Rebeca "THANKYOU".

Everybody Wants Lucy {Ch.1}

They had all come to see me (Arena's whole family her mom, dad, ten sisters and three brothers). They were beautiful with the sun shining on them, the all seemed to shine and sparkle. But why had they all come I asked myself. Like always as if she could read my mind Arena answered my silent question.

"Because its your birthday silly"

"Not until tomorrow" I said. As I kicked some water at Derik who was trying to capture my toes. I thought Derik was a strange name for a dolphin, but Arena asked him what name he wanted. She could talk to him because she is a mermaid.

"Your birthday should be celebrated every day. Because a creation as amazing as you should be celebrated every day" Brady Arena's brother said.

"Your back" I screamed as I jumped in the water and thru myself at him. He caught me easily.

"I would never miss your birthday" he said

I had a crush on him forever but he sees me as a little sister, and all to soon for my liking he gently placed me down in the water.

"You have your necklace" father asked?(He was king of the mermaids and Arena's dad but everybody called him father).

"Yes" I said. My necklace allowed me to breath under water and swim faster. For some reason I was the only human it worked on. Father said it was because I was special. I didn't think about it to much because weird things happen with me alot.

"Good lets take this party back to the house" Father said. By house he meant castle. Wait did he say party.

"What party" I asked?

"Its your sixteenth birthday of course we would give you a party" mother said (queen of the mermaids). I had tears in my eyes they were always so great to me, like a real family. Mother noticed my tears and drew me into a comforting hug.

"Don't be sad today my sweet Lucy its almost your birthday and that is a truly wonderful day" she said.

"You are all so wonderful to me. I don't deserve it" I said.

"Oh pish posh you deserve it and much more and don't you forget it sweet girl. We are your family and if you ever need us go to the sea and we will find you" mother said.

We went to the underwater castle they called home. It was an amazing place. It sort of floated a little bit. The castle was the prettiest silver with a baby bluish tint and gold trim. The inside was decorated with the same color scheme from outside. There were shells everywhere all different colors. The furniture was so soft and inviting. It was decorated so beautifully. There were balloons made out of water bubbles in all my favorite colors. Which were blue, gold and purple. There were so many people there it was like the whole mermaid kingdom came out for my birthday. I was so happy here it was my favorite place in the whole world. When the party was winding down I knew I should get going. I was going to be in so much trouble when I got home. But it was so hard to leave them and this amazing place. Sensing my distress Arena took my arm in hers and said " Its time to get you home" and smiled at me. I hugged everybody goodbye and when I got to father he held me a little longer and titer then usual.

"Your gifts from the family are magical. Keep them with you. You will need them" father said.

"What do you mean" I asked?

"All will be revealed in good time my angel" father said.

Arena, Brady and I left for the surface. When we got there Arena had tears in her eyes. What's the matter" I asked?

"She's going to hurt you again. I just know it" Arena said.

"Its ok everything is worth it to spend time with you guys" I said.

"But you could stay with us. You never have to go back" she said.

"You know I can't. Look what loosing my mother did to my father. I can't hurt him like that" I said.

"Why not he never protects you. He is not there when you need him" she said. She didn't have much love for my dad.

"Ok sis that's enough its her birthday lets not go thru this again" Brady said.

Arena sighed and smiled her best smile. She hugged me very tight.

"Call me if you need me. I love you and happy birthday" Arena said. She went under the water and she was gone.

"I didn't give you my present yet" Brady said.

"You didn't have to get me anything" I said.

"Close your eyes and no peeking" he said. I did and put my hand out. Next thing I know I felt his hands on either side of my face and his lips on mine. I couldn't help it my eyes popped open in shock.

"No peeking" he said with his lips still on mine. I closed my eyes and started kissing him back. It felt like I was going to melt into him. From the heat running thru my body. He broke the kiss and started caressing my cheek. I still had my eyes closed.

"You can open your eyes now" he said a little raspy. I looked into his gorges deep blue eyes.

"Wwwhhatt was tthhat for" I stuttered.

"Didn't you want me to kiss you" he said. And I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Oh I did, for a long time" my mouth blurted out before my brain could stop it. His lips curved up in a sexy smile and I blushed.

"Happy birthday beautiful. If anything happens anything at all go to the water and call and I will be there. Promise me Lucy please" he begged. They were all acting a little over protective. But I figured it was because of stepwitch.

"I promise" I said. He kissed me again and he was gone. This was the best birthday ever.

peace out


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